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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. the 08 patch level is NOT, nor will it ever be, reccomended for WW2 installs until 350+ aircraft are brought up to speed. The WW2 Weapons Pak is also 06 level, and will need to be run through the 08 weapons editor to update it to match the rest of the game's exe and dlls. ------------------------------------ As to the CV issues, ezlead will have to answer those. My only comment would be the only YORKTOWN class carrier that I supplied with the Okinawa Terrain Upgrade Pak (well, the hack job from the really old one), was Enterprise6, as ENTERPRISE. All other Fleet Carriers should be CV-9 class, which are available ONLY from the DATs site. The CVEs and CVL supplied are the _T variety, and are not usable for take-offs and landings (addressed in the Okinawa Terrain Upgrad Readme). Fully operational ones are probably in my 'Central Pacific' terrain The 2 BPF carriers, Victorious and Formidiable, are fully operational (having usable flight decks), and should be totally interchangable, as they're the same COLUSSUS class carriers. Looking over the campaign data ini, you might want to switch the "SB2C" to SBD-5, as no Helldiver exists. I'm sure this'll cause some issue with playability. all things considerd, I'd delete everything -create a new 06 ONLY level install, reinstall all the PTO objects and terrains, and start fresh. Remember, too, ez said the campaign IS a Beta, so there's probably some bugs hiding in it somewheres. And, as discussed in the "WW2 Invasion of Japan Thread" in the PH Forum, you'll probably want to back up my orignal types and targets inis in the Okinawa terrain, as some changes were made to them wrench kevin stein
  2. There's only one size that's usalbe. Irregardless of monitor; 1024x768. After creating over 400 hangar and loading screens....this is something I DO know! wrench kevin stein
  3. Interesting.... note the "11" as used for aircraft name; the only time I've ever seen that is when the nation is incorrect in either the data ini or the nations ini. In reference to the guns question above, if one is adverse to using "enemy" guns on a friendly, you can always swap it out for the HISPANO_5 cannon, like used on Hurri's and Spits. wrench kevinstein
  4. Well, I fiddlized with it for about an hour last night, and all the obivous items (antena_ru, tacan -which is listed twice) didn't do anything. Every time I went in game after the edit, that cursed upper blade antena was sitting there, giving me the finger! Next would be the "un-obvious" things, like those named "objet". Do 'em one at a time and see when it disappers May have to wait and see if Sony weighs in with more info wrench kevin stein
  5. Stratos: absolutely! using the Bpao Remove Component Edit Technique (patent pending) ™ provided, of course, we can find the mesh name, a simple text edit. I can't seem to find my TMF Nesher, but on the BAF M.5, there's a listing in the OUT for vhf. Probably safe to assume that might be the blade antenna wrench kevin stein
  6. Wouldn't that actually be the Persian Gulf?? (and historically, those destined for Iran wound up in Isreal) IIRC, and I'll have to look at the skin, it might for the really old version by Team Viper. It won't work on the TMFs, it that's the case. wrench kevin stein EDIT: nope, that's TMFs mapping, so you might have installed it "off". Check for doublenested folder and the like
  7. And there's something wrong with TMFs BAF Mirage 5???? wrench kevin stein
  8. looks like the standard complaint with cockpits that reference 'thingys' from the 1st Gen sims...(or just plane not in the cockpit folder ... done THAT a few times!) Probably missing a bmp or tga somewheres. You'll probably have to search the cockpit lod with a hex editor for "bmp" and "tga", and cross reference with those existing in the cockpit folder. wrench kevin stein
  9. Lowering the Pfalz D.III guns

    would require rebuilding the LOD (model) in 3d max btw, the DAT members don't or can't get here to CA, so you might want to post the question/request over at Capun's site, where it'll be seen wrench kevin stein
  10. CRAP!! I KNEW I'd seen the right skin somewhere...C5s is the only plance I didn't look!! well, glad you're back up and running at least! wrench kevin stein
  11. Then you might want to have a browse in the Downloads Department; there's a whole section devoted to "Pilot Mods". In particular, I direct you to this file pak: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=8218 Russian Pilots, 1960s-1980s wrench kevin stein
  12. Damn straight, bubba!! btw, there's a screwup in the targets. ini I sent you ...the airfield data ini callout don't match the runway lods. Meaning: for Runway6, it's calling for the airfield1_data.ini. A simple text edit to make sure the dataini matchs the runway name (change 1 to 6) I've reworked the sea/land/river tiles for the Winter terrain, but the water (ie: BNwater.tga) color dont match the sea/land transitons, so they'll all need new "ocean" sections. I also got the "4 Seasons" to work (weeelll, 3 seasons using the spring/summmer tiles as spring, summer and fall, and the winter as the 4th season. So, the terrain can use both sets in one terrain folder. wrench kevin stein
  13. Cool! If you look in the background of the terrain, you can see the "square" green river tiles surrounded by snow. YECH!!! I'll probably remove that background pic, and just use the 'stockish' blue/gray background, and add some light drop shadows to the aircraft I DO have the BN series tiles texture list, so it IS possible to rerun this through the SF TE (and NOT the WOV/E/I, as this was built with the SF version) and straighten out the obivous glitches, and converting the river tga to snow isn't thathard; it just finding the time. Adding the lines for 08/SF2 level 4 seasons might not be that difficult either (see ANW terrain) I did take the plunge, and updated the install to 08 ... watch out on the Pit1 lods; they've got an odd stretched shadow. You might need to extract the Pit1.ini from the terrain cat, put it the Korea terrain folder, and REMOVE the callout for the shadow. Strangly, the Pit*.lods don't have this problem. hope you feel better! wrench kevin stein
  14. check my ww2 north africa upgrade; it should be in there, as well as Gepards Midway and maybe in his Battle of Britan terrains. If not, I'll PM it to you, if you want wrench kevin stein
  15. This list has been in the Knowledge Base for some time, and I thought in light of the instrest in WW2 era aircraft, vehicles, ships, and whatnot, that it should also be listed here, therby making it easier to find. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == WHERE TO GET THEM: == CombatAce: http://www.combatace.com **start here first, for most things!!** AvSim: http://www.avsim.com/ *note: may still be rebuilding their database after the hack of 8/09* Geo's Eastern Aircraft Div, SF Page: http://www.geos-aircraft.com/ Major Lee's Aerodrome: -off line- Wrench's Toolbox: http://wrench1smog.com/index.html Dev A-Team: DAT Index/Forum & Files Policy Statement *note: DAT items are 'member-ware'. You'll need to sign up for them. Follow the link above for more information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This list ONLY covers Post WW 1 aircraft. The dates are listed at the beginning of each section. Also included are several of the "What If..." SWOTL2/SWOTP aircraft from both Allied and Axis side, and several post-war mods of existing aircraft. Several 'country specific mods' created from existing US aircraft for Allied usage are shown as well. Where sub-variants exist, created as 'stand alone' mods, they are listed as well. The use of the question mark (?) indicates aircraft seen at one time as WIPs, but that have not materalized. US Aircraft 1919 to 1947 : Bombers Keystone Series Bombers- Martin B-10 - WIP Douglas B-18 Bolo- Boeing B-17D - WIP by DAT Boeing B-17F Flying Fortress - Released Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress - Released Consolidated B-24D Liberatror - Released Consolidated B-24J Liberator - Released North American B-25B Mitchell - Released North American B-25H Mitchell - Released North American B-25J Mitchell - Released Martin B-26 Maruder - ? (once seen as a WIP) Boeing B-29 Superfortress - Released Northrup B-35 Flying Wing (Prop)- Released Convair B-36 Peacemaker- Released Boeing B-29B Superfortress - Released Boeing B-50 Superfortress - Fighters Boeing PW-9 - WIP Boeing FB-2 - Boeing FB-5 - Boeing FB-7 Curtis F8C Falcon - Curtis FC - Curtis F7C Seahawk- Curtis BFC2 Goshawk - Released Curtis P-1 Hawk Curtis P-6 Hawk - WIP Boeing P-12- Boeing F4B- Vought VE-7- Brewster F2A Buffalo - Released Curtiss-Wright CW-21- Gruman FF-1 Fifi - Grumman F2F - Grmann F3F - ? (once seen as a WIP) Curtis F9C Sparrowhawk - Boeing P-26 Peashooter - Released Seversky P-35 - Released Curtis P-36 Mohawk - Released Curtis P-40B/C/E - Released (B in Wolf's Pak, E by DAT) Bell Aircraft P-39 Airacobra - Released Bell Aircraft P-400 Airacorba - Released (mod of P-39, export version) Lockheed P-38E/F/H/J/L Lighting - Released Republic P-43 Lancer - Released Republic P-47D Thunderbolt - Released (Wolf's; both Razorback and Bubble top) Republic P-47N Thunderbolt - Released (by russoUK) Grumman F4F-3 (mod of -4) - Released Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat - Released Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat - Released Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat - Released (mod of -3) Grumman F6F-5N Hellcat Nightfigher - Released (mod of -3) Grumman F8F Bearcat - Released Grumman F7F Tigercat - Released (Hellcat/Bearcat/Tigercat by Geo) Vought F4U-1/-1C/-1D Corsair - Released Vought F4U-2 Nightfigher - Released (mod of -1C) Vought F4U-4 - relased, mod of either Wolf's or TMF. note: TMF HAS a -4 Vought AU-1 - released Goodyear F2G Super Corsair- North American P-51A/B/C/D Mustang - Released North American P-86A - Released (both a 'stand in' version and an actual one) Bell Aircraft P-59 Airacomet - Bell Aircraft P-63 Kingcobra - North American P-82 Twin Mustang - Released Lockheed P-80A Shooting Star - Released (mod of P-80C) Northrup P-61 Black Widow - Released (A & B models) Douglas P-70 Havoc - Released Cutiss P-55 Ascender - Released Northrup P-56 Black Bullet - Released Republic P-72 SuperThunderbolt (?) - WIP McDonnell FH-1 Phantom - Released (late Beta, DAT) Attack aircraft: Douglas DT - Vought SBU Corsair - Curtis SBC Helldiver - Curtis A-12 Shrike - WIP Douglas A-20A Havoc - Released (mod of A-20C; 2 variants-standard bomber and early war strafer conversion) Douglas A-20C Havoc - Released Douglas A-20G Havoc - Released Douglas A-20J Havoc - WIP Martin Maryland - Vought SB2U Vindicator - (horrible 'stand in' available by some crazy guy <grin>) Douglas TBD Devastor - Released a Beta version (DAT) Northrup BT-1 - Douglas SBD Dauntless - Released (-5 late war variant available too) Doutlas A-24 Banshee - Released (USAAF, mod of SBD) Douglas BT2D Dauntless II - Released Douglas A-26 Invader - Released North American A-36 Apache - Released {mod of P-51A} Grumman AF Guardian - Martin AM-1 Mauler - Grumman TBF Avenger - Released General Motors TBM Avenger - Released Curtis SB2C Helldiver - Patrol/Recon/Other: Martin PBM Mariner - Consolidated PBY Catalina - Released Consolidated PB2Y Corondo - Consolidated PB4Y-1 Liberator - Released (mod of B-24J) Consolidated PB4Y-2 Privateer Lockheed Hudson - Released Lockheed PV-1 Ventura - Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon - Lockheed P2H Neptune - Released, also another is WIP by Blackfly OS2U Kingfisher - SOC Seagull - Taylorcraft L-2 Grasshopper - Grumman JRF-1 Goose - Grumman J2F Duck - Stinson L-13 - North American AT-6/SNJ - Released RAF/RN/Commonwealth Aircraft from 1920 to 1947: Fighters and Fighter Bombers: Westland Wyvern - Released Fairey Firefly - Released as a beta Armstrong Whitworth Siskin- Bristol Bulldog - WIP Fairey Flycatcher- Fairey Fox - Gloster Gamecock- Gloster Gauntlet - Release (FE only) Hawker Woodcock- Blackburn Roc- Bolton-Paul Defiant - WIP Bristol Beaufighter - Released (MANY variants!) Bristol Blenheim 1F - Released Gloster Gladiator - Hawker Fury - WIP Hawker Nimrod - Hawker Hurricane - Released (many varainats) Hawker Sea Hurricane - Released Supermarine Spitfire - Released (many variants) Westland Whirlwind - Released Blackburn Firebrand - de Havilland Hornet - de Havilland Vampire - Released (several variants) de Havilland Venom - Released Fairey Fulmar - Gloster Meteor - Released (many variants) Grumman Martlet - Released (mod of F4F-3) Grumman Tarpon (TBM-3) - Released Hawker Sea Fury - Released Hawker Tempest - Released Hawker Tornado - Hawker Typhoon - Released Supermarine Seafire - Released Hawker Osprey - WIP Vought Corsair Mk.II/IV - Released (mod of F4U-1) NAA Mustang I/IA (P-51A mod) - Released NAA Mustang III (w and w/o Malcom Hood) - Released CAC Boomerang Mk I - Released Supermarine FloatFire - Released (Beta+) Bombers: Blackburn Baffin - Released Avro Aldershot - Blackburn Ripon - WIP (mod of Baffin?) Fairey Gordon- Handley Page Hinaidi- Hawker Hart - Vickers Vildebeest - Vickers Virginia - Westland Wapiti - Armstrong Whitworth Whitley - Avro Manchester - Fairey Swordfish - WIP Blackburn Skua - Blackburn Shark - Bristol Blenheim Mk.1 - Released Douglas Boston Mk.III - Released Douglas Boston Mk. IV -WIP Bristol Beaufort - Released Fairey Albacore - WIP (DAT) Fairey Battle - Released Handley Page Halifax - Released Handley Page Hampden - Handley Page Heyford - Martin Baltimore - Short Stirling - Released Vickers Wellington - Released Fairey Hendon - Hawker Hind - Vickers Wellesley - Avro Lancaster - Released Avro Lincoln - Released (in DATs 'Wings Over Timor' mod) De Havilland Mosquito - Released (several variants) Fairey Barracuda - CAC Wirraway Mk I - Released Patrol Short Singapore - Short Sunderland - WIP Supermarine Walrus - Supermarine Sea Otter - Avro Anson - French Aircraft 1919 to 1947: Breguet 19 - Bloch MB.150 - Blériot S.510 - Caudron C.714 - Curtiss Hawk H-75A - Released (mod of P-36) Dewoitine D.510 - Dewoitine D.520 - Released Douglas DB-7A - Released (mod of A-20C) Morane-Saulnier M.S.406 - once seen as a WIP Nieuport Ni-52 - Potez 630 - released Amiot 120 - Bloch MB.170 - Bloch MB.131 - Amiot 143 - Amiot 354 - Bloch MB.200- Bloch MB.210 - Released (in DATs "Spanish Civil War Mod") Breguet 693 Farman F.222 - Lioré et Olivier LeO 451 - Soviet/Russian Aircraft from 1919 to 1947: Fighters: Grigorovich I-2 Tupolev I-4 Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Goudkov LaGG-1 Polikarpov R-Z - Released Polikarpov I-15 - Released Polikarpov I-16 - Released Polikarpov I-5 Polikarpov I-153 - Released Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Goudkov LaGG-3 Lavochkin La-5 - WIP by DAT Lavochkin La-7 - Released Lavochkin La-11 - Released Lavochkin La-9 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-1 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3 - Released Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-9 - Released Yakovlev Yak-1 Yakovlev Yak-3 - Released Yakovlev Yak-9 - Released Yakovlev Yak-15 - Released Yakovlev Yak-17 - Su-9 (1947) - Released (mod of Me-262) Attack and Bomber: Ilyushin Il-2 - Released Ilyushin Il-10 - Sukhoi Su-2- Tupolev TB-1 Ilyushin DB-3 Ilyushin Il-4 Petlyakov Pe-2 - Released Tupolev SB - Released Tupolev TB-3 Petlyakov Pe-8 Tupolev Tu-4 - Released Yakovlev Yak-4 Other Allied Aircraft from 1919 to 1947: PZL P.11c Curtiss Hawk 75A KLU/NEI - Released (mod of P-36) Fokker D XXI - Released Brewsert B-339D (KLU/NEI Buffalo) - Released Luftwaffe Aircraft 1919 to 1947: Fighters and Fighter Bombers: Arado Ar-64 Arado Ar-65 Arado Ar-67 Arado Ar-234B NJ - Released Arado Ar-296 - Released ("What If..." mod of B6N Jill for KM usage) Heinkel He-51 - WIP Heinkel He-100 - Messerschmitt Bf-109B - Released Messerschmitt Bf-109D - Messerschmitt Bf-109E-3 - Released Messerschmitt Bf-109E-7 Trop - Released (but not full trop, as it lacks the dust filter) Messerschmitt Bf-109F4 - Released Messerschmitt Bf-109G6 - Released (mod of 109F) Messerschmitt Bf-109G10 - Released Messerschmitt Bf-109G10 'Wilde Sau' - Released (mod of 190G10) Messerschmitt Bf-190T2 - WIP (mod of 109E, KM carrier based, has wrong wing shape/lack spoilers) Messerschmitt Bf-109T10 - Released (KM carrier based 'what if' mod of 109G10) Messerschmitt Bf-110 - Released (several variants) Focke-Wulf Fw-190A - Released Focke-Wulf Fw-190AT - Released (KM carrier based 'what if mod of 190A) Focke-Wulf Fw-190A8/R2 'Wilde Sau' - Released (mod of 190A) Focke-Wulf Fw-190A8/R8 'Strumbok' - Released (mod of 190A) Focke-Wulf Fw-190F - Released (mod of 190A) Focke-Wulf Fw-190D - Released Focke-Wulf Fw-500 'Kugelblitz' Flying Disc - Released ('what if' SWOTL mod of AvroCar) Dornier Do-335 - Released Dornier Do-335B - Released Focke-Wulf Ta-152 - Released Focke-Wulf Ta-154 - WIP Heinkel He-162 - Released Heinkel He-219 - Released Messerschmitt Me-163 - Released Messerschmitt Me-262 - Released Messerschmitt Me-262B NJ - Released Messerschmitt Me-262A2U4 - Released Messerschmitt Me-410 series - Released (several variants) Ta-183A - Released FW P.II - Released Ho 229 - Released (newer updated production model) Hs P.75 - Released Attack, Bomber, Recon & Transport Aircraft Arado Ar-95 - WIP Arado Ar-196 - Released Dornier Do-17 - Released Heinkel He-111 - Released Heinkel He-59 - Heinkel He-115 - Heinkel He-50 - Junkers Ju-52 - Released (transport/bomber versions) Junkers Ju-86 - Junkers Ju-87B - Released (pasko) Junkers Ju-87D - Released? (DAT) Junkers Ju-87G-1 - Released Junkers Ju-87T - Released (carrier based 'What If' version, mod of standard Stuka) Junkers Ju-88 - Released (several variants) Arado Ar-234B - Released Arado Ar-234C - Released Dornier Do-217 - Heinkel He-177 - WIP Junkers Ju-188 - Released Junkers Ju-290 - Focke-Wulf Fw-200 - Released Henschel Hs-129 - Released Henschel Hs-123 - EF-132 - Released Ta-183B Jabo - Released Italian Aircraft 1919 to 1945: Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 - Released Savoia-Marchetti SM.81- Fiat BR.20 - Released Fiat CR.32 - Released (in DATs "Spainish Civil War Mod") Fiat CR.42 - Released Fiat G.50 - Fiat G.55 - Released Macchi MC.200 - Released Macchi MC.202 - Released Macchi MC.205 - Released Piaggio P.108 - Released Panelli CR.41 - Released ("faux" plane by hinchbrook) Reggiane Re.2000 - Released Reggiane Re.2001 Ariete - Released Reggiane Re.2002 - Released Japanese Empire Aircraft from 1919 to 1945: Nakajima A4N- Mitsubishi A5M Claude - Released Kawasaki Ki-10 Perry- Nakajima Ki-27 Nate - Released Nakajima Ki-43 Oscar - Released (Note: there are 2 versions! AD & Wolf257) Nakajima Ki-43I Oscar - Released (mod of Wolf's Ki-43) Nakajima Ki-43IIb Oscar - Released (mod of Wolf's Ki-43) Kawasaki Ki-45A Nick - Released Kawasaki Ki-45C Nick - Released Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero - Released Mitsubishi A6M5 Zeke - Released Mitsubishi A6M7 Zeke -Released (mod of A6M5) Nakajima J1N Irving- Mitsubishi J2M Jack - Nakajima Ki-44 Tojo - Released Kawasaki Ki-61 Tony - Released (also, several variants) Nakajima Ki-84 Frank - Released Kawasaki Ki-100 Tony - Released Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka Baka- WIP Mitsubishi B5M Kate 61 Nakajima B5N Kate - Released Aichi D1A- Aichi D3A Val - Released Mitsubishi G4M Betty - Released (2 variants) Kawasaki Ki-32 Mary - Nakajima B6N Jill - Released Aichi B7A Grace - Yokosuka D4Y Judy - Released Nakajima G8N Rita - stand in (C-130 mod) Mitsubishi Ki-67 Peggy Yokosuka P1Y Frances Kawanishi N1K1 Rex - Released Kawanishi N1K2-J George - Released Kawanishi H6K Mavis - Kawanishi H8K Emily - Mitsubishi F1M Pete - Mitsubishi Ki-46 Dianh - Released Nakajima C6N Myrt - Kawasaki Ki-48 Lily - Released Kawasaki Ki-57 Topsy - Released J8M Shusui - Released (mod of Me-163) Ki-201 Karyu - Released (mod of Me-262) Aichi E13A Jake - Released (stand in, based on DATs Ar-196) Nakajima A6M2-N Rufe - Released (2 variants, early & late skinned) Mitsubishi Ki-109 ('what if' production version, IJAAF Bf-109E-4) - WIP Other Axis & Partner Aircraft from 1939 to 1945: Curtiss Hawk 75A Vichy French - Released (mod of P-36) Douglas DB-7 (mod of A-20C) I.A.R 80A - Released Avia S-99 - Released (placeholder mod of Bf-109G10) Avia S-92 - Released (mod of Me-262) --------------------------------------- Enjoy! Wrench kevin stein
  16. Weapons Pak: Another thing I forgot to mention! Avaliable here, albeit at the 06 patch level, is a WW2 Weapons Pak. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=8495 There might be a few items missing, and some that are out of the general year range I was shooting for (pun intended!), but it covers approximately 1930-1955. Gundata ini and gundata dat are included. It's also easily updated to 08 and SF2 levels, for use in a stand alone SF2 WW2 style install. Follow the instrucions for the SF2 Weapons and Gun editor to update them Wrench kevin stein
  17. Well, since it's using the Luftwaffe 20mm MGFF, I'd reccomend the WW2 weapons pak, as it includes ALL the relevant guns and weapons: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=8495 wrench kevin stein
  18. ok, then, I'll get it zipped up and posted to my site. I'll put the link in this thread, probably later tonight or tommorrow. Got GREAT profiles and pictures of ALL users of the Neptune I even have this really crappy, really old!! Hangar Screen I made for a long time ago.... wrench kevin stein
  19. Mine's been working in SF2 since day one!!! (I'd also reccomend the US_90mmAA -the latest has built in radar-, the Bofors gun and TMFs Chapparels) It's like any other "vehicle" (ok, in this case MOBILE_AAA), just drop it into the GroundObjects folder. What problem are you having with it??? First, make sure the M-42.ini is updated to 'generic' 08 levels, with the additional lines: this is mine: I tweeked to add a shadow. since it uses a farily standard gun, 40mm_L60, that should exist in even stock Gundata.ini (well, 1st Gen anyway), that shouldn't cause any problems I also modded the years: see if that helps some! wrench kevin stein EDIT: forgot to mentions, the British 3.7 inch, and 3.7inch Emplaced guns, from the WW2 installs
  20. -Selecting the Proper CAT file to use: It seems that this issue is cropping up more often, in particular with older terrains, or those that are missing a proper readme with the necessary instructions for use (or folks just simply NOT reading a supplied readme!!) These instructions are 100% valid in ALL versions/iterations of 3rd Wire sims. It matters not if it's 1st Gen or NextGen (SF2 series) or even First Eagles, although FE and WoI are special cases, and will be covered later. It should be noted, however, for 1st Gen Sims, it's a real good idea that you have ALL the terrain folders installed to which ever version of the game you're using. As most everyone (for the original series) has them all already, it's a simple matter to copy the Desert and VietnamSEA into WoE, or vice versa for SF or WoE (adding Desert and GermanyCE to WoV, fer instance). What exactly IS this magical "Cat Pointer Line?" Basically, what this does, is point the Game Engine ™ to an preexisting terrain cataloge (or "cat" file) that contains all the necessary terrain objects that are needed for 3rd Party or Add-On terrains. These are the usual suspects like the airfield runways, all the buildings, terrain tiles, etc and so forth. The Original 3 ™ Terrains are: Desert in SF/SFG/SF2 VietnamSEA in WoV/SF2:V GermanyCE in WoE/SF2:E In the example below, taken from the readme from my America Southwest Terrain, explains HOW to make the necessary adjustments to point to an available cat. Now, mind you, in 1st Gen Sims, this is ONLY for SF/WoV/WoE. WoI, while having some of the same terrain objects, has some slightly major differences, and is NOT reccomended for use, unless the terrain is question is propose-built to USE the items in the IsrealME.cat (the only terrain I know of that is so designed is Gepard's Afghanistan terrain). Another, is the Vogesen terrain for First Eagles; it also needs to stock FE terrain cats to work. Let me repeat that.... Almost all existing add-on terrains are desinged for use ONLY with one of the Original 3 Stock Terrains But for right now, lets leave FE and WoI for later, as mentioned above, they're "special cases". So, lets take a look at the ASW.ini..... -------------- quoted directly from the ASW readme: As you can see in the example below, copied directly from the ASW.ini, all the needed cat pointer lines are listed, just not activated.... [Terrain] TerrainFullName=American South West DataFile=ASW_data.INI TargetFile=ASW_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=ASW_types.INI MovementFile=ASW_movement.INI NationsFile=ASW_nations.INI BriefingText=ASW_briefing.INI DogfightFile=ASW_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE //CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat <--- CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat <--- //CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat <--- Longitude=97.0 Latitude=27.0 You'll note the commented out lines for SF's Desert.cat, and WoV's VietnamSEA.cat. You just simply 'uncomment' them - remove the double slashes (//), and add them to the Desert line. It should look like the examples below: For SF (and probably SF2, although I'm not quite sure): CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat //CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat //CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat Same thing for WoV users, but using the Vietnam cat: //CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat //CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat ------------ You can see I've indicated the Original 3 terrain cats, and given instruction on how to select which ever one is needed for the game to which YOU'VE installed the terrain. It's really very simple; which is the main reason I always included all three cat pointers. The End User ™ simply makes a few keystrokes, and VIOLA! the terrain works in what game is chosen. =Special Cases: WoI and First Eagles= One can easily add 3rd Party terrains to these games (a perfect example is my upgrade of Gepard's Isreal2 for WoI, BUT it does REQUIRE one of the stock terrains be present in the WoI /Terrain folder for the cat 'reach around') Let me say that again: you can add any terrain to these to games, as long as one of the Original 3 terrain folders is present in that particular (FE/WoI) game install. This was discussed in the FE forums a year or two ago. So, you want to fly that SPAD or Alabtross over Palestine? No problem, just copy/paste the relevant terran folders -in their entirety- to FE's /Terrain folder, and adjust the cat pointer line as needed. In the example mentioned above, you'll copy the Isreal2 (or better yet, the recently released WW2 Palestine mod as it's closer to the WW1 feel, although you'll have edit out some GroundObjects) into FE, followed by SF's Desert terrain folder, or WoE's GermanyCE terrain folder. In the case of Wings Over Isreal, I can't stress enough the importance of having either -or both is MUCH better- the SF Desert terrain AND WoE's GermanyCE terrain folder in WoI's /Terrain folder. This simplifies things so much, you almost wouldn't believe. One can also go the other way, at least in the case of 08 Patch Level SF/SFG/WoV/WoE, and add the IsrealME terrain to those games, just to have the terrain present for fun single missions. The most important thing to remember is: 90% plus of all add on terrains are designed and built for use with the Original Stock 3 Terrains, and they MUST be present in the terrain folder of the game you're using. Comments? Questions? Elaborations? Post them in the Mods/Skinning Forum, and we'll address them!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  21. Oh, I hope so. I'd alos like to see the earlier versions for Korean era. I have the "Warpaint" on the Neptune of pdf if anyone wants it (skinners and other modders and such) wrench kevin stein
  22. Dude, reREAD his post; it's for 1st Gen WoE. Look at the statment about the terrain ... he's missing the airfields. Patching the install will NOT fix a misplaced or missing cat pointer line, which is what the problem is. Nor will tweeking an aircraft's data ini. It may, however, fix the CTD with the Tiffy pit, as there's some stuff in there that requires the 08 patch and it's modified avionics70.dll To the terrain issue at hand.... Open the Norway.ini. If it dosen't look this this one below, add the 3 lines I've indicated [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Norway DataFile=Norway_data.INI TargetFile=Norway_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=Norway_types.INI MovementFile=Norway_movement.INI NationsFile=Norway_nations.INI BriefingText=Norway_briefing.INI DogfightFile=Norway_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE //CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.CAT CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.CAT //CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.CAT [Map] FilenameFormat=PLANNINGMAP%d.bmp Width=1000000.0 Height=1000000.0 NumZoomLevels=3 you can see the cat callout for the 3 main terrains. Right now, it's set up for WoE, to use the GermanayCE.cat. That'll fix the problem. looks like it's time to re-add the "Selecting the Proper Terrain Cat" instructions to the Knowledge Base, where noone will ever find them.....<sigh> As to the other cockpit issues, without further information, can't make a diagnosis and/or repair wrench kevin stein
  23. File Name: QF-100D Super Sabre Target Drone File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 28 Nov 2009 File Category: Fictional Aircraft, Experimental and UAV's NAA QF-100D Super Sabre Target Drone -For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE, and mabye SF2 Series Sims A modification of the stock F-100D Super Sabre, into the Target Drone as used (up) by the USAF. This is a semi complete mod, no aircraft lod is included as it uses the stock F-100D lods included in all games excepting WoI. If wanted for use in WoI, you'll need to extract the aircraft lods from any of the other sims, and drop them into the aircraft's main folder. All other parts are included. The cockpit has been extensivly modified by using the "moves" pioneered by ArmorDave, and greatly expanded upon by Lexx_Luthor. These moves remove the gunsight, armament panels and other items associated with weapons/weapons controls. The data ini has been edited to add the 08/SF2 advanced AI sections; but ALL weapons have been removed. This aircraft can carry NOTHING other than the drop tanks. Using the AI sections assures it will act in an 'aggressive' manner when confronting Blue Forces. The aircraft has been "nationalized" as Soviet, to doubly assure this. So, don't be surprised with seeing them parked on Red Force airfield ramps. The pilot figure has also been edited out, but the seat remains, which is correct, as these aircraft were STILL human flyable. The skin supplied herein, whilst highly innaccurate, is based off the original natural metal. In reality, all QF-100s were left painted in their SEA camo, with the addition of hi-viz International Orange markings. I just couldn't quite figure out the exact placements for the Orange on the wings, so didn't bother with the camo skin (even on this skin it's not quite right). I welcome Skinners to create a historically correct one. The decals ini has been edited to only show the aircraft serial numbers; again this is innaccurate, but like the skin itself made for a quick and dirty mod. It has been tested in an 08 patch level install of WoE. It should work just as well in SF2 'NextGens', but I've not tested that. Some adjustments may be necessary. As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. This mod is dedicated to Delta6Actual, who came up with the idea, but who's computer 'went west'. Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  24. I think I mentioned it should have the SEA camo, but I really was just too lazy to try and figure out the wing mapping. I also forgot to mention in the readme, you need FastCargo's FakePilot installed, but hopefully most people already have it somewhere's in one or another install. EricJ, if you want, can you post the SF2 fixes here in this thread for the NextGenners??? thanks! wrench kevin stein
  25. Taz, did you get the file? Let me know so I can pull it off my site, and reopen some space. --- I am like this --><-- close to patching my damn 06 Korea install up to 08 levels ... just some of the damn prop jobs will be "just a little bit off" (corsairs/mustangs, B-26, B-29 and a few others...) but man, that winter tileset is seriously fouled up!!! (mind you, this is the tileset from 2003, but it's missing the winter river tiles!!) Hows' this for a new mainscreen?? wrench kevin stein

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