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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Yes, please! Enlighten me!!! (more confused than usual!) wrench kevin stein
  2. I've flown into the ground so many times, I've put rollers ALL over my plane....figuring I could slide along for a bit before jumping out!! Making the OTHER guy do it ... now THAT's cool! wrench kevin stein
  3. For me, I enjoy the PTO much more than ETO/MTO (even though I'm at present rebuilding the North Africa map). Guess it's because my Dad was there, 44-46, PI wrench kevin stein
  4. Oh dear...not sure where to start.. Definatly use WoE as the 'base game' install, ONLY at the 06 patch level (at present -- until we get 3-400 new FMs), and the 06 patch only add 1 or 2 items that may be usefull -- imporved AI and Vista compatibility for the terrain -ie water- effects. The GameEngine ™ generated parked planes create "issues" with the terrain object placed statics. It also couldn't hurt to have the WoV VietnamSEA terrain folder, as some terrains use that cat pointer (those that don't have the tiles IN their own folder) WoE also will support carrier ops, that SF don't. Also, if you really are into the PTO, you might consider 'splitting' the theatre into 2 game installs -- one PTO/Central Pacific, and the other CBI, as they use different plane sets Terrains -- just look in the D/L section. Be advised, that the Solomons upgrade is "still in the factory", as I keep forgetting to ask Deuces about finishing off the treesmod (we need a better jungle -actually, we NEED a jungle to start with!!) As to mods, well...(trying not to break arm patting self on back ) anything with my name on it!!! ArmorDave's Jap Planes Pak Wolf's WW2 Planes Pak Geo's WW2 Ground Object Pak, his Hellcat Pasko's Wildcat and Val If you're registered with the DAT, you'll be needing all the IJAAF/IJN, and USN/RAF/etc aircraft from them. And my Mods thereof...(ouch! pulled a muscle)... Oh, and the WW2 ships; DD, DE, CV, Liberty, etc. LOTS of stuff over at my site, that's not available here. Widesky, I haven't tested, but it should work. I'm using Polak's old skymod. Nor have I tested the 'hollywood' effects pakages. Baltiks'a Burma Campaign ... nice stuff!! Also, his Phillipines 1941 (btw, GreenHell works there too) For more specifics, just ask! Wrench kevin stein
  5. Well, looking at the 2 data inis, you DIDN'T remove ANYTHING!! Follow the instrucions I provided above. As to the winder rails, can't help ya there wrench kevin stein
  6. Here's a couple from 2005. Mind you, this is NOT the YORKTOWN class that's available, it's the Ooooooollllllddd "carrier" objects from the PAW terrain mod from that same time frame, which is why is looks so bad. Might give a try a reskinnig it at some point.... sorry for the small size of the shots.... wrench kevin stein
  7. Action over Crete.... Wrench kevin stein
  8. I've done this on a couple birds, but can't seem to locate them.... Looks like you've got all the bits where they should go already. Also, a Patial mistake on my part.... In the AVIONICS ini, you'll need all the HUD entries from the Eagles cockpit ini. Look at the stock Eagle avionics for guidelines. Also, the F-4E_AUP, F-4EJKai, the Phantom FGR.3, the A-4AR FightingHawk (albeit with Julheim' Kestral pit...and a mix-match of A-10 and F-15 bits), TMF's F-16 -which, if you haven't already done so, have a 'fix' for the GM radar, WoI's F-16s .... Since the avionics70.dll was fixed in the 08 patch, don't forget the add the GM radar sections reread my post above --- the aircraft's DATA ini, in the guns section. You'll need to add a line to EACH gun statement: AimAngles=0.0,0.0,1.5 or something similiar. The statemenet above will raise the angle 1.5 meters. Adjust as needed (probably down a bit) to get them through the center dot. And you'll probably be adjusting the 'size' of the sights/HUD, but that's easily done in that {Gunsight} section wrench kevin stein
  9. I'd move it east at least 100km (maybe a bit more), to get the whole "Horn" on the map, and have some room on the right (eastern) edge to allow for the 80km "no fly zone" AKA The Wall wrench kevin stein
  10. Probably missing the tgas. Use EVERTHING from the original series, placed IN the cockpit folder, make the necessary adjustments in the cockpit ini. See how that works What's the base HUD used? 3W F-15A???? btw, you're guns are going to be 'off center' too; you'll need to adjust the aim angles in the Kahu's data ini wrench kevin stein
  11. OH NO!!! The Dark Clowns!!! Beware of Darth Bo-bo!!! wrench kevin stein
  12. Dude, that screenie is frakking AWSOME!!!! my compliments! wrench kevin stein
  13. all the names must match too, so if it's "AE.hfd", etc, and all the inis, you'll have to rename to 'eritrea', place all bits IN the TE as a sub-folder, and open from there. Can't work the TE from anywhere's else (ie: terrain folder MUSt be in TEs folder) and don't forget to COMPLETLY rebuild the city.ini, cause if you add stuff to the targets ini, they MUST match for you airfield flattening. wrench kevin stein
  14. It's a DAT ships, CV-6. Also available in Gepard's Midway terrain. wrench kevin stein
  15. Not without a complete and utter rebuild of everything, including a butt-load of retiling to 'fit' the new jet-sized airfields into the terrain. Meaning, adding the various VietnamGAB-1 and J-AB1 tiles, then laboriously fitting the airfields (1,5,6) into the excluded zone created by the new tiles. Runway 4 presents it's own set of problems -- as it don't quite fit in the usual 4-tile excluded airfield zone (just look at the Modern Darwing I just released, and see what I mean at Husadianian Int'l in Indonesia) BTW, converting Terrains up or down in time is a completely different kettle of fish, than simply converting the game for WW2 or whichever direction you're travelling on Time's Arrow. Doable? Absolutely -- I've already done it, as proven by the Darwin rebuild. Happen anytime soon? Not very likely (well, at least not by me) wrench kevin stein
  16. But, because it's classed as a 'target area', ruined sites can (and sometimes are) assigned for Recon missions. Good for sightseeing. Just you wait and see the 'new' Cyrene in the "new" WW2 Western Desert rebuild.... note to self .. I really need the FSSC, so I can start testing/using the STT...with avsim down, I can't get it!! wrench kevin stein
  17. DAT birds. I actually have an uncompleted C, ex-glass nosed, converted to a strafer (uses a decal to simulate 'painted over' glass -like my A-20A strafer mod). Never finished up decaling and etc for the 345th BG. I'll try and get a screenie up later, if anyone is interested. The major pity, is I can't get the NewGuinea2 terrain to take the 'necessary' trees, even editing/renaimg GH TODs...that terrain needs to be overhauled using WoV tiles, but it really don't work (tried with the Solomons, and it got all kinds of screwed up!!) There is a torpedo armed variant of the B, albeit an incomplete mod (missing lod and cockpit folders), over on my site wrench kevin stein
  18. True, but the data ini edit procedure works on ANYTHING (well, except GroundObjects)...the only difference is we don't have the OUTs for 3W models, hence the need for a hex editor to find the mesh names. That's ALL it would be used for in that case (as in the A-4A Scooter mod, with it's removed refueling probe from the A-4B lod) wrench kevin stein
  19. Can you post a screenshot?? It almost sounds like too many decals on a single mesh. I vaguely recall something of that nature with one of the skins...but I can't remember it!! (yah, age) Do a search on the Javelin, and see if anything pops up. wrench kevin stein
  20. and we'll make fun of them, too :yes: wrench kevin stein
  21. My pleasure. BTW, check out the Wildcat skin/ini upgread paks...I've fixed the canopy issue of not opening fully, and changed/added a new sound for the gear retraction ... it sounds like a chain-drive ratchet. if you want to conver the canopy over to an animation key (for all/any Wildcat) replace the auto-speed section with this: You'll note I just commented-out the auto speed, so just copy/paste this right over the existing statement This is used on a new FAA Martlet that should be coming out this week. wrench kevin stein
  22. Dude, you're freaking me out!!! wrench kevin stein
  23. Tell me about it!!! After adding Carthage, Leptus Magna and Cyrene to the Libya map and one someplace in Sicily.... what a PIA!!! Although, we COULD use some better ancient ruins .... The Acropolis is so iconic (or Ionian???) a visual, it would definatly need it's own terrain object. ---------------- Great looking base!!! All you'd need are some static terrainobject helos to drop on it. (like the WW2 statics) It's beginning to look like I have a competitor/cohort in the race for "Guru of Terrain Targeting" wrench kevin stein
  24. Like PB said, there are 2 version of the TE; the oldest is for SF ONLY and terrains using the desert tile naming conventions. You cannot use terrains built in that one with the newer, WoV/WoE/WoI version. It will cause all kinds of unwanted "issues" and problems. And vice-versa. Although, you CAN import the WoV/WoE tiles into the desert set, but you'll need to majorly edit the desert_texturelist.ini. Adding trees and city building can be done several ways... following Big D's turotials, to create your own or use existing TODs, and their asssciated terobjects_buildings.bmp and terobjects_trees.tga. That's the easiest and laziest way (in other words, how I do it!!! ) There's some very cool TODs for the desert-style terrains by either CA_Stary or Brain32 in the d/l section ... skyscraper cites, trees and farms, etc. There's also a butt-load of custom TODs in my ASW terrain for the farms, rivers, etc. EDIT: once you get the hang of adding just 'stock' trees and the 'generic' buildings to the TODs, you can actually have a little fun with it ... or if you have too much time on your hands ... see pic below. Yet another style of Easter Egg!! And one that most people would never notice, or see. wrench kevin stein
  25. You know, the DATs P-40E/Kittyhawk is mapped EXACTLY the same as that template thats available over at SimmersPaintShop. http://www.simmerspaintshop.com/forums/dow...m-template-124/ how do you think I did that 'generic' AAF skin!??!!! wrench kevin stein

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