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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Daves

    Like Leonard Nimoy.... I am not dave
  2. attachment removed the last thing i need is more drama!!!! wrench kevin stein
  3. File Name: Black VietnamSEA HM bmps File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 17 Jun 2009 File Category: Terrains Black Repainted HM_bmps for VietnamSEA Based Terrains ONLY, for use in Post-08 Patch Levels For Add-On Terrains for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2/SF2:/SF2:E This "repair package" is for those people still having trouble/issues with items placed near the sea/land transitions, and for those terrains using the Desert tileset that have NOT been brought up to 08 patch levels. The problem manifests itself as 'partly sunken ships' in port, or GroundObjects and Building that seem to be below ground level when near the shoreline. You'll note the listing of the NextGen sims, albeit THEIR terrains need NO adjusting; this is for 3rd Party, Add-Ons to be used in all the aforementioned sims, that were originally designed for use in the Classic Series, and have been migrated over. This will also fix them for use in the Classic Series. This fix has been covered innumerable times in several hundred posts on the CombatAce message boards, and even has it's own thread in the dreaded Knowledge Base. What this fix does, is change the Height statements for those terrains built in the 06 patch level, and before, and will bring them up to date with the O8 Level for the Classic Series, and will work the same for the NextGen series. Some knowledge of use of Skypat's Cat Extractor Tool is needed, as you will probably be needing it to extract the terrain ***_data.ini from one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ - Desert, VietnamSEA and GermanyCE, to make comparisons to for the terrain to be repaired. For the most part, the data in the Install Section below will have all the details necessary; but just be prepared. I'll try to keep the install/ repair procedures as easy as possible for the less experienced users. As always, unzip this pak to a temp folder or your desktop to gain access to the rest of this readme. It should be mentioned at this point, you're REALLY going to want to read the document all the way through before installing. This will aquiant you with the procedures and help you in the long run. Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  4. OPPS...this line should read: sorry about that folks! It's the same info as the Desert Pak, but I forgot to change the terrain's name. Just different HM bmps wrench kevin stein
  5. Umm..don't that come under "don't ask, don't tell?" what patch level, which airplane, WHICH game!!! And check the data in for double entries (oh, that sounds dirty!) You seem to be having all kinds of crazy s**t going on!! wrench kevin stein
  6. Black VietnamSEA HM bmps



    Black Repainted HM_bmps for VietnamSEA Based Terrains ONLY, for use in Post-08 Patch Levels For Add-On Terrains for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2/SF2:/SF2:E This "repair package" is for those people still having trouble/issues with items placed near the sea/land transitions, and for those terrains using the Desert tileset that have NOT been brought up to 08 patch levels. The problem manifests itself as 'partly sunken ships' in port, or GroundObjects and Building that seem to be below ground level when near the shoreline. You'll note the listing of the NextGen sims, albeit THEIR terrains need NO adjusting; this is for 3rd Party, Add-Ons to be used in all the aforementioned sims, that were originally designed for use in the Classic Series, and have been migrated over. This will also fix them for use in the Classic Series. This fix has been covered innumerable times in several hundred posts on the CombatAce message boards, and even has it's own thread in the dreaded Knowledge Base. What this fix does, is change the Height statements for those terrains built in the 06 patch level, and before, and will bring them up to date with the O8 Level for the Classic Series, and will work the same for the NextGen series. Some knowledge of use of Skypat's Cat Extractor Tool is needed, as you will probably be needing it to extract the terrain ***_data.ini from one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ - Desert, VietnamSEA and GermanyCE, to make comparisons to for the terrain to be repaired. For the most part, the data in the Install Section below will have all the details necessary; but just be prepared. I'll try to keep the install/ repair procedures as easy as possible for the less experienced users. As always, unzip this pak to a temp folder or your desktop to gain access to the rest of this readme. It should be mentioned at this point, you're REALLY going to want to read the document all the way through before installing. This will aquiant you with the procedures and help you in the long run. Wrench Kevin Stein
  7. File Name: Black Desert HM bmps File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 17 Jun 2009 File Category: Terrains Black Repainted HM_bmps for Desert Based Terrains ONLY, for use in Post-08 Patch Levels For Add-On Terrains for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2/SF2:/SF2:E This "repair package" is for those people still having trouble/issues with items placed near the sea/land transitions, and for those terrains using the Desert tileset that have NOT been brought up to 08 patch levels. The problem manifests itself as 'partly sunken ships' in port, or GroundObjects and Building that seem to be below ground level when near the shoreline. You'll note the listing of the NextGen sims, albeit THEIR terrains need NO adjusting; this is for 3rd Party, Add-Ons to be used in all the aforementioned sims, that were originally designed for use in the Classic Series, and have been migrated over. This will also fix them for use in the Classic Series. This fix has been covered innumerable times in several hundred posts on the CombatAce message boards, and even has it's own thread in the dreaded Knowledge Base. What this fix does, is change the Height statements for those terrains built in the 06 patch level, and before, and will bring them up to date with the O8 Level for the Classic Series, and will work the same for the NextGen series. Some knowledge of use of Skypat's Cat Extractor Tool is needed, as you will probably be needing it to extract the terrain ***_data.ini from one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ - Desert, VietnamSEA and GermanyCE, to make comparisons to for the terrain to be repaired. For the most part, the data in the Install Section below will have all the details necessary; but just be prepared. I'll try to keep the install/ repair procedures as easy as possible for the less experienced users. As always, unzip this pak to a temp folder or your desktop to gain access to the rest of this readme. It should be mentioned at this point, you're REALLY going to want to read the document all the way through before installing. This will aquiant you with the procedures and help you in the long run. Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  8. Black Desert HM bmps



    Black Repainted HM_bmps for Desert Based Terrains ONLY, for use in Post-08 Patch Levels For Add-On Terrains for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2/SF2:/SF2:E This "repair package" is for those people still having trouble/issues with items placed near the sea/land transitions, and for those terrains using the Desert tileset that have NOT been brought up to 08 patch levels. The problem manifests itself as 'partly sunken ships' in port, or GroundObjects and Building that seem to be below ground level when near the shoreline. You'll note the listing of the NextGen sims, albeit THEIR terrains need NO adjusting; this is for 3rd Party, Add-Ons to be used in all the aforementioned sims, that were originally designed for use in the Classic Series, and have been migrated over. This will also fix them for use in the Classic Series. This fix has been covered innumerable times in several hundred posts on the CombatAce message boards, and even has it's own thread in the dreaded Knowledge Base. What this fix does, is change the Height statements for those terrains built in the 06 patch level, and before, and will bring them up to date with the O8 Level for the Classic Series, and will work the same for the NextGen series. Some knowledge of use of Skypat's Cat Extractor Tool is needed, as you will probably be needing it to extract the terrain ***_data.ini from one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ - Desert, VietnamSEA and GermanyCE, to make comparisons to for the terrain to be repaired. For the most part, the data in the Install Section below will have all the details necessary; but just be prepared. I'll try to keep the install/ repair procedures as easy as possible for the less experienced users. As always, unzip this pak to a temp folder or your desktop to gain access to the rest of this readme. It should be mentioned at this point, you're REALLY going to want to read the document all the way through before installing. This will aquiant you with the procedures and help you in the long run. Wrench Kevin Stein
  9. Have you tried the LavEngine.wav??? It shouldn't make ANY difference what you use, as long as it's in the /Sounds folder. And the listing is correct (other than missing the "Name" from "GearSound=", which in on a LOT of mods. I just add it back. It defaluts to the stock sound, without the extra word =which I think it uses anyway!) Unless 08levels want entries in the SoundsList.ini??? My old WoI 08 WW2 install never had that problem....they all worked! As to the altimeter, sound like a cockpt ini glitch on one of the needles. wrench kevin stein
  10. Yep, the Dreaded Pre-08 HeightMap issue. Covered about a milliion time in several thousand posts; should be listed in the "Things You Need to Update Thread" (location of which escapes me now) 2 things to do: 1) make sure the terrains data in reads as such for each tile that's a 'sea/land' transistion (a super easy way to check is to extrat the data ini from the cat file from EACH of the Original 3 (desert, vietnamsea, germanyce) can compare the statements you'll see 2 new/or adjusted statements at the top: (btw, this is from the ASW terrain, that uses the Desert data [HeightField] DetailScale=1.0 DetailFrequency=1.0 MaxHeight=1000 MinHeight=0 [HeightOffset] LowDetailMesh=-1.0 WaterMesh=0.8 and further down, in the tile callout; [Texture002] Filename=sea2desert25.TGA HasWater=1 HeightMap=sea2desert25_hm.BMP <--this line which HMbmp in the cat to use HeightMapScale=2.000000 <--this line set height Color=0.505483,0.471180,0.410264 SolidObjectTexture=terobject_buildings1.BMP AlphaObjectTexture=terobject_trees1.TGA MipMapLevels=6 So, the HeightMapScale needs to be adjusted DOWN to approx 2.000 meters, effectivly raising the GROUND level up. 2) make the adjustments show, and use newly extracted/repainted HM_bmps, placed DIRECTLY into the terrain folder in question. You'll find them in a LOT of my recent map mods/upgrades, especially those that were for 06 patch level and earlier. The HMs need to be repainted solid BLACK, as this will give a hard surface for the land/sea transition. I've already done this, and should have complete sets here someplace. I can upload them for those that want. wrench kevin stein
  11. matt, I think it's bacause you're flying against the Luftwaffe in the SoWesPac.... Sorry, couldn't resist!! I've never seen that 'tearing' before, only on Gepards beta germany (duetchland -sp??) You have any view mods, or sky mods or other 'visual enhancments' installed??? Since you mention the shaders are off, I take it you're running in Vista?? What type of video card? ATI or Nvivida? (ati's have always had 'issues') ------- I'll check the D/L section, I know the Me-163, Yak-9/9U, Uhu, Yak25/28. I think the Yak-3RD, Yak-3 (i know for a fact) are not....I'll make a list and do so sometime this week. If not directly from his site, from my archives. wrench kevin stein
  12. Is this it maybe? don't know WHO made it, however see attached wrench kevin stein
  13. "the onboard computer automatically handles mixtures, prop pitch and turbocharger boost/wastegate control" I know, smart ass answer. The real one is there IS no way; the Game Engine ™ dosen't support it like IL2 or CFS/FS did (or does). I'm sure it'd require new coding that TK will never add, as this REALLY is a jet sim we're forcing to fly props. And it does a DAMN good job too!!! As to what PCPilot is saying, sounds like a glitch in the hit boxes/collision points??? I thought those were all set in MAX?? PCPilot: can you post the section from the data ini that has the /Sounds pointers?? I haven't looked at the Zeke's new data ini, so just to make sure everything is still there. Also "Intercept" mission will give you a 'Scramble" type as well -- "Get airborne immeadetly and intercept aircraft approaching your airfield" -- REAL common on the WW2 installs I've found. So, test with CAP or RECON Sounds like the "Driving Miss Daisy Disease" has resurfaced again ...try a different map, New Guenia or Solomons or Burma, and see if it does it. I had ALL kinds of issues with DAT aircraft (in particular a CAF P-43 that the AI would never take off with, 06 level -which is why it never got releaed) Usually has something to do with the landing gear spring/shock factor AND the tailwheel steering -- in 08 levels, make sure the MaxSteeringAngle= is a positive number. Meaning instead of MaxSteeringAngle=-45 it reads MaxSteeringAngle=45 wrench kevin stein
  14. It'll be my pleausre! Ain't not problem for me. Actually I WANT to see your skin ... hopefully the panel and rivet line's and general wear and tear ™ will be better than mine!!! (the base skin is the same as used on the P-400) in regards to the "differences of opinion".... I reserve the right to NOT disclose my feeling on a public forum. The "CYA Rules" apply, something left over from my days in the shops fixing cars. You ALWAYS lived by CYA.... East Front, West Front, all around the Front (sorry, couldn't resist!) I want to see the BEST WW2 Mods of TK works that's possible. And I didn't mean to come off in my last post as a haughty, self-center, self-righteous jerk-weed. Re-reading it, that's the impression I get from MY own writing. So, apologies to all. wrench kevin stein
  15. I started that P-39 like a year ago, and set it aside as we'd no terrain for it to play on. All this talk of Eastern front got me motivated to finish it off. There IS room for more than one skin set, ya know!! as to other airplanes.... There's Pakso's Yak-3, at his site (still --grab it while the site is still up. Or I can always upload it here) http://home.earthlink.net/~pasko_patak/planes.html And his Yak-9 here at CA (ww2 aircraft/allied fighters) I-16 is in Wolf's Planes pak, with an update kit my me (albeit Chinese usage, but easily adapted) What we we lack are the others as freeware; Mig-3, Lagg-5/7, Stromovick, Pe-2 and all the Luftwaffe bombers. You new guys don't know this, but just looking at the shear amount of WW2 mods -by me- should say something. I pretty much carried the whole PropHead WW2 modding by myself for over 2 years or longer. And not ALL of them are here at CA; there's s**tloads over a my site, for mods of DAT products. The only others that are major contributiors are AllenJB with skins/ini mods and Baltka with campaign creation, the original maps by fng2k & Edward -dating from 2005!!!, and the most recent for ETO would be Gepard's BoB terrain from 2007. I don't know what else to say. But I do know the 3rdWire WW2 setups wrench kevin stein
  16. Depending on your financial situation, I think it'd be a worthwhile investment to spend the money and get WoE. At the very least, you'd gain access to the missing bmps/tgas you'd need, and at most, have another game to play. Or just used for 'spares' It IS the most flexible of the series, for various reasons too many to list. Just my feelings, of course. Supporting TK is always a good thing. wrench kevin stein
  17. Sort of a comglobmeration of several pics, including the painting you posted. The profile in Osprey's Airacrobra aces, shows the white outined star in all 6 positions, looking like they just overpainted the USAAF star on the upper left/lower right wings, and fueselage. Serial stencling looked like stock AAF too, which is what I used. I really don't know a whole lot about the Eastern front, either Luftwaffe OR VVS markings ... most of my ww2 has been for the west, or PTO/CBI (personal stake -- my father was in the Pacific, so...) I know there's some SERIOUS experten around for the East, so, I'll let them do most of their thing. wrench kevin stein
  18. I'll get some close up to you as soon as I can! and many thanks Ed!! wrench kevin stein
  19. This looks a little better...had to do a new skin. The decals still need some size adjustments, but it's nearing completion. And yes, those ARE real P-39N serial numbers (just don't know which goes with whom, excepting for #45) wrench kevinstein
  20. When I say the thread title, I thought somebody's boobs had fallen off!!! I feel for you Jug, I was the same way getting started!!! It's gets easier (ha! so they say! ) wrench kevin stein
  21. Found this: http://www.redstone.army.mil/history/syste...r/chapter1.html and this: http://www.hlswilliwaw.com/Turkey/html/Jup...issiles-Pg1.htm it seems VERY similiar to the Atlas laucnch site configurations This for Atlas systems: http://www.atlasmissilesilo.com/ hope this helps! wrench kevin stein
  22. Cocas asked these questions over in the Prop-Head Modding Thread, and I wanted to make sure our Experts ™ could see it: TIA! wrench kevin stein
  23. I think I can answer the seat question... I know some aircraft have the seat 'molded in' to the main lod, but it's even easier to use an existing seat (3w Supplies ™), and just place it via data ini edits. As I've done on a lot of mods, and how the stock plane are done. wrench kevin stein
  24. You GOTTA love Google Earth! My absolute favorite resource for "finding things" for terrain creation. I'm assuming (oh! that word!) the "start and end of time'' can be edited the same in the NextGen series as in Classic Series; looking at the Options ini in the /mydocs/this that the other/ shows the same type of listing in the single, etc mission. I'm going to assume (oh! that word again!), that the SingleMission.ini, which would need extracting from one of the FLight cats, would be the same as well to adjust the start/end years. as to AAA, it all depend on, obvoiusly the country. If say, Turkey and Greece, both being NATO members would have the same types of systems; no problems. But for gaming purposes, are now on opposite side, one would need to create -yet again- nationalized copies of certain types of weapons/weapon systems as used by both sides. Had to do this for the Indo-Pak mod -- both sides use the Bofors 40mm, but it's only set as "friendly". Same for the Chinese SA-2/HQ-2 the Pakistanis are using; these are now "friendly" One could concievebly set it's nationname as GENERIC, but that's taking a chance. So, create a nationalized version. This would need doing for ALL systems, shared or otherwise. So, if you wanted Greek S-300 SAMS, you'd need to create copies of the launchers and asociated radars etc, with GREECE as the nation name. Same is definatly said for Turkish NIKE batteries; I don't think the missiles themselves would need changing, IIRC, they don't have an attachmenttype/nation name in the weaponsdatat ini. Obviously, they'd need their own, specific entries in BOTH the targets and types inis. wrench kevin stein
  25. It's just a pity we can't get ahold of Daniel (Kesselbrut). His ww2 pits are OUTSTANDING!! I know he lives in Munich, and is an IT guy for the city. Beast: I've found something "close", and hope to run off the tgas today. Expect a release of the 16 GIAP Airacobra this week sometime. Minus the aircraft LOD still, of course, as per Wolf's directive. all users take note of Baltika's statement -- It'd be a REALLY smart thing to grab it now, while still available. wrench kevin stein

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