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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Katie Couric, Charlie Gibson, Brian Williams and a tough old U.S. Marine Sergeant were captured by terrorists in Iraq. The leader of the terrorists told them he'd grant each of them one last request before they were beheaded and dragged through the streets. Katie Couric said, 'Well, I'm a Southerner, so I'd like one last plate of fried chicken.' The leader nodded to an underling who left and returned with the chicken. Couric ate it all and said, 'Now I can die content.' Charlie Gibson said, 'I live in 'New York City, so I'd like to hear the song, "The Moon and Me", one last time.' The terrorist leader nodded to another terrorist who had studied the Western world; he knew of the music, so shortly he returned with some musicians and played the song. Gibson was satisfied. Brian Williams said, 'I'm a reporter to the end. I want to take out my tape recorder and describe the scene here and what's about to happen. Maybe, someday, someone will hear it and know that I was on the job till the end.' The leader directed an aide to hand over the tape recorder and Williams dictated his comments. He then said, 'Now I can die happy.' The leader turned and said, 'And now, Mr... U.S. Marine, what is your final wish? 'Kick me in the ass,' said the Marine. 'What?' asked the leader, 'Will you mock us in your last hour?' 'No, I'm NOT kidding. I want you to kick me in the ass,' insisted the Marine. So the leader shoved him out into the yard, then proceeded to kicked him in the ass. The Marine went sprawling, then rolling to his knees, pulled a 9mm sidearm from inside his cammies and shot the leader dead. In the resulting confusion, he emptied his pistol on six terrorists, with his 'K-Bar' he slashed the throat of another one. Picking up a discarded AK-47, he sprayed the remaining terrorists, killing another 11. In a flash, all of the terrorists were either dead, or fleeing for their lives. As the Marine was untying Couric, Gibson, and Williams, they asked him, 'Why didn't you just shoot them all in the first place? Why did you ask him to kick you?' "What?" replied the Marine, "and have you three a$$ holes report that I was the aggressor?!!" ------------------ wrench kevin stein
  2. Well, since there's only 4 'water runways' on 3 different maps*, and this looks like a -5A, I wouldn't worry about that too much! As long as it got gear, we got runways! Odd ball question: will the floats be animated? (I'd suggest the bombbay or hook key for manual deployment). looks pretty good so far, Ed! Wrench kevin stein *IJN seaplane bases at Ambon, on WW2 Darwin, 2 in Solomons, and Lake Biwa on Okinawa map
  3. File Name: 93rd FS, MTO P-39 Airacobra Skin/Ini Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 07 Oct 2009 File Updated: 07 Oct 2009 File Category: P-39 Bell P-39D Airacobra, 93rd FS Skin & Ini Pak For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE WW2: MTO Installs -06 Patch Levels ONLY!! This package contains a new skin, and some minor data & cockpit ini mods for Wol257's P-39D Airacrobra. You will be using this pak IN the P-39D, as the external differences between the 'mid-series' K/L/M/N models are really too small notice. If wishing to recreate the L/M models, instructions are in the "Notes" section below. The skin represents aircraft from the 93rd FS, 81st FG as seen after Operation TORCH, and in other operations in North Africa, Sicily and Italy in the late 1942 through late 1943 time frames. The aircraft carries a 'non standard' camo pattern, similiar to that used on RAF and other USAAF aircraft in North Africa, the 'yellow surround' cockade. Serial numbers ARE accurate for L & M model Airacobras, but I could only find 100% accurate data for aircraft T & V. All other serials should be considered "generic" in nature. For those that haven't updated their MTO install's Airacobra, I've supplied the inis and cockpit necessary to update to a pit with the reflector gunsight (like as used in my P-400 mod), and corrected all the lighting (again!) -- there are new formation/ID lights under the right wing, tail ID lights have been repositioned to their proper placement. It should be noted these lighting fixes can easily be applied to all other Aircobras via simple text edits of the data inis. Also, just for fun, is a NEW WoE-style hangar screen, MTO themed for this aircraft. As always, it's reccomended you unzip this package to a temp folder or your desktop, or somewhere's else that's easy to find to gain access to the rest of this readme for full, detailed install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  4. The hangar and loading screens I did 5 years ago!!!, when Pakso showed the WIP of his never-finsihed version (along with a whole mess of others...), will FINALLY get a home!!! Good going Ed!! wrench kevin stein
  5. and then double check in the GermanyCE targets and Types inis, that the callout exist for those airfields (btw: search for "Runway") edit: don't forget there's tga's assigned to the runway lods too, for the dirt roadways. wrench kevin stein
  6. Version


    Handley-Page Peregrine FGA.1 for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI, Post-Patch (9/08 & 10/08) & SF2 Series Installs A "What If..." aircraft for the early Cold War.... This is a mod of Pasko's Ho-229, which I modded into the "What If" F-79 'Manta, now modded yet again into an UK built version for the RAF. (did that sound as confusing as it looked???) This is a complete aircraft mod, containing everything needed to just unzip and fly. A new pilot figure, and the pylon "seats" will need installing, but that's a pretty simple matter. The skin, created from new 1024x1024 templates, is based off the original WW2 Luftwaffe one, and has completly redrawn panel and rivet lines. All new decals representing 54 Squadron, RAF have been either created by me or borrowed from Spinners RAF Decals Pak. Period style lighting has been added; running and ID lights, and a landing light. The cockpit, while based off the A-4B, has been extensively edited to make use of the new coding in post-08-patches for the "OpenCockpit", as has the data ini. This allows the external model's canopy frame to work for us. If attempting to use in a pre-patch install, you'll need to make all sorts of adjustments, and even I don't remember them all. Suffice it to say, it's built for post patch -- keep it that way. A new "WoE-style" hangar screen has been created for this aircraft (usable in ALL versions of the sim). Damage tgas are incuded here as well, just in case you happen to get shot up.... This mod is designed for use with, I'm hoping, ANY weapons pak. You may just need to add a few things. If you've already added the weapons provided from another mod or weapons pak, you need not add them again. The data ini has been extensiverly expanded from the Manta mod, to include the new 'fake pilot seat' pylons that have been added for weapons carriage. Depending on the year flown you'll either have US AIM-9B Sidewinders or RAF Firestreak IRMs. It has been set to use the stock 3rdWire 100 gallon drop tank, and the stock UK bombs. The SNEB rocket pod, for use on CAS mission, should be available in just about all the weapons paks. Some tweeking of the Flight Model, mostly the "StallMoment" line for the wings, have been incorporated. The aircraft handles EXCEPTIONALLY well for such an old model. = IMPORTANT: This aircraft has been tested in Post-Patch SF/WoV/WoE/WoI & SF2. In fact, I tested it EXTENSIVELY in SF2 to be sure it would work ok! Be advised of the existence of some handling issues prevelant in WW2 era and many Pre-Patch (ie: 06 level) aircraft. Fly accordingly!!!. As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  7. Looking for a book

    Don't know if they have it, but try this site: http://www.farposst.ru/phpBB2/index.php you'll have scroll down past all the airplane stuff, but "arms and armor, post 1945" is the section. Keep you popup blocker ON!! wrench kevin stein
  8. Modern Darwin/Timor



    Modern Darwin Terrain Ver 2.0 for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE & SF2/SF2:V/SF2:E UPDATED to Version 2.0 6/11/09 This is a rebuild of MY rebuild of Edward's WW2 Pacific Theatre map of Northern Australia, Timor, and parts of Indonesia. This moves it up into modern-ish times; the operational time frame I've designed it for is apporximately 1950-2050. Modern place names have been used were needed (and discoverable!). It has been extensively updated for Post-08 Patch Level installs for the Classic Series ™ {herein after to be known as "TOS"}, and is usable in the New Series {herein after to be known as "NextGen"}. The Update is designed to COMPLETLY replace the earlier version I'd released some years ago, and is a COMPLETE terrain with just about everything needed for installation. It has been extensively re-tiled, with the addition of MANY parts from the WoV "GreenHell" ™ mod by Brain32 & CA_Stary, while still using ONLY the original stock tiles (in other words, TODs for the jungle/paddy/grass. City TODs are still the stock ones, due to target placements within the cities) . The target areas have been 'cleaned up' and enhanced, including some that are of a 'fictional nature' to enchance gameplay. The movement ini has had some additions for CAS missions on Timor., The data ini has also been brought up to present (post-08) standards, with all effects activated. For mission and campaign builder, 2 Friendly Carrier stations have been added. I've included several new ground objects, mostly to replace some that have gone missing from General Usage ™. Included are 1 new destroyer, 2 1/2 aircraft carriers, and some other things. (I say 2 1/2 carriers, as one, HMAS Australia, is just ini edits to create a "What If..." for the RAN). There's also quite a few surprises ... so keep a sharp eye out, especially when flying near coastlines/ports at night ... *NextGen users take note -- you =MAY= be making data ini adjustementst for use in SF2/SF2:V/SF2:E. I've experienced NO anomalies during testing. Your mileage may vary* **SF/SFG/SF2 Only users take note: you will be missing 2 of the naval vessels; the SumnerFRAM2 destroyer and the SCB-125 Essex class aircraft carrier. You will have to import the various and sundry bits from WoV or Post-08 Patch WoE. Or find "other alternatives". Or switch to WoE/WoV as your main gaming install. It is also suggested (read: REQUIRED!!) you have the latest weapons pak installed for the various guns, SAMs, and whathaveyous. This is mostly for the ships, and air defense units --this is MOST critical for NextGen SF2 series users!!!! Any additional Ground Objects you can get your hands on, is also HIGHLY reccomended!! (Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Pak, Kesselbruts Zil Trucks, you get the idea...) As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It is also HIGHLY reccomended you read this document ALL the way through to get an understanding of what's to be accomplished, and how to do it. Happy Landings!! Wrench Kevin Stein ps: yes, I've reused the same screenie. Just too lazy to take/make a new one
  9. Me likes! Hell yes, finish it!! wrench kevin stein
  10. PLEASE tell me a CR-42 is the offing!!! One of the most 'missed' aircraft for MTO and etc .... look real good flying over all them terrains (btw, Ed, look closly at the D.520 hangar screen .... the top pic has 2 attacking BR.20s, with CR.42 going down smoking badly -- you should see the full sized version!!!) wrench kevin stein
  11. That a different cammo pattern or squadrons than my H-75??? (with thanks to Heck for the squadron decals...) It looks GOOD!!! wrench kevin stein
  12. Steve, I have absolutely NO idea!!! (now mind you, some years back someone complained about the slight bobbing around thats exhibitied by player and AI craft -this for jets- and some movement might be considered 'normal' turbulance responses) Helicopters I can't speak to ... and I don't have but one or 2 installed, and never fly them. In particular, WHICH aircraft are acting wildly?? wrench kevin stein
  13. In 08+ levels, maybe not at all. As it seems you CAN add Friendly Weapons ™ to Enemy Aircraft ™. Case in point: WoI's Jordanian Hunters (clearly enemy A/C) carrying UK bombs/rocket pods -- in the STOCK game. CiPx2: in the Indo-Pak mod, both side used Bofors 40mm AA guns. I simply create a nationalized copy of the ground object for India, and the gun works just fine thank you very much. Of couse, we know that guns don't have a nationalized attachement type, so that's probably a bad example. CiP2a: Indian Canberras, Mystres, etc using UK and French weapons with no problems. However... (or the expected BUT....) in the case of A-A missiles, for example Saudi Eagles, there IS the possibiliby of them NOT having their Sparrows and Sidewinders. This is something I've not experimentated with (meaning: will an Exported=YES AIM-7F/P/M be loadable on an enemy Saudi Eagle) At the worst, a 'nationalized' SAF version is easily created in the weapons editor. Again, only a few minutes work. Dates would have to match exactly, of course, with the operational service dates of the saudi aircraft. wrench kevin stein
  14. And THAT my friends, is the entire point of sim gamming!! wrench kevin stein
  15. Partial Fixes for DAT aircraft that Explode on the Runway: This has been driving me absolutly frustrated crazy insane trying to keep certain aircraft from the 'bouncy-jiggly, rock-back-and-forth, flip over and explode' issue for the 2+ years. Nobody seems to want to address the issue, so I've been going round and round trying to figure out WHY certain aircarft have this problem. These following aircraft seem to most effected: Re.2000 Re.2001 Re.2002 As these are fairly important RA aircraft for the beginning of the war, the NEED fixing!! I've narrowed it down to configurations in the landing gear statements in the data ini, and possibly CG placement; although I know far to little about aerodynamics to be sure. Now, this fix is NOT perfect...in fact while testing, aircraft further down the taxi line STILL rocked up/down back/forth as aircraft ahead moved up, but didn't flip over and explode. I'd VERY much like you all to test this, and PLEASE post your finding or other tweeks in the main Threads below. So, make a backup copy FIRST of the data inis for the affected aircraft listed above!!. Then, open the data inis and scroll down to the landing gear statements. Copy/Paste the data below DIRECTLY OVER the existing statements: The changes mostly relate to the sping and damping factors, and MAY need futher adjustments. Now, if you want to experiment with the move CG positioning, scroll back up to the top, where the ]AircraftData[ section is. Copy/paste these 2 lines over the existing CG statement: //CGPosition=0.00,-0.25,0.00 CGPosition=0.0,0.0,0.0 for grins, you can add this line anywhere in that section; this'll give metric readings on the little window on the lower left: UseMetricUnit=TRUE AND...if you want to change the canopy from auto-speed to an animation key, replace the Canopy statements with this: [Canopy] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_10 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL AnimationTime=4.0 AnimationID=7 AND...if you want to add a little armor for the pilot (as I recently discovered in one of my reaearches, there WAS an armored seat back on these), and something for him to park it on (ie: add a seat!) replace the //Crew section with this: The FRONT armor section is supposed to represnt the engine; not enough obvously for a large radaial or V12 inline that's 4 feet long, but it'll give a bit more protection. So, once again, PLEASE test these landing gear fixes, and if you discover any improvemnts PLEASE post them! wrench kevin stein
  16. Some WW2 Nations.ini Tweeks: As ALWAYS, create a backup copy of your Nations.ini FRIST before making these changes For WWII Italy (Regia Aeronautica), I've been exeperimentating with a few changes in it's formation types. Copy/Paste the info below directly OVER the existing entry for the RA (you DID backup the Nations.ini, right???) basically, the only real change is using the Soviet bomber formation callouts. That should give you a base number of 3 aircraft at minimum. Now, I don't know if this 'Active Date=' will work in 06 level games; I know it does in 08 and SF2, but scroll back up until yo find the stock Italy reference -it's #11 obviously as seen below, and copy/paste the data over the existing statement: I know the year date is off a few months (from Sept, 1943 in Real Life ™), but we can only use whole year statements in 06 levels. With any luck, this'll give another Allied Air Force for the late war years. EDIT: if "ActiveDate" dosen't work, try "ActiveYear", as we know that statement works for the aircraft data inis, terrain targets & types inis, etc. Wrench kevin stein
  17. Lloyd did a GREAT job on the skin!! ---- Here's a few very fast tweeks: open the data ini, and change the NationName= to WWII Italy (that's 2 capital I s with a space) scroll down further, to the weapons stations, and replace all the nations listed in the AttachmentType= with W_GERMANY don't worry -- all LW weapons are WGerman (don't ask!) save and close the data ini. OPen the loadout ini, and replace all the bomb callouts (500lb_bomb) with SC-250 save and close. This'll give you Luftwaffe bombs; the only one's we've got for the Axis powers -------- flying it on a strike mission, all I could think of was "man, I sure wouldn't want to be that dude hanging off the belly station!!! Of cousre, I'm an acrophope, so...... Nicly done Ed!! wrench kevin stein
  18. YOu mean the IsraelME targets upgrade, or the Isreal2 targets upgrede? They're mutualy exclusive ... the're seperate mods designed for EACH of the terrains. Seperatly. All is explained in the enclosed readmes; re-read them, all will become clear --- Dave: how does WHAT effect weapons?? wrench kevin stein
  19. Version


    Southern California Terrain (Rebuilt) for SF, WoE & WoV This semi-fictional terrain represents the Southern California region, along with parts of Nevada, Northern California, Arizona, Baja Mexico and various and sundry parts in between. I use the term 'semi-fictional', as for the most part, the cities and airfields are relatively close to their real life locations, but some fictional target areas have been added for playability. As close as I can, I've tried to match the actual positions of cities, air bases, etc, and used their actual names. Considering that I live in Los Angeles, and have been to a LOT of the places depicted....well, you get the idea. This is a very heavily populated map, a heavily defended map, with all kinds of eye candy, plus LOTS of "Easter Eggs". A repainted version of airfield 3 (the dirt strip) is also included; ala Fubar's version, it's been paved over. I've designed this to be used in the alternative world of the "Global Sedition" vs the "North American Alliance". It is, however, usable in any era from 1940-2040, with minor changes in the targets and types inis. It is based on USAFMTL's SCal map from his Top Gun mod from several long years ago. This package contain just about everything you'll need, from new inis, HFD & TFD, tiles (used by the kind permission of Deuces), LOTS of new fixed terrain objects (destroyed buildings of all flavors) It has been -almost- completly rebuilt, with the creation of briefing, movement, a completely NEW targets and types ins, and upgrading the data ini to the latest standards. Water effects are active, so Vista users take note...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users". It is reccomended (read: REQUIRED) that you have Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Pak installed in your GroundObject folder; either or both the Desert or Euro skinned vehicles, plus any additional vehicles such as Kesselbrut's ZIL truck pak, Infantry paks, Moonjumper's fix for the BM-14-16 (adds working Kytusha rockets) and any other SAMS or AAA, vehicles or whatever strikes your fancy. With such an 'open ended' time frame for use, any and all GroundObjects should be available for use. This includes ships as well. See the "Notes" section for more info. It has been tested in SF, WoE and WoV. It should work in WoI with the correct cat pointer -- this has NOT been tested or supported. READ the enclosed readme for fully detailed, step by step install instructions. A large notes sections is supplied for Vista users on the graphics issues, instructions on which cat pointer to use; installation of the included items, which additional, non-supplied item you'll need; plus general and sundry comments by me. A full listing of credits is also included thanking all. Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein (the screenie above shows the Palos Verdes Pennisula, with Catalina in the background) PS: as I said above, there are several MAJOR easter eggs...please post a screenshot if can find them.
  20. Great info! Wish it was usable for 06 level games (however, it might be for SF2, if our birds ever get updated for 08+ patch levels...) The Monica might be able to be simulated by used the EasyAviionic.ini; as that gives all radars a "gods eye view" of the full 360 degs around the aircraft (and is a MAJOR cheat, imo) Since we don't have the indicator lights in the cockpit, (or a 'modern' rwr gauge*!), that's pretty much why I chose the 'audio only' type. At the very least, it DOES give some kind of warning. There's isn't any way to discriminate between AI or ground based radars. Or for that matter, between the varying AI radars! But keep thinking 'out of the box'!!! We NEED that!! wrench kevin stein *although, on certain cockpits, where node names are knowable, I'm certain I can sacrifice a gauge for a working RWR --but that's definatley NOT historical!
  21. Page 4 of the Game's manual (that pdf file in the folder marked "Manual") gives a very quick overview of "how to" More detailed instructions start on Pg 31. Time to review it, methinks??? At least, it'll get you started on knowing how it works wrench kevin stein
  22. Rio 2016 !

    and aren't there better looking babes in Brazil, as compared to Chi-town??? wrench kevin stein
  23. Version


    Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat, VF-41 'Operation Torch' Skin & Ini Pak for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE WW2: MTO Installs =Version 2.0 - will update and REPLACE the original from 2005= This package contains a new skin, and some minor data & cockpit ini mods for Pasko's F4F-4 "Wildcat". It is designed to TOTALLY replace the VF-41 version released several years ago. The skin represents VF-41 "Red Rippers" based aboard USS RANGER during Operation Torch, the Invasion of North Africa (well, actually, we all know it was Morocco and Tunisia, but why quibble???) This new skin, like the other Wildcat skins I've done recently, is from my home-grown template, with all redrawn panel, rivet and other details. It has been resized to 1024x, so has a bit more detail than the older 512 version. All new decals, of the correct font and size have been created for the Modex and BuNums. The BuNums ARE for -4 Wildcats, but I was unable to acertain WHICH exact numbers were used by VF-41 during Torch. So, consider them as 'generic'; accurate, but generic <grin> For those that haven't updated their MTO install's F4F-4, all the inis and sounds from the PTO Wildcat Upgrade are included; new data, cockpit and Main ini --so make sure you follow the instructions below!!! The cockpit ini makes use of a new WW2 N-3 gunsight tga. Like it's PTO brother, the canopy has been switched to an animation key (shift/0). The wingfold stays the same as originally issued; you use the bomb-bay control key (cntrl/O). As always, all the lights have been updated with accurate running, formation and landing lights. Also, the landing gear retraction sound is now the 'rachet' noise, as heard in the PTO upgrades. A new WoE-style 'carrier deck' hangar screen, JUST for this mod is included (as it uses the VF41 skin) As always, it's reccomended you unzip this package to a temp folder or your desktop, or somewhere's else that's easy to find to gain access to the rest of this readme for full, detailed install instructions. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  24. P-38F Lighting, 94th FS, MTO 42-43



    P-38F Lightining, 94th Fighter Squadron; for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE MTO Installs This is a new skin for Wolf257's Lightinig, and my mod of it into the P-38F Lightning. It is desinged to replace the "Generic OD1943" skin for use in your MTO-themed WW2 game install. This skin is based off Wolf's original templates that came with his "WW2 Planes Pak", that I've made a few little enhancements too. New panel lines, weathering and some detail work to the interior sections have been added (look around, and you'll find them!) All new decals for serial and ID letters have been created, to represent aircraft from the 94th Fighter Squadron "Hat In The Ring", 1st Fighter Group as they appeared when in service in North Africa/MTO during late 1942 through late 1943. Hence, the use of the Operation Torch yellow-outlined fuselage star, and the plane star roundel on the wings. Research seems to indicate the yellow-outline was used by the 94th well into 1943, until replaced by the red-outlined star-and-bar, which only lasted a few months itself before being replaced by the blue-outlined star-and-bar. Then they moved up to later model Lightnings, in OD/Gray and then to Natural Metal finish. Serial numbers ARE accurate for F model Lightnings, but I was unable to match ID letters to serials, excepting for UN-Q; that one IS the correct serial. Consider the serials as "generic" for this usage. As always, it's reccomended you unzip this package to a temp folder or your desktop, or somewhere's else that's easy to find to gain access to the rest of this readme for full, detailed install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  25. FC: sssssshhhhheeeeee ittttttt!!! Damn, that looks good!! Spinners:, hey, the original Karish would have been replaced loooooong ago. Why waste a good name, eh??? GREAT looking skin, btw!! wrench kevin stein

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