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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I assume you're using my upgraded DBS??? Shoot, brother, upload the modded inis; I'm sure there's a LOT of folks that'll want an SF2 DBS terrain for their installs!! (yes, I'm one of them!) Speaking of Frescos (sorry to change the subject), has anyone tested the 08 level mods I did for PF/PFU/PF(SP-16) in SF2? Used the fake pilot method to put Pasko's Izrumd nose/pylon set on, and it worked great on 1stGens. Just wondering... wrench kevin stein
  2. Why would you want to mix aircraft 60+ years apart, should be the first question...hence the reason for seperate WW2 installs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How about doing it the super easy way??? Leave your WW2 Tiffy AS Typhoon; folder, internal inis and all For the WW2 versions, iirc, should have this for you in-game name display: AircraftFullName=Typhoon Mk IB That's exactly what it is, so leave it alone for the NEW modern one, rename the folder to EF2K. Now, you'll need to rename the main ini also to EF2K (that's how the game works -- all names must match or the object/vehicle/terrain etc disappears) and, again iirc, your in game name should be: AircraftFullName=EF-2000 Typhoon Quite obviously two completly different names. Once the folder/main ini is renamed, you shouldn't have any problems. However, you WILL have to rename the folder pointers in the pathways in the decal inis for any skins that came with it or that you may add later. That's done with a super simple Find/Replace in notepad wrench kevin stein
  3. Every read "Warbirds" by Richard Herman?? There's a few scenes when the Iranian fleet is closing on Ras Assyana, the Phantoms are using BOTH their Sparrows and Sidewinders against the landing craft If you can lock 'em up or get within parameters to launch, hell yes shoot 'em!! wrench kevin stein
  4. Definately looks like it BELONGS on the DBS terrain! Looks all good to me! Great job on the skins so, this is a completly NEW model??? You guys might make me start playing SF2 again...they really good! wrench kevin stein
  5. The Terrain Editor Thread

    Yes, the texturelist is sycned to the data ini, which MUST have the tiles in the exact same sequence as the texturelist another thought came to me....you're attempting this in NextGen seies...the TE only works for 1st Gen. Check the coding of any/all inis (and the bmps, if necessary -although I don't think there's a "coding" for image files) you've imported. Meaning: are they ANSI or Unicode? If Unicode, convert back to ANSI and see what happens. I've never had a problem getting a terrain to open, all things being equal. wrench kevin stein
  6. I was asked, too! Since it seems I'm the Head Prop Head (strange, I've never really considered myself a Leading Figure ™ in the Community; just One Of The Boys) I haven't decieded on what to do ... since I know my skins are a bit lacking (never have quite got weathering right), but my decals; expecially for the USN/USMC and the PH/Midway IJNAF aircraft are in the 95%+ percent grouping for accuracy. wrench kevin stein
  7. How about posting the fix, so others can have it??? wrench kevin stein
  8. I've been VERY busy, trying to complete some mods that have been languishing for several years ... what with running back and forth to the hospital checking on my mother (she's getting better, thank you to all who've inquired! Bless you all!!), it's been very difficult to remain focused. Did this mostly to keep my mind occupied, and to try and shovel these out the door before Year's End. Then, I can get back to concentrating of terrains! So... here's what new: We have, a reskin/ini mods of the DAT IL-2 to a 'stand-in' for the NKPAF IL-10 (as we don't have the IL-10 .. this WILL have to suffice until such time as there is) The E-49C AEW/AWAC tagged for the 552 ACW. It would be flying in the "What If..." worlds at the same time as their EC-121s Finally, the Boeing PB-1W Navy Fortress, also another AEW aircraft, marked for VW-1 during the Korean War when deployed to Japan and Points Closer to The Front. The Wing-AWAC and Shtomo, as per DAT rules do NOT have the aircraft LODs in their package; you MUST have the original B-49 and IL-2 to copy them from However, special permission was graned to include the special LOD I'd had Capun create 2+ years ago for the PB-1W, so it's a complete aircraft. Actualy, the other 2, with the exception of the LOD ARE also complete in all other respects (cockpit, and the rest) Now available at my site. Link in the image, and also down below in signature Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  9. To repeat ... it's NOT an IL-10; it's just the standard or garden variety IL-2 with an NK star glued on it standing in for the IL-10, until we get a real one. I wish it was an IL-10, be more historically accurate! But like I said in the readme, at least it give the NKs SOMETHING else to use (even if not quite right) Capun is going to post them on the DAT site, with the LODs added back, so the 'full' version will be availabe in very near future wrench kevin stein
  10. I seem to recall releasing a couple of 19P/PM variants last year, or early this year for the 1st Gen series. Can't find the damn links, though. I know they're here somewhere (doncha hate it when a Moderator can't find his OWN mods!!) Gepard also has one out, based on the SF2E 19P as for avionics, check in the 17PFU paks -- they should be in the d/l section I like the pylons!! wrench kevin stein edit: found the farmer-e, the farmer-b is right below it. maybe you can use some of the avionics data? http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=5071
  11. The Terrain Editor Thread

    You said you can view the Height Field...so that means it's seeing the HFD Did you load the WoV texture list??? Without doing that, it dosen't know WHAT textures to load (and I totally agree with you ... there be some steps missing. The TE is also one of the worst pieces of s**t software I've ever seen ... it's not intuative in any way, shape or form) The tiling map, if you will, is stored in the TFD file; so when you save you'll see 'newly' creatd TFD and HFD files. You can see that they're 'new', if you have file extensions/date modified columns turned on in Windoze Explorer. Which is HIGLY reccomended... (make sure you back up the original VietnamSEA.TFD and HFDs before dropping the new ones into the game's terrain folder!!!! The good thing with stock terrains, is they'll still exist, albeit in unmodded form, in the terrain cat) wrench kevin stein
  12. Uhmmm...Ed's not talking about the games themselves...but the 3rd model unwarpping program, that's used to create the lined or unlined maps from the MAX files, that are then used to create skin templates. Shouldn't have anything to do with DX. But I'm not a 3d guy ... wish I was! Ed, pm fastcargo or one of the other 3d guys (the GMG group, etc) or hopefully one of them will see this and respond I remember somebody else has a problem with an unwrapping program in Winge7 (btw, I'm jealous of your new multi-tb hard drives! hard drive envy? there's a new one!! ) wrench kevin stein
  13. Version


    MiG-17PFU Fresco-E upgrade Ver.2 for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and maybe SF2/SF2-V Version 2.5ish Upgrade 4/20/09 This is a simple upgrade that will bring this aircraft to the latest patch standards (08 Level) This is ALL the other mods complied into a complete package, all inclusive, and is designed to TOTALLY replace any earlier upgrades.. The changes implimented herein are mostly in the switching of the Izumrud nose bubble to a 'pilot seat', ala FastCargo's trick. This will allow it to show on aircraft parked on the line. Included is Mago/Paladrain's cockpit from the PFM. While not a perfect match, it's the 'bestest closest fit', and works REALLY nicely!! The avionics ini has been updated to include an audio-only RWR; not sure of what type, probably some kind of a Serina, but it does work. The cockpit ini has also been modified to use the original style radar and radar display that Pasko created. No other changes have been made to it. So the instructions given in the original 'readme' still apply for target aquisition, tracking and firing. The is the 'Interception Procedures.txt' included in the main folder. You'll also find an updated data ini to 08 standards The data ini also has had the gun aim angles adjusted to fire almost perfectly through the center of the sight. Given the lack of ammo in Red Air, this ought to be a big help. You'll also find working landing lights for those pesky night intercepts....you never know when the Political Officer will wander across the runway, drunk as a skunk. This'll allow you to see him and swerve to miss (or not) It is designed for use with any/all weapons paks, or none. I've incuded the Alkali A & B missiles from the 06 Bunyap Pak; still in their RS-2US and RS-2U naming conventions, in the 'seperate folder' format now usable in all post patch games. For those with SF2 and SF2:V, the weapons data ini for each missile is included in each of the folders. As I don't have these games, you all'll have to figure out the numbering on your own. But, with TKs release of the SF2 weapons editor, this should pose no major problem As always, it's reccomened you unzip this package to a temp folder, or your desktop, to gain access to the rest of this readme for the full, easy to follow install instructions. Good Hunting! Wrench kevin stein
  14. This is the line to be concerned with: LightOn=0.25 Just like the cockpit ini, the larger the number the "sooner" they come on; 0.55 is a good number, turns them on before dusk. You can even set it to 1.00, and they'll be on ALL the time. Adjust that number in ALL the LightSet callouts Be advised that Runway3 does NOT have any lighting in a stock install. But if you look in some of my WW2 terrains, you'll find a modded version with runway end lights (albeit needing some corrections) and taxi lights. wrench kevin stein
  15. Capun's got some prone gunners, as used on the Judy (?), the TBF/TBM and maybe some others. I don't think anyone has made a waist gunner yet. New 'gunner figure' lods/bmps would need a 3d guy to create them, then placed via data ini edits. What I don't know, is if you'd need 2 models - for right and left, or just a facing statement in the data ini. Alternativly, and I've seen this too, the gunner model is physically built into the aircraft lod (methinks FE does this, or some addons for FE/SF series do this as well -- the DATs TBD's rear gunner is a seperate mesh, iirc, mapped seperatly from the aircraft) This also allows him to move the flex gun/turret movements So, in essence, new figures need creation wrench kevin stein
  16. The Terrain Editor Thread

    the minium I've been able to flatten is 1-2 km in radius, and even then there's no garuntee (sp?) it'll be exactly where you want it. And it WILL screw up any surrounding hills, etc. So be EXTREAMLY carefull in FSB placements ... sometimes, after flattening you'll find it in a hole or on top a mesa. As to placement, you'll go to View/Texture tile, and us the 'place single tile' tool -- it looks like a pencil I take it you haven't read Gepard's terrain creation tutorials? If not, give them a look over. you'll need to use maxium zoom, 3200 -- and it ain't NEARLY enough, use costom 1-tile cleared zones, as anything else (G-AB1 and J-AB1 when used properly, in their 4 tile setup) are FAR to large. You'll find just such a tile in the Okinawa map; it also works real good to place Runway3 airbases on (iirc, its VietnamG-AB3, and has an associated TOD) You'll also need the COMPLETE citylist for VietnamSEA WITH ALL the additional target areas that were added from that pak. If one dosen't exist, you'll have to recreate it. Follow the format of the original listings my advice: get VERY familiar with all the functions in the TE first, before messing with anything new. Make Backup Copies of EVERYTHING Before and After Every Save - there's no 'undo' function. You make a mistake, you're screwed. But, if you've got the backups, you can CYA. and good luck ... you'll be needing it! wrench kevin stein
  17. Are the decals showing up?? I"m gonna venture a guess (not have SF2I), that perhaps the mapping of the LODs for SF2I might be different from WoI's. I know a lot of the lods for SF2/E/V had some changes. If the mapping is the same, perhaps the install of the skinpak went wonky ... check for double nested folders (a very common problem) Meaning: the folder are inside another folder, when they should be UP one level, with the stock skins folder someting like: /MiG-21MF/SovietSilver/SovietSilver when it should be only once just guessing, mind you! wrench kevin stein EDIT: forgot the ask, is there a textureset.ini for the new skins in the new skin folders?
  18. I thought it was going to be a 'modern' map! That last shot sure looks like Taranto! The tree-lined desert road looks excellent! wrench kevin stein
  19. Monitor?? very cool....be nice to see that wandering up and down the Mekong! wrench kevin stein
  20. The Terrain Editor Thread

    There are several way to get a stock terrain into the TE..I'll make the assumption this is the stock VietnamSEA map, if another, we'll need to know that. one is to use the extractor,and pull EVERYTHING out of the terrain cat file. This will have the side effect of not only extracting the inis and tiles you'll need, but all the terrain objects as well. Those can be deleted (that's all the buildings, runways, and their associated bmps and tgas) another is to use the extractor and ONLY pull the files you need. They would be vietnamsea.tfd vietnamsea.hfd vietnamsea.ini (alrady out) vietnamsea_data.ini please note, the _types and _targets.inis aren't really necessary, but they come in handy if you're adding a new location, like a airfield that'll need flattening, or a city (and thereby editing the citylist.ini) or whatever. Might be a good idea, in the long run. Then, you'll need to extract ALL the terrain tiles -there's 104 of them on the stock map, in BOTH bmp and tga formats. Once extracted, you MUST convert the tgas to bitmap (bmp), or the TextuelistWoV.ini won't see them at all. Any good imaging progarm should be able to to that (Photoshop, Gimp). Make double damn sure they are saved as bmp and copy bmp -that happens some times. Then, useing ONLY the WoV/WoE/WoI terrain editor, create a new subfolder, call it VietnamSEA, move all the inis, the tfd and hfd into that folder. All the tile bmps go in the MAIN TE folder, where the TE's exe is. Along with the city list and texture list IMPORTANT NOTE: if the terrain you're using in NOT the stock map, you'll need the texturelist/city list FOR that map, otherwise it just ain't gonna happen. However, if said map is using stock tiles or tiles with the stock naming conventions, it should be (no garuntees!!) OK. Any terrain-specific tiles will need to be added to the texturelist, via the edit texture list function in the TE, or very strange things happen. wrench kevin stein
  21. Caused by a lack of proper pointers in the types.ini Sounds like a good project for you... Here's what you do: 1)Open each and every terrain's _TYPES.INI, scroll through each and every entry, and compare them to the same 'object' entry from, say the stock Desert/Germany/Vietnam types inis, with particular attention being given to these sections: it should be noted, ALL the terrain objects do NOT have damaged models, so you can ignore that line. However, with the exception of the CityBuilding 1,2,3,4 (and the additional ones seen in GermanyCE and VietnamSEA), there ARE destroyed lods. You can even assign destroyed lods to the aformentinoned CityBuildings that don't have a 'real' one; just pick something with the same "footprint" (destroyed warehouses for large buildings, barracks for smaller ones). The destoyed effect, secondary effect and destroyed model are the major ones, with the secondary chance at 100 (that's what I do on all my terrain mods -makes for nice colums of burning stuff as you fly away) Then you add the various and sundry effects, to 3rd party terrains as based on what you see in the stock one (one major flaw in the stock terrains IS the lack of a large 2ndary chance percentage -those should be upped as well) It should also be noted, that the Iran/Iraq terrain is SEVERLY f***ed up; it's in the shop right now (along with 5 other terrains) for complete and utter rebuilding from the ground up (pun intended) -being completly retiled, with all the cities, and yes rivers, and airfields and everything else being moved to their Real Life ™ positions. wrench kevin stein
  22. see my post above: skypat's don't work 2nd Gen series. wrench kevin stein
  23. File Name: F9F Panther, VMF-311, Korea File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 18 Dec 2009 File Category: F2H/F9F/F3H Skins F9F-2/2B/5 Panther, VMF-311, Korean War Era skin 12/11/09 =For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE and probably for SF2 series sims This package is an upgrage/replacement skin and decal set for the VMF-311 skin that comes with Pasko's original F9F-5 Panther release package. The skin repesents VMF-311 flying in Korea. What has been done, basiclly, is simply create all new decals for Modex, BuNum/manufacturers ID/Service call out, and other items. The skin bmps themselves ARE still the same ones as issued with the release package from 2004. You'll have numbers, etc for 24 aircraft. Also included, is a 'clean-Nose.bmp', as historical, photographic evidence points to only ONE aircraft having the face painted on (Personally, I LIKE the face!). Instructions on how to switch to the clean nose are below in the "To Install" section. It should be noted at this time, my researches have shown a more-or-less mixed bag of models as used by 311; so the BuNums/ID tag reflects this -- some will be labeled F9F-2B, some as F9F-5. Rest assured, the BuNums ARE correct for the models indicated (other than the 2/2B having a shorter tail fin). I can, unfortunatly, only claim 100% accuracy for modex #s 2, 6, and 16, as these can be clearly seen in photos in the sources listed below. The rest should be considered as 'filler'. As always, unzip this archive to a temp folder or your desktop, or somewhere else that's easy to find, to gain access to the rest of this readme, for full, simple-to-follow (for once!) instructions. Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  24. Version


    F9F-2/2B/5 Panther, VMF-311, Korean War Era skin 12/11/09 =For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE and probably for SF2 series sims This package is an upgrage/replacement skin and decal set for the VMF-311 skin that comes with Pasko's original F9F-5 Panther release package. The skin repesents VMF-311 flying in Korea. What has been done, basiclly, is simply create all new decals for Modex, BuNum/manufacturers ID/Service call out, and other items. The skin bmps themselves ARE still the same ones as issued with the release package from 2004. You'll have numbers, etc for 24 aircraft. Also included, is a 'clean-Nose.bmp', as historical, photographic evidence points to only ONE aircraft having the face painted on (Personally, I LIKE the face!). Instructions on how to switch to the clean nose are below in the "To Install" section. It should be noted at this time, my researches have shown a more-or-less mixed bag of models as used by 311; so the BuNums/ID tag reflects this -- some will be labeled F9F-2B, some as F9F-5. Rest assured, the BuNums ARE correct for the models indicated (other than the 2/2B having a shorter tail fin). I can, unfortunatly, only claim 100% accuracy for modex #s 2, 6, and 16, as these can be clearly seen in photos in the sources listed below. The rest should be considered as 'filler'. As always, unzip this archive to a temp folder or your desktop, or somewhere else that's easy to find, to gain access to the rest of this readme, for full, simple-to-follow (for once!) instructions. Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein

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