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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Also -- and VERY Important!! -- make sure you're using the RIGHT Terrain Editor ... the older one is for only the Desert based terrains, and the newer version is ONLY for WoV/WoE/WoI. wrench kevin stein
  2. While NOT absolutely critical for this upcoming terrain project, the 3 tiles shown below really need a version of the 'jungle' tga. Obviously, for a SoWesPac, or in fact ANY heavily jungle vegetated region! It's always seemed a bit strange to me that these sea/river/jungle tiles have never existed ... anyway, looking at some of the custom TODs I've done on the Desert tiles, am I correct in believing that IF one were to have to original ini for a tile, you can edit the TOD (to be created) by moving or removing the various 'trees' and other items in that function in the TE????? Or does one need the 'physical thingy' that the jungle tga attaches to?? As you can see, I'm not really up to speed with certain aspects of TOD creation (even after looking at Deuces tutorials) Any and all help is appreiciated! The tgas, bmps and hm_bmps have all been created (which is a nothing job!) and I'll happily send them out to whomever; they just need that Usual Suspect ™ impenetrable, fetid stinking jungle. Infested with 'insects of unbelivable size', vines, creepers, and snipers. Also, said jungles make superb camo for hiding buildings in :yes: TIA!!! wrench kevin stein
  3. NICE!!!! good work man! wrench kevin stein
  4. Beauty bro!!! you da MAN!!! wrench kevin stein
  5. You mean for the original SG-Riv tiles??? I've never actually seen TODs for these...have to look again! (i did create some new ones for use on Guadalcanal....) but if ONLY for grass, they'd lack the 'fill in' jungle for the rest of tile. You wouldn't happen to have the ini for the J1 tile I could 'borrow' do you??? Try my hand at moving the tree locations around..... TIA! wrench kevin stein
  6. Gepards Formosa map??? The only way to add 'ports' is with the TE, as it's a terrain tile. If it's Gepards, iirc, he used the GermanyCE tiles, and I don't remember which one of those is the port with the built-in docks and such. I know the VN-SEA one is SC50C; maybe the GermanyCE tiles use a similar naming convention. edit: yes, the port tile is 'GermanySC50C.tga' wrench kevin stein
  7. So, like any other 'new' tile, (like the various grassfield ones I've done), add the WoVTexturelist.ini, rename the 'j1.ini' with it's tree loction to match the new tiles, then open in the TE, remove/move/edit etc, the various 'tree' bits.?? I'll bug Stary too! wrench kevin stein
  8. One can always take the long way around, and create their. I've done this on a LOT of aircraft. Having gimp or photoshop, and being used to working in layers is a must. Create a new layer for the each of lines and rivets off the original skin bmp, then draw them in. Then another layer for the new paint job. Depending on the size (and how many skin bmps there are), it usually takes me about a day to redraw all the panel and rivet lines and such. It's not really hard, but it's time consuming (read: eye-crossing --staring at all them lines) hope that helps a little! wrench kevin stein
  9. Took me a while to remember the name for the 'video' of Gollum.... http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/gollum wrench kevin stein
  10. I'll look around in my pdf books, and see what I can find. Good excuse to step back from Rabaul for a bit At simmerspaintshop, there's a template with all the JG/NJG unit markings. Easy to make a decal from! (done for the 109 and 190s) wrench kevin stein
  11. Here: basic info: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=11815 also, the bottom of this post: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...st&p=113930 and look at any of the stock GroundObjects; that'll give you the general idea wrench kevin stein
  12. Yup. I'm on it. -------------- ok, to start with, NOTHING in the Desert_Targets.ini is comparable to ANTHING on ANY other map. Hence the name "desert targets". The coordinates do not match nothing else. Now, originally these same area were used on the ancient DRV and/or SEA map (NOT VietnamSEA, as WoV was still 2 years in the future when these were released), and were custom placed. They CAN be use on any map (as I've shown countless times), but need to be hand placed in newly created target areas, upon which the entire terrain, in particular the HFD and TFD files need to be run through the Terrain Editor, and have those areas flattened For all intents and purposes, they're 'airfields' (ie: the ground_plattes are FlatObject=TRUE) So, if one wants to get real dirty, real fast, one can rebuild the ENTIRE VietnamSEA cities list from scratch (as there ain't one available) add/expand the VietnamSEA_Types and VietnamSEA_Targets inis thereby adding the new target areas -in regions to be determined by terrain features-, extract the HFD & TFD files from the VietnamSEA.cat, run the whole thing through the TE and flatten said target areas, then drop the new HFD & TFD, plus the expanded types and targets inis, along with all the various and sundry bits from the Factory Place INTO the VietnamSEA terrain folder, and now the US has some nice industrial targets to not bomb. Best, easiest solution: don't use the thing until one get familiar with target area and object placements, use of the TE for "Level AirField" and so forth. Harder solution: see above. wrench kevin stein
  13. Happy Birthday Nicky

    WOOT!!! Have a great birthday Nicki!!! Hoist one for me too!! wrench kevin stein
  14. looks like 3 complete target areas are MAJORLY misplaced. (airfield and 2 'factory centers' or ??? complexes) 1) you'll need the HUDDATA.ini extracted, and set Debug= to TRUE 2) fly mission over the region, and look at the x/y cooridinates -the first line in the debug set (all that white text blocking your view) 3) cross-check location (x/y) with targets ini, and see where it's supposed to be. alternatively, using the WoVSqmd, open the planningmap1, and find the location. other things needing to know, WHAT terrain is it (stock, 3rd party, etc) very little info to go on with that one screenie, and no other data wrench kevin stein
  15. As promised, here's some screenies from Solomons Islands, Version 3.0 .... completely retiled using stock WoV tiles, and GH tods (except for cities) A LOT more historically accurate target placement, and several 'repurposed' terrain objects (ok, reskinned P-40s - so there's both RAAF and USAAF - and a edited P38J to create an OD P-38F static) Shot 1: Rabaul and the reshaped Simpson Harbor (unfortunately, the eastern volcanic peak is missing, sorry!) Shot 2: Henderson field (under attack! no surprise, huh?), with Tenaru and Lunga rivers Shot 3: new target area at the to of New Britian, Kavang & the IJN naval base Obviously, these new cities will need populating, but I'm working on that too. This is actually going faster than the Tunisia upgrade, as most of the targets have alrady been over-populated, so only about 5-6 need rebuilding. When??? don't know, but near-term future. Wrench kevin stein
  16. moved to proper forum... PLEASE do NOT post in the Knowledge Base ... it's for answers, not questions. Those go here, in the general for mods forums to use the weapons editor..this handy tutorial http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=9323 If JUST installing a weapons pak, there should be a read me included. Follow the instruiction therein. If weapons are NOT showing up on the loadout screen/aircraft, that's another matter entirely. More data is required to solve your issue wrench kevin stein
  17. if you think THAT's cool... wait until you see Version 3 of the Solomons .... took edwards terrain, ran it through the WoV/WoE/WoI TE, COMPLETLY retiled with WoV tiles --just about ALL laid by hand-- (unfortunately, due to size differences between the BN series and Vietnam*** tiles, 80% of my 90% completed targets ini will need rebuilding, but mostly for the 'little' target areas. Makes full use of GH, has rivers, correct terrain and ground objects -now that we have Grinch's Fletcher....2 operational IJN seaplane bases (Shortland Island and Raketa Bay) hope to have some screenies up tommorrow wrench kevin stein
  18. None Not implemented However, there's an old mod around here somewhere's that 'creates' the bombadier's view -- it DOES however, sort of mess with the standard views. Bombers are best left as AI flights. wrench kevin stein
  19. If anyone is interested.... whilst searching for books for 'another project', and came across the original 'Pilot's Notes' pamphlet on pdf. While unfortunately, not having much on FM data (other than the expected 'do not exceed these speeds when *doing whatever*), it makes for a VERY interesting read! Great pics of the cockpit layout too... So, if anybody want's it, let me know, and upload it and post a link wrench kevin stein
  20. I KNOW somebody started one 3 or 4 years ago... So, who do I have to bribe???? (nuts!!! we don't have a 'payola' smilie!!!) Because, it seem that's is going to be needed in the next month or so..... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=44014 (the 2nd picture) wrench kevin stein
  21. Ah AH!!! Should've remembered it was SkippyBing! He's our Resident FAA Expert! (smaks self on head!) I have a nice hangar/loading screen set already done up, and looking for a home!! see below!! (you think that one's bad, you should have seen the one I did for the FAA Tarpon!!!) maybe I should 'bug' him!! Now that Taranto is ready for demolition (well, that target area is, at any rate) thanks Ed!! wrench kevin stein
  22. mind you, the instructions/data below are for 08 level TOS games. SF2 NextGenners will need to create the RWR list thingy, or just exract the F-4Es and rename for use on the Zippers.... btw, I orignally did this for the F-100D, but the setup is pretty much the same...just adapted for the Zipper's pit. ok, you'll need freshly extracted: F-104G_COCKPIT.INI F-104G_AVIOINCS.INI and the F-4E_RWR.bmp or any other you have laying around; that's just the one I had sitting around.... open the avionics ini and add this to the top section, whre it calls out the radar texture bmp... RWRTexture=cockpit\f-4e_rwr.bmp then, down at the bottom, add the "usual suspect" RWR data; this comes right (again!) from the F-4E, but it really don't matter it's the 'standard' RWR statement. Save and close Now, open the cockpit ini....you're going to be doing some 'commenting' out of come instrument lines... Scroll down to the end of the instrument listings.... and do the following.... scroll on down to the bottom, where the 2 ADI_2 callouts are, and copy/paste the data below over it: save and close the cockpit ini. Now, the gauge face used seems a BIT smaller than the 'visible field' of the rwr bmp, but it does work. (it actually is bigger on the F-100D, and works quite nicely!) One could also extract the various cockpit gauge bmps, and see if the 'black area' could be enlaged by repainting it over those hash marks; might increase the viewing area. Historically accurate? Most definately not!!! but, it will give you the visual goodies. As seen in the screenie below have fun! wrench kevin stein
  23. Great minds DO think alike. btw, there's a way to add an RWR gauge to the cockpit, but you'll loose the 2ndary ADI. I'll have to find my 'mod' notes, and post them here if you want. otherwise, adding an audio-only is just a few lines in the avionics ini, and dropping anybody's RWR bmp into the /cockpit folder. (adjusting the pointer line in the avionice, of course! ) wrench kevin stein
  24. PB: use the 'fake pilot method' for the ASA/ASA-M plyons. (the asa-m mod I did is here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=4893 uses the stock F-104G lods) Just like I did with the Mig-17PF/PFU. It takes a 'while' (an hour or so) to fine tune to positioning using that method, but it works REALLLLY good!!!! Cause they always show up!! Start with the basic positions (as stated in the data ini)... The systemname= already exists in the FUSELAGE section, so you'll need to add the 'seat' (and don't forget the edit the data ini's weapons stations, as the F104s pylon set was #1 group and #1 station, and the renumber the loadout ini to match) summat like: [F104S] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=FakePilot Position=0,0,0 SeatModelName=F-104S SeatPosition=0.0,2.0,-0.370 <--no doubt, this position WILL need some adjusting!!! SeatID=2 some readjustment of the sparrow/aspide and sidewinders mounting positions MAY be necessary, but that's fairly easy to do in the AttachmentPosition= line for each hardpoint A quick look at ajundar's F-104S, shows it dosen't use any extra pylons, so that should require minimal (if any) tweeking. wrench kevin stein

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