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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I 2nd that emotion!!! wrench kevin stein
  2. Just in case you might have missed this, The Mirage Factory is NOT a signatory of the FL; therefore, permissions MUST be obtained before uploading. TMF stuff has ALWAYS been 'by permission only', and will most likely remain as such for the forseeable future. Personally, I've never had them say no, especially when simply asked. So, out of respect to Bpao, lets make this simple -- ask Sony for permissions when modding their stuff, mmmkay?? thank you all, and thank you Sony! wrench kevin stein
  3. what about using something like the parachute flare, but well, working backwards?? this is the weapons data for the air-dropped version, from my Korean War B-26 Invader. It hangs in the air for LOOOOOONG time; in fact, it should burn out in-air before hitting the ground, when dropped from about 7000 feet worth a try, at any rate wrench kevin stein
  4. damn it!!! you know I can't get back to the India/Pak terrain until I finish Korea!!! Stop it with these fantastic mods already!!! as always, looking great. wrench kevin stein
  5. We have one already; The F-111B is in the Vark Mega Pak wrench kevin stein
  6. it's the stock Sabre skin -------- Something amiss here??? (got the idea from "The Simpsons" opening sequence) wrench kevin stein
  7. "when the stars are right".... seriously, that DO look like The Dreaming One .... now, I've got to find my 2/D10s, and my damn character sheet, and make sanity roll.. right on dude!! wrench kevin stein
  8. those are the seperate 'tree' or forest items from the factory place, aren't they?? There should be a tree.tga in the factoryplace set (somewheres!!). they look like the tga dosen't match the lod mapping, or they're made of poster-board; be good adver space for CA (oh, wait, we already have a sign for that...). Actually turned them into palm tees once, but tossed them, as it's much easier to add tree directly to the terrain's TOD files. (excepitng in a case like this, where one apparently is adding them as terrain objects on an airfield for scenery) be great if someone would build a terrain object 'stand of trees' (a dozen or so) to place on airfields ... would have looked very nice on the Solomons terrain scattered about Henderson if you think adding trees as individual items is hard, even with the SST, try linking road tiles. Until I had a brainstorm....(2nd pic) wrench kevin stein
  9. I looked for them on all my backup CDs, but couldn't find ANYTHING on campaign editing. Isn't there soemthing left over at bunyaps wiki?? edit: never mind, buny's wiki's gone too. damn! wrench kevin stein
  10. scale has always been an issue, at least from my point of view (ie: filling terrains with objects). Don't forget, most terrains are 63% normal size, making things like runways and buildings appear MUCH larger than they should be. Meaning that if you have an object EXACTTLY the size of it's real life counterpart, it ALWAYS apppears much larger than it should. TK once mentioned the reason, but I can't remember what it was (other than 63% being the difference between and mile and KM) but for just flying around, something i've never really noticed. We're supposed to be looking for Enemy Aircraft ™, not the ground eye candy wrench kevin stein
  11. yup, there is 1 small, runway 3 with a lenght of 1200 meters 1 medium small (although classed as medium in the types inis), Runway 2 with a lentgh of 2500 meters 3 other mediums, runway 1, 5 & 6, also with a lenght of 2500 meters 1 large, Runway 4 (the 2 crossing runway base --useful for the heavies of ANY era) with a length of 3000 meters (I assume -OH that word!- that's for both runways) hope that helps! wrench kevin stein
  12. wow, I'm gonna have to turn in my wings (or at least my prop-head beanie!) Wolf's pak is on page 3 or 4, right under my Mustang III RAF mod (malcom hood). i cannot belive that ME of all people, forgot where it was/couldn't find it. I am EMBARASSED!!! wrench kevin stein
  13. remember, items are classified by WHAT they are (fighers, bombers, skins & ini mods, etc) axis fighters, ADs Plane pak (since it has 3 fighers and 1 bomber, I guess the fighters take prescdence) on last page http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=744 axis bombers:, pasko's val (also on it's category's last page, axis bombers) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=1889 It does appear, however, Wolf Pak has taken a vacation. I think I know what happened ... I'll let the involved party know wrench kevin
  14. the Timor mod uses the "Green Hell" trees by Stary. Unfortunately, there is no way to fully render ANY alpha object in 3d. Limitations of the game engine. We been livinig with it since 2002, so.... there ya go. Sorry! Just squint at them, from a long distance, in very bad light, and they'll just fine wrench kevin stein
  15. ww2 aircraft category: the Val and Wildcat are in there someplace, as is Wolfs WW2 Planes Pak and ADs IJ Planes Pak http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showcat=71 just scroll through ww2 skins (may also include ini updates as well as skins in several packs): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showcat=58 geo's page: http://geos-aircraft.com/SFmain0.htm this is also stickied in the PropHeads Forum http://forum.combatace.com/forum/247-thirdwire-prop-heads/ in the "Mods/Addons Listing" enjoy! wrench kevin stein
  16. would also make a GREAT loading screen!!! wrench kevin stein
  17. easily done in NextGens .... modify this statement to taste, and place in the terrain's main ini (fer instance, Afghansistan.ini) wrench kevin stein
  18. What??? The Hunter is one of the most beautifully shaped airframes of all time!! What's not to like??? wrench kevin stein
  19. "Logic is a little bird, tweeting in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers, that smell bad" wrench kevin stein
  20. it never existed. one COULD probably adapt an existing DT for use, maybe the Panther tank (although it'll need reskinning from blue to gray for later skins you could try the 150 gal tank from the F11-F1 Tiger; it DOES have a funny shape however, iirc wrench kevin stein
  21. McAfee AV packge. Don't remember when I did the SP3 upgrade, 12-18 months??? not sure. But it was only on my system for like 2 days before I had to restore to the 'just before upgrade' point that I'd created just before upgrading (yah, you know -CYA!) wrench kevin stein
  22. magmatic upwelling, causing displacement of the overlaying landmass and/or ocean??? You've got more volcanos over there than we have here, so ....????? ???? actually, it's due to the creator of the original HFD not doing an 'adjust sea level' in the TE. Very common problem on some of the early maps. Here's how you can fix it: 1)download the SF desert Terrain Editor 2)install it 3)since Libya uses the stock desert texture list, all you need to do is extract ALL the tiles from the Desert.cat; convert the all the sea, sea/land river/land transition tiles from tga to bmp. 4)install said newly converted tiles into the main TE folder. 5)copy/paste the TFD and HFD files from the Libya terrain into a newly created Libya sub-folder of the TE, along with the libya citylist ini (if its in there, if not, oh well. Recreate or don't try flattening anything) 6)Open the TEs exe, load the lybia.HFD, load desert tile texture list 7) "adjust sea level" 8) "save all" 9)backup original TFD and HFD in Libya terrain folder 10)copy/paste the NEW TFD & HFD from the TE into the Libya terrain folder. 11)fly over effected area, see if the coastline meets with your approval; if not 12)repeat steps 6-11 as necessary OK? Now you know what to do wrench kevin stein
  23. don't know nothing about it, as I don't have it. looking at the screenies, I'd say mismatched lods and data ini. as in "ain't designed to work in the application you created" wrench kevin stein

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