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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I take it you were editing the old Bunyap Pak??? Try this: rename the MissileObject.ini to xMissileObject.ini, and retest. I had that very same problem once, and think that was the fix. wrench kevin stein
  2. Eject, go into "Your Profile". There should be a tab/hyperlink for "Manage My Attachments". You can then delete any unwanted pictures, files, etc. That should clear out the space so you can upload new ones. There's also The GAllery here, where you can upload pics, You'd then just need to copy/paste the URL for the pic into a post. -------- Another way to remove them, which unfortunatley removes all the trees, is just delete the MOD -the tile bmps, tgas, tods, and reextract the stock data ini from the GermanyCE.cat (or just leave it there once you delete the 'new' one). Basicaly, you'd empty out the GermanyCE terrain folder, leaving ONLY the GermanyCE.ini and GermanyCE.cat. That'll return the terrain to a stock, pristine state, and you can start fresh. Of course, if you've added any terrain objects, new airfields, buildings and etcs, you'd proably want to back up the GermanyCE_Targets.ini and GermanyCE_Types.inis to be safe. Then add the mod over. See if the heads return to the cows. If not, there's something very wrong with the computer or the game install itself. Converting a tga to bmp won't work, as the TOD alpha items (cows, power lines, signs, etc) have to be tgas. One could, if one has GIMP or Photoshop, just repaint the cows a color that turnst them into a rock or other feature, but I'd not reccomend that. wrench kevin stein
  3. Just some mods I'm trying to finish off, after languishing for over 2 1/2 years.... Upgrading the orignal to a production "A" variant for later 40s/Korea, new D model (seen here), EB-49C Elint/SigInt/AWAC variant (still being worked on -no screenie yet). And of course, the RAF Viking Mk3 ("the other V-Bomber), also being reworked these are of the D model, circa 1961 in natual metal/anti-flash white, and then is SouthEast Asia, circa 1966. Don't know why that one is off centered... The fin is the ONLY place to put the damn SAC badge! You can see the upper/mid and lower center turrets have been removed, and that odd looking thing on top is a decal representing the A/R slipway doors. Only way to make it work. SAC is BACK!! At least in Jack Northrop's "What If...Flying Wing World" wrench kevin stein
  4. The "A" model is pretty much as the DAT released it, FM and engine-wise, with the J35s. It mostly gets new decals, adjusted loadouts (moved the bombays around so they show as seperate dots on the loadout screen, from right to left, as opposed to up/down), added seats for ALL versions, removed the bomb aimer figure, as he was sticking through the canopy -ie: use the fakepilot figure. The "D" gets J57s like the BUFF. Other tweeks to the bomb bays 'cheat' the length/width statements to allow M-117s to load. If you look at the bays when dropping, there's a little bit of clipping, due to the bombs being longer than the bays themselves. These small, WW2 style bays would have been a real issue on the Real Aircraft ™ as well. So I cheated a little. I"m not really happy with the center external pylon, but it does give some more convention bombs; just need to find a Hounddog for testing to see if THAT fits under when sitting on the ground. The only other issue I'm having is my home-grown Mk.13A 30kt nuke, using the WW2 2000# shape. Assuming these short bays on produciton A models, I 'forced' the folks at Sandia to create a smaller bomb to fit, in difference to those as carried by the B-29/B-50 and B-36s; which were HUGE even for fission devices. But the damn nuke effect isn't working!!! So I know I did something wrong there. Probably releae 'as is', and let a real Weaponeer fix it! wrench kevin stein
  5. EXACTLY my point!!! Thank you Sony!!! Although, as a decal on each rudder side, it SHOULD work with the lettering being correct. I know on the skin bmp, the lettering is reversed, as it "wraps" from (i think this may be corrct), from the inside out. The decal, sitting on top of skin, should be ok, with right/left facing. I don't have time to test this in actuality, but others I've done worked on (albeit not on Mirages). Of course, a 'horizontal flip' may keep the lettering readable...again, haven't tested. oh, and while I have you here, I've got 2 or 3 TMF Mirage/Kfir mods I've been working on for Central America; just want to know that whenever I get finished with them, I can upload the entire aircraft, lod, cockpit and all???. Thanks! Stratos: Just reuse the pre-exiting skin!! You also need to make up your mind WHICH Mirage you're building this off...obviously it's for 1st Gen, so for fraks sake, USE what's already available. You can't go wrong with TMF Products, so save your money. The red striping (nose/wings/whatevers) you seem to be looking for is avaliable not only on the 'artios' skin but the 'alpes', from the original release. You just have to look around, all your answers are in front of you. It's called "repurposing", and nobody seems to mind (well, expect maybe Stiglr, and he aint around no more) Download and read TK Decals Creation Turorial; it's here somplace, probbaly in the 'utilities' section, or 3rdWire site. spend some time a SimmersPaintShop, read their skinning tuts, expecially for rivet/panel line creation I can do no more than point you in the right direction, and get you started wrench kevin stein
  6. s**t, my ass there ain't enough!!! Practically went frakking blind laying out hundreds of AAA sites, singly and batteries. Read thruogh the targets.ini, and you'll see them listed! make sure you're playing with "Heavy" or whatever the maximum amount of enemy units there is. have you run across any of the T-55 Bridglayers in a Armed_Recon mission? If not, you're in for a little surprise.... wrench kevin stein
  7. OK, now you're just confusing the issue.... Aren't you using the TMF version?? What does WoI's IIICJ's have to do with this??? If you're doing it that way, perhaps extracting the MirIII skins from SF2:E would be more to the point, as 3rdWire stuff is ALSO pretty much mapped identically. Albeit you can't use the aircraft LOD in 1stGen sims.... here's the rudder flag, taken right off the 'artios' skin. Took me less than a minute to pull it off the skin bmp. Convert it to a decal, have your facing LEFT and RIGHT for the respective sides, and that should work. Even has the rivet and panel lines already in. wrench kevin stein
  8. Actually, Fubar is wrong, in this respect. It's not the rabbi that "does the deed", but the 'moil' (sp?). Specially trained, IIRC, maybe ex-diamond cutters??? for the needed prescision. Having been the recipent....well, lets just leave it there.... wrench kevin stein
  9. Yes, it will change the numbering. But the good news is, as you're deleting them FROM the Weapons Editor panel, it'll automatically renumber when you hit "Save", and it generates the weaponsdata.dat (for 1st gen sims) I've done this numerous times, to clean out some unnecessary items and there's no problems It's my understanding that in NextGens, you probably just delete the weapons folder, as each weapon has it's OWN data ini. Haven't had to do that yet, as I can't comment on it wrench kevin stein
  10. Did the weapons pak come with an "AircraftObject.ini" that predates the execuatable and/or patch level of the game??? If so, delete or rename it http://forum.combatace.com/topic/32892-controls-not-working-andor-mapped-oddly/ wrench kevin stein
  11. Take a look inside a decals ini, you'll probably find this statement: (Sabre would be a good example) [Decal001] MeshName=Fuselage DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=Insignia Position=-1.727,-0.014 Rotation=0.0 Scale=1.5 DecalMaxLOD=4 this gives a "square" mounting (meaning, straight to fore/aft and left/right lines) [Decal008] MeshName=LeftWing DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=BOTTOM FilenameFormat=NationName Position=-3.5,-0.541 Rotation=-28.0 Scale=2.5 DecalMaxLOD=4 [Decal009] MeshName=RightOuterWing DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=NationName Position=2.9,-0.355 Rotation=-28.0 Scale=2.5 DecalMaxLOD=3 these will (more or less) follow the wing sweep. For a slanted rudder decal, one needs to figure out the angles, and right and left will be different. One wil have a minus number (-28, fer instance), and one will be positive (28). Using a decal, however, WILL loose you the panel and rivet lines. It's simpler to just paint them on rudder (3Ederive.bmp on TMFs MirIII). Of course, that means redrawing panel and rivet lines (ie: create new layer on original bmp, draw them in, fade to match originals, save as psd, THEN save as bmp). I've done it, and it ain't that hard. Take a look at the "artois" skin for the IIIE, it's a natural metal with the stripes painted on the rudder. The manufacture's markings are on ALL TMFs mirage skins* ... take another look at the "artois" skin mentioned above. EDIT: correction, all the Natural Metal skins have the markings. Some camo's don't. You REALLY are making things WAAAAAYYYYY to hard for yourself!! HINT: all TMF mirages are pretty much mappped identically. Small differences? Sure. But nothing that can't be overcome with mulitple layers and the eraser tool. And a rename wrench kevin stein
  12. Could be Stary's "Forest & Fields" mod they're built into the TODs for each of the tiles. You could remove the references in the germanyce.data.ini that pertain to the TOD alpha objects: [Texture001] Filename=germanyG1.BMP HasWater=0 Color=0.315639,0.372233,0.266439 SolidObjectTexture=terobject_buildings1.bmp AlphaObjectTexture=terobject_trees1.tga <--- but you'd loose all said alpha objects; trees, power lines, cows, road signs, etc or rename the TODs to x*****.tod, where **** is the name of the tile, but then you'd loose all the trees and buildings. or just delete the mod. Personally, sounds like something's not right in the install, I've never experienced any scaling issues ever wrench kevin stein edit: of course, they could be mutants, ala 1950s Sci-Fi films; giagantism caused by exposure to radiation
  13. Armor Classes: WOOD GLASS ALLUMINIUM STEEL TITANIUM Adding armor, iirc, does NOT affect aircraft performance, Meaning, (again, iirc) the Game Engine ™ dosen't "see" the additional weight. as to upper limits, I'd guess that with all things 3rd Wire, it's probably 9999.9. Take a look at the various battleships data ini, or it particular the Abrams from the ODS mod ... I know for a fact it was given TITANIUM (as we don't have CHOBHAM as a selection), and it take 3-4 direct hits from a T-72 to kill one There used to be a comparison chart, either here or at the 3rd Wire site that gave comparative thickness; meaning: A mm of Wood is equal to B mm of Glass, C mm of Glass is equal to D mm of Aluminium, E mm of Aliminium is equal to F mm of Steel, G mm of Steel in equal to H mm of Titainum. SWAG example, and not to taken literaly, just a sample exmaple: 30mm of Titanium would be equal to 3000mm of Wood. Of course, I don't remember if it's a log function or not (1x, 10x, 100x) guess I'll have to see if I can find that chart, and post it in the KB Also, do a search of the archives, I remember some lloooong years ago, this very discussion wrench kevin stein
  14. no, you need to ADD them to the data ini, in the [AircraftData] section, as below: With the visual result as seen in the attached screenie. This is nothing harder than the simplest text edit; a copy/paste. Just use the data I've highlighted, and all will be well. Now, the next question is, after all is said and done, will these various and sundry mods you've been working on be released to The Community? Be nice to see these available to everyone! wrench kevin stein
  15. It's so amazing to me that folks just don't bother looking..... My mods for the 17PF/PFU using one of the Fishbed pits have been up for a while ... they even work in SF2. Someone else as also modded the stock SF2E PF, with a pit and such. Ordway's Pits for the 17A/17F, well, there are 2 versions .. his original and my rebuild specifically for SF2 In the cockpit downloads section, whilst the 17PF, 17PF (SP-16) and PFU will most likely be found in the 'new aircraft' sections wrench kevin stein
  16. I have fully 08 updated MiG-15bis's (bisii?) for Soviet, North Korean and Egyptian AFs, -even with working canopies!!! (animation key)-, and Ordway's pit. They fly real nice in 08 level WoE and WoI. The Soviet and EAF version will need new 'woe-style' hangar screens, but other than that, they be ready. FM edits by Charles, from the Timor mod. wrench kevin stein
  17. dswan: as long as it's a seperate SF2 WW2 install...you'll have to 'execute' the SF2 gun editor, as these are in the old 1st Gen 06/08 format; ie: not with individual folders for EACH gun. Just like adding them for the first time in a 'modern' SF2 install, create a "Guns" folder --and I forget if the editor will create a main folder or just the subs- and run the SF2 gun editor. It'll do the rest. Now, if the editor creates a Guns folder, you'll just move the sub-folders UP one level into the main Guns folder. I'm working on an 08 level, folderized 08 WW2/Korea Era Pak, but don't expect anything for a loooooooooooooooong time to come wrench kevin stein
  18. easy enough to do .... take Russo's P-47N (or my F-47N 'what if' Korea repaint), get the templates -which are available here- paint the necessary bits on the cowl flaps/cowl leading edge, fin and wing tips, create the decals (the base positioning of which are to be found in the Korean Jug), and there you go. nothing to it. Be advised of some 'adverse issues' with the FM, and landing gear jounce/rebound in 08 level games (an issue I haven't resolved to my satisfaction for the FAN Jug, hence it's lack of release) wrench kevin stein
  19. Beauty! But what an 'odd' thing to have to add. Does adding _ok tell them game engine it's "OK" to remove this??? (sorry, I just had to do that!!) wrench kevin stein
  20. the 08 patch level is NOT, nor will it ever be, reccomended for WW2 installs until 350+ aircraft are brought up to speed. The WW2 Weapons Pak is also 06 level, and will need to be run through the 08 weapons editor to update it to match the rest of the game's exe and dlls. ------------------------------------ As to the CV issues, ezlead will have to answer those. My only comment would be the only YORKTOWN class carrier that I supplied with the Okinawa Terrain Upgrade Pak (well, the hack job from the really old one), was Enterprise6, as ENTERPRISE. All other Fleet Carriers should be CV-9 class, which are available ONLY from the DATs site. The CVEs and CVL supplied are the _T variety, and are not usable for take-offs and landings (addressed in the Okinawa Terrain Upgrad Readme). Fully operational ones are probably in my 'Central Pacific' terrain The 2 BPF carriers, Victorious and Formidiable, are fully operational (having usable flight decks), and should be totally interchangable, as they're the same COLUSSUS class carriers. Looking over the campaign data ini, you might want to switch the "SB2C" to SBD-5, as no Helldiver exists. I'm sure this'll cause some issue with playability. all things considerd, I'd delete everything -create a new 06 ONLY level install, reinstall all the PTO objects and terrains, and start fresh. Remember, too, ez said the campaign IS a Beta, so there's probably some bugs hiding in it somewheres. And, as discussed in the "WW2 Invasion of Japan Thread" in the PH Forum, you'll probably want to back up my orignal types and targets inis in the Okinawa terrain, as some changes were made to them wrench kevin stein
  21. There's only one size that's usalbe. Irregardless of monitor; 1024x768. After creating over 400 hangar and loading screens....this is something I DO know! wrench kevin stein
  22. Interesting.... note the "11" as used for aircraft name; the only time I've ever seen that is when the nation is incorrect in either the data ini or the nations ini. In reference to the guns question above, if one is adverse to using "enemy" guns on a friendly, you can always swap it out for the HISPANO_5 cannon, like used on Hurri's and Spits. wrench kevinstein
  23. Well, I fiddlized with it for about an hour last night, and all the obivous items (antena_ru, tacan -which is listed twice) didn't do anything. Every time I went in game after the edit, that cursed upper blade antena was sitting there, giving me the finger! Next would be the "un-obvious" things, like those named "objet". Do 'em one at a time and see when it disappers May have to wait and see if Sony weighs in with more info wrench kevin stein
  24. Stratos: absolutely! using the Bpao Remove Component Edit Technique (patent pending) ™ provided, of course, we can find the mesh name, a simple text edit. I can't seem to find my TMF Nesher, but on the BAF M.5, there's a listing in the OUT for vhf. Probably safe to assume that might be the blade antenna wrench kevin stein
  25. Wouldn't that actually be the Persian Gulf?? (and historically, those destined for Iran wound up in Isreal) IIRC, and I'll have to look at the skin, it might for the really old version by Team Viper. It won't work on the TMFs, it that's the case. wrench kevin stein EDIT: nope, that's TMFs mapping, so you might have installed it "off". Check for doublenested folder and the like

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