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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Here, we'll make it easy for you. MInd you, this is switched over to the M61 Vulcan sound, but you should get the idea... or, just use this entry wrench kevin stein
  2. A little update.... From our very one Grand Mariner, Fubar, comes this new little ship. Still have to dial in the smoke a bit. And, as best I could, recreating a famed fleet anchorage. Now, if we could just get SkippyBing to finsh his Stringbag.....(baltike: yes, CV Station Judgement exists, more or less in a semi-correct place) wrench kevin stein
  3. prolly LOTS of sea-to-jungle 75s!! (or whatever that damn tile is called! bet some of those islands are only 4 tiles ... sea/jungle 75 butted against each other (did that with the marianas) wrench kevin stein
  4. YES!!!! This'll help greatly with the IAF Canberra's too!!! wrench kevin stein ps: how did you get ahold of kess???
  5. Yessss....we wants it....we NNEEEEEDDSSSS it..... (finally found another use for this 5 year old screenie!!!) wrench kevin stein
  6. Thanks for you quick attention to this Dave! We 48.9 PropHeads really appriciate it wrench kevin stein
  7. Also, instead of using png for the images, can you PLEASE!!! convert them to jpg??? Those load a LOT faster! thank you! wrench kevin stein
  8. that's 08 level FX; is your WoE patched to 08? If so, if you extract the GermanyCE_data.ini, those lines should be listed. Along with some other improvements. (added to all -sf/wov/woe/woi by the 08 patches) Safe to assume that's the stock terrain, and not an add on? wrench kevin stein
  9. Ok, that's odd ... I just got the same message too. As a Moderator, I've pretty much got access to nearly everydamnthing. Well, looks like a PM to the Admins be in order. At worst, maybe re-upload the pak (with Wolf's permission, of course!) wrench kevin stein
  10. yah, baby!!! Yah!!! wrench kevin stein
  11. Something I just found sitting in my TE folder!!! No time frame, so don't ask!! wrench kevin stein
  12. I think I got them all moved over. Thanks a LOT for finding them ... I'd forgotten most of them even existed! wrench kevin stein
  13. and it shouldn't be too long a wait to see an RAF stealth fighter..... wrench kevin stein
  14. Happy Birthday starfighter2

    Happy Birthday dude!! Have a great one!! wrench kevin stein
  15. File Name: Ho-229V3A Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 3 Jul 2009 File Category: Axis Fighters Horton Ho-229V3a Flying Wing Upgrade Pak For SF/WoV/WoE: ETO & MTO "SWOTL" Style Installs -06 Patch Level Installs ONLY This is a semi-new aircraft, based off Pako's original Ho-229. I've created a 'production' variant, had the War In Europe lasted further into 1945/46. This is a complete aircraft mod, with all parts included. The new inis will reflect the 'full production' version, as this aircraft can be tasked with pretty much all mission profiles. 2 underwing (body?) pylons have been added via the Fake Pilot Method for bombs, drop tanks and the Kramer X-4 air-to-air missile. The weapons are NOT included; they can be found in my WW2 Weapons Pak, available at CombatAce. Other tweeks (borrowed from my post-war What If.. F-79 Manta) include the additon of running, formation and landing lights. Two new skins, from my upsized home-grown templates with all redrawn panel lines, and standard Luftwaffe stencling, are included. They are: JG-1 in Europe, done up in a 1945-ish RLM 70/81 over 78 JG-27 in North Africa/Middle East, done in a 'mottle' finish of RLM 79/80 over 78 (the same as the Fw-190 skin I did some years back) 1/JG-400, Pasko's original skin for Europe, with new individual aircraft numbers. So, in essence, you can create 2 new aircraft; one for your "SWTOL" ETO install and another for a MTO version. The 2 new skins are NOT designed to work together in an ETO only based install. See "Splitting Theatre Usage" in the Install Instructions below. Also, there is some "unique" behavior exhibited in the 06 patch level games, PLEASE read the "Flying the 229" section in the "Notes" below!!! Individual aircraft number decals for 32 aircraft are included for all, as they are different colors. Unfortunatly no Stab markings are included, although I DO have them as decals around here somewheres..... Just couldn't figure out HOW to do them properly for a Flying Wing!! The tail swastika is also NOT on the aircraft, which IS historically accurate, as there are NO vertical surfaces for it to be put on! My patent-pending artwork-style Hangar and Loading screens are also included, as are the damage tgas. As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read it all the way through, so as to be familarized with the procedures, and whatever issues I've encountered. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  16. Perhaps your connection timed out??? It IS 300 odd megs... or you may have reached you daily download limt???? wrench kevin stein
  17. There is as yet insufficent information for a meaningful response...* Please outline the exact steps you performed... -------------- which game? Which series (original or NextGen)? original series does NOT use folderized 'pilot seats' From the readme: It can't get any easier than that. wrench kevin stein *=bonus points to identify the origination of that phrase
  18. I'll see if I can find the BoB Thread, and bring it over here...I'll start looking in the Missions/Campaigns Forum. wish me luck (my searchs don't turn up much, usualy...) wrench kevin stein
  19. coolio-max!! glad to see this get released!! Thanks Russo!! wrench kevin stein
  20. Thanks PB!! I'm pretty sure Gepard did the LOD for that 'suspension' bridge, I'd shoot him a PM and see if it WAS him. Don't forget, there's 3 different types of 'lower' bridges in WoV that are easily imported into any other game (rail, foot, vehicle, and a 'bamboo pontoon type'. Gepard also did the pontoon bridges across the Suez Canal in the Isreal2 map. I have a 'idea' for a (terribly incorrect) stand in for RANGER; I'll be re-looking at my CVL stand in as a substitute. CVEs we've got as my repaint of Kukilono repaint of the MAC Lloyd: great stuff!!! More work for me, but it's damn sure needed to improve the look of the map (btw, Etna and Veseuvius have DEEEEP craters in them. how cool!!! Also, expect some updated skins for the VS-41 Dauntless and VF-41 Wildcat -- I'm redoing the skins and ALL the decals to correct my earlier crappy efforts! wrench kevin stein
  21. Opps!!! I haven't tested too many prop jobs in 08 levels with ONLY the 0.50 statement; both "modern" Horten wings (F-79C & Peregrine, P/F-51D-30, F-82 Twin Mustang) seem to respond VERY well. I guess I should test the F-47N, and D's that I have for post-war, and Pasko's Yaks (3, 9, 9U, 9RD) and Buny's La-11s and see what happens as well. Like I said, I have NO understanding of the math behind it, so my typo seems to be doing something!! wrench kevin stein
  22. Thanks! That top cgi image would make a GREAT loading screen!! that 2nd to last one is the full scale radar model Nor-Grum built for the National Geographic show on the 229 -- it now resides in the San Deigo Air & Space Museum (great show too...and proved that yes, it has a reduced RCS with WW2 radars) wrench kevin stein
  23. Now THAT's what I'm talking about!!! Do you have one for Southern Italy, from Rome down to Taranto??? (there's some there, but the map REALLY needs tweeking....) BTW, Rome is juuuuuusssst inside the wall, so it won't get an airfield. Just a catherdal (standing in for Vatican City) Of course, my work load just trippled!! Since some are kinda close together (Trapani & Tripoli), I think they'll one have one each. I KNEW there was one a Catania!!! (all this geographical knowledge left over from the 3 Libya mods...oi!!!) Thanks man! Saved the day! wrench kevin stein
  24. where do you think those factories came from?!! ??? !!! if you talking about the nuke cooling towers, that's gepard, "borrowed" from the Isreal2 terrain. wrench kevin stein
  25. Get the "factory place" -- it's either here at CA and I know it's at my site. Has all the necessary objects and type's lising, and the target area layout is included, in the "Desert_Targets.ini" Just a simple "locate the area you want it to show in" copy/paste, then add to cities ini, and flatten in the TE (as the ground plattes are "FlatObject=TRUE" like a runway) wrench kevin stein

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