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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. ini edits won't do it, if the issue is LOD related (which is most likely in some cases, or sometime even game related) the Ki-43IIB IS wolf's standard Ki-43 the one credited to madjeff is probably ArmorDave's Japanese Planes Pak for ADs, try moving a copy of the prop tgas' into the various skin folder, and see what happens you negelected to mention, which game and what patch level. Kinda helps, as NextGens handle things VERY differently wrench kevin stein
  2. you should also be able to add this to the singlemission ini (after extraction from the flightdata.cat, and placement into the mods/..../Flight folder) wrench kevin stein
  3. What is the UK becoming?

    there are nearly 7 billion people on the planet ... what's the removal of one s**t-bag, more or less equal to? NOTHING. Homo sapiens (a misnomer if there ever was), is the most easily replaced resource on the planet ... they can be made in nearly infinate numbers by completly unskilled labor. The only problem is the long lead time to a finished product -approx 16-18 years. Hopefuly, somewheres within that time frame, a moral framework would be instilled in them. Doubtful, in many cases. Like many Americans, I'm a 'armed citizen'. Can I pull the trigger if needed? I certainly hope so, but pray I never have to find out; like any other sane, logical and reasonable person. If this "thing" is in my house, uninvited, performing whatever actions with illeagle intent, it's my DUTY to protect my family. Plain and simple. as to the "playing god" statement, we play god EVERY f***ING DAY we make a descision to do one thing or another. Deities have nothing to do with it. Yes, the laws ARE weak .. they protect the unjust as well as the just; it just seems that in the last 20 years or so, the Unjust have been getting the upper hand. wrench kevin stein
  4. Boba Fett deserves better death than this

    So falling into a giant anus in the middle of desert is bad???? wrench kevin stein
  5. A: you mean like this: been in aircraft data ini's since the 08 patch for 1st Gens. They can also be custome fine-tuned per aircraft wrench kevin stein
  6. um.... one such terrain actually exists. It was started by MajorLee, but never finished. it would require a seperate, stand alone install with ALL aircraft data inis extracted, and ALL weapons mountings removed, including guns. That's what we'd discussed 2-3 years ago when it was being worked on. Otherwise, "cheating" could occur -ya know, shooting down the guy that's gonna win kinda thing (although, not always a bad idea) One could always modifiy The Fighter Bowl terrain I did; make the course circumnavagite the central sea; plyons could be represented by the towers as seen on the Adjucator's island. not difficult to create at all, just the game engine/objects/etc would need to tweeking, and could ONLY be used in multiplayer, which negates any possilbe use in SF2 series wrench kevin stein
  7. Can you have too many Mustangs? Can you have too many Sabres? Can you have too many Phantoms? I think not ... so, by inference, no; you can't have too many Eagles either. nice setup Dave!! so.... like.... when??? wrench kevin stein
  8. and this data goes where??? Aircraft's data ini, or a missioncontrol ini??? Or???? It would have to work globaly, not just for a specific pilot type (ie: DogfightAce as shown) wrench kevin stein
  9. oppps ... I FORGOT you gotta have the planning maps; at least planningmap 1. Good catch!! wrench kevin stein
  10. Not knowing a whole lot about the mission builders, I know you don't need all the files from the various terrain cats (meaning, all the tiles, TODs, tgas, terrain objects, etc), probably just the _targets and _types inis. Pretty sure it needs those to 'read' what objects are available. My guess -mind you, a PURE WAG- would be that the KMD would go in the mods folder, as a sub-folder of the main install (just like objects or flight or whathaveyou), and the newly extracted inis for the terrains would go in the /Terrains folder, under their terrain's names (ie: /Terrains/GermanyCE/GermanyCE_Targets.ini) worth a shot, at any rate! wrench kevin stein
  11. If one were to extract the movement ini for WoV/SF2V, one would find only 2 shipping routes, for the US only. There are no others. So, if the VPAF wanted to go and bother the ships at Yankee or Dixie, you can't. odd, though, that's is not showing up for the Scooter ... routes have no dates; they're availalbe for all time. And, as mistated above, you don't have to do any extensive editing; the F Scooter already has an A-S loadout (extract the loadout ini and see) Of course, one can always BUILD their own with the various mission builders that are available wrench kevin stein
  12. it's just one of the reasons I've always used the desert naming conventions for most of the terrain objects ... more folks would probably have the desert.cat in their game installs. AND the desert airfield inis are included in the Deset, Germany and Vietnam cats post-08 patch. And in the Isrealme cat, iirc. However... If one were to actually explore the layouts and physical look of the varying airfieleds, one would fine that runways 1-6 are all the same lods as used in ALL the games. Converting over to the desert_airfield**.ini is pretty simple; just compare the targets layouts for the various airfield from each of the cats the items are in more or less the same places. wrench kevin stein
  13. 633 Squadron Starwars Style...

    Mosquito Squadronj ... eh! The only thing good about it is David McCallum!! I remember the first time I saw Ep IV, the FIRST thing I thought of was "hey, that's just like the fjord run in 633!!" and the music is just as good (ron goodwin, who also did BoB) wrench kevin stein
  14. Happy Birthday Jug

    Happy Birthday Jug!!! wrench kevin stein
  15. Well, to not put too fine a point on it; No, you're screwed. Not having the correct cat to reach-around to causes other problems as well. Unless you want to start editing the _targets and _types inis to convert over to desert naming conventions. I'm sure you can pick up WoE on the cheap somewhere's (maybe even 3rd wire), as the GermanyCE.cat is used on many, MANY other terrains (btw, it works in SF2/V/E the same way). wrench kevin stein
  16. depends if you have to re-make the template from scratch or not. Meaning; if the national and/or squadron markings are painted on the skin, or they're decals. if one has to rebuild the skin template, figure 1-2 days to redraw all the panel and rivet lines on the various bmps -which you then save a psds for reuse; the either create or reuse existing decals (btw: spinners has released a super set of RAF decals), dial in their positions and so forth. Not to forget serial numbers too For a pit, I've been using the F-4Bs since Russo released it 4-5 years ago. Is it accurate? Not quite. Does it work? Damn right it do. With a few "move" commands in the cockpit ini, you can take out certain items or control panels and so forth, and a little repainting of the cockpit bmps, to make it a little bit closer. * wrench kevin stein *= an example of "moved" cockpit items would be my Yak Cockpit pak for the 25s/28, while not wholly accurate, you can see the removed Phantom weapons selection panel by it's absence. Check the D/L section Cockpits for a screenie
  17. how about renaming the main ini to xSA-8.ini, so it removed from the GameEngine's sight (assuming this is TKs stock version) and trying the TMF version? See if that makes a difference? It should be in the woi or woe weapons pack (along with MUCH better Barlocks and HAWKs) wrench kevin stein
  18. stick: winter and spring seasons, The New Korea ™ speaking of which (mind you, still a pit wip, as I moved the trubines since this shot) VF-113 "Stingers" Corsair on flak suppression during the attack on the Sui-ho Hydroelectric plant wrench kevin stein
  19. looks good! those are windows on the side??? how odd!!! Great for sightseeing, I guess (gonna have to google this aircraft...) well, it seems the "problem" you had has cleared out. Good!!! wrench kevin stein
  20. create seperate core install (ie: copy/paste existing core install to a new folder), renamed to whatever era your using, rename whichever exe (say, like SF2E.exe to WW2PTO.exe), let game create /mods folder, delete items in mods folder not necessary, create new shortcut ... play wrench kevin stein
  21. right, just like ez said, loading screens for each particular aircraft go into each particular aircraft's folder, with the pointer line added to the main ini (as he's shown) "generic" ones go into the /flight folder ... those would be what I call "thematic screens", like a ww2 PTO, Arab/Israeli, Iran/Iraq, Korea, etc, where a aircraft specific screen dosen't exist (or hasn't been made). Unfortunately over at The Toolbox, those of you that have been around for a while, will notice that the very cool av-art painting screens have been taken down (taylor, trudigan, smith, et al). This was due to a possible copyright issue brought to my attention by av-artist Troy White. Said screen are still around; so if you want a particular one, i'll email it. size wize, I've been using the standard. However, sometimes you want to actually go smaller, so the loading status bar isn't hidden in the artwork. wrench kevin stein
  22. like I said in the post in the PropHeads forum, you have to check ALL the Ymac values on ALL the flight surfaces. You'll find them on inner AND outer wing statements, and also on the horizoital stabs while not a complete fix, it DO help!! wrench kevin stein
  23. You've always been able to customize hangar or loading screens (with 450+ under by belt, I SHOULD know) there's 2 types of loading screens: generic, that resides in the /Flight folder for say, a WW2 install that has nice pcitures or maps of the theatre in question or aircraft specific, fer instance, you want to use Turdigan's painting "In Defense of the Reich" for you Me-262. YOu just put said Swallow_Loading.bmp into the Me-262's main folder, add the pointer line in the Me-262.ini (the main ini) Thusly: nothing to it; been doing it since 2005. BTW, this 1st Gen style even works with NextGen series. You CAN use larger sizes, but I've found 1024x768 works best look in my sig, below. I AM The Hangar Screen King. wrench kevin stein
  24. nuking Cthulhu dosen't work .... he just comes back VERY angry, and now he's radioactive (covered in the game masters guide) btw, we'd already tried that!!! wrench kevin stein

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