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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. the "Defending the Kingdom" series of missions ... great fun! I have a bunch of others I made following that story line. I can extract the mt (mission briefin texts), and get you a good backstory, if you want. wrench kevin stein
  2. That's some great box art....with a little use of the clone stamp too, viola! hangar screens!! (ok, I'm giving away my secrets!) Off topic: that D.371 sure looks alot like the monoplane from the end "Blue Max".... Maybe we should start a new thread for BoF??? wrench kevin stein
  3. As promised, here's a link to the Warpaint book: http://wrench1smog.com/books/warpaint_seahawk.zip it DOES list ALL the serial numbers for RN, INAS, MLD and MF, I couldn't see in the book if it says which squadron has which aircrft, but you'll have accurate serials! enjoy! wrench kevin stein
  4. Dosen't it stand for "Level of Detail"? Always wondered... wrench kevin stein
  5. Page 36 shows a nice picture of an MLD with Sidewinders. wrench kevin stein
  6. There are 6 stock runways in SF/WoV/WoE and WoI and SF2s-- in fact, they're ALL the same basic lods, but get different inis based on which game is used in, and for which side. There are 2 small, 4 medium and 1 large Runway 2 & 3 are small Runway 1, 5 and 6 are medium Runway 4 (the crossing one) is large. Good for bombers and such The major differences in the 3 medium, is the layout of the surrounding dirt roadways, and the hangar locations on the north edge. Runway 1 has an angles ramp, while 5 & 6 use a squared one Look at Runway 4, the Large airbase; has to 2 that cross, but like Gunny said, only one gets used at a time. You can also place more than on complete Runway/Airbase setup, but you need to create another TargetArea for each runway (Edward's original Korea, Gepard's Original Isreal2 and a couple other that excape me have done this) All 'object' offsets are set from that 0,0 point, based on the N/S orientation -at least on the stock runways. Yes, you CAN have them facing another direction, I do it all the time, BUT - you MUST have all the objects placed FIRST, then you rotate the runway heading via the targets ini. For some reason, that drags everything else -still in their original offsets and positions along with it. But, if you try and add something else with the changed facing, all the offsets will be, well, off set! So, back to N/S, add the object, then rotate it back. For 08/SF2 the ramp parking slots would need assigning, again based off the N/S orientation of the runway. Like Gunny said, you pull the ini from the terrain cat, and see how they're set up. Somewhre's around here I've got a doc by ?? Fast Cargo maybe, that shows pics of the stock runways. I'll see if I can find it. wrench kevin stein
  7. File Name: Ju-87B Picchiatelli, Regia Aeronautica File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 11 Nov 2009 File Category: Axis Bombers Junkers Ju-87B Picchiatelli, Regia Aeronautica, for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE MTO Style Installs -06 Patch Level Installs ONLY This is a mod of Pasko's Ju-87B Stuka into the version as used by the Italian Regia Aeronautica in the Med and North Africa. This is a complete aircraft mod, with all the parts needed to just unzip, install and fly away. The skin, while not perfectly historical (see Notes below), is based off the standard Luftwaffe splinter pattern of 70/71/65. It represents aircraft from 236 Squadriglia, 96 Gruppo in the timeframe of approximately 1940-42, when these aircraft were retired (ie: replaced with D models). Since no RA bombs exist, the aircraft uses 'standard issue' Luftwaffe weapons. All the lights have been dialed in to their (more or less) proper positions, and the landing light now works. (see Notes below for how) A new WoE-style Hangar Screens is included, along with a new Loading Screen, as are the damage tgas I made several years ago. = IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/SFG/WoV/WoE, at the 06 patch level -ONLY-, It has =NOT= been tested it in post 08 patch SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI. It has also NOT been tested in the NextGen, SF2 series. You use it in these enviroments at your own risk. = =This mod is designed for use with the WW2 Weapons Pak by me, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era bombs, torpedoes, guns, etc. They are NOT included in this package.= As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read it all the way through, so as to be familarized with the procedures, and whatever issues I've encountered. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  8. Hopefully, Carlo can us the book too. Lots of stuff for Suez. I like the new skins! Now, if we could only get opening wings and folding canopies...it'd be super cool! wrench kevin stein
  9. Look here: http://forum.combatace.com/topic/49837-grayhawk/
  10. I moved it out of the Weapons Thread, and placed it here, where it'll be seen. To answer: the SF2 series used a different way of handling weapons than the origianl series. The weaponsdata.ini, as we've known it before doesn't exist as a seperate file. It exists INSIDE each weapons folder, as part of each weapon. The easist and simplest way for you to add weapons now for NextGens, is just to grab Gunny KillerBee's pak for SF2 and install it. It'll have everything you need (and LOTS more) already set up for use http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=8921 Mind you, it's a fairly heft download, so set aside some time. DO read the enclosed readme; basically, you'll unzip/unrar/unwhatever the package to a temp folder or your desktop -this is something I ALWAYS reccomend- and then move the superboatload of new weapons folders into you Mods folder. I don't remember if the package automaticaly creates the main /Weapons folder, but if it dosen't, you just create a new one in the ****/Objects folder, and dump all the several thousand new individual weapons folders. The same goes for the new /Guns folder, as they get their own as well. Pictures are worth 1000 words ... but remember, I'm on XP, so my main ThridWire folder is on a different pathway than Vista's, but the right panel shows how the folders should sit wrench kevin stein
  11. Might be able to... I have the "Warpaint" on the SeaHawk on pdf. I can zip it up, and post a link if that'll help. I think it has production/serial numbers -don't know for MF or KLU, but hey, it's worth a look! wrench kevin stein
  12. I've no idea what we're supposed to be seeing....could you highlight the area of issue (draw a circle around it, or have an arrow pointing to it)??? thanks! wrench kevin stein
  13. You're VERY welcome! SO, when are we going to get the sailboat and that other merchant vessel??? I forgot to mention, the ship sounds MUST be added to the SoundList.ini .... here's the entries, where *** is the next number in sequence: SoundFile***=ShipEngine SoundFile***=Underway and add these to the bottom of the listing: [shipEngine] Priority=LOW 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=TRUE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=2 MaxDist=2500.000000 MinDist=100.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=0 [underWay] Priority=HIGH 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=TRUE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=4 MaxDist=1500.000000 MinDist=10.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=0 BTW, this works for ALL ships available, from the stock ones to any warship or carrier or whathaveyous wrench kevin stein
  14. and this too: [sound] EngineSoundName=ShipEngine.wav MovementSoundName=UnderWay.wav the wavs should be in some of my WW2 terrain mods (I know NorthAfrica for sure) I think Fubar did them originaly some years back wrench kevin stein
  15. Hey Your Majesty The Emperor.... you wouldn't happen to have a good copy of the art??? Make a great Loading screen Another fairly good reference is Mushroom Red 1540 "Fighters Over France & the Low Countries". Breaks down the countries, and which planes. If anyone wants it, PM me and I'll zip up the PDF for any and all. So... we'd need Belgian Battles, Hurricanes, Gladiators and CR-42s (!!!!!) (the hurri would be the easiest, as it's a simple reskin and data ini edit to create a nationalized version, same for the Battle, even as it is.) Capun's got a Fokker DXXII (?)-well,that fixed-gear fighter whatever it's number is , but we've got nothing else for the KLU, and the Fokker will probably need reskinning. Always wanted a that "G-somethingoranother", the twin-boomed one. Always thought it looked cool. The aforementions AdA birds. LW is pretty much covered; if a 109D is needed, we just edit Russo's Emil's data ini. And I have a template for it, so skinnning wouldn't be too big an issue. etc and so forth Lloyd: same reason I stopped working on it too! However, the decals wound up on Veltro's Wellington, so at least they didn't go to waste!! This one here is basically, Gramp's original skin rebadged with minimal line redrawing. wrench kevin stein
  16. It's SecondaryEffectChance= . Anything else don't work Also, for primay, the 'ShipDestroyedEffect' or "TankerDestroyeEffect" gives that nice oil slick on the water AmmoDumpExplosion give a NICE big boom; but using the LargeOilFireEffect gives that towering column of black roiling smoke. It's your choice. However, you're forgetting the main issue with CVs -- they're unvulnerable. You can't sink them due to the existence of the flight deck mesh. With that, you can takeoff and land. Without it, you fall into the water at mission start. Hence, the reason I created the ***_T carriers you see in the Okinawa upgrade. They're just warships, and have had the flight deck mesh removed, making them destroyable. wrench kevin stein
  17. in each ships data ini, is this statement (well, in most cases) [GroundObjectData] DamagedModel= DestroyedModel=Akagi DestroyedEffect=LargeOilFire <-- change to whatever you want effect SinkTime=120.0<-- time is in seconds EmptyMass=37545454.45 wrench kevin stein
  18. So..... what everyone is saying, I should get off my butt, and finish off the BEF (ok, 1 Sqdn, AASF) Hurri 1 and 12 Sqdn Battle??? Unfortunately, there's some mapping issues on the Hurri I can't overcome for the split black/doped silver undersides (like on the radiator...it just won't take a half/half color .. even with a decal) Screenie on request wrench kevin stein
  19. Just fiddelatling around.... not the least bit happy with the LW desert camo, but due to crazy mapping issues on the aircraft...(and the fact that it seems no 2 aircraft in the squadron had matching paint jobs...its like, well 'whatever!') some poetic liscene is used on the RA version, as it didn't have the grupo badge on the fuselage; was actualy on the wheel spat , and no squadron numbers or other id tags. It just looked to nekked 'the right way' wrench kevin stein
  20. Paulo, just out of curiosity, do you EVER sleep??? good looking skin sets!! wrench kevin stein
  21. Actually, looking at the pict, the destroyed Lods ARE working, otherwise you wouldn't see the collapsed building What do the entries in the terrain's _types.ini look like??? Cause the ammo bunkers are stock 3rdWire items, and have always had effects associated with them (below is from the stock desert types.ini: [TargetType005] Name=bunker1 FullName=Ammo Bunker ModelName=bunker1.lod TargetType=MISC ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=200 UseGroundObject=FALSE DamagePoint=70.0 ArmorValue=24516080.0 ArmorType=2 RepairRate=0.050 StartDetectChance=0 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=12000.0 DamagedModel= DestroyedEffect=AmmoDumpExplosion DestroyedModel=bunker1_destroyed SecondaryChance=0 [TargetType006] Name=bunker2 FullName=Ammo Bunker ModelName=bunker2.lod TargetType=MISC ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=200 UseGroundObject=FALSE DamagePoint=70.0 ArmorValue=24516080.0 ArmorType=2 RepairRate=0.050 StartDetectChance=0 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=12000.0 DamagedModel= DestroyedEffect=AmmoDumpExplosion DestroyedModel=bunker2_destroyed SecondaryChance=0 What IS missing is the secondary effect. Change the SecondaryChance= to 100 and add this line just under the SecondaryChance=: SecondaryEffect=LargeOilFire give you some plumes of burning whatnots btw, WHICH terrain is that? wrench kevin stein
  22. Good news on the gunship version! Any thoughts for the -3 or -5 versions with the gun turrets without the MAD boom? Be good for Korea, too! wrench kevin stein
  23. Hmm... I forsee a small problem. YOU can mod a payware item for personal use(example: new skins for Raz's or Diego's aircraft, YAP), but you can't release the WHOLE mod; which in a terrains' case would be the critical files (HFD, TFD, tiles, objects, etc). Ini mods SHOULD be OK; with the inclusion of any NEW-ish items. But, I'd have to hear a ruling from the Admins on that one. Even my Original Korea Winter (from 04) has had some slight changes, but I haven't touched it since 6/08. Looking at the various inis, in particular the data ini, also looks like the sea sea/land transition tiles need new alpha channels for working water, and data ini edits to 'turn on the water effects' (at least in 06+ levels), and switching from the bmp to tgas for the water tiles. Concievebly, for 08 and SF2, you should be able to combine the 2 tilesets and create the 'seasons' (ok, springsummerfall and winter) with main ini edits. Of course, that creates the issue with aircraf that don't want to fly... But doable, doable. let me know if you want that unfinished terrain. I haven't looked at it in so long, I don't remember WHERE I left off at... wrench kevin stein Edit: don't forget af5barackb is a Quonset Hut
  24. For the SF2 NextGens, they'll be located, well, at least in my case with an XP Machine, with a SF2/V/E merged install, in the C/ProgramFiles/ThirdWire/StrikeFighter2/Objects folder See Image 1 The Object folder themselves, where the planes, ships, vehicles, decals and various and sundry other stuff is; and more importantly WHERE you'll be putting the extracted inis are, again in my XP machine, C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin J. Stein\My Documents\ThirdWire See Image 2 Note: the ini I highlighted in green is the stock one, that'll be in ALL the aircraft folders, and ONLY this type will be seen in the AI aircraft folders. That'll be the one you'll be editing to ADD the new lines to, to make it flyable. Consult the readme for the specific cockpit package for more, detailed instructions. The files in red are the one's youll be adding (just ignore that fact I have 2 different cockpit inis, rest assured only ONE is active) You can see the add-on cockpit folder also highlighted in yellow Vista and Win7, I belive, use the 'Saved Games' folder. Not exactly sure, being a dinosaur on XP (is that an asteroid I see coming this way??? ) As to the new cat extractor, Gerwins, I have mine in a seperate folder called Cat_Extractor_Tool. All the little bits go in there. What I've been told, you can simply drag&drop the cat -and this is the hard part, knowing which one has WHAT in it- over the extractor's exe, and it'll pull ALL the files from the cat and place them in a sub-folder named for that cat. Somewhere around here, and I don't know where, somebody made a list of what's where. Otherwise, you'll be extracting Each and Every One ™ to find the files you need. Good thing is, you can toss the extrated files when you've got the one you need. Then it's a simple matter of cut/paste into the relevant aircraft's folder. Remember, too...these new inis are to be saved in Unicode, NOT ANSI!! As always, if we're talking about SF2 NextGens, double check Migbuster's SF2 thread in the KB Main SF2KB: http://forum.combatace.com/forum/246-strike-fighters-2-knowledge-base/ CatExtrator Usage: http://forum.combatace.com/topic/44027-extracting-files-from-sf2-series-cat-files-by-migbuster/ We ARE safe in assuming we're talking about SF2 Series???? wrench kevin stein
  25. Admitidly, I had to wonder about the thread title for second!! Are we talking TOS or NextGen sims? wrench kevin stein

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