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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. forget to mention, on the transition tiles, there's the height map scale We had to reduce that valuse as well. Unfortunately, in the VNSEA it seem's its already set to the "2" it got adjusted to on the aftermarket terrains... [Texture024] Filename=vietnamSG25A.TGA HasWater=1 HeightMap=vietnamSG25A_hm.BMP HeightMapScale=2.000000 <---this is the other line Color=0.210002,0.300120,0.325420 SolidObjectTexture=terobject_buildings1.BMP AlphaObjectTexture=terobject_trees1.TGA MipMapLevels=6 maybe reduce that to 1?? or try the black hms??? personally, methinks it's something to do with the SF2I merge (not having it at all, I can't really comment) wrench kevin stein
  2. This is out of my merged SF2/V/E install: [TerrainMesh] TextureThreshold=0.80 LowDetailMeshThreshold=0.50 MedDetailMeshThreshold=0.30 TileToHeightGridRatio=4 RenderMeshVertexCount=4096 RenderMeshIndexCount=6144 SolidObjectVertexCount=12288 SolidObjectIndexCount=18432 AlphaObjectVertexCount=8192 AlphaObjectIndexCount=12288 [HeightField] DetailScale=1.0 DetailFrequency=1.0 MaxHeight=1000 MinHeight=0 [HeightOffset] LowDetailMesh=-1.5 WaterMesh=0.8 shows the same numbers. I remember we has the same issue (sunken ships, docks, vehicle near the beach) after the 08 patch in all the 1st gens. I do think the fix was reducing it to 0.0 or 0.1 (but can't exactly remember, age youknow)!!! The other thing I did, was extract and repaing ALL the VietnamSEA HM bmps to solid black. That helped too. I uploaded them there; should be in the terrains d/l section. Since the names are the same... But I'd test the numbers first. There was a thread about after the 08 pacth, as some of my terrains (Lybia in particular) had the issue wrench kevin stein
  3. Just a little training flight. Such a cute little plane... wrench kevin stein
  4. Grinch: have you looked at Farposst? http://www.farposst.ru/phpBB2/index.php Unfortunately, alot of the listing are in Russian, so some hunting around will be necessary they have a "Navy" section that might have something you can use. I also have the "in action" for US CLs, I"ll look in there too wrench kevin stein
  5. Waaaaay too much gibberish, and other unneeded details. Was there a question hiding in ther I missed??? (other than the paskopak one?) The pasko pak works with all versions of all the games ... just make sure the individual inis for the ground objects have the 'newer' (well, for 06 and later) lines in them Exmaple (albeit this the older pakso versio of the HAWK radar: [GroundObjectData] ObjectFullName=Hawk CWAR ObjectDataFile=Hawk_CWAR_data.ini coverd in the KB, under the "What Available Thread" as to, what little sense I can make out of the post, i'd say your install is borked. Uninstall it COMPLETELY, and start fresh. wrench kevin stein
  6. ?? I thought it was you; my apologies!! Must've gotten you mixed up with somebody else! If you want to do one, GREAT! There's obviously no rush, so take as much time as need. wrench kevinstein
  7. Can you use the Terrain Editor??? That'd be one way (ie: retile the ENTIRE map, including ALL the sea/land transition tiles). The other, would be to rebuild/repaint the existing tiles (again ALL the Sea and Sea/Land transitions -including any river tiles) with the new 'water areas' copy/pasted on (whichever) tiles you want to change, replace the alpha channels from whereever you get the nicer ones, edit the terrain's data ini to match and hope for the best. Remember: each terrain has a specific naming convention; you can use any GermanyCE type tiles on any other map that was built with GermanyCE tiles; same goes for Desert, VietnamSEA or IsraelME. You can even import tiles from one to the other, but only through the TE, by editing the ***TextureList.ini, in one of it's functions (Edit Texture Map List). That's also how newly created tiles are added. As to the effects, they're data ini edits, but you'll need the .fx files, and most likely the tile tga's as well. Fubar will have to weigh in here on that one. wrench kevin stein
  8. As you can see from the attached picture, there's some new things in The ToolBox: Reskin and some ini mods for the C-47B, recreate the 21st TCS in Korea; F3D-2 Skyknight of VMF(N)-513 in Korea; "Production" B-49A for Post-War and 'What If...' Korea; "Later Production" B-49D for Cold War SAC, and SEA camo for Vietnam Please note, the 2 Wings and Skyknight mods, while "complete" in all other respects, do NOT have the aircraft LOD files included. You'll need the original aircraft to copy them from. The Skytrain, is just a skin. But you'll still need the aircraf to attach it too.... Full, detailed readmes (instructions and all that) are included in ALL these mods. So, please read them!! Still to come: E-49C AEW Viking Mk3 (RAF B-49) PB-1W Navy Fortress (AEW) The link to the site it down below, in my signature. Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein
  9. The ones I've tested work just fine. Some editing of the terrain's data ini may be necessary to take advantage of the newer effects, but that aint' nothing. Just extract one of the stock terrain data inis from their respective SF2 terrain cats (Desert, GermanyCE, VietnamSEA) to see how they're listed, make the necessary adjustments and zingo...off you go. wrench kevin stein ps: don't forget the cat pointer line ... it works exactly the same as it did in 1st Gens
  10. Thank YOU!! Now, I just gotta convince the wife.... wrench kevin stein
  11. More to answer EricJ question, as long as there's enough "space" on the airfield tiles (ie: using the standard 4 J-AB1 or G-AB1), you can fit just about any runway set up in them. There's even a single tile in the Okinawa mod that fits the small airbase (runway 3). Fits perfectly. (btw, runway 2 don't fit on that one --to long) the only one that causes problems is Runway 4, the Large, 2-crossing runway airbase, but that can be made to fit by rotating the heading -/+ 30 (??) deg off of true north. If using the WW2 type "dirt" textured runways, one would just need to remove the bmps and tgas from the terrain folder, and it'll revert back to the stock paved variety that's in every terrain cat file. Even switching them over (meaning: if the targets ini contains the WW2 era static parked planes), it's a simple copy/paste of the targets listing from one of the more modern terrains to change all the airfield objects. Or a text edit to simply remove the statics. Yeah, I feel the pain, brother!! wrench kevin stein
  12. You'd probably be better off asking this question over at the Dev A-Team's site, as the Spanish Civil War Mod is their's. IIRC, it's designed for SFP1 Only, and probably for the 06 Patch level, only. (EDIT: Yup, checking mine, the WoE.exe is dated 8/30/2006. that answers that. Interesting to note, the terrain itself uses WoE's GermanyCE naming conventions on the tiles) From their ReadMeFirst.txt: although, in the first paragraph, is does state: What I'd do, unless you REALLY know how to edit FMs for 08 Patch level games, are completly comfortable with the weapons editor and etc, is delete the install COMPLETELY. Re-create it, Patch ONLY to the 8/30/06 Level , try readjusting the Spain terrain cat pointer line (see our Knowledge Base on "How To"), to use "GermanyCE.cat" and try again. I'd most DEFINATELY NOT use WoV as the base install, as it dosen't support some of the mission types. Use SFP1 or WoE. wrench kevin stein
  13. Not only at C5s, but here as well. There's some skin for it here; an SEA camo and a couple others, IIRC. 'Prolly gonna need some serious FM tweeking for 08 and SF2 levels... since it dates from 2005. And MOST definately, a MUCH better cockpit. Lexx_Luthor had some tweeks listed for it over on the 3rd Forums, basing off the F-104 (as it's the closest in canopy framing and 'general layout') Look for the 'Strategic Cockpits' or something like that, over there. wrench kevin stein
  14. Since this IS December 7th, I'm surprised noone has posted anything pertaining to it... Score one the US... wrench kevin stein
  15. I thought they were He-111 engines?? Is that a new build version?? (ie: lod?) wrench kevin stein
  16. Swwwwwweeeeettttt...!!!!! Finally, an RAF Rhino with an internal gun!!! I'm surprised I didn't think of it first!!! good job man! wrench kevin stein
  17. I'll take whatever, brother! And thanks, Paulo!!! Looks like I'd better get back to Indo/Pak after the beginning of the year, once I finish off a half dozen OTHER mods (some planes, the ww2 tunisia). After Indo/Pak maybe I'll get back to Central America....Flogger23 is dying to fly from his home country -well, the ONE airfiled I can fit on the map, that is! wrench kevin stein
  18. Your TargetType= should read Artillery. That's a vaild selection (look at some of my terrains, in particular ASW, SoCal, WW2 Palestine, WW2 NorthAfrica etc). Target listings start with 001. Is the morter IN your /GroundObjects folder? Do the operational dates in it's data in fall within the year range you're flying? and I'd give it a least a 05 or 10 target value!!! Make it worth something for the enemy to bother with!! wanna make your life easier? grab that 'Target Placement Mission' that I posted in the KB, and just change the aircraft, map and start coordinates to place you right over the top of the FB. Saves a lot of time jumping around. Re: http://forum.combatace.com/topic/44621-adding-objects-to-your-target-areas/ wrench kevin stein
  19. As a terrain guy, I can't help but wonder if the "Limited Nations" statements in the NextGen terrain ini might not have something to do with this. Since the stock Red SAMs are all pretty much nationalized to 'Soviet' (as are proably all the add-on ones), and if 'soviet' is not listed, perhaps this might be the issue?? Of course, re-adding 'soviet' will allow their aircraft to appear; possibly 'nationalizing' the AD units would be a good experiment (look at 1st Gen WoI -- the SA-6/StraightFlush are "EGYPT" AND, the IsrealME_Nations.ini has the LimitedNations statement) something to consider.... wrench kevin stein
  20. I'd definatly ask for an 08/Gen 1 version. Since Indo/Pak IS only being built for 1st Gens. When finished, you all can do you own conversions to NextGen. Since SF2 runs like pure s**t for me ... I don't even bother with it. Great looking model guys!!! Are those Ghostrider's old skins? So the mapping isn't changed?? wrench kevin stein
  21. I take it you were editing the old Bunyap Pak??? Try this: rename the MissileObject.ini to xMissileObject.ini, and retest. I had that very same problem once, and think that was the fix. wrench kevin stein
  22. Eject, go into "Your Profile". There should be a tab/hyperlink for "Manage My Attachments". You can then delete any unwanted pictures, files, etc. That should clear out the space so you can upload new ones. There's also The GAllery here, where you can upload pics, You'd then just need to copy/paste the URL for the pic into a post. -------- Another way to remove them, which unfortunatley removes all the trees, is just delete the MOD -the tile bmps, tgas, tods, and reextract the stock data ini from the GermanyCE.cat (or just leave it there once you delete the 'new' one). Basicaly, you'd empty out the GermanyCE terrain folder, leaving ONLY the GermanyCE.ini and GermanyCE.cat. That'll return the terrain to a stock, pristine state, and you can start fresh. Of course, if you've added any terrain objects, new airfields, buildings and etcs, you'd proably want to back up the GermanyCE_Targets.ini and GermanyCE_Types.inis to be safe. Then add the mod over. See if the heads return to the cows. If not, there's something very wrong with the computer or the game install itself. Converting a tga to bmp won't work, as the TOD alpha items (cows, power lines, signs, etc) have to be tgas. One could, if one has GIMP or Photoshop, just repaint the cows a color that turnst them into a rock or other feature, but I'd not reccomend that. wrench kevin stein
  23. Just some mods I'm trying to finish off, after languishing for over 2 1/2 years.... Upgrading the orignal to a production "A" variant for later 40s/Korea, new D model (seen here), EB-49C Elint/SigInt/AWAC variant (still being worked on -no screenie yet). And of course, the RAF Viking Mk3 ("the other V-Bomber), also being reworked these are of the D model, circa 1961 in natual metal/anti-flash white, and then is SouthEast Asia, circa 1966. Don't know why that one is off centered... The fin is the ONLY place to put the damn SAC badge! You can see the upper/mid and lower center turrets have been removed, and that odd looking thing on top is a decal representing the A/R slipway doors. Only way to make it work. SAC is BACK!! At least in Jack Northrop's "What If...Flying Wing World" wrench kevin stein
  24. The "A" model is pretty much as the DAT released it, FM and engine-wise, with the J35s. It mostly gets new decals, adjusted loadouts (moved the bombays around so they show as seperate dots on the loadout screen, from right to left, as opposed to up/down), added seats for ALL versions, removed the bomb aimer figure, as he was sticking through the canopy -ie: use the fakepilot figure. The "D" gets J57s like the BUFF. Other tweeks to the bomb bays 'cheat' the length/width statements to allow M-117s to load. If you look at the bays when dropping, there's a little bit of clipping, due to the bombs being longer than the bays themselves. These small, WW2 style bays would have been a real issue on the Real Aircraft ™ as well. So I cheated a little. I"m not really happy with the center external pylon, but it does give some more convention bombs; just need to find a Hounddog for testing to see if THAT fits under when sitting on the ground. The only other issue I'm having is my home-grown Mk.13A 30kt nuke, using the WW2 2000# shape. Assuming these short bays on produciton A models, I 'forced' the folks at Sandia to create a smaller bomb to fit, in difference to those as carried by the B-29/B-50 and B-36s; which were HUGE even for fission devices. But the damn nuke effect isn't working!!! So I know I did something wrong there. Probably releae 'as is', and let a real Weaponeer fix it! wrench kevin stein
  25. EXACTLY my point!!! Thank you Sony!!! Although, as a decal on each rudder side, it SHOULD work with the lettering being correct. I know on the skin bmp, the lettering is reversed, as it "wraps" from (i think this may be corrct), from the inside out. The decal, sitting on top of skin, should be ok, with right/left facing. I don't have time to test this in actuality, but others I've done worked on (albeit not on Mirages). Of course, a 'horizontal flip' may keep the lettering readable...again, haven't tested. oh, and while I have you here, I've got 2 or 3 TMF Mirage/Kfir mods I've been working on for Central America; just want to know that whenever I get finished with them, I can upload the entire aircraft, lod, cockpit and all???. Thanks! Stratos: Just reuse the pre-exiting skin!! You also need to make up your mind WHICH Mirage you're building this off...obviously it's for 1st Gen, so for fraks sake, USE what's already available. You can't go wrong with TMF Products, so save your money. The red striping (nose/wings/whatevers) you seem to be looking for is avaliable not only on the 'artios' skin but the 'alpes', from the original release. You just have to look around, all your answers are in front of you. It's called "repurposing", and nobody seems to mind (well, expect maybe Stiglr, and he aint around no more) Download and read TK Decals Creation Turorial; it's here somplace, probbaly in the 'utilities' section, or 3rdWire site. spend some time a SimmersPaintShop, read their skinning tuts, expecially for rivet/panel line creation I can do no more than point you in the right direction, and get you started wrench kevin stein

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