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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. No. I've already tired it with ship, and it don't work wrench kevin stein
  2. MKSheppard came up with some AI tweeks that seem to create them ... unfortunately, it DOES require creating a 'new' aircraft (which really ain't that hard to do) with the modified AI sections. Unfortunately X2, I haven't had time to experimentate with it either. It's in one of the thread in this forums, look in the 'Invasion of Japan Thread', near the last 2 pages or so wrench kevin stein
  3. Thanks! If you think the flak is bad in SoWesPac, wait till you get to the Home Islands...may have gone a bit overboard. It's not so much the 85mm, but them damn triple-cursed dual-25mm auto cannons that kept messing me up! wrench kevin stein
  4. Oh, man! You're halfway there!!! That's the popup I was talking about. Look at it carefully. There's a blue colored hyperlink on that you click, and it'll go to the next one, and tell what's dying. That's what we need to know! of course, you can always move up to WoE. But lets see if we can't solve this one first before dumping SFG (actaully...thinking about it...you'll probably want to move evetually, and add the Desert AND Vietnam terrain folders to your WW2 installs.) but, the technician/diagnostician in me wants to find the error first.. :) wrench kevin stein
  5. Yup, as PB outline above, you turn a GroundObject into a TerrainObject (this was one of the ways it was done pre-06 patch levels. Be advised, however, of doing it that way -- having all those 'terrainobject vehicles' will dramatically increase loading times and may tend to decrease framerates. Using the "UseGroundObject=TRUE" line is the prefered method, as this will allow them to spawn and despawn as the player aircraft passes the 50km ring to/from them. (which is actually kinda cool to watch -- they just "pop" out out -or into- existence like Scotty beamed them down) If you're running into trouble placing GOs, use that mission I posted in the KB's Terrain section, just edit as I've outlined. Puts you right over the selected target area, and makes things vERY easy to place locate (I think that was the question in your PM that I totally forgot to reply to...sorry!!!!) wrench kevin stein
  6. @Wrench (or any other interested party)

    Cool! That's what we were talking about the other day. Nice to see they rebuilt the area after tha tripods got through with it !!! and don't forget the 747 crash site is in North Hollywood!!! Doncha just love how movies compress locals???? wrench kevin stein
  7. What error message is it generating? Meaning, when SFG craps out, you should get a little popup that says "SFG has experienced an error and needs to close. An error report has been generated blahblahblah" or words to that effect.... on that should be a blue hyperlink that says something like 'to see what this message contains, click here'. That'll open another popup, and somewheres on the top 3 lines it may (and hopefully WILL) say something about ****.dll THAT's the info we need, other wise we're more in the dark than you!! ;) If possible, take a screen shot of yourr desktop (key- print screen, then drop the clipboard image into any image progam, and attach to your next post). That'll help IMMENSLEY in trying to diagnose the problem Also, as JS stated above, SF/SFG DO have some stability issues, which is why I abandoned them 4-5 years agoe for, well pretty much anything. That's why I've begun to reccomend using WoE, in part for that and it's flexablity. However, it's still reccomended to copy/paste the Desert terrain into WoE's /Terrain folder. There's stuff still in the cat that may be needed (usually just the tiles) wrench kevin stein
  8. YAAAHHH!!! Formosa is there!!! That'll give the IJA/IJN some bomber bases! (also give you a chance to redo the 1941 campaign too!) I think your's is gonna be a MUCH better starting point, being full scale and having the needed Formosa. We'll figure out a way to get it into my hot little hands. No rush, sometime next year is good! LOL! Got at least 3 other maps to do... wrench kevin stein
  9. yup, like Russo said, too many decals on that mesh wrench kevin stein
  10. Work progressing..... P-61A wrench kevin stein
  11. Just to let everyone know it's on hold right now, as I'm working on Veltro's P-61, as I promised him. Although I had to do a quicky rebuild to the Phillipines map (swaped out the 2 US airfields for runway2 and runway1 -and man, do it need some work overhauling!!!! Research is gonna kill me!!) so the thing has somewhere's to take off from. It looks like PI might be the next WW2 map that gets an overhaul, after Tunisia, Panama/Central America and India-Pakistan. These last 2 are 'modern' maps wrench kevin stein
  12. That's the VERY old way of doing it ... ie: pre06. You can, however, after moving the desert cat into the Midway terrain folder, simply rename it to match Desert.cat become Midway.cat, and all should work. In ALL my terrain mods, you'll find these statements, using the Midway.ini as an exmaple.... this allows for any of the Original 3 Terrains ™ to be used for the reach-around for the objects. It's also criticaly important that one (or more) of the Original 3 Terrains ™ be residing in your terrains folder as well. wrench kevin stein
  13. Excellent idea, Brandy! Consider it done. And we'll add tips and trick and other stuff when and and it occurs. Everyone, feel free to add 'content that moves the thred forward, with informative, enlightning posts and links to related downloads, sites, and other items of interest' Think that should cover some of it..... wrench kevin stein
  14. I moved this to the proper forum, where he's more likely to see it. wrench kevin stein
  15. Also, double check the coding of the inis ... many new ones are now in Unicode. You can just open it with notepad, and "save as..." and change the encoding to ANSI in the selection dropdown. wrench kevin stein
  16. I have the light positions all dialed in on this old version, too. For the A models, at least. If you need them, let me know! wrench kevin stein
  17. Well, I've got about 40 historical, matched to serial numbers. You got some new ones, I'll be very glad to take them :) Any help is ALWAYS appriciated! Of course, I'll probably also be re-using some of my 'stock' nose arts (as folks have come to expect...). Just to fill in the blanks, doncha know!? wrench kevin stein
  18. Im back for good..run away !

    How did I miss this thread!!!???? (hangs head in shame) Happy Birthday!! wrench kevin stein
  19. Look in the d/l section, possibly under "ini edits" or something similiar; there should be mods that add the landing lights to the Zipper, both the stock G and ajundairs versions wrench kevin stein
  20. Remember how you adjusted the lights??? Well, you do the same thing with the attachment position's on the weapons station's callout in the data ini. wrench kevin stein
  21. File Name: Okinawa/Japan - Version 3 (WW2) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 26 Aug 2009 File Category: Terrains Okinawa Terrain Upgrade, Version 3.0 For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO modded installs, 06 Patch Levels This mod is a extensive rebuild to Edward's WW2 Okinawa terrain, and is designed to COMPLETELY replace any and all eariler versions. This is the COMPLETE terrain, with all tiles, TODs, inis and terrain objects necessary to (almost) just unzip and fly over. YOU, the End User ™ are still responsible to locate the various and sundry Ground Objects and Aircraft needed for you PTO flying pleasure. I've supplied MANY, but more are not included. This map has been re-designed with Operation Olympic in mind, hence the island of Okinawa itself should be consided "nearly" secured; ie American and Allied forces have pretty much taken the island, and are building up for the Invasion of Japan. The time frame I have in mind in Mid-1945 to approx late 1947, or even into 1948 if needed. To that end, expect a Runway 4 (large airfield, albeit -NOT- historically correct) at Kadena for Bomber Operations, and several smaller auxillary fields to 'activate' themselves based on the year flown (ie: 1946). Many completely NEW target areas have been added, and the map has been extensively retiled to create a more Japanese looking environment. This retiling 'resets' several cities, adds some rivers, creates clear zones around the various airfields, and corrects some other issues. The targets ini itself has been almost complety rebuilt, adding LOTS of interesting things to look at and blow up. TODs and tgas from "Green Hell" and another terrain project have been used to create forests and such, and several brand new custom TODs and and several new tiles have been created. These are based off the stock VietnamSEA tiling, so these new TODs are usable in ANY map that uses the WoV VietnamSEA tiles, or can easily be imported for any other terrain type. This is a very 'target rich' environment -- there are plenty of items for strike and anti-shipping missions. It is also HEAVILY defended - so watch out for the flak. As expected, I added the 'Rising Sun' Japanese flag, and the Stars and Stripes. Several 'new' parked aircraft have been added; you'll see them if you look for them. There are also other bits of 'eye candy' floating around... :) I've included several updated data inis for some ships, as they now have semi-proper effects (IJN DDs now have smoke coming out the stacks) You MUST have ALL the Pacific Objects (ground units, ships, AAA, infantry, etc) already installed in you PTO version of the game; otherwise things won't be appearing. This is especially important for the ships. See below in the "To Install" for more information. Don't forget to check Geo's page for more WW2 goodies ... there's a lot of stuff that's usable (and used!) here as well. = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST, WW2 NATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST WW2 FORMATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = == MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST WEAPONS PAK FOR THE WW2 WEAPONS!! == It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, using their cats pointed to in the main ini. As most of the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line). It has NOT, however, been tested in post 08 patch WoI or post 08 patch SF/SFG/WoV/WoE; nor has it been tested in the SF2 Series - it is NOT designed for useage in those type of game installs. If you choose to do so, expect NO support from me -- you're on your own. However, it IS usable ... it's just 98.6% ™ of the aircraft are NOT! As always, it's reccomended that you unzip this package to a temp folder or your desktop to gain access to the rest of this readme. Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It's =HIGHLY= reccomended you read this document completly through before installing this mod. In other words -- read this damn thing, or you'll get yourself in a jam!!!! Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein ps: like the recent Solomons V3 pak, there are still a few new parked aircraft that are NOT finished yet, and therefore not included (doh!). When and as they are done, expect a VERY small update. Click here to download this file
  22. thanks brother! some of those tree/forest tgas are from the unfinished Korea terrain (with thanks to Stary or Brain for those!) you like the 'little single city tile'?? so, it's working ok in SF2??? Strangness beyond weirdness!! wrench kevin stein
  23. Hinch made a Zep for FE some time ago ... needs some data ini work, but we got one! wrench kevin stein
  24. Also important, what OS (vista or XP), and what game patch level?? wrench kevin stein
  25. PB: get the WW2 weapons pak I did; it's here in the DL section someplace JS: down at the bottom of this page, if you can't find them here at CA http://wrench1smog.com/wrench3.html don't forget to name the shortcuts to match the installs!!! (this is actually trimmed down from the 21 I'd had before) wrench kevin stein

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