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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Oh dear....do I let my baser instincts get the better of me???? Or do I rise above, and use the forebrain Evolution ™ has given me..... ....such descisions are not best left for mortals... ah, screw it!!! Greets Gulf! Yes, like Brother Gwar as stated some asshole (ok, I've elected myself!!) will pop in here and screech "Look in the Knowledge Base!!! All you questions are answered there!!! That's what it's for!!!" or words to that effect. Start at the beginning, and read all the posts for the "New to 3rd Wire Sims", and the progress to the more difficult bits. The learning curve isn't really steep, just confusing sometimes. And we all had to follow that curve, one time or another, and we're all STILL learning new things. So, consider it said. Now, having said that, let me make a few directed answers. These will be designed for THe Original Series (SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI), as the NextGen SF2 series do things just slighly differently. With the exception of decals for aircraft, it's all pretty much the same. But that's for another day. Mods are pretty much a drag/drop operation, for vehciles/ships (hereinafter refered to as GroundObjects), aircraft, terrains and so forth. Meaning: you have this nice model of HMS Hermes (see the Ships/Carriers download section), and you want to add it. Unzip, and drop the folder into your /Objects/GroundObjects folder. Mind you, if there's any new weapons to be added (SAMs or AAA guns), that require use of the WeaponsEditor (also for another day, and definatly covered in the KB) BUT...carriers are NOT usable in-game generated single missions. They can only be used in pre-built Campaigns or end-user built single missions. This, IMO, is one of the greatest failings of the 3rdWire series. (along with the lack of an in-game mission builder and save mission function) As to where to get, a great number of Warships, including destroyers, cruisers, carriers (especially for WW2) are not publicly available; they are available, but only after registering with the site that has them.. Again, that's for another time. Some ships, however are 'hidden in plane sight' is some terrains mods; which ones I'm not sure. For the most part, carriers, when added to terrains as 'being at sea' or 'in port', mostly sit there and look pretty. Again, usable in campaigns. Hope this gets you started! And DO spend some time in the KB a lot of really smart people spent a lot of time complining the answers to help folks and Welcome to CombatAce. You'll get used to our somewhat twisted sense of humor. Eventually.. wrench kevin stein
  2. Mig17: Camo and natural metal are both stock in WoI. Have you looked in the downloads section??? I recall some time ago, that there should be some there, made for the eariler games As for the Mir5, there's a LARAF skin, without the orange triangles obviously, also stock in WoI. Anything else, a search of the D/L section might be in order. Otherwise, the Mirage skin may not exist yet. wrench kevin stein
  3. you all know that pic is actually NOT a P-51, per se, right??? Looks at the center, aft of the fuselage fuel tank. That's a camera port, making that a F-6 photo-recon mustang. Yah, I know, rivet counting.... ducks and runs............ wrench kevin stein
  4. The "usual suspects" Easter Eggs aren't really much on this terrain; the CA advertisement sign at airbases, the aforementioned named target area (I got is positioned correct, meaning it's on a hillside, just not in it's correct place as it's described as being 'in the shadow of Mt. Tabor', in the Jazreal Valley'. Movie and Book. I didn't really spend a whole lot of time on it, so it's not up to my usual standards of silliness. wrench kevin stein
  5. My guess, video card issue. Bet it's an ATI wrench kevin stein
  6. I'm pretty sure that'll work, never actually tried it, though! I know Top/Bottom works for landing gear doors. I guess it would all depend on which direction the model's mesh is facing. I don't recall actually seeing FRONT or BACK used, as fer instance, gear doors are top/bottom (open/closed kinda thing) wrench kevin stein
  7. Desert tiles can ONLY be used on terrains that USE the desert tile naming conventions. And nothing else. WoI's IsrealME uses it's on peculiar names. Nothing else can be used for IsrealME, as there are not any other terrains that use said naming conventions. (unless Gepard is using them for Afghanistan???) The COMPLETE terrains can be used in most other GAME installs, provided the tiles (bmp/tga/_hm.bmp) and included, and the cat pointer line goes to one of the Original Three ™ terrains (Desert, GermanyCE & VietnamSEA) for the rest of the terrain objects, that also MUST be present in said game install. wrench kevin stein
  8. Umm...them don't look like any water I've ever seen. Methinks they're some kind of mutated sheep. Or, something out of a really Z-Grade 1950s Sci-Fi movie, "where radiation gets the blame again as giant monsters run amok" (really, that's a actualy listing from TV Guide I remember for some movie who'se name I can't) This is yet ANOTHER thing that happens with radiation exposure (or Dave messing around with his nukes again. or both). wrench kevin stein ps: what's a readme???
  9. Ummmm.....I don't know.... Let's wait and see when SF2:I comes out, then you can test if for me!!! wrench kevin stein
  10. WW2 Palestine



    WW2 Palestine Terrain For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 MTO Installs -06 Patch Levels ONLY!- This is a modification of Gepard's "Suez" terrain, backdated for use in WW2 with the approximate timeframe of 1940-1946. Not a great deal of "enhancements" have been added, but you can expect the "usual suspects". Plus one 'generic' Easter Egg (one of the target areas, albiet slightly misplaced - bonus points for IDing its origination) This is a COMPLETE terrain with all items necessary to unzip, install and fly over. All tiles and TODs are included, as well as several new-to-this-terrain Terrain Objects (buildings and the like) The targets, nations, briefing, movements and types inis have all been greatly expanded to reflect the timeframe. Place names have been adjusted to WW2 levels (where known and discoverable). All 3 levels are Planning Maps have also been newly created, just for this terrain mod. The data ini has been upgraded to the semi-latest standards (ie: 2006 patch level). Water effects are active, so Vista users beware...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users". NOTE: this is NOT designed for the post-08 patch or SF2 "NextGen" series. The terrain's data ini does NOT have the new Height Data nor the background shader sections!!! (however, these are easily added if you're familiar with the varous terrain data inis, and how to 'update' them). = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE WW2 WEAPONS PAK !! = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST, WW2 NATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST WW2 FORMATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE NECESSARY WW2 GROUND OBJECTS PAKS!! MOST IMPORTANT!!! = It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, using their cats pointed to in the main ini. As most of the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line). It has NOT, however, been tested in post 08 SF/WoV/WoE/WoI or any of the SF2 'NextGen' series; it is NOT designed for useage in those type of game installs. If you choose to do so, expect NO support from me -- you're on your own. Although, it should work pretty well, in any case. Some data ini adjustments will probably be required for the additional effects. Although, for more "modern" times, I'd reccomend Isreal2 + the targets enhancement pak. As always, it's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder somewhere's thats easy to find. This will give you access to the rest of the readme for full, detailed install instructions and the Usual Notes and Other Ramblings... Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It's HIGHLY reccomended you read this document completly through before installing this mod. There is VITAL information herein about several items not included with this package. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  11. Here's the link: http://wrench1smog.com/books/pby_ds.zip I'll leave it up until the beginning of the week for any and all that might want it. wrench kevin stein
  12. I'll get the book zipped and uploaded as soon as I can. Can I request internal mapping too please? A lot of interior shows through those blisters and cockpit.... wrench kevin stein
  13. I wondered how long it would be, before one appeared! The roundels look GOOD one the 'widow!! Well done! wrench kevin stein note to self: in the spirit of reciprocity, finish off AAF Spitfire <grin>
  14. Unless they're used in YAP too (I don't have it), it's from Polak's Object Library 1, ported objects from CFS Midway Group. That's not the first item with some 'oddities' ... one of the bunker/slit trenches/fortifited positions ... I can't remember if it's the 'af21 fortified cave entrance' or one of the trenches extends several thousand feet UP, and is not visible. But you sure CAN fly right into to ... acts like The Wall ... a nonmovalbe invisible things hanging there! Out of the 68 objects, there's 2 or 3 that don't work, and I disremember which ones exactly. Swarm: did you PM me about something? I got a little overzealous in cleaning out my folder here, and might have deleted it by accident!!!! (sorry!) So, what was it I can help you with? wrench kevin stein
  15. Do you have ALL the terrain tile bmps IN the TE's main folder??? That includes ALL the sea, sea/land transition tgas (including any and all river tgas), converted to bmp. Otherwise..... The tile naming convetions for WoE and SF2E are the same. wrench kevin stein
  16. Thank you Shaolin!!! Some will be different, like Paris-Oley, Le Bourget, Cryodon, Prague, Berlin-Tempelhof -- they just get called "airport". Cause I'm pretty sure that's how they started life. The bases in England just get "RAF ***" (even if eventually used by americans, like Bassingboure, etc)*. Also added RAF Rhoose, cities of Cardiff and Bristol -- as they were already tiled, but nothing was there. Now Russo can fly over his hometown! (and we can look for Torchwood HQ) Now, I've got to figure out WHICH cities and bases are in Germany proper, as I've added another location to the Nations ini; Germany itself, with UK and "Occupied Europe" --that makes it a little simplier than trying to figure out which is is what country (although, France, Belgium, Netherlands would be easy -- just eastern europe I'd have a problem with!) wrench kevin stein *note to self -- add advert sign at Duxford "Future Sight of Duxford Museaum - coming in 1977"
  17. The original question seems a bit unclear, as to what you're trying to do... You mean create a fin-flash, like on RAF aircraft? Easy; create a decal and apply it as a Level=0. You'll just need to create the tga and find the location on the fin. Remember, no matter what the SHAPE of the image, all decals MUST be square images (256x256, 512x512, etc) Or, paint it directly on the relevant skin bmp. Try this site for flag images: http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/ that's where I get 'em for my terrain mods. As to your sound issues, only by reinstalling the ENTIRE game. Hence, the reason why most of us have more than one game install...comes in handy for patching and repairing faults. wrench kevin stein
  18. Eject: need to see a screeine of the alleged ocean issue. It's never occured for me so....on 06 or 08 level games, including SF2 and what EXACTLY do you mean by "merging". You can't merge terrains; you can only install them to a game. Unless you know something about the Terrain Editor I don't!!! The SoCal map should have "region" for Napa Valley; be aware of a small glicht in the tiles north of Vandenburg, I've been unable to repair the flashing tile, so before it get gripped about ... I'm very aware of it. Information on proper install procedures is HIGHLY detailed in all my terrain readmes. It's suggested they be followed exactly. wrench kevin stein ps: yes, Libya will work in WoI, provided you have the Desert terrain as well in you WoI /Terrain folder, and have the cat pointer line adjusted accordingly.
  19. Yeah baby!! Ed if you need the Detail and Scale book, I can zip it up and post a link for you. Has some fantastic interior shots, to say nothing of the hardpoints for the various weapons fits. USN skins are gonna be SOOOOOOOO easy for these!!! Only 2 to choose from!! "You can have any color you want, as long as in NS Blue over Gray or Black!!!!!" A nice FAA 2tone scheme would good too...Lloyd, I'm sure, will take care of RAAF and RNZAF for us wrench kevin stein
  20. I took a look at Gepard's BoB, and he use "fligerhorst" (sp?) So, that's what I used. It's easly changed back when finished. Here's the tiling I was talking about .... I'm actually about halfway on redoing the airfields (guess I just plane forgot about it...) I've gone through 130 of the 255 target area, and still rebuilding the citiesini Please forgive the color mismatch ... I plan on repainting it a darker green to try and match the BN series tiles. This is one of the LW airfields in France. I'm going to have to go over each airfield, as there's a LOT of runway4s used, and as per usual, they don't fit within the 4 AB-1 tiles, and need some twising around to fit properly. Once I get everthing retiled, then is just a matter of flying over EVERY airfield, and recentering them to the 0 point where the 4 tiles meet. Exept for a couple I changed to runway3, and have one of my 'special' tiles, and 1 tile will fit a runway3 on. With just a little space left over. And tods for said tiles. (yes, those are trees in the surrounding, renamed TODs from Stary/Brain's Germany Farms and Fields mod -- still needs more TODs for the regular BN farms and rivers and cities and whatnot. wrench kevin stein
  21. Ok....yet another stupid question .... what did the Luftwaffe call their bases??? Is/was there a 'generic' term, like RAF Station Duxford or something like that?? Or the German word for airbase? Flug-something??? that'll help me locate them faster, if I make those edits in the targets and cities ini ... make retiling go faster! wrench kevin stein
  22. Ok...I must correct myself... Looking in my Terrain Editor folders (note, that's PLURAL!!), it DOES appear I started some retiling of the EAW Euro, adding some 'clear zone tiles' for the airbases. But as the citylist is pretty wrong, I'll have to rebuild that, and locate each airfield, then retile, then adjust the airfield positions to match the center of the tiles (they're the VietnamAB and a custome single AB tile I made for use with runway3s) Gonna take a LOOONG time to fix, but it looks like I've already started!! I am NEVER gonna finish Tunisia at this rate!!!! To say nothing of the indo-pak map!!! wrench kevin stein
  23. I think he did some stuff for YAP, but as for General Usage ™, nothing in over 2 years. He'd had a P-61, Spit9 and few others that just never materialized. Sad. Have you given any thought to a pit? I'd like to suggest Stary's P-26 Peashooter; albeit not a perfect match (well, we know that story), but it IS a open cockpit, with minimal gauges. I'll have to do more research on gunsights for it, as I don't know if it's a reflector (which means using something else) or ring-and-bead type. It might also be converted (hopefully easily) to metric measurments via small ini edits. FM-wise, there's not a lot to choose from for 06 level sesiquplanes...but I have some ideas there, too. When the model is ready, I'd like to experiment with my thoughts.... Now, I'm off to find some books .... hope I can find the Mushroom yellow on it... wrench kevin stein
  24. Actually, it's all the same skin bmp; Heck Mitchell did all the squadron decals (and a SUPERB job, too!!! I didn't -and still don't know enough about AdA squadrons and markings, so....) There's a Vichy Hawk skin, too, that I did. But it SURE could use a little update!!! Like, it's rather generic in it's markings. Sort of a "Plane Jane" (get it?? <grin>) at my site: http://wrench1smog.com/aircraft/hawk75_vf.zip here at CA: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6697 There should also be a Vichy DB-7 around here/my site too. The DB-7s, both AdA and Vichy could use a data ini tweek, to remove the exhaust nipples, like I did on the A-20A for Pearl Harbor, and the early strafer SoWesPac version. I'll gladly share my templates, if that'll help! (painting those yellow/red markings was a frakking nightmare!!! Maybe you can clean it up some!?!??!!!) They SURE could use some better squadron markings, too ..... wrench kevin stein EDIT: your skin looks SOOOO much better than mine, I'd just do a update pack, saying "this replaces the original skin as done by The Wrench, with Heck Mitchell's AdA Squadron decals.. Install instructions: unzip, and drop a copy of the P-36ATex.bmp into each of the Hawk75_AdA skin folders, allowing it to overwrite Wrench's crappy orignals (wrench's words, not mine). Go fly! or words to that effect.... W
  25. I'm getting back to the Tunisia map pgrade reaaaaalllly soon now. Really, I promise!!! It covers eastern Algeria to eastern lybia (a few hundred km east of Behghazi), Sicily and Italy as far north as Rome. In fact, the northern/eastern city limits for The Eternal City it "THE WALL" (and yes, it has a river running through it. Just one) . So, for playability, I've declared Rome an "Open City", so there's no stargetic targets for bombing raids. As to North/Western Europe, the EAW WW2 map could use retiling to modern WoE style with all the nice trees and suchlike, but we CAN live without that; but a complete and utter rebuild of the targets ini to something more histoically accurate as to major industiral centers, troop concentrations, etc, etc, and of course, etc. Gepards BoB map is just bit too small, but nearly good enough for a Battle of France, maybe?? Conversly, one could possibly rebuild the stock GermanyCE map for 1940, although 98.6% ™ of the airfields in the UK would be missing wrench kevin stein EDIT: after looking at the map, ALL the UK bases would be missing, as England itself is missing from the map!! So, that would limit us to pretty much just Germnay attacking Poland, then the "Phony War", and the advance through the Low Countries and France. Doable? Sure!!

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