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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Ed, you should be able to attach via a pm, now that the board software seems to have stabalized, so I'm ready to start when you are! wrench kevin stein
  2. I LOVE "What If stuff (as most everyone knows.... Never got to play Crimson Skies, so this looks like an interestering mod. can't wait to see what develops! wrench kevinstein
  3. And the fact that that map isn't designed for jets, either wrench kevin stein
  4. The Birdog now longer exists in SF2. He got retired. Although, there's an EXCEPTIONAL one by Diego that's payware and VERY much worth the investment. wrench kevin stein
  5. I still see a lot of 'modern' stuff in there ... might want to get rid of them. They shouldn't cause any issues, but you never know I've attached my 2 shermans, modded from rebelryders; mostly just renamed stuff, no major changes. and the screenie you requested. wrench kevin stein
  6. Never worked since day 1 in any of the series. Although, he's a nice target to draw AAA away from YOU wrench kevin stein
  7. Unfortunately, yes, I think you're wrong. What game are you using for you base install??? ...as stated above, I've been using WoE for ALL my WW2 installs, and don't have a problem. WoV WILL give you issues; SF had similiar problems, which is why I dumped SF for WW2 4-5 years ago. Time to switch up methinks. The invisible airfields work just fine, and only ONE exists on this map, at Lake Biwa. The issue wouldn't/shouldn't be with the airfields (Runway3), but more likely with the aircraft themselves. You'll take note that several Medium Runways (1,6) exist on the Home Islands for IJN/IJAAF bomber usage. Fighters can use anything from small to large. Also might help to know WHICH aircraft are exploding/dancing a jig or whatever they do before they die wrench kevin stein
  8. Ok, just to let everyone know that the Verdun terrain dropped into my MTO install, didn't work. I finally DID get it to work, with extensive dataini editing, but aircraft explode when trying to take off. Neither did importing the empty 'airfleld' for use as standared WW2 grass runways (or generic no-runway airfields as seen most commonly in WW2) Although, perhaps Gepard's invisible runway, as used for carrier stations might be usable, I haven't experimentated with it as such wrench kevin stein
  9. Somewhere in the SF2 Knowledge Base, and of course I forget exactly where, are instructions for creating multiple installs. As for using NextGen series for WW2 in my opinion, it's a bad idea. As you've already noted with the Whirly, "aircraft fly oddly". Now go fly a P-38H and get to me (actualy STILL needs help even on 06 levels too, and has since it's realease) Essentially, the SF2 NextGens are 08 patch level sims designed for Vista users. Even the TOS versions at 08 levels have exceptional issues with 98.6% ™ of the WW2 aircraft, hence, those levels NOT being reccomended for WW2 usage. As I've said several thousand times, until such time as 400+ aircraft (originals and subvariants) have their flight models completely rebuilt to take advantage of the 08 operations, it's a no go. My (in)famous quote is "Do you want to fight the Bad Guys, or your own airplane?" As it stands now, WoE is my highly reccomended base game to build WW2 era installs, it being the most flexible of all the Original 3 ™. WoI is considered 08 even before the 08 patch, as it introduced 'newer' coding that hosed the FMs for most of the existing WW2 era aircraft. With the 08 patchs, it's even worse. As most of the original WW2 model creators either don't have the time, have left the community or --well, there's no polite way to say this-- don't care about it anymore (this last statement is just MY impression), it's up to guys like the AvHistory group to try and straighten them out. In some ways it's like trying to empty the ocean with teaspoon. Hell, I don't care if the FM are within 1% -- I'd be happy with 10 or 15%!!! I can see their point -- everytime a new patch or game comes out, every frakking item in an aircraft's data ini gets changed. So, in essenece, we're stuck with 06 levels, which they were originally built for. Do I WANT things fixed? Hell yess!! All the Vista users of my terrain mods have to turn off the water and terrain fx so their games don't CTD. The more advanced AI will make these prop dogfight MUCH more interesting. I hope that answers some of your questions wrench kevin stein
  10. No (see above -- WoE ONLY) wrench kevin stein
  11. A very old problem, that was fixed a very long time ago. This is from my main ini, for the canvas covered version: you'll note there is no lod02. Use the data above to fix both the BlitzOpen and BlitzCanvas (the problme IS with the 2nd lod, not the first) wrench kevin stein
  12. I think the major problem with WoV is build into it's various dlls that have the mission statements. They don't support ALL the mission types as listed in the aircrat's data ini. Of coure, if you want the Vietnam tiling, you can always just move the VietnamSEA terrain folder over to WoE --which is pretty much what everyone has done, along with the Desert terrain from SF. (which is why I've included ALL the tiles with my terrain mods, as a just-in-case.) So, here's what I'd reccomend doing: Step 1) Install WoE, patch to 06 level Step 2) Create 'copy' as outlined in the thread linked above, create new shortcut, etc, new icons, whatever Step 3) Build WW2 install for which theatre tickles you fancy or flying bone Step 4) -optional Rename 06 STOCK WoE install to "WoE_06_Stock" and don't play it. don't patch it. don't mess with it (this'll give you a 'warehouse' to have in case something goes south in another. In fact, you can zip up the entire install and store on a CD or external HD -that's where mine are) Step 5) Create another copy install, patch to 08 for modern gameplay. dont' forget to rename all the folders and shortcuts to match, use new icons if you want, to diferentitate them. Safe and easy way. ------ FE is basically an 08 level game (as is/was WoI when first released -and now more than ever after the FE Exp1 and WoI's 08 patch) BUt, you sure can import stuff back and forth between them. So, yah, you could have RAF Phantoms tring to intercept IGAS D.7s!!! Terrains are also interchangable .. I've got a screenie around here somewheres of Spad 13s on a desert airfield near Cairo, using the Desert terrain in FE. I wrote a little thingy about that in the FE forums a year or so back. Even add-on terrains will work, as long as one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ -GermanyCE, Desert or VietnamSEA are residing in the FE /Terrain folder. Some editing may be required of course. Going the other way, FE to SF/Wo*, I haen't done but it should work in 08 TOS and SF2 NextGens with minimal fuss. Airfield WILL be problematic, as there's no real runway in FE, just a statement in the types ini defining it: which makes me think of something I've been trying to do for a while.....hmmmmm back to the terrain, FE to SF/Wo* ... some editing will definatly be required, to remove the weather/season options that aren't supported in 06 level games. It IS howeve, supported in 08 and SF2 NextGens, so you could probably go that way as well. Other than the runway issue for jets and expeically bombers .... no one I know of has experimentated with that as yet. Even me! wrench kevin stein
  13. Lloyd: try this... add these lines to the ]AircraftData[ section ///moves to remove things// Component[010]=ArresterHook then, below that add this: [ArresterHook] ParentComponentName=fuselage ModelNodeName=ArresterHook DestroyedNodeName=ArresterHook DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE that should do wrench kevin stein
  14. The engine won't recoginze a tile just added to the terrains data ini. It has to be added via the TE creating an TFD file for the terrian. However.... if named the same as the original S1 and S2 ocean tiles, it just just drop right in, as it already 'knows' to recognize them, and look for them wrench kevin stein
  15. 84E's all had the reinforced canopy. In fact, any B/C/D remainig in AF or ANG service had it retrofitted (source: Schiffer "F-84 Thunderjet") I'd upload them in the "New Aircraft, Cold War" section. F9F was by pasko F-84B/C by russo, skins and other stuff by me (go for it! I have templates for the T-jet, if needed ) Like the 'early cold war gone hot' scenairo (I have an install that 1947-48 centric) -- isn't 53 a bit early for MiG-17? or was the Fresco-A out by then?? (can't remember!) Definately some Sabres, Shooting Stars, some late mark Spits might still be in service, Meteor, Vampire. Don't forget the Meteors are permission items (and I never finished the NFs either!! a 13 for the IAF and an RAF version I can't find!!!) wrench kevin stein
  16. Calling Mannie or Nesher

    I've got an image that has a lot of Hebrew text in it. Wonder if you all could take a look and tell me what it says? Please. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php/topic/44014-tunisia-terrain-upgrade-wip/page__view__findpost__p__334119 many thanks! wrench kevin stein
  17. SB: I sure hope so!!! There's a bunch of moored battleships at Taranto just waiting for the Stringbags to arrive!! (there's a pic of the harbor in the Tunisia Map Thread) I'll probably have the terrain done well before December...but we can wait for the Swordfishes (Swordfishi??) to be released. CV Staion Judgement is already on the map, so.... wrench kevin stein
  18. Actually, following the discussion in the File Release Thread about the Okinawa upgrade, it seems that WoV has "issues". Therefore, I'm reccomending that ONLY WoE be used for WW2 installs. Simply put, it's the most flexable of the series, and supports EVERYTHING, expecially carrier operations. WoI is absolutely NOT reccomended, as it's basically an 08 level game, and many (ok, 99.9%) of the aircraft will be screwed up one way or another. Most important thing to remember, is patch ONLY to the 06 level. Otherwise you're asking for trouble. Well, until 400+ aircraft have their flight models rebuilt... Don't know if I linked this thread in the KB to you or not, but this contains General Instructions http://forum.combatace.com/index.php/topic/19630-how-to-create-a-seperate-era-specific-install/ As to objects, you can delete all the 'modern' aircraft. For GroundObjects, you'll still need the cargoship tanker SovetTruck SovietFuelTruck (ZilFuel) ZilCommand USFuelTruck USJeep USTruck (deuce-and-a-half, even if it's the wrong body style) So, all the other AAA, SAMs, AFVs can go into the recycle bin, as they'll all be replaced with era specific objects. (on a side note, even though the object folders are deleted, the objects -lods, inis and sometimes the skin bmps will still be residing in the Objects.cat, so you can't damage the game that way) Now, in the data inis of the 2 ships should be set to 'generic' as to nation, and have a 0 start year and 2050 for end year. You'll probably want to pull the data inis for the aforementioned ships/vehicles and change the NationName= and operational years. In several of my terrain mods, i've included modified data inis that create new alignments (even though the standard "Soviet" is still considered an Enemy Nation ™ for gaming purposes - I've rebadged them for Nazi Germany or Japanese Empire, depending on theatre used in. The US vehicles, should also be edited. You can leave the NationName= to USMC or USAF or whichever Western nations they're using. The jeep should have a start year of 1940, the USFuelTruck 0 and the USTruck also 0.) As always, you'll need to create the /Objects/Weapons folder. Search in the D/L section for my WW2 weapons pak, it'll have everything you need. The gundata.ini and gundata.dat go into the root of the /Objects folder, right next to the Objects.cat Any further questions, feel free to ask! wrench kevin stein
  19. Looks ok to me! Double checking a few of the MiGs I've done, looks like I used -0.10 too! wrench kevin stein
  20. DA: try this file http://wrench1smog.com/zips2/ef4c_ini_upgrades.zip I did this several years ago; been on my site for at least 3 years -can't find it here and I know I uploaded it!! It might need a little "modernization" tweeking (ie: SF2). IIRC, it was designed with the old BunyPak in mind, so some edititating/renaming of attachtment NationName= and weapons name may be needed. It's an upgrade for the EF-4C with nearly 100% accurate weapons loads and mission statements. Works fine as is now in WoE/TOS games. At worst, it's a good starting point!! :) EDIT: don't forget, you can extract the TOS F-4C lod and reuse that in NextGen games (as this bird needs it!) wrench kevin stein
  21. That IS interesting, Typhoid. Oddly, when I tested it with the varying cat pointers, it's in WoE -which is my labratory/game install of choise due to it being MUCH more flexable than WoV's self-limiting inis and dlls. All the Original 3 Terrains ™ are in all my WW2 installs, but all said installs are ALL WoE based. I wonder if that couldn't be the problem, in your case at least -have to wait to hear what PB says- Perhaps it's time to move your WW2 istnalls to WoE?? OTH, with the "dueling FWs", I'll be happy to whip out a 'What If...' IJAAF skin for it!! Good to hear that the aircraft 'ain't sunk in the ground no more'. wrench kevin stein
  22. Calling Mannie or Nesher

    Thank you, my friends!! That'll be a big help in populating the city for the WW2 Tunisia map rebuild wrench kevin stein
  23. Spectre: them be on the unfinished Korea map. I have the WHOLE 4077th laid out, including a sign with the Menu for hte Mess Hall. Yes, your only choices are..... wait for it...... liver or fish They may still be up, do a search for "new korea terrain' with my name in it. The M-43 ambulances aren't correct (as the body I'm using is the Zil Command), real ones are 4x4 not 4x6. But, hey, it's a minus value target anyway, just like the Field Hospital Tent and the hospital building (-1000 point). Geneva convention and all that kinda stuff wrench kevin stein
  24. Maybe I should! Ain't it terrible I Nice Jewish Boy ™ like me can't read Hebrew!!!??!!! The stuff on the right kinda looks like 'cursive' Hebrew, but I still can't read it!! Here's a shot of a couple new items, modded from others, at the Royal Army Camp, Benghazi. There's a DAK version of the vehicle too, but the Red Cross isn't showing for some reason...still working on that issue. btw, the hospital at Homs got moved north a bit, as there's an "issue" with terrain height (ie: the vehicles were sunk into the ground, due to the HFD seeing that bit as water. Not totally accurate, but close enough for gubberment work ™ :) wrench kevin stein
  25. Guys, I been fiddling with this for the last several hours ... I can't duplicate the problem. Everyone does have the Okinawa Upgrade I did a year or so back, yes??? Got all the GOs from there, right??? Even the DAT Japanese tanks??? If not, you can replace them with Geo's version, or "SovietTruck" (aka: IJA Truck) The only thing I can think of, is make a backup of the new targets.ini, "save as" kj_Okinawa_targets.ini. That way, what we're going to do next won't f*** it up too badly. Then, starting with the various AAA units in particular, the Browning_AAA and IJA_AAA -those DAT one's that you really can't get, do a 'find/replace to something innoccious -- like oildrum1. This'll remove those items from the targets listing. Then, play some missions and see what's happening. Other than that, I can't think of a damn thing that's causing it to crap out. wrench kevin stein

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