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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Looks about right to me!! wrench kevin stein
  2. Doubtfull there'd be "growth" room for replacing the radar in the nose for a photo pod (or the actual need to do so). Besides, the radar would more than likely be needed in "real life" usage for TFR, GM, search/track. It'd be a nothing job to do ... take the pre-existing B or D model (even with the faults it has, and some ini tweeking -I have the old A working just fine in a 08 level game for Pakistan) Take TMF's A cockpit Adjust loadouts: 2 wingtip winder 2 wing drop tank centerline "recon pod" VERY limited A-G ordanance, as PrimaryMission=RECON insert to fuselage new system names and systems for ECM and CM dispensers; ala IDF in the spine, For NextGen games, create userslist, update RWR imaging and avionics ini, and BAM, there you go. Decal to taste and release. Even better, would be a dedicated WildWeasel/SEAD version - BJ/DJ; (NO comments, PLEASE! <grin>) wingtip winders 2 HARMS various and sundry CBU and Mavericks Drop tanks (when have you ever seen a Falcon on Ops without them???) aformentioned electronics tweeks and etc Boom ... goes the SAMs wrench kevin stein
  3. HOLY S**T!!! For somebody that's 8000 miles away from the region described, that's some seriously damed accurate target plotting!! (my uncle lived in Bishop for like 100000 years -he was the GM of Inyo Lumber Co; the airport was a mile down the street from his house) The Death Valley screenies remind of me Jane's USAF, when flying out of Nellis. I have BEEN to most of the places shown. Love those 'round crater-y looking things. Kinda like the water evaporators you see in Lybia or Isreal (moisture farmers?) Damn, but that looks good!!! wrench kevin stein edit: if we time the relase correctly, we can go to Gilroy for the Garlic Festival!!
  4. known issue ... fault in the _holes tga, missing alpha channel. Repaired in 2007. why don't you d/l the new version 6, as it's got that all fixed? wrench kevin stein
  5. Version


    Bell P-39D Airacobra, 93rd FS Skin & Ini Pak For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE WW2: MTO Installs -06 Patch Levels ONLY!! This package contains a new skin, and some minor data & cockpit ini mods for Wol257's P-39D Airacrobra. You will be using this pak IN the P-39D, as the external differences between the 'mid-series' K/L/M/N models are really too small notice. If wishing to recreate the L/M models, instructions are in the "Notes" section below. The skin represents aircraft from the 93rd FS, 81st FG as seen after Operation TORCH, and in other operations in North Africa, Sicily and Italy in the late 1942 through late 1943 time frames. The aircraft carries a 'non standard' camo pattern, similiar to that used on RAF and other USAAF aircraft in North Africa, the 'yellow surround' cockade. Serial numbers ARE accurate for L & M model Airacobras, but I could only find 100% accurate data for aircraft T & V. All other serials should be considered "generic" in nature. For those that haven't updated their MTO install's Airacobra, I've supplied the inis and cockpit necessary to update to a pit with the reflector gunsight (like as used in my P-400 mod), and corrected all the lighting (again!) -- there are new formation/ID lights under the right wing, tail ID lights have been repositioned to their proper placement. It should be noted these lighting fixes can easily be applied to all other Aircobras via simple text edits of the data inis. Also, just for fun, is a NEW WoE-style hangar screen, MTO themed for this aircraft. As always, it's reccomended you unzip this package to a temp folder or your desktop, or somewhere's else that's easy to find to gain access to the rest of this readme for full, detailed install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  6. Boy, I am really dumb sometimes... I should have known this would be available at SimmersPaintShop (a SUPERB site!!) RA Squadon markings: http://www.simmerspaintshop.com/forums/downloads/markings/3/italian-insignias-18/ they look good!!! wrench kevin stein
  7. package coming your way. I forget to mention, I've used Shaolin's Revi 3D gunsight tga. I adjusted the color and redrew the lines on the alpha channel in the tga to brighten it up a bit. It's a nicer, more accurate 3D than the one I was using. So, don't forget to add his name to the readme for credit! wrench kevin stein
  8. Cooolll!!! I'm REALLLY glad you're doing the skin ... my skills with fabric are, for lack of a better word "wanting". You let me know what you want that I might have on pdf, and we'll arrange the trade! I'll whip out some decals for the squadron insignia, those that I can find in 3 or 4 books on the RA. Ed; pm inbound wrench kevin stein
  9. Why would you need one??? Nighthawks, operationally only carry PGMs. So all you need is the laser degingator (built in), and the LGBs. It's set up how it's supposed to be. wrench kevin stein
  10. Ed, I'll have some 'goodies' for you later today ... did some repainting in the cockpit, got all the lights dialed in, loadouts and MGs adjusted. It'll turn inside Spits and Hurris!! As with most bi-planes, there's a small clipping issue at 10 & 2 o'clock high positions in the cockpit - the wing struts disappear at the windshield frame, but it's so minor, as to not even be worth mentioning. I don't thik it can be fixed in 06 level games anyway, as it needs the "OpenCockpit=TRUE" game coding from FE (btw: folks might want to test in there, just to see after it's release). It'll need the new meshes for the bomb racks added. Anyone know if they ever carried drop tanks? I've turned up nothing in hours and hours of researching, and the few books I have don't say diddley. wrench kevin stein
  11. aren't these Falcos??? "Beware, I'll Scratch You" love that insignia, as a 'cat person', of course. Hope to see that as a decal on the skin. Hell, I'll probably make and send it off to whomever winds up skinning it. I'm not too good at RA camo. wrench kevin stein
  12. If the "Russian Freighter" is the one I'm thinking of, from OTC, it's not usable as a GroundObject CargoSHip. It's designed as a static ship for being 'in port'. The reason: several years ago (2006), I converted it to a usable GroundObject, and found the lod is reversed to the world (meaning: it's front to back, and sails stern first!! the cowards!! or, maybe by sailing backwards, they're trying to convice folks they're leaving???? Sail casually???) Screenie below. As to creating a 'lighter, less dense smoke', I haven't done a lot of work with effects, but I'd venture a guess you'd need to create a new one, call it 'ShipSmoke2', and and possibly import or edit an existing smoke tga, or create a new one, that suits the purpose wrench kevin stein
  13. You gotta love the Detal & Scale series ... those and the "Aero Detail" from Japan. Worth their weight in gold-pressed latnium for plactic modelers, and gamers! wrench kevin stein
  14. Shoot, Lloyd, I've have given you a copy of Mushroom D.520 on pdf if I'd known.... none of the sites have the mushroom YS on falco (even farposst), so I'm glad you got a copy. (couldn't talk you into scanning it to pdf could I??? <wink> Ed, I sent you the screens, right??? I disremember! wrench kevin stein
  15. Yes, the weather is THAT bad. or... they've been painted to match the surrounding terrain to camoflague them from "prying eyes" or... most likely, you've not got the cat pointer line looking at the proper Stock Terrain Cat ™ Add the following lines to the SnowyNorway.ini (or whatever the main ini is called), at the bottom of the top section, the [Terrain] section //CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat //CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat These are the standard lines I use on ALL my terrain mods, so you can just comment or uncomment the pointer for the STC ™. If you've installed to WoE, use the GermanyCE.cat line. wrench kevin stein
  16. Ok, some quickie moves. It turns out Kess had the mesh names I needed in English, so made this a bit easier. The 2 pics are: 109E pit Hurri pit with the side windows, upper canopy and etc moved out of the way. (just ignore the flaps indicator on the hurri pit ... if Ed deciedes he likes that one better, I'll repaint it) The hurri pit is used on the Mc-200, and it looks MUCH better this way. If anyone wants, I'll post the specifics in the Tweeks Sticky Thread. wrench kevin stein
  17. <cough> I have an idea for the FM <cough> Have to check performance (ie: speed of the aircraft in mind vs the Falco) In regards to the 02 mask, why wouldn't they be using one? I'll have to check my cut-away diagram, but I seem to recall 02 bottles in there somewhere....(from Squad/Signal #6022 Italian Aircraft of WW2 -covers the major players, fighters, bombers, recon/transport) EDIT: sorry for the quality of the image; the discoloration is on the original pdf page scan, and I had to stitch together 2 pages, so there's some mis-alignment. Note the highlighted item, #45. Also discovered it has a reflector gunsight ... so I have to look around for something to use. Maybe Kess' 109* pit, or AD's Zeke pit (as it has the gun breeches showing), but all the labels are in Japanese! I'm sure I could relable in english (or Italian with one of our member's translating)...just figuring out which is which would be the hard part. Wolf's P-40B pit has a closer shape, with exposed gun breeches (and I know the moves to remove the canopy and such) but no refelector gunsight.... need to experiment.... wrench kevin stein *note: many of the meshes in Kess's pits are in german, which again, I don't speak or read...so if that were to be used, I'd need a translators help on deciphering the OUT file to figure out which bits to move out of the way
  18. Kamikazi's have been discussed at great length in the PropHeads forum ... look through the "Invasiion of Japan Thread". MKShepard came across some ini edits. The only downside is, you'll need to create 'specific' aircraft for Devine Wind usage, as these AI edits will effect the versions you want to come home. Since V-1s are basiclly surface-to-surface missiles, you could treat them as such, in a similiar way that moonjumper did for the Kytusha rocket trucks (of course, we'd actually NEED a working V-1 first....actualy, 2 of them...one for ground launch, one for airlaunch) Unfortuatly, missiles v missiles isn't allowed with the game engine; they are not targetable items, so swarm attacks against CVBGs ala Red Strom Rising only result in dead ships. The 'carring an invisible aircraft bit' has also been discussed, ala Mistral (sp???), as you can't take off and land perched atop the bombaircraft, even after release as the guidence plane is sitting several meters above ground. wrench kevin stein
  19. Change the emmitter size ... Every ship has a statement in their data ini: [Engine] SystemType=ENGINE MaxExtentPosition= 10.22,-11.37, 5.64 MinExtentPosition=-10.22,-51.33,-3.74 ExhaustEmitterName=ShipSmoke ExhaustPosition=0.00,-32.86,24.81 ExhaustEmitterSize=1.0 <--- like everything else, very adjustable. Smaller number, smaller smoke size wrench kevin stein
  20. Version


    A-1H Skyraider, USN/USMC by MontyCZ Ver. 6 for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2 Series, 06, 08 and Up Patch Levels This is a complete revamp of MontyCZ's Original Skyraider ™. Historically, this aircraft was the VERY first add-on aircraft available for Strike Fighters 'way back when. At my request, Monty was kind enough to revisit this aircraft, and cut several new mesh faces for ease of skinning and decaling. This aircraft mod is designed to REPLACE all eariler versions; however, there will be some small modifications YOU, as the End User ™ will have to make in the various skin bmps and decal inis if wishing to convert older skin mods to this newer LOD. Full instructions on the how-to are in the accompanying Word document, "Updating Older Skins". Now, it should be noted, some of the very old skins may NOT take to the new lod. They, therefore, may need replacement. This aircraft also makes use of the "prop-pit" mod I created for the WW2/Korean Era Skyraiders, and is based off the existing Skyhawk's. It is included. The new skin accompanying this mod represents A-1H Skyraiders from VMA-331 "KillerBees" in approximatley 1958-60 time frame. The aircraft has been EXTENSIVELY tested in 08 Patch Level and SF2 "NextGen" series games, and has had several changes in the data ini to try and update it as much as possible. It could still use some fine tuning of the FM, but it seems to handle pretty well, considering the last update for the FM was in something like 2005!!! It is also fully usable in 06 level game installs, with some minor back-tweeking (documented in the "Notes" section below). It is fully carrier capable, and now has folding wings. ECM capability has been updated, with the addition of chaff and flare dispensers. The aircraft also makes use of an audio-only RWR. Weapons fit uses all stock in-game items; no weapons pak is needed, but feel free to make whatever changes you wish. The shadow statement in the main ini has been updated to post-08 standards, and will work in SF2s as well. All aircraft lighting has been adjusted as per real aircraft, with properly placed formation, running and landing lights. Wingfold is now active, and controlled via an animation key (shift/9). There are a few issues with the canopy still but it's quite livealbe with. 3 Hangar screens, and a USN loading screen are included. The "sf2_A1H_Hangar.bmp", while obviously desinged for SF2 NextGenners, can also be used for TOS games as well. It's a 'generic' carrier-deck style, with no blackboard. My original 'boxart' style for TOS games is also included, as well as the carrier-deck style, WITH blackboard. Your choice!! The aircraft folder and main ini have been named in such a way as to differentiate =THIS= A-1H from the stock 3rdWire unitin SF2:V or the Razbam versions. Do NOT change these names!!! As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. There's an extensive "Notes" section, detailing various and sundry things of interest, including an appeal to our 3D modelers.... Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  21. Chinese Peashooter: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=7608 wrench kevin stein edit: ooopsy! I thought you meand P-26, not CAF Mohawks. my mistake!!!
  22. You know the Zipper pit exists in all the TOS games, and is quite easily adapted to SF2 NextGenners. Took me all of 2 minutes to get all the Zippers flyable. I LIKE that skin!!! Be a nice addition to SF2:I maybe??? <grin> wrench kevin stein
  23. Are you using this terrain in an 08 patch level game? I'm wondering if the new height mesh data might need adding. Try this: open the Lybia_DATA.ini. Then, Save As.. ori-Lybia_DATA.ini. Close that. Then, reopen the Lybia_Data.ini, and replace the top 3 sections with this below: see if that does anything. As I'm unable to duplicate the complaint (as we say in the automotive industry), I'm just guessing at the possilbe issue. You can also try using the black repainted _hm.bmps: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9205 Just unzip that pak, and drop them into the Lybia terrain folder. Let them overwrite the existing ones. If that don't work, well there isn't much I can say! wrench kevin stein
  24. check Gepards BoB map ... you might find what you're looking for there. I know I did for the EAWEuro upgrade wrench kevin stein
  25. Damnit Lloyd!!! You're gonna MAKE me finish these, aren't you??? Have to revisit my home-made templaes, and add some shading. The mapping on one of these is a little "off", but can't remember where or which!! Never could find proper historical numbers for one of them -- again, can't remember which A CAF version of Monty's Hawk III (Export), and the CAF P-26 should already be in the D/L sections. wrench kevin stein

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