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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Now, we just need some other skins!!! Quickie tweek to remove the bombracks when nothing is loaded on them (for your CAP,Sweep,Intercept mission). Copy/paste the 2 statements below directly OVER the weapons stations callouts in the data ini: This'll give you a clean under-wing for pure fighter missions wrench kevin stein
  2. Been so damn busy with the terrain mods, I didn't install this until yesturday. Yes, it's definatly 'sitting' too low. At mission start, it looks like the cockpit is 1-2 meters above the aircraft, then you explode. Your wingmates are sunk into the ground the up the belly of the bird,then they start doing summersaults (tail over nose). Very strange! Almost like the world center is set too low???? Haven't tested 'in flight' yet... wrench kevin stein
  3. Of course they'll work, as they're off the maxed-out mesh. Also puts them in incorrect locations; BuAer will have something to say about that fer sure!!! All things considered, it's simplier/easier to just do them right. I can make 25 decals like that in less than 2 hours (and that includes head breaks, cigertte breaks, soda breaks, p0rn breaks ... you get the idea)! The worst thing is the AmrilloUSAF font dosen't include the little dash (-) that has to be done in Photoshop with a 2 or 3 pixel square brush. That takes the longest. wrench kevinstein
  4. When finished, why not just upload it here, in the F-4 skins section for all to enjoy???? wrench kevin stein
  5. As I suspected.... too many decals on the mesh (see 1st shot below) The issue is the aircraft ID/production designtor/service/BuNum should be ONE decal, as the number of decals per mesh has been exceeded. Rule of Thumb ™ is not more than 3, although TK decals tutorial says you can use 4, but this always causes problems. To see how it's done, shot 2 is my VF-172 Banjo skin. Others to examine would be the various Korean Skyraider skins and the F9F-5 Panter update (all available here at CA) I've done. The Banjo skin only at my site. All the "F2H-2/Navy/BuNum" decals need to be tossed and recreated using the format you see that I used. They also don't need to be a massive 256x256 image with 12 pt text. As you can see in image 3, this is off one of the ADs, all is on one 128x128 decal. You control the in-game size via the decals ini Scale= statement. The font is AmrilloUSAF (albet not quite perfect for Navy/Marine aircraft, but close enough) Also, if using LESS than 18 individual numbers (which TK states in the minimum number for serial/modex/plane-in-group numbers) there's no real need for a numbers.lst, as having so few defeats it's purpose. My suggestion, remake the decals, and reupload the package. If you can't 'overwrite' the existing upload, upload a new one and PM one of us Moderators, and we'll delete the old. I'd also make triple sure the README is included IN the zip ... that's policy here at CA. You should also include the screenie, but that up to you. I always do. wrench kevin stein
  6. Sounds like a faulty tga (decal). Can you provide a sceenie to confirm? Also, is there more than 3 decals called out for that mesh?? wrench kevin stein
  7. looks like it's time to break out Photoshop, and make some new tiles, eh??? Oh, and don't forget the sea/land transition tiles too!!! You can probably use the alpha's off the 08+ level stock tiles (delete originals, create new channel, copy/paste from the stock ones), and adjust the 'land' (or black areas) with the clone stamp tool. wrench kevin stein
  8. moved to a more appropriate Forum, as this don't pertain to missions/campaigns, but aircraft mods -------- wrench kevin stein
  9. I take it my original Thunderwarrior skin is being replaced (really, I won't be insulted!!! )?? Hopefully, somebody with better skill grab it. The decals are still OK, right?? wrench kevin stein
  10. The called an airplane a putz????? have you checked farposst for book?? wrench kevin stein
  11. Are you using the 08 level weapons editor??? More specifics on WHICH weapons pak is needed ... the community pak should work in 08 levels. So does TMFs for WoE. wrench kevin stein
  12. Yes, NextGenners only. For 08 and earlier, you'll need a seperate install. wrench kevin stein
  13. File Name: Ordway's Early MiG Pits -Upgrade/Repair Package File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 Jun 2009 File Category: Jet Cockpits Early MiG Series Cockpit Upgrade/Repair Pakage for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI & SF2/SF2:V/SF2:E This is a rebulid of Ordway's Early MiG pits for use in ALL the 3rd Wire Series. It's designed for the following aircraft (and/or variants thereof): MiG-15bis (by Pasko) Stock 3rdWire: MiG-17 Fresco-A MiG-17F Fresco-C MiG-19S Farmer-C It is also, therefore, completly useable for any of the myriad 3rd-Party mods of variants of these aircraft (excepting those Frescos and Farmers that are radar equipped -doh!) Specifialy, it's designed to REPLACE the original versions, as some (including myself) have experienced odd CTDs with an 'aircraftobject.dll' fault in the SF2 series.. By rebuilding these with a STOCK A-4B cockpit lod (albeit from WoE), and reusing Mr. Ordway's VERY COOL gauge bmp repaints, and re-editing the A-4B_cockpit ini, this has been eliminated. This mod has been EXTENSIVELY tested in SF2, as this was the basis and reason for the 'fix', and will work in the Classic Series ™ just as well as the originals. All necessary parts are included. I even snuck in some Generic WoE-style Hangar screens for the 17 & 19. These will also work in ANY version of the sim. As always, it's reccomended that you unzip this package to temp folder, or your desktop, to gain access to the rest of the readme for it's specific instructions. Which are gonna run a bit on the long side....so you probably (read: SHOULD) read the document all the way through first before installing. Just to be safe, doncha know :yes: With expecial thanks to Mr. R. Ordway for creating these in the first place!! Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein ps: yes, that's still the original screenie. why mess with a good shot? Click here to download this file
  14. It has been just brought to my attention that with the release of SF2:I, there are some small issues with this mod, when attempting to add it to the latest 3W sim. The gunsight tga called out for in the 17 & 19 comes from the F-100D. Now, just like WoI, the Hun and all it's bits don't exist in SF2I. So, if you have any of the Original Series ™, you can simply extract the F-100D_sight.tga from the Objects.cat, and drop it into the offending aircraft's cockpit folders. If you have a merged install of SF2/V/E/I, it SHOULD work as designed. If not, see above. If that alternative is not readily available, you can revert to the A-4B sight that's included with the package. You will, however need to make some "adjsutments" in the cockpit ini to use the Scooter sight. For the MiG-17, 17F and 19S (and by inference, all variants of the Fresco & Farmer, excepting radar equiped P/PF/PFU/PM, etc). 1st: backup the original cockpit ini from the package by doing a 'save as...' ori-****_cockpit.ini, where *** is the name of the aircraft. Then, reopen the cockpit ini, and copy/paste the following directly OVER the statement that calls for the F-100D gunsight: I've left the Mil Size sort of small, you can adjust it to fit you visual needs. But I'd reccomend NOT going over 75; it might wind up a bit too big. That should take care of that. As to the statement on upgrading the wingman AI, you'll still need to extract the data inis for the Frescos and Farmers, but they'll not be in the ObjectData006.cat in SF2:I (as it apparently ain't got one!). I don't know WHICH cat they're in, as I don't have SF2I yet, so you'll have to experimentally extract the likely suspects. Oh, and don't forget the 2 little fixes above! wrench kevin stein
  15. If that's the 'original' version I think it is, it has MASSIVE issues with targets (and lack thereof), target placements and other things. I disremember if it even has 'working' water (sea, sea/land transiton tiles with proper alpha channels) What I did with mine, call it 06 levels (and in my 08 WoE), is extract the desert airfield inis Desert_Airfield1.ini Desert_Airfield2.ini Desert_Airfield3.ini Desert_Airfield4.ini Desert_Airfield5.ini Desert_Airfield6.ini and rename them "Korea_Airfield*.ini", to match to prexisting ones. Don't forget to rename or delete the ones that came with the download. The airfield bmps and tgas are included with the terrain, so they'll have the same look (worn out, etc). The LODS are in all the 08 and above level cats. Or, go through the Korea_Targets.ini, and rename ALL the runway callouts to match the desert runways: You might need to go through the targets ini anyway, as the airfield listings for how many squadrons is incorrect. Runways 1, 5, and 6 get 3 squadrons, Runway 4 gets 6 Runways 2 & 3 get 1 I've got a mostly completed version of this original, but stopped work on it last September, due to the arrival of a much better, full-scale version. That also is as yet incomplete, due to my own stupidity (ain't going in to that now) Mind you, this terrain was NOT designed for use in SF2 NextGens (or 06 or 08 levels for that matter), so expect some odd behaviours... wrench kevin stein
  16. Have you checked the cat pointer line (again)???? wrench kevin stein
  17. Yah!! We need more flying boats and float planes!!! Ed: I edited the title, adding the "5", so you may get a 2nd approval PM, as I had to reapprove after the edit wrench kevin stein
  18. The Nighthawk is in the ODS mod. For our newer members, I'd like to remind you (well, and everyone else too) that a semi-complete listing of "What's Available" is in our handy-dandy Knowledge Base: http://forum.combatace.com/topic/21870-the-mods-thread-a-listing-of-whats-available/ Mind you, I haven't updated it since March of this year, so a few releases might be missing. Have a perusal... wrench kevin stein
  19. We're gonna need a bigger boat

    Hmm..... only 20 foot??? Sounds like a juvenile Meg. They must have learned how to transit from the bottom of the Marianas Trench to shallower waters. (yes, I've read all the Steve Alten books) or a Liopleurodon..... wrench kevin stein
  20. You mean like the G-1 here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9242 Might have to upsize my templates to 1024 -- be nice to have the various 'theatre' skins (expecially some RA versions!) available wrench kevin stein
  21. The USAF ones we have (including a stock one) are painted directly on the skin map - just extract it (if needed) and take a look. As it's an E model, one could easily adapt the preexisting skin to the preexisting IRIAF skin via adding layers on template, redecal and bam, there ya go wrench kevin stein
  22. Wouldn't it be easier to just say "the DAT has released a such-and-such aircraft"? You know, actually NAMING it??? That way, folks can look for it directly. BTW, there's a new Stuka mod out by them, and Charles told me in an email last week, that he knows WHAT sections to mod in the data ini to bring the birds closer to 08 levels. But I think he's waiting for the WoI/SF2:I add-on Mustang to confirm wrench kevin stein
  23. On a slight aside, the TE classes the various buildings (ONLY the ones you add via the texture/texture map list/ add object function) AS solid objects, as opposed to Alpha objects ie: trees and bushes and shurbs. They also lack collision meshes, so thereby allowing you to fly through those little building, whilst terrain object buildings will not. But as Fubs said, there's nothing there to create the shadow from (one will note that trees also don't cast shadows.) I can just imagine the total lack for framerates if the game engine had to calculate and create them! wrench kevin stein
  24. It ain't just TMF aircraft, but buttloads of others that use the "automatic speed control". I'm assuming noone has looked in the Knowledge Base, in the "Things You Need To Update Thread", that covers many of the issues created by the 08 patch for Classic Series games, and also applies to aircraft improted into NexGen SF2 series? Basically, you open the data ini for the offending aircraft scroll down until you find this: and delete them. You can also convert them to use one of the animation keys. Also covered in the KB. wrench kevin stein
  25. Somebody's just not 'listening'.... Ok, first off, there are NO ww2 MiGs in this game stock from 3rdWire. The only one is the MiG-3 by the Dev A-Team. And as it IS a WW2 aircraft, is not relelvant to this conversation (it also has it's own cockpit). To get the offending 1950s era Migs (17,19) flyable, you need to read this section in our ever handy, ever ignored Knowledge Base: http://forum.combatace.com/topic/20789-how-to-make-ai-planes-flyable/ In our downloads section, are several cockpits for Early Migs by Ordway. Complete with detailed readmes, and fairly simple to install. As for flyable Fishbeds, there's plenty of cockpits to choose from in our downloads section by Magoo or Paladrian (iirc), for the different models (F, MF, PF, PFV, etc) wrench kevin stein

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