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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Probably not, as Gaza is not a seperate nation, like Egypt or Iraq. However, you could concievly edit the targets and nations ini, adding Gaza to Egypt, but keeping the city name the same (changing the location number in the targets ini, so your mission brief would be "fly a fighter sweep over Gaza, Egypt", as would the debrief or medals page) Or createa a Palestinaian nation in the nations ini (which might mean creating a palestinain air force -- maybe with Piper Cubs or something...visions of Frank Sinatra dropping seltzer bottles just jumped into my head...) BUT...changing the national alignment WILL messup existing campaigns and other thingys, espeically for 67,73,83 wars, as Gaza is considered "Friendly" in the targets ini You should still be able place enemy rocket arty batteries, you just need the coordinates to drop the BM-14-16s onto, added to Gaza city. Hopefully, the game engine ™ will still see them as enemy, as stated in their data inis. You can place enemy targets in a friendly target zone*. You just have to be VERRRRRRYYYYY careful in weapons delivery!! *found that out accidently one time; supposedly friendly AAA was shooting at me!! (mind you, I'd forgotten to change the alignment of an army base, so here I am flying a Mig, and getting shot at by -supposidly- my own people. Very embarrasing, up to the point when I ate a MANPADS! It's worth experimentating with, at least wrench kevin stein
  2. Just leave the IsrealME_Nations.ini in the IsraelMe terrain folder. You should never re=pack a cat. Also, looking over the IME_Nations.ini, it's DEFINATELY an 08 and SF2 style, with 'limiting' statements: So, all it looks like you need to do, is add your new 'enemy' nations to the LimitedNationList. Don't forget to keep the numbers sequential! This 'newer style' makes things a bit eaiser! wrench kevin stein
  3. Attached is a zip with modified data inis for the following P-38 Lightnings from Wolf's WW2 Planes Pak, and 2 mods by me (F & M): P-38F P-38H P-38L P-38M I made some changes based on some 'tweeks' I used for the Black Widow's FM, and want you all the test them. Now, their probably NOT nearly as accurate as what Greg is doing (not by ANY stretch of the imagination!!!) Designed for 06 levels, I haven't modified the StallMoment= line, so if some of you want to adjust that, and test in 08 or SF2 level sims, that's what I'd like. I've fiddled with the elevator, added in BOTH rudders, and not much else. As expected, all the lighting is historically correct; the 20mm cannon has been changed to USE_PRIMARY_GUN, as the AI (in 06 levels anyway) never use their secondary guns. Instructions for installation: Unzip to a temp folder or your desktop, or somewhere safe that won't immeadeatly overwrite the existing, original data.inis... First and most important ... BACK UP YOUR ORIGINAL DATA INIs!!!!!. I did mine the super simple way, of opening them up and "save as..." ori-****_Data.ini; where *** is the aircraft name. Then, just drop the new ones into the approiate aircraft folder (after making sure you've backed up the originals). The, go fly. You'll find the aircraft is less suseptable to stalls in turns, although I'd reccomend keeping your speed up over 195 kts IAS - I found somewhere between 195-205 works best. You still won't (or shouldn't) be able to turn inside a Zeke (but...you can use those 'fake airbrakes' to help bring the nose around -like the dropping flaps trick). Personally, I feel it's a tad too responsive, but you'll stand a better chance against most of the IJA/IJN fighters. I didn't have time to test these in my ETO/MTO installs, so you all can have at go at the Luftwaffe and Regia Aeronatica on your own, and report back in the thread. Further tweeks and adjustments are MORE than welcome!!! If needed, I'll sticky this thread to keep the posts visible for all. Thanks people! And Good Flying! wrench kevin stein
  4. File Name: DH Mosquite NF.XII File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 03 Oct 2009 File Category: Allied Fighters DH Mosquito NF.XII - for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE WW2 ETO/MTO installs Patched to 06 Levels =ONLY=!!! - This is a mod of Pasko's Mosquito FB.VI into the dedicated Nightfighter version, the NF.12. This is a complete aircraft mod, with all the necessary parts to unzip, install and fly away. A new skin, based off the originals, from newly home-made, resized (to 1024x) templates represents aircraft from No.96 Squadron, RAF. New serial and 'call letter' decals have been created/provided for approx. 26 aircraft. The serials should be considered 'generic', as I was unable to ID any as used by 96 Squadron, but they ARE NF.12 serials. A new, WoE-style hangar screen is also included. The 'radar thimble nose' has been added via Fast Cargo's Patent Pending Fake Pilot method; weapons fit and mission statements have been adjusted accordingly. A new avionics ini is included to simulate the AI Mk.VIII radar (more below in the Notes section). A new 'slipper type' drop tank has been included, so warm up those weapons editors. = IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/SFG/WoV/WoE, at the 06 patch level -ONLY-, It has =NOT= been tested in post-08 patch SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI. It has also NOT been tested in the NextGen, SF2 series. You use it in these enviroments at your own risk. = =This mod is designed for use with the WW2 Weapons Pak by me, as it contains all the needed weapons (excepting the new slipper tank) . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era guns, bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.= Reminder: = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE WW2 WEAPONS PAK !! = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST, WW2 NATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST WW2 FORMATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = As always, it's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder somewhere's thats easy to find. This will give you access to the rest of the readme for full, detailed install instructions and the Usual Notes and Other Ramblings... Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  5. DH Mosquite NF.XII



    DH Mosquito NF.XII - for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE WW2 ETO/MTO installs Patched to 06 Levels =ONLY=!!! - This is a mod of Pasko's Mosquito FB.VI into the dedicated Nightfighter version, the NF.12. This is a complete aircraft mod, with all the necessary parts to unzip, install and fly away. A new skin, based off the originals, from newly home-made, resized (to 1024x) templates represents aircraft from No.96 Squadron, RAF. New serial and 'call letter' decals have been created/provided for approx. 26 aircraft. The serials should be considered 'generic', as I was unable to ID any as used by 96 Squadron, but they ARE NF.12 serials. A new, WoE-style hangar screen is also included. The 'radar thimble nose' has been added via Fast Cargo's Patent Pending Fake Pilot method; weapons fit and mission statements have been adjusted accordingly. A new avionics ini is included to simulate the AI Mk.VIII radar (more below in the Notes section). A new 'slipper type' drop tank has been included, so warm up those weapons editors. = IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/SFG/WoV/WoE, at the 06 patch level -ONLY-, It has =NOT= been tested in post-08 patch SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI. It has also NOT been tested in the NextGen, SF2 series. You use it in these enviroments at your own risk. = =This mod is designed for use with the WW2 Weapons Pak by me, as it contains all the needed weapons (excepting the new slipper tank) . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era guns, bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.= Reminder: = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE WW2 WEAPONS PAK !! = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST, WW2 NATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST WW2 FORMATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = As always, it's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder somewhere's thats easy to find. This will give you access to the rest of the readme for full, detailed install instructions and the Usual Notes and Other Ramblings... Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  6. Hmmm...with a little work, that Prop Gloster might be turned into a Bloch 155??? Nice Seafangs! Are/is that the one from some years back? I have a vague memory of something like that .... (age, doncha know!) wrench kevin stein
  7. They're not dive brakes! They're "dive recovery flaps" !!! (yah, I got one wrong! Everyone please take note!!! ) For the F, I"d just comment out the relevant sections, or remove the reference callouts in the wing sections. True, only the very late model H/J could use that 'christmas tree' launcher, although I have photos of H's with Mustang-style HVAR rails under the wing. wrench kevin stein
  8. In Munich (no, really! that's where he lives!) Agreed, it's a good for a Lighting, but not quite right for Black Widow. As far as I know, Daniel has left the community (at least, as of a year ago.) Sad, he was our BEST cockpit maker! wrench kevin stein
  9. So..... anyone have anything to report yet??? It's been a while. I know it's a little too good, but it's a marked improvement over the originals wrench kevin stein
  10. Agreed, that's the BESTest SIMPLEST, most accurate explination of how the Game Engine ™ works I've ever seen, too. Also, assuming this is for WoI's IsraelME, you'll probably need to extract the terrain's IsrealME_Nations.ini, and make the same changes there, as it MUST match the game's main Nations.ini wrench kevin stein
  11. I'd venture a guess the TE dosen't like the SF2 NextGen files. While, oddly, the TOS terrains seem to have no problem working the SF2 (if one extracts all the bits from the SF2 Desert cat, they're all STILL in ANSI, btw -the lods I can't comment on, cause I haven't looked at them, but I suspect they're also old school) Again, the crying need for a updated/better TE rears its ugly head!! To say nothing of a couple dozen extra transition tiles. desert1 and desert2 tiles have no associated TODs, as they're just supposed to be, well, empty desert! You'd normally find TOD (and tress and the buildings) on the transition tiles (desert/farm, farm/mountain, city/farm, city/mountain, sea/city, sea/desert, sea/mountain) and the "main" tiles (city, farm, mountain) Sea, obvously has nothing. Unless you want to build Atlantis or Mu I see you found the palm trees (stock terobject_tree in the desert cat) wrench kevin stein
  12. Just a quickie reset of Gepard's Suez map... which'll give Veltro's D520 another place to operate from (along with several other Vichy aircraft, and of course RA and LW gruppe) Now, I'm quite sure that some of these RAF stations aren't "real"; in fact I've removed quite a few of the airfields in Egypt, and changed the start dates for others (bir tamahada is 1945, fer instance) RAF Helwan is actually on the wrong side of the Nile, but I couldn't move as I don't have the correct textureset and cities inis (and really don't want to bother Gepard to see if he still has them), so can we live with a little geographical/historical innaccuracy? Not doing a whole lot of 'retargetization', but it's getting a small enhancement. Still working on the movements ini (trying to figure out GA routes against Damascus and Amman). As this is a Gepard Map ™, I'm reusing some of his items from the BoB terrain -so expect to see RDF and Freya stations. Just for grins, doncha know! Anyone has any info on proper RAF stations (other than having me move them, as I can't reflatten), please pass it on! BTW, did you know that author Roald Dahl was the first allied flyer to land at Ramat David? Well, it wasn't actually an airbase yet ... just a cleared field! Mafrag and Amman were both RAF stations, built in the 1930s! The things you find when googling stuff!! wrench kevin stein
  13. See my post above (ie: post #2 in this thread). Meaning: not without rebuilding each and every TOD or a quick and dirty way, which unfortunatly removes them all.... open the data in for whichever is the offending terrain, and remove the highlighted section: That'll leave the building, but remove all the trees. I think of course, you'd need to know EXACTLY which is/are the offending tiles...which you really can't do without running the terrain through the terrain editor (but it can be done by guess and by golly) ever thought of swapping out terobject_trees.tgas??? There's several around (pine, palm, generic decidious, etc) wrench kevin stein
  14. Just in case no one says it Otto, Thank You for uploading them!! wrench kevin stein
  15. I should have the screens for you in a couple of hours ... just have to finish "modifying" the box arts, then install them, and shoot them too you. Decals arn't too hard ... just need the production numbers, and the font like what Heck used on the Hawk 75. UVMaps are always a plus (lined if possible -- helps in cheating to create the panel lines! Yeah, I'm THAT lazy!! <grin>) I have the colors in my PS pallete, left over from the ADA DB-7 and Hawk 75, I'm sure I could figure out the patterns from the profiles I'e got. Or, I'll be happy to pass the PDFs on to whomever might need them Just ask! wrench kevin stein ps: from that screenie, I'd say the rolling radius on the tailwheel is too high!
  16. Forgot to mention, the German army FINALLY gets a little arty support. (well, they DO work! mod of Geo 88 Flak 36 into 88 Pak 43) wrench kevin stein
  17. Could also be used in First EAgles as well for operations against Ottoman forces (sorry PB!), with some smaller modifications (ie: removeal of the large airbases, and replacing them all with Runway3) Some renaming, of course, and editing of the nations and targets ini would be needed to backdate it even further I've even given some consideration of 'assembling' all the stuff in the terrain folder into it's own cat file, like the DAT did with WoTimor. This could convievebly replace the cat pointer line, and allow for usage in ALL the 3W series sims. As pretty much EVERYTHING in a terrain cat is availalbe in all other terrin cats, excepting for FE. That would eliminate that issue. Although I'm a bit unclear on the 'rights' to do so (everything from the desert cat would need to be packed into the Palestine.cat -builidng lods, bmps, tgas, etc. Tiles aren't an issue; they've been "out" for a very long time) But for the most part, for WW2 players, using the cat pointer line takes care of it all. FE players can do the same thing -- all aftermarket terrains work in FE, as long as you have one of the Original Three ™ terrains in the FE terrain folder. --- The Norway map could be made usable, but it far, far tooooo small. A new map would actually be better, with Northern UK, North Sea and Norway, then trying to adapt the preexisting one wrench kevin stein
  18. Mustangs don't need bling .... they ARE bling!!! wrench kevin stein
  19. The interdictor version that's available here, is not accurate. The 'fixed' mod version, with the gunpod on/in the bombay hasn't been released yet... please note, in the screenie below, it too far forward. That's been fixed, as has the loadouts (too many bombs - at least for Indian versions) wrench kevin stein
  20. merged (cause I kinda sorts messed up the Original Thread! Sorry!) Remember, instead of starting NEW threads, just post in here, and when folks see the new post, they'll answer.
  21. I'll get started on the screens ASAP.... just got the Mushroom Yellow on the D-520, as I don't/didn't know diddly fiddely about it... fascinating aircrft! Outperformed the 109D/E!! Interestering! Also, don't forget we have the French 7.5mm mgs in the WW2 Weapons Pak; courtesy of Heck Mitchell as he made them for my ADA Hawk 75 and DB-7. Battle of France anyone?? (which might mean actually finishing that 25 Squadron Battle skin I started 2 years ago...) wrench kevin stein
  22. To make it more 'shiny', adjust the reflectivity, specular and glossiness in the texturet.ini. For example, you can use the data off the F-100D's natural metal skin, as it's got a nice balance of all 3 Specular=1.000000 Glossiness=0.500000 Reflection=0.800000 My base template is 2048x2048, which gives you a 12,894 meg skin bmp -which is the size I've been releasing on my Mustang skins. (the template weighs in at about 30-odd megs!!, what with all the extra layers and stuff) BTW, some of the niceset, most detailed skins are those done by pappychksix - Pete's got some REAL nice ones. They could concieveably be imported INTO the template, and anyother detailing be added. I'd shoot him a PM, as I don't remember if he's a Freeware signatory (but, knowing what a cool dude he is, prolly is) Remember, you have to START with a large sized template; just resizing the skin bmp UP only tends to blur details (having done that a few times with some of my home-made templates, I can attest to the fact of interior detailing losing sharpness, that even re-sharpening that layer won't bring back) wrench kevin stein
  23. If that's V.3 model, you'll also have to add the callouts for the aileron 'actuator' thingys R_A_Actuator_01 R_A_Actuator_02 L_A_Actuator_01 L_A_Actuator_02 Positions will be the same as the Nation Markings and designator (in this cas KAF) You'll probably want to add the 'shroud' decal around the engine exhaust stacks. You can find the tga and decal positions in my Post-War Generic Metal Mustang skin, here at CA. There's a 56 Suez War Camo Mustang I did a few years pack (and probably for the V2 Lod, so it may need upgrading/adjusting), and I've got the Natural Metal for 1st Fighter that I've never finished (and also need s total overhaul to the V3 Lod) Don't forget, too, we're supposed to get the 'stang with the WoI expansion (and probably SF2:I) whenever TK deciedes to release it wrench kevin stein
  24. Today is......

    WOOT!!! happy birthday, rugg!! wrench kevin stein
  25. Definately need some Vichy skinned ones for whenever I get the "Torch" map finished (and that really means, when it gets started!) edit: You know, Gepard's Israel2 opps-Suez- map would be just the ticket for that....in fact, I have a start on a WW2 version of it around here somewheres.....hmmmm...definately need to redo the 'front line' bits..... wrench kevin stein EDIT: I meant the Suez map ... unfortuantley, missing Alex, as it's just beyond THe Wall. Was looking at it last night;

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