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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Yup, like zmatt said, that's stated in my readme. It may be an animation problem, but it's never been, or possibly can't be, fixed. Yes, we certainly need the correct R-series gunpod shapes. Been discussed at GREAT length..... wrench kevin stein
  2. Johh Finn, USN, CMOH

    From this Sunday's LA Times: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-me...0,6009655.story just wanted to share that wrench kevin stein
  3. And yet another joins The Dark Side.... click the attachment .... hope this works wrench kevin stein
  4. Noninially, yes. They'd need to be built into the 3d model, and then only appear when loaded. But, as you can see below, using the 'fake pilot method', new and/or additional pylons can be added. In the case shown, the Paki F-7 (howling1s old mod for the 21F13) now with all 4 stations. wrench kevin stein
  5. or, more than likely a) I wrote the link wrong -happens all the time or b) I forgot the upload the damn thing!!! Which happens even MORE often!!! Just grab ANW-4S from here until I can get around to fixing it. as to Mitch's Factory Place, it's pretty straight forward to install. Just like anyother target area for any map. New entries need to be made in the _types and _targets inis. Follow the instructions in the "shipwreck" time (there's an illustrated word doc in there on how create/place targets). And don't forget to add the listing to the ***citieslist.ini, as they'll need to be flattened in the Terrain Editor 2.0000 as the X/Y axises (axi???) wrench kevin stein
  6. For those that don't know what he means by multiple lods of varying polygon count...the example below is for the stock BM-14 and for the stock E Phantom: distance, as always in 3W games, is in meters. As you get closer, the "detail' gets higher; converserly, as you get farther away, it gets less. This has the side effect of imporving frame rates, especially with large formations, and LOTS of effects (like the aforementioned flak bursts), as less has to be 'drawn' on-screen, freeing up CPU and GPU cycles (or so I'm told!!) wrench kevin stein
  7. No, nada, never. Once they're set and locked-in in MAX, they can't be changed. A node is a node is a node, unless it's your nose If one attempts this, one would learn quite quickly that it don't work by the multitude of CTDs one would experience. They are what they are, which makes Greg's work just that much more difficult. wrench kevin stein
  8. Nice boat...I have to say, 'that's Brilliant'!!!! --------- Terrains in the shop: Edwards' WW2 North africa, getting an Extreme Makeover Edwards' WW2 Tunisia, starting to get looked at. As of today, all the sea/land transition tiles have new alpha channels, so the water "works" wrench kevin stein
  9. Light pollution from the cites???? Moonglow??? Earthglow??? Zodical light??? wrench kevin stein
  10. ONLY 32 gigs??? shheesh...I have ONE WoE install that's bigger than that!!! Nope, not taking it fully. 'prolly never will. I DO like the integration.merge of the various titles; but like mppd, the decals crap in XP bugs the daylights out of me. There's no logical reason WHY the /d subfolder that's worked so well for so long had to be elliminated. Loading times are just as long, if not longer -I can sloooowwwly smoke a whole cigerate waiting for a mission to start, frame rates are LOWER than 08 WoE/WoI (like when I would be getting mid-20s, is now BELOW the teens, and sometimes less than 10). Mind you, I am running full max on everything, so I'm sure I could gain a bit by dailing back from "unlimited". Other than the avionics, AI, and other visual improvements, it gives me no advantage over my 06/08 level installs (ww2 stuff is 06). Being on XP....again, they WORK in XP, but really are designed for <choke> Vista and Winge7 Will/am I buying them? Hell yes!!! No matter what, gotta support TK!!! Even if I don't play them, he deserves the support, so he can make better games for us to enjoy in our Favorite Hobby ™ wrench kevin stein
  11. I think you're gonna want recheck you data, and make some edits..... 1) the groundobjectdata ini is NO longer used; the information is now carried INSIDE the main ini of EVERY GroundObject 2) you'll probaly want to edit this release announcement to refelect that -- a LOT of people are going to get VERY confused 3) You'll want to re-edit those main main inis, as the ]GroundObjectData[ statements are not aligned, and there's some rather "odd" characters in there and 4) hasn't this already been done??? The info on the post-SP4 adjustments has been in the KB for several years, in the "What Available Thread" I know I've included SEVERAL updated Infantry items in some of my terrain mods, and a LOT of these show up in the ODS mod So, if you please, go ahead and straighten that out, if you would. Thank you!!! wrench kevin stein
  12. Might help to know EXACTLY what type of weapon; bombs or HVARS??? The rockets will ripple no matter what. As for bombs.... Does the first section in your cockpit.ini look like this: if, so, addd a 1 in front of the 2. See if that changes anything. wrench kevin stein
  13. Got it! That's because the envirosys is an 08 level ini; makes a difference. So's the data ini, happened on the last upgrade I did on it. Also, if you get the "purple haze" again, PLEASE share what you're smoking with the rest of us!!! wrench kevin stein
  14. 3rd Wire already USES the MF lod for the bis in WoI and probably the NextGen sims. So, we can take to understand that a new, correctly shaped LOD is the works? And a new cockpit to make use of the more advanced avionics (HUD, multi-mode radars, etc) is also in the works, or just new bmps and tga for the existing Fishbed pits As to weapons loading, been there, done that, too...see below wrench kevin stein
  15. Does the terrain have an _EnvironmentalSystem.ini in the folder?? If so, try renaming it, or commenting out the line in the terrain's main ini. See if it makes a difference (meaning: I just experienced this the other day -exact same bad-trip clouds, deleted the envirosys ini,and the problem went away). Also, if the envirsys ini is post-patch in a pre-patch terrrain or game install, it'll do the same wrench kevin stein
  16. And stop dropping Acid!!!! Drugs are bad, mmkay??? wrench kevin stein
  17. One of the reasons I created this little stickies forum, to try to keep this all together (true, in a mixed up sort of fashion, that seem more towards building new/replacment, than fixing.....) I'll be MORE than happy to put in in a request with the admins!!! :yes: Once we have 'detailed fixes', I can also create a new Thread in the Knowledge Base, just for Prop Mods. Wonder if that tail wheel braking line is what's causing all my Italian birds (Re2000,2001,2002) and a whole bunch of others to do the 'bouncy jiggly, jumpupanddown, roll over and explode dance!!'... btw, WoE, 06 patch, MTO install. Thanks Greg! wrench kevin stein
  18. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=40588 Start at the top, and work your way down the posts wrench kevin stein
  19. We're VERY big on "What If..." around here (so says the one-time King of What If..., deposed by His Highness, Julhelm I ) Nicely done, Spinners! Like the Baron too. The prototype badge is VERY cool! Safe to assume you already have Pakso's Feather?? wrench kevin stein
  20. Razbam has an excellent version (the cocpit ALONE is worth the price of admission). It's payware, and fairly inexpensive. Around $15 US, IIRC wrench kevin stein
  21. I disagree, in some respects. To elaborate.... some aircraft can keep their 'general shape', but have all KINDs of modifiations. We're all VERY aware, I'm sure of the differences in the Spit and Hurri marks... Hurricane's fer instance, 8 gun, 12 gun (which can be a simple data ini edit to create the IIB from I), 2C with 4 20mms, 2D with 2 40mm gondolas, SeaHurris with hooks. And then there's the Trop versions, with the Volkes filters. Now, a base version (I'm using Wolfs upcoming as an example, based on the 1 screenie I've seen...) could be used for pretty much ALL of them, and using the fake pilot method to add the Volkes filter and cannon barrels; just like the old Pakso mod for the Mig-17PFU. But due to some physical differences, the SeaHurri would need their own model. Simply for the hook; although this again, is easily 'faked' by a simple data ini edit. But people seem to really want the visual on the external views. Same for Seafires. Spits are another issue, expecially if someone wants an LF clipped wing version. Or anything after the Mk.V, with it's 2 radiator housings, not to mention the cannon barrels. Then Mk. VIIIs and up, with the different tail shapes. And the trop filters... Again, this MAY be doable via the fake pilot method, but somebody has to BUILD the bits to stick on! A lot of this goes back to the problem some people have obtaining those already in existence. I really want to see Wolf's Spit and Hurri released .... this is just ME speaking, as a player and mod maker, not as anything else. I just wish the hell I could actually DO something in 3d to help out!! wrench kevin stein
  22. That is one of the FUNNIEST, and most honest statements I've ever read on ANY board!!! You can leave the SystemName= intact in the various {**Wing} sections, as they'll not be there anymore via those Component edits. It goes without saying, of course, the Loadout.ini will need adjusting as well, but again, that ain't nutting! As may the WeaponsStations in the data ini This is what a 'completed' removal statment in the data in looks like, from the TBF-1 The screenie is what it looks like. You'll notice the missing wing gun barrel, about 1/3 the way out from the fuselage, and little 'stub thingys' under the wings are gone for the HVAR mounts wrench kevin stein
  23. File Name: Martlet I/III Fleet Air Arm File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 26 Jun 2009 File Category: Allied Fighters Grumman Martlet Mk. I/III Pak for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE - WW2 MTO Installs (06 Patch Level) This is a mod of my mod of the F4F-3 variant, based on Pasko's F4F-4, as used by the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm, the Martlet I & III. These these 2 marks were 'acquired' by the FAA from the French and Greek orders, they were never recieved by the countries they were destined for due to "an inconvient lack of a deliver point" (ie: overrun by the enemy). It is the standard, non-folding wing version, with 4 50 caliber machine guns. It IS fully carrier capable, and can be used in user-made missions or campaigns. This is a brand new skin, using my home-grown templates (as also used on my USN versions), representing a semi-fictional skin for 805 Squadron, Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm. I say semi-fictional, as this is designed to either compliment or replace the FAA 805 Buffalo that I did earlier in 2009; for those that can't get the F2A Buffalo, this will suffice. It carries the standard FAA camo scheme of Extra Dark Sea Gray/Slate Gray over Sky, as seen on other Martlets serving in the Middle East/Western Desert in 1940/41. New decals for serial numbers have been created; these ARE accurate serials assinged to Martlet I & IIIs, as taken over by the Royal Navy. Again; in this semi-fictional usege, they fit quite nicely. This is a complete aircraft mod with all parts needed to unzip, install and fly away. REMEMBER: although designed for the MTO (ie: Battle for Crete, and Defense of Alexandria, etc), this skin IS perfectly usable for FAA Squadrons flying from English bases (ie: Orkneys, Scapa Flow, etc). BTW, the letters ARE for 805 when flying their Buffalos from HMS Eagle, during the Battle for Crete. They were all lost at Malme, Crete (well, there 3 or 4 that were really there...that is). I have supplied an "alternative" cockpit ini, modified from Geo's F6F-3, for those that may want a more 'closer approximation' of the Wildcat's Real Life ™ pit. The cockpit is NOT supplied from the Hellcat, so you'll need to obtain it yourselves from Geo's site and transfer over the cockpit folder, and from this version, the "US_N-3_Gunsight.tga". Instructions for that are below, in the "To Swap Pits" section. In truth, THIS would be the way to go. It's much closer, and better looking than the original, which isn't a US Navy pit at all!! = IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/SFG/WoV/WoE, at the 06 patch level -ONLY-, It has =NOT= been tested it in post 08 patch SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI. It has also NOT been tested in the NextGen, SF2 series. You use it in these enviroments at your own risk. = =This mod is designed for use with the WW2 Weapons Pak by me, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.= As always, it's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder somewhere's thats easy to find. This will give you access to the rest of the readme for full, detailed install instructions and the Usual Notes and Other Ramblings... Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  24. Opps.. right, as those places aren't "strictley" England, but the surrounding regions. Sorry!!! wrench kevin stein
  25. Version


    Grumman Martlet Mk. I/III Pak for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE - WW2 MTO Installs (06 Patch Level) This is a mod of my mod of the F4F-3 variant, based on Pasko's F4F-4, as used by the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm, the Martlet I & III. These these 2 marks were 'acquired' by the FAA from the French and Greek orders, they were never recieved by the countries they were destined for due to "an inconvient lack of a deliver point" (ie: overrun by the enemy). It is the standard, non-folding wing version, with 4 50 caliber machine guns. It IS fully carrier capable, and can be used in user-made missions or campaigns. This is a brand new skin, using my home-grown templates (as also used on my USN versions), representing a semi-fictional skin for 805 Squadron, Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm. I say semi-fictional, as this is designed to either compliment or replace the FAA 805 Buffalo that I did earlier in 2009; for those that can't get the F2A Buffalo, this will suffice. It carries the standard FAA camo scheme of Extra Dark Sea Gray/Slate Gray over Sky, as seen on other Martlets serving in the Middle East/Western Desert in 1940/41. New decals for serial numbers have been created; these ARE accurate serials assinged to Martlet I & IIIs, as taken over by the Royal Navy. Again; in this semi-fictional usege, they fit quite nicely. This is a complete aircraft mod with all parts needed to unzip, install and fly away. REMEMBER: although designed for the MTO (ie: Battle for Crete, and Defense of Alexandria, etc), this skin IS perfectly usable for FAA Squadrons flying from English bases (ie: Orkneys, Scapa Flow, etc). BTW, the letters ARE for 805 when flying their Buffalos from HMS Eagle, during the Battle for Crete. They were all lost at Malme, Crete (well, there 3 or 4 that were really there...that is). I have supplied an "alternative" cockpit ini, modified from Geo's F6F-3, for those that may want a more 'closer approximation' of the Wildcat's Real Life ™ pit. The cockpit is NOT supplied from the Hellcat, so you'll need to obtain it yourselves from Geo's site and transfer over the cockpit folder, and from this version, the "US_N-3_Gunsight.tga". Instructions for that are below, in the "To Swap Pits" section. In truth, THIS would be the way to go. It's much closer, and better looking than the original, which isn't a US Navy pit at all!! = IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/SFG/WoV/WoE, at the 06 patch level -ONLY-, It has =NOT= been tested it in post 08 patch SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI. It has also NOT been tested in the NextGen, SF2 series. You use it in these enviroments at your own risk. = =This mod is designed for use with the WW2 Weapons Pak by me, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.= As always, it's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder somewhere's thats easy to find. This will give you access to the rest of the readme for full, detailed install instructions and the Usual Notes and Other Ramblings... Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein

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