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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. That IS interesting, Typhoid. Oddly, when I tested it with the varying cat pointers, it's in WoE -which is my labratory/game install of choise due to it being MUCH more flexable than WoV's self-limiting inis and dlls. All the Original 3 Terrains ™ are in all my WW2 installs, but all said installs are ALL WoE based. I wonder if that couldn't be the problem, in your case at least -have to wait to hear what PB says- Perhaps it's time to move your WW2 istnalls to WoE?? OTH, with the "dueling FWs", I'll be happy to whip out a 'What If...' IJAAF skin for it!! Good to hear that the aircraft 'ain't sunk in the ground no more'. wrench kevin stein
  2. Calling Mannie or Nesher

    Thank you, my friends!! That'll be a big help in populating the city for the WW2 Tunisia map rebuild wrench kevin stein
  3. Spectre: them be on the unfinished Korea map. I have the WHOLE 4077th laid out, including a sign with the Menu for hte Mess Hall. Yes, your only choices are..... wait for it...... liver or fish They may still be up, do a search for "new korea terrain' with my name in it. The M-43 ambulances aren't correct (as the body I'm using is the Zil Command), real ones are 4x4 not 4x6. But, hey, it's a minus value target anyway, just like the Field Hospital Tent and the hospital building (-1000 point). Geneva convention and all that kinda stuff wrench kevin stein
  4. Maybe I should! Ain't it terrible I Nice Jewish Boy ™ like me can't read Hebrew!!!??!!! The stuff on the right kinda looks like 'cursive' Hebrew, but I still can't read it!! Here's a shot of a couple new items, modded from others, at the Royal Army Camp, Benghazi. There's a DAK version of the vehicle too, but the Red Cross isn't showing for some reason...still working on that issue. btw, the hospital at Homs got moved north a bit, as there's an "issue" with terrain height (ie: the vehicles were sunk into the ground, due to the HFD seeing that bit as water. Not totally accurate, but close enough for gubberment work ™ :) wrench kevin stein
  5. Guys, I been fiddling with this for the last several hours ... I can't duplicate the problem. Everyone does have the Okinawa Upgrade I did a year or so back, yes??? Got all the GOs from there, right??? Even the DAT Japanese tanks??? If not, you can replace them with Geo's version, or "SovietTruck" (aka: IJA Truck) The only thing I can think of, is make a backup of the new targets.ini, "save as" kj_Okinawa_targets.ini. That way, what we're going to do next won't f*** it up too badly. Then, starting with the various AAA units in particular, the Browning_AAA and IJA_AAA -those DAT one's that you really can't get, do a 'find/replace to something innoccious -- like oildrum1. This'll remove those items from the targets listing. Then, play some missions and see what's happening. Other than that, I can't think of a damn thing that's causing it to crap out. wrench kevin stein
  6. That good, cause I already added them!!! And a Royal Army camp at Benghazi. Oddly enough, it's allllmmmmooosttt in the exact same spot as the DAK base on the North Afirca map!! Of course, these will all need custom targets layouts....as expected! Homs is gonna be really interesting, as I stumbled across a hand drawn map of the city from 1943!! How often can one find an almost perfect layout, in a historical context. Unfortunatly, I can' read/translate it --I swear this is Hebrew! But I looks like I'll be importing some lighthouses, too.... wrench kevin stein
  7. Umm...it's reccomended for 06 level installs ONLY!!! You're on your own for 08 & SF2 installs (as stated in the readme). As to the base sizes, and formation dll issue, that's covered 'way down near the bottom of the readme. Just for s**ts and grins, I'd double check the MinBaseSize= lines for the fighters, make sure it's SMALL. Just out of curiosity, are the aircraft that crash, bounce up & down, spin around and explode DAT birds??? That's an issue I've been experiencing with most of the terrains (included the stock desert sometimes) in MTO/PTO. I've mentioned it to Capun once or twice in the past, and nothing has ever been resolved. I'd start checking CG positons, and the landing gear setting; SpringFactor & DampingFactor. Been fighting that for nearly 2 years now.... As to the tiling question (and those aren't really the best choice -- the new Korea tiles by Stary & Brain haven't been released yet and are MUCH closer to Real Life ™). Do you know how to use the Terrain Editor?? As no texture list ini exists for the BN series tiles, you'd need to recreate one from scratch, then try and import the tiles, and probably retile the entire map by hand, one tile at at time. Have fun with that (been there, done that; got the blisters and brain damage to show for it) wrench kevin stein
  8. dude....that is SOOOOOOO righetous!!! Makes we reeeeallly want to do a modern terrain, when all these goodies come out. note to self -get ahold of MKSheppard re: Japan/Kuriles/Russian Far East map wrench kevin stein
  9. Looks OK to me too. I like the spotted one. Maybe a tiger stripe next??? in browns for desert use. Like Eric said, skinning is like any other learning curve. Having the right tools really helps of course. If you don't have Photoshop, GIMP works nearly as well. and it's FREEEEEEE (says the guys with 3 versions of PS...) wrench kevin stein
  10. and the choir sings...."The Knowledge Base iisssss your Frieeeend!!!" there's a whole section in there on "adding weapons" and all the various and sundry steps necessary http://forum.combatace.com/index.php/forum/189-adding-weapons/ Most importantly, you'll need to pull the stock weaponsdata.ini from the Objects.cat. Start by downloading Skypats' Cat Extraction tool -- it's in the downloads section under "Tools & Utilities" (or something like that. And read this guide: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php/topic/32706-using-skypats-cat-extraction-tool/ Conversley, you can always download one of pre-made weapons paks, and go from there. ----------------- that dosen't make any sense at all... you know how to create a new folder? Right click on the right panel of Windows Explorer, and the little pop-up popsup and give you a list of tasks??? One of them is "create new folder". But, first, I think you'll be spending some time in KB, reading up on how things work in this game. I know English isn't your firt language, so we'll muddle though this as best we can. At worst, we can find another native speaker, and get a translation for you But, start in the KB with the information turorials. wrench kevin stein
  11. again, I must repeat what's above: the message will read "click here to see what this error report contains". It's critical to see WHICH dll has the problem (if I's a betting man, it'll be 'aircraftformation.dll', which means you need to 'fix' the statements in the nations.ini for "Japanese Empire", as outlined further down in the readme) wrench kevin stein
  12. In further examination of the map, the terrain features (or featurless areas in the east) in releation to "The Wall", I've discovered that it's very possible to add El Agehila, Masra Berga and Benghazi for use by RAF/8th Army basing. The question is, do you all -expecially our campaign builders- want or need them added. Be a great place to base RAF bombers and fighters for the push west. I've already added Homs, Sirte and Misurata (and the runis at Leptus Magna!) I may add them anyway, just cause I HATE wasting space on maps!!! let me know your thoughts, please! wrench kevin stein
  13. yes. and I have them Ed, I have some 'ideas' about the FM. Also, I've collected all the stuff to start skinning and decaling. (well, to start making the decals, at any rate). Whenever you're ready, I'll drop what I'm doing (damn Tunisia map is making me crosseyed) and get too it wrench kevin stein
  14. I have the pakastani skin updated with accurate serial numbers, TMFs cockpit and a few other mods. It was awaiting the finishing of the Indo-Pak terrain ... maybe I should finish it off the Viper and release an update?? (once I get TMFs ok for the pit.) The terrain is gonna be a while... wrench kevin stein
  15. DA's answer pretty much covers ALL versions of the game ... they don't come stock with a weapons folder. YOU have to create one. For the Classic Series (ie: TOS), assuming a C drive install: (either XP or Vista), where ... is the games main folder and such C.../Objects/Weapons for SF2 NextGens, just like he said for vista. for us XP users, (using mine as an example) C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin J. Stein\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Weapons wrench kevin stein
  16. Brother Dice, PLEASE don't post questions in the Knowledge Base ... it's for answers only. - now, to the issues at hand.... first off, WHICH F-15? Stock or 3rdParty? Which games? SF/Wo* TOS or SF2 NextGens??? I remember when the 08 patch came out there were HUNDREDS of issues (small and large) with dozens and dozens of the aftermarket planes. The Eagle landing gear issue was one. Have you checked in the "Things You Need To Update Thread" in the KB??? http://forum.combatace.com/index.php/topic/32358-the-things-you-need-to-update-thread/ there may be other threads, unfortunately I can't find them!!! Mabye our new Search function will turn up something. as to the canopy, you can do several things: 1) disable it completely (autospeed canopies got borkked in the 08 patch) 2) convert it manual via an animation key wrench kevin stein
  17. download my "shipwreck" object from the D/L section -- full illustrated instructions are in there http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=4522 wrench kevin stein
  18. more details, please. like, what does the error message say (you know, the 'tell M$ what just happened, and the hyperlink 'click here'. may list a dll) Also, which game, which patch level, etc. Because it works fine for me (06 only!) wrench kevin stein
  19. Looking good Ed!! wrench kevin stein
  20. The way TKs engine handles landing light is simply on or off. Meaning, they go on when the gear is down and off when the gear is up. Notice, when the lights are on (formation/nav/running) and the gear is up, it's off. When you cycle the gear down, it'll turn on Adding taxi light really dosen't add much in the way of 'lighting the way', it's just eye candy. Having been adding/fixing/adjusting lights on all these aircraft for nearly 5 years ... well you get the picture! If I add a taxi light, I usually use a dimmer output. If the Landinglight is Brightness=0.05, drop the taxi down to 0.03 wrench kevin stein
  21. I actually have that lod and tga....or it it bmp???? I'd originally "planted" a few trees by hand around Tenaru village on the Solomons map (before it's retililng to WoV and GH TODs). Obviously, they got replaced by TOD versions. For those 'special' airfiled tiles, it's actually eaiser to plant small groves via the TEs edit function (look at the VietnamSEAG-AB1.bmp/tod and J-AB1 in the new Solomons & Okinawa maps) Desert (stock ones) are a different story, as they just use the standard Desert1 or Desert2 tiles, that don't have anything on them. However, it would be a pretty simple matter to create those 'special' airfield tiles and add some shade. Would it be worth it? Probably not, but it's definatly a doable thing. btw, the "Factory Place" comes with a tree and 'forest' lod that usese the stock 'terobjects_trees1' and 'tree.tga' Let me experiment with that, and I'll get back to soonest.... wrench kevin stein
  22. Shoot, if the Jack is just waiting a cockpit, I've got modded Zeke pits with the nose gun breeches painted out (if I could figure out the OUT file, I could probaly remove them, too). The Tojo "could" use a standin pit like I did for the Tony - metric converted Hurri or Spit pit (even though the labelling will be in English, you as the IJ pilot would have that automatic translator thingy in your brain). Hell, even a Metricized Mustang Pit ™ could be used. Definately, and email to George might be in order, yes??? Hope he can find the time to finish or even release them w/o pits -- we can make do wrench kevin stein
  23. Nice!!! Well done!! wrench kevin stein
  24. Happy B-Day Fubar512 et al

    How'd I miss this!!!!???? Happy Birthday Ed!!! wrench kevin stein
  25. as in, do you like the look of this map (see attached below) I'm trying to diferentiate the nice green farmlands (as such)of Souther Europe (ok, Sicily & Italy) from the vast desert wasteland of north africa (ok Libya and Tunisia). Or, should it be all one color, ie: the desert tan. Opinions, please! wrench kevin stein

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