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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. can u post a screenie??? Weapons are fine for me (just look at the screenie above!!) You must be missing the correct pilot figure .. it's the same dude that came with the original aircraft, pasko's LWPilot. wrench kevin stein
  2. Version


    North Africa Terrain Upgrade For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 MTO mods This started out as a simple targets upgrade, and turned into a major rework of Edward's "North Africa" or Western Desert Terrain for WW2. As you can expect, the targets have been greatly 'enhanced', with some additions, some areas have been retiled for ease of targetization. The visuals (ie: the eye candy) has been enhanced by these revamped target areas. This will allow single mission and campain builders more latitude in their creation of missions and campaigns. It also has the side effect of enhancing in-game generated single mission play, too! This is a COMPLETE terrain, designed to REPLACE the original verison in it's entirety. All necessary parts are included; tiles, inis, LOTS of new terrain items, with the excpetion for some 'permission-only' GroundObject items. 2 re-done planning maps (1 & 2) are also included. Also, there are at LEAST 3 Easter Eggs on the map. There ARE some historical flaws (and probably physical geographic ones as well!!), which as most of you know gauls the daylights out of me; they are fully detailed in the "Notes & Explinations" section below. The data ini has been upgraded to the semi-latest standards (ie: 2006 patch level). Water effects are active, so Vista users beware...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users". NOTE: this is NOT designed for the post-08 patch or SF2 "NextGen" series. The terrain's data ini does NOT have the new Height Data included!!! (however, that is easily added if you're familiar with the varous terrain data inis, and how to 'update' them). = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE WW2 WEAPONS PAK !! = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST, WW2 NATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST WW2 FORMATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE GEO'S WW2 GROUND OBJECTS PAKS!! MOST IMPORTANT!!! = It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, using their cats pointed to in the main ini. As most of the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line). It has NOT, however, been tested in post 08 SF/WoV/WoE/WoI or any of the SF2 'NextGen' series; it is NOT designed for useage in those type of game installs. If you choose to do so, expect NO support from me -- you're on your own. Although, it should work pretty well, in any case. Some data ini adjustments will probably be required for the additional effects. As always, it's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder somewhere's thats easy to find. This will give you access to the rest of the readme for full, detailed install instructions and the Usual Notes and Other Ramblings... Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It's HIGHLY reccomended you read this document completly through before installing this mod. Happy Landings!! Wrench kevin stein
  3. Ho-229V3A Pak



    Horton Ho-229V3a Flying Wing Upgrade Pak For SF/WoV/WoE: ETO & MTO "SWOTL" Style Installs -06 Patch Level Installs ONLY This is a semi-new aircraft, based off Pako's original Ho-229. I've created a 'production' variant, had the War In Europe lasted further into 1945/46. This is a complete aircraft mod, with all parts included. The new inis will reflect the 'full production' version, as this aircraft can be tasked with pretty much all mission profiles. 2 underwing (body?) pylons have been added via the Fake Pilot Method for bombs, drop tanks and the Kramer X-4 air-to-air missile. The weapons are NOT included; they can be found in my WW2 Weapons Pak, available at CombatAce. Other tweeks (borrowed from my post-war What If.. F-79 Manta) include the additon of running, formation and landing lights. Two new skins, from my upsized home-grown templates with all redrawn panel lines, and standard Luftwaffe stencling, are included. They are: JG-1 in Europe, done up in a 1945-ish RLM 70/81 over 78 JG-27 in North Africa/Middle East, done in a 'mottle' finish of RLM 79/80 over 78 (the same as the Fw-190 skin I did some years back) 1/JG-400, Pasko's original skin for Europe, with new individual aircraft numbers. So, in essence, you can create 2 new aircraft; one for your "SWTOL" ETO install and another for a MTO version. The 2 new skins are NOT designed to work together in an ETO only based install. See "Splitting Theatre Usage" in the Install Instructions below. Also, there is some "unique" behavior exhibited in the 06 patch level games, PLEASE read the "Flying the 229" section in the "Notes" below!!! Individual aircraft number decals for 32 aircraft are included for all, as they are different colors. Unfortunatly no Stab markings are included, although I DO have them as decals around here somewheres..... Just couldn't figure out HOW to do them properly for a Flying Wing!! The tail swastika is also NOT on the aircraft, which IS historically accurate, as there are NO vertical surfaces for it to be put on! My patent-pending artwork-style Hangar and Loading screens are also included, as are the damage tgas. As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read it all the way through, so as to be familarized with the procedures, and whatever issues I've encountered. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  4. Now, THAT is quite interesting!!!! Nice to know we can now edit mission types directly IN the terrain!! wrench kevin stein
  5. for 50 bucks I'll forget I ever saw this thread.... (or Euro equivilent) wrench kevin stein
  6. File Name: Handley-Page Peregrine FGA.1 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 3 Jul 2009 File Category: Fictional Aircraft, Experimental and UAV's Handley-Page Peregrine FGA.1 for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI, Post-Patch (9/08 & 10/08) & SF2 Series Installs A "What If..." aircraft for the early Cold War.... This is a mod of Pasko's Ho-229, which I modded into the "What If" F-79 'Manta, now modded yet again into an UK built version for the RAF. (did that sound as confusing as it looked???) This is a complete aircraft mod, containing everything needed to just unzip and fly. A new pilot figure, and the pylon "seats" will need installing, but that's a pretty simple matter. The skin, created from new 1024x1024 templates, is based off the original WW2 Luftwaffe one, and has completly redrawn panel and rivet lines. All new decals representing 54 Squadron, RAF have been either created by me or borrowed from Spinners RAF Decals Pak. Period style lighting has been added; running and ID lights, and a landing light. The cockpit, while based off the A-4B, has been extensively edited to make use of the new coding in post-08-patches for the "OpenCockpit", as has the data ini. This allows the external model's canopy frame to work for us. If attempting to use in a pre-patch install, you'll need to make all sorts of adjustments, and even I don't remember them all. Suffice it to say, it's built for post patch -- keep it that way. A new "WoE-style" hangar screen has been created for this aircraft (usable in ALL versions of the sim). Damage tgas are incuded here as well, just in case you happen to get shot up.... This mod is designed for use with, I'm hoping, ANY weapons pak. You may just need to add a few things. If you've already added the weapons provided from another mod or weapons pak, you need not add them again. The data ini has been extensiverly expanded from the Manta mod, to include the new 'fake pilot seat' pylons that have been added for weapons carriage. Depending on the year flown you'll either have US AIM-9B Sidewinders or RAF Firestreak IRMs. It has been set to use the stock 3rdWire 100 gallon drop tank, and the stock UK bombs. The SNEB rocket pod, for use on CAS mission, should be available in just about all the weapons paks. Some tweeking of the Flight Model, mostly the "StallMoment" line for the wings, have been incorporated. The aircraft handles EXCEPTIONALLY well for such an old model. = IMPORTANT: This aircraft has been tested in Post-Patch SF/WoV/WoE/WoI & SF2. In fact, I tested it EXTENSIVELY in SF2 to be sure it would work ok! Be advised of the existence of some handling issues prevelant in WW2 era and many Pre-Patch (ie: 06 level) aircraft. Fly accordingly!!!. As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  7. IIRC, Ordway included all the necessary bmps/tgas in his package. So, like was said above, double check the /cockpit folder BTW, if you renamed the cockpit lod, you'll have to change the pointer in the cockpit ini as well to match. Those ARE on my list to update/test for NextGen, just like the early MiG pits* I re-released. Just ain't gotten around to it yet! *which work 100% perfectly in SF2 with the 08 level A-4B_cockpit.lod IN the cockpit folder. Remember HOW the game engine works ... it looks in folders FIRST, then pulls what needed from the various cat files. If it's got something in a folder, it don't care about the rest wrench kevin stein
  8. If all goes as planned, I should have the 'new' rebuilt North Africa map finished with testing, and uploaded by the weekend. I hope!!! Everything in Greece and Crete has been reactivated, and a new airfield for Italian/Axis use has been added near the Albanian/Macedonian border for recreation of the invasion of Greece, and the retreat to Crete, the retreat FROM Crete....and so forth wrench kevin stein
  9. Just some things I did to pass the time, as terrain targetization is a real beee-ooytch!! And quite boring an frustrating at times FAH Corsair (based on my F4U-4B, which is based on TMF F4U-7) FAN MiG-21MF (what if...) SAN Panama Mirage IIIP (what if...) So, any interst in these?? Even given 2 of them's non-reality status... Wrench kevin stein
  10. I'm going to un-sticky this for now, until such time as I FIND time to get back to working on the CA map. Then, I'll dredge up from the Abyss, and continue thanks to all for inputs and comments! don't worry, I'll get back to it eventually! wrench kevin stein
  11. (mr burns voice...) Exxxcccceeelllllent thanks dave!! wrench kevin stein
  12. PZL P.11c

    It's only availabe from the realm of the Great and Powerful Zur.... Bow Down Before his Greatness...!!! http://www.zur-tech.com/ wrench kevin stein anyone that can pull of wearing a dress like he did...well, nuff said! (long story!)
  13. if 'ranging' it's probably a similar set up to that as used on the Sabre's, only feeds information to the gunsight for the lead computations. Very low power set, with VERY limited range (maybe 1000 yards max??). ---------- If the folks mentioned are Freeware Signatories, just include their names for credit. btw, I think the aircraf was built by ArmorDave (if this is the really old one!), so don't forget to mention him! :yes: I'd clean up some of the unneeded stuff from ndiki's readme me, unless HIS aircraft is need to apply this mod to; if so, it should be stated. otherwise, looks ok to me! wrench kevin stein note to self -- get off ass and write the tutorial on "how to write a good readme, even though no one reads them"
  14. What it is physically, I don't have a clue!!! The math is so far above me.... But whatever it is, is seems to really help out these Early Birds in the 08 and above patch levels. In Wolf's Corsairs (and undoubtedly my mods for them, as I just reused his data ini), somewhere in EACH wing call out, there's this statememnt: StallMoment=0.05 btw, there's 4 of them in the F4Us, in each of the Wing/OuterWing sections of the data ini. Changing it to read StallMoment=-0.50 seems to do something!!!. My adivce is to add the new line, and comment out the old...like this //StallMoment=0.05 StallMoment=-0.50 that way, if it don't work, it's easy to restore. Has anyone tested this fix at on 06 level install??? Just curious to see if it changes anything there as well wrench kevin stein
  15. I want that huffer as a terrain object for my terrain projects!!! wrench kevin stein
  16. Nothing to it...and it almost has nothing to do with the terrain itself. You just need to create 'nationalized' versions for EACH aircraft for the countries involved. And skins and decals, and perhaps weapons (tho, that probably isn't necessary in post-08, as long as the Soviet weapons are "EXPORTED=TRUE") National markings are already part of the objects.cat, so just adjusting the various pointers in the inis is a no-brainer. Adding the nations to the terrains _nations.ini is also the matter of only a few minutes, although some editing of 'areas' may be needed, or at least double checked, as the region is split up in the various countries. Remember --and this is VERY important-- Location001 is ALWAYS Friendly! wrench kevin stein
  17. Unfortunately, I can't add the 'string'. And it uses a not-quite-right pit (even though it's the stock one that came with it from Pasko's own 163) And it makes a LOT of use of 'dummy components' for the elevators, although the drag-rudders DO work quite well! BUT...I did tweek the StallMoment= for the RAF Peregrine version of the post-war F-79 Manta (ok, basically, the same airplane, reskined for USAF, the reskinned AGAIN!! for RAF -and it looks like the Manta will be getting a small update, too...) Been flying it extensively in 08 WoE and SF2, and it really works SOOO much better. Although, I don't know if that trick will work in 06 level, but I'll be trying to test that today, as there's a small 'issue' on autopilot takeoffs (like climbing up to 10-30 meters, nosing down INTO the runway,and breaking off the gear!). I take you have Myhra's "CloseUp" book on the Ho-229? There are some of those flight chart graphs in it. wrench kevin stein
  18. Handley-Page Peregrine, 54 Squadron circa 1960 (coming soon) wrench kevin stein
  19. I have a very 'strange' range of aircraft I favor ... flying boats and flying wings top the list. Why??? I really don't know, except they are hellacool!!! wrench kevin stein
  20. I think I can arrange to have something for you today For those that have never seen a real one, up close and personal, and I can tell you it's like a football field with wings...I've been going to airshows all my life (missed the Golden Tatoo at Nellis by only 2 days ... what a show that would have been to see!!) anyway, at one at Long Beach, they had all the 'trash haulers' (and DEFINATLY no offense intended!) and folks were all over ALL of them ... but in the C-5 just towered over all. It's like walking into a stadium or cathedral ... it is SOOOO enoumous inside.... if you have a chance to see it, do it!! wrench kevin stein
  21. Photochops of the Past

    Those were great times!! Those little dudes REALLLYY rocked the house!! wrench kevin stein
  22. While not exactly "prop-head", this IS era approiate..... one of 2 NEW skins; the other is desert tan/green mottle for JG-27. This is one JG-1. BTW, it's for a 'production' version V3A (note the pylons and X-4s) wrench kevin stein
  23. None Hunter's never carried any radar of any type. I don't even think there was a gunsight-ranging unit, like the F-86 carried. All done with the Mark 1 Eyeball. go into the PropHead Modding Thread; on the 2nd to last page I posted some links to sites that house books on pdf. With a little serching, all your Hunter questions can be answered (if you got a big enough HD for the several terabytes of books you'll be d/ling!!! ) wrench kevin stein
  24. There's an updated one floating around loose here someplace....it's fully up-to-date as of 12/08; with several 'new' nations. Vichy France, AVG, etc. You SHOULD have in whichever one you've got, at least Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, WWII Italy, WWII Soviet, WWII China. BTW, a quickie fix is change the DisplayName= for USAF to United States Army Air Force. Just looks more correct in the WW2 setting. Also, even though this shouldn't make a difference, the 'correct' terrain for the time frame. And proper groundobjects.? WoV is probably the WORST choice for WW2 simming out the whole 3W series; it's 'mission statement' dlls don't have the correct names or even types. It's the least flexible. WoE is the best one, as it supports carriers, and has all the 'correct' mission statments (CAP, FighterSweep, Armed Recon, SEAD, Strike, Recon, Anti-Ship, etc) as opposed to the funky way WoV does it. Seems to be limiting Enemy actions as well for some reason. wrench kevin stein
  25. Well, I installed it. haven't spent much time testing but I did notice an improvement....from 8-9 fps in the cockpit, now up to 13-15!!! External veiws running around 21-27 (on my Modern Darwin, cause it's got the GH mod in. Saw some really strange numbers on the HUDdebug... One time it read "125max" or something REALLY high I will say, even though I've gained almost nothing, it DOES look sharper, and I've not touched anything in the nVidia panel oh, system specs: XP SP2 3.46 cpu 1 gig ram 6800 Nvidia, 512mg ram (obviously, a 'larger' card would help out wrench kevin stein

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