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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. look more like boulders or karst rocks from Brain/Stary's WoV jungle tgas. Rocks is good! wrench kevin stein
  2. Moved to a more appropriate Forum PLEASE do NOT post in the Knowledge BAse ... it's for anwers. Questions go here, in the regular Forums. Thank You!! ------------- to asnwer #1: those are considered "AI" (compter controled) aircraft. Most likely, as you didn't name them, they're the Red Air Birds ™ (meaning MiGs and Sukhoi and the bombers, for both sides) They need to be given a cockpit; that means a new cockpit folder, and the associated inis (what you called configs) for the cockpit, avionics where needed and what ever else they require to bring them up the Player Usable Status ™. There's a thread in the KB called "Making AI Planes Flyable" ... it makes for interetering reading. btw, all the MiGs are covered by cockpit mods in the downloads section. Now, the 21s are NOT SF2 specific; they were made for the Classic Series (hereinafter to be known as "TOS"), but work super well in the SF2 (hereinafter known as "NextGen") Look for Ordway's MiG Pits for the 17 and 19; there should be SF2 specific d/ls for them as well. As to adding Mods to NextGens, you're gonna have to read through MigBusters threads in the SF2 sections of the KB MUCH faster than rewriting here wrench kevin stein
  3. We still don't know what GAME you're trying to intall this too.... a little help here, please?? Also, its a REALLY bad idea to post your email addy on an open forum for personal security reasons. That's what we have PMs (private messaging) for. All weapons paks come with readmes.... btw, the last time I looked (like 5 minutes ago in the D/L section), TMF has never made a pak specific for WoV ... WoI and WoE, but not for Nam. so, we still need more information to help you out!! wrench kevin stein
  4. PLEASE do NOT post in the Knowledge Base... it's only for answers. Question go here in the regular Forums. ------------------------ Ok, what's missing from your question is EXACTLY which game you're installing the weapons pak too. If you're trying to add it to any of the "NextGen" series, that's completley different from The Original Series ™ And which Patch Level. If still using a TOS game, the 'adding weapons' is just as before. If the WepPak you're adding is PRE-08 patch level, you'll need to use the WoI-style (ie: 08 level weapons editor) to bring it up to speed. TMFs pak uses the game naming conventions as the stock weaponsdata ini, so you shouldn't have to do any adjusting on the aircraft themselves. All weapons pak COME with a weaponsdata.ini and weaponsdata.dat. At worst, you'll have to run it through the latest editor, as stated above. wrench kevin stein
  5. I take that's my "prop pit" in Monty's SPAD?? For the stock SF2:V one, try changing this line in the ]Fuselage[ and ]Nose[ sections, see what happens: ShowFromCockpit=FALSE to ShowFromCockpit=TRUE wrench kevin stein
  6. In hospital at the mo

    Not only that yummy hospitial food, but pinchable nurses, too*! Looks like you'll have to give up them Cuban cee-gars for a while, though!! get well soon dude, we'll be here waiting for you. wrench kevin stein
  7. Just picked up the "Warpaint" and some other book thats all in Russian on PDF ... the Warpaint has ALL the letters used by operational variants and the squadrons. For our skinners and Ed, if you want them, let me know and I'll zip up the package and post a link. Screens almost done, expect them soon! wrench kevin stein
  8. Probably dia-electric panels for the radar warning recievers wrench kevin stein
  9. Couldn't tell ya about the sight, but both those displays don't work, never have. Even the stock WoV one don't do nothng but sit there and look blank This also may solve a 'issiue' I have with my Korean F3D-2 Skyknight ... as it needs to stock A-6 pit wrench kevin stein
  10. No body's done the Helldiver. Yet. It seems to be just as unpopular with 3d modlers as the flight crews! The -4 Corsair (depending on who's version ... ) should be around. There's one by TMF and a version based on Wolf's Corsair's here. wrench kevin stein
  11. File Name: D.520 Tweeks Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 04 Nov 2009 File Category: Allied Fighters Tweeks for Veltro2k's Dewoitine D.520 This package contains some replacement files, a different cockpit, and a new gunsight for the rectently released French fighter. Whats been done? Well, I swapped out the pit for something a little more contemporary (ie: looking like late 1930s/early 1940s), and didn't have side canopy framing. Some relettering and recalibration to metric units has also been attempted. The machine guns have been changed to French 7.5 MAC, as seen on my AdA Hawk 75 and DB-7 mods, the cannon changed to the Hispano 20mm and round counts adjusted, all lighting has been adjusted and where needed, new ones added. The canopy has been switched over to use an animation key (shift/0) and not much else changed. As always, its reccomended you unzip the package to a temp folder or your desktop to access the rest of this readme for fairly simple, easy to follow install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  12. No, not yet. TK has said something about new utilities, but.... at any rate, Gerwin's works on both TOS and NextGens: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=7933 be advised, it unpacks the ENTIRE cat, so you'll need to move (ie: copy/paste) the cat to be extracted to a seperate folder, and extract it there. Good thing is, once you've gotten the file(s) you need, you can just delete extraction folder wrench kevin stein
  13. File Name: Spitfire Mk.VB (Trop), 31st FG, USAAF, MTO File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 04 Nov 2009 File Category: Allied Fighters Spitfire VB (Trop), USAAF, 31st FG, MTO For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE, WW2 MTO Installs, Patched to 06 Levels =ONLY= This is a semi-complete mod that will create a 'nationalized' verison of the Spit V Trop as used by the US Army Air Force in North Africa/MTO during 1942-44 timeframe (including the Invasion of Sicily). I say 'semi-complete', because as per DAT rules, the aircraft LODs are NOT included. The package contains skins and decals for pretty much the entire 31st FG, and it's 3 squadrons: 307th FS 308th FS 309th FS All new squadron ID letters, individual aircraft letters and serial number decals are also included. A quick note about the serial numbers; even my main source book didn't hardly show enough, so I used the generic production numbers. However, 3 or 4 aircraft DO have their historical serials. But rest assured, the serials depicted ARE for Mk.5 Spitfires. Each skin set has the squadron patch as it's 'paint chip', to make selection a tad easier. A new WoE-style hangar screen is included. = IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/SFG/WoV/WoE, at the 06 patch level -ONLY-. It has =NOT= been tested in post 08 patch SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI. It has also NOT been tested in the NextGen, SF2 series. You use it in these enviroments at your own risk. = =This mod is designed for use with the WW2 Weapons Pak by me, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.= As always, it's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder somewhere's thats easy to find. This will give you access to the rest of the readme for full, detailed install instructions and the Usual Notes and Other Ramblings... Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein note: this mod will also be available at my site, exactly as is, as soon as I remember to upload it! Click here to download this file
  14. D.520 Tweeks Pak



    Tweeks for Veltro2k's Dewoitine D.520 This package contains some replacement files, a different cockpit, and a new gunsight for the rectently released French fighter. Whats been done? Well, I swapped out the pit for something a little more contemporary (ie: looking like late 1930s/early 1940s), and didn't have side canopy framing. Some relettering and recalibration to metric units has also been attempted. The machine guns have been changed to French 7.5 MAC, as seen on my AdA Hawk 75 and DB-7 mods, the cannon changed to the Hispano 20mm and round counts adjusted, all lighting has been adjusted and where needed, new ones added. The canopy has been switched over to use an animation key (shift/0) and not much else changed. As always, its reccomended you unzip the package to a temp folder or your desktop to access the rest of this readme for fairly simple, easy to follow install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein
  15. The pit's only available in the original WoV. You'll need to extract EVERYTHING, and recreate the cockpit in SF2. Your "parts list" is below Unless, of course, you purchase Raz's... wrench kevin stein
  16. I don't mind at all!!! My only caveat would be "back up the original inis in the Okinawa terrain folder this mod replaces". I'm a CYA kinda guy! wrench kevin stein
  17. There's acutally 3 P-47s available ... P-47D-20 (razorback) P-47D-25 (bubble top) in Wolf's WW2 Planes Pak and P-47N by RussoUK Most of the ships are over at the DAT site; iirc, Capun is working on a B-45 as well. wrench kevin stein
  18. I'll probably have a little package of tweeks ready to go by tommorrow, if that's OK with Ed. I swapped out the pit for the Hurricanes (slightly closer in the 'look'), adjusted the ammo counts and guns -now 7.5 MAC 1934 MGs and Hiso2 20mm, dialed in all the running lights, and some other small fiddelizations. Now, we just need a Vichy skin....but no rush!! (I'm quite a ways from finishing off the necessary map rebuild!) I think it flys pretty damn nice! Again, thanks Ed for the fast fix!! wrench kevin stein
  19. WOOOT!!!! Thank you Enrico!!! Nice to add this one the stable!! wrench kevin stein
  20. SB is wrong in one respect ... the ZSU are classed as "MOBILE_AAA", so anywhere there's a callout in the targets ini for "AAA" the Game Engine ™ will populate that space with whatever kind of unit is era-approiate, so editating the targets and types ini will ONLY work if there's no enemy side. To the best of my Knowledge, there is NO limit, other than HD space as to how many terrains can be loaded (or insalled). My "all is everything" 08 WoE install has over 25 terrains, with no issues. I'm reasonably certain NextGen sims will work just as well. Originally, SoCal is EXACTLY as you described .. in fact, it comes from the realllllllllllly old "Top Gun" mod. Having those SAM batteries in Palmdale sure plays hell when climbing out of LAX, huh?? You want practice terrains, just like Balika said, get the 2 Range Terrains -there's a Blue and Red version. Since there's no 'enemy' airfields, there's no place for E/A to spawn, so you can have a nice quite practice session. Also, there's the "Empty Desert" terrain I uploaded last month ... a completly stripped out stock desert map, with only 1 airfield for each side (but no real targets of value, excpeting those at the respective airbases) As to the WW2 Euro map, that's completely unsuitable to "CWGH-1947" scenarios. However, there is a modern version of it around someplace; look for EAWEuro. But, again, that terrain has some serious issues -not the least of which are the target areas, water effects (needs new water tiles with working alpha channels for the effects), placement of airbases with trees and TOD building growing out of them. In short, it needs a major rebuild from the ground up. Usable? Sure, if you overlook some things. As to adjusting AI altitude response, you can change that in the MissionControl.ini, found in one of the cats in the /Flight folder. This is a VERY old fix from like 04 or 05 .... After extraction, look for this section (I disremember if this one is modded or stock...) [Altitude] Normal=3000 Low=500 VeryLow=100 High=5000 VeryHigh=8000 Numbers are meters AGL; adjust to your heart's content. wrench kevin stein
  21. The Terrain Editor Thread

    Re: river list. Not that I've seen in either the old 'desert' SF editor or the WoV/E/I version. However, in the WoV/E/I, I think Stary or Purblue said the roads function works. As to airfields and cities, do all the 'general' tiling first (mountains, fields, desert, etc). Place the city tiles, using as close to real-world placements as possible -which can be difficult at best due to the utter lack of proper transition tiles (about 15-30 more acutally are needed) Airfields should also have 'clear' tiles -like the AB1 in WoV. You don't want buildings and trees in the middle of the runway/taxiway/parking ramp. Again, custom made tiles work well here (fer instance, the GrassAB tile I did up for some terrains) Basically, auto tile/auto transition, and HAND tile all airfields and cities. Expect to go back and forth (TE to game to TE) a LOT of times!! wrench kevin stein
  22. Many thanks Ed!!! wrench kevin stein
  23. Yes. Each airfield's data ini (or just plane ini <--get it! ) has statements on percentage chance and location. For small and large aircraft. Also, you 'GroundObject' setting have a great deal of control. If set to Unlimited, you get all kinds -included anachronistic parked birds too! (fer instance, if one forgets to take the Herc out of his Korean War install, it shows up in 1950!!) The airfield inis are to be found inside the various terrain cats (08 & NextGenns only). Extract and examine. You can increase the "chance" with a simple text edit. Be advised of frame rate issues with too many game-generated statics. wrench kevin stein
  24. I absolutely, positively HAD to take a break from the Tunisia map...so I started on finishing off/beginning a couple of airplane projects. Among them are a 272 Sqdn skin for the Beau 6 (Malta based), a USAAF nightfighter skin; the aircraft will be "nationalized" and for either 414th, 415th or 416th NFS -which ever kept their Beaus til war's end and these AAF Spit 5s: 31st FG; 307, 308 and 309th FS (no piccy for 308, as I'm still doing up the serial number decals) wrench kevin stein
  25. Quickie Cockpit tweek for DATs Mc-200 Seatta: What this will do is 'move' the side canopy glass and framework out of sight, as this aircraft didn't have a fully enclosed cockpit. As always, Make a Backup Copy of the Original Mc-200_cockpit.ini!!!! Simply open it, and 'save as...' ori-Mc-200_cockpit.ini. This'll prevent data loss of something goes south. Open, now reopen the cockpit ini, and add the following lines at the end of the Instrument listings: Then, add these to at the very bottom of the ini: This'll remove the side glass and framing, while leaving the rear view mirror intact. The only thing I haven't done, is try and recalibrate the measurments (knots, feet, etc) to Metric values. I just left them alone. wrench kevin stein

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