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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. My pleasure. BTW, check out the Wildcat skin/ini upgread paks...I've fixed the canopy issue of not opening fully, and changed/added a new sound for the gear retraction ... it sounds like a chain-drive ratchet. if you want to conver the canopy over to an animation key (for all/any Wildcat) replace the auto-speed section with this: You'll note I just commented-out the auto speed, so just copy/paste this right over the existing statement This is used on a new FAA Martlet that should be coming out this week. wrench kevin stein
  2. Dude, you're freaking me out!!! wrench kevin stein
  3. Tell me about it!!! After adding Carthage, Leptus Magna and Cyrene to the Libya map and one someplace in Sicily.... what a PIA!!! Although, we COULD use some better ancient ruins .... The Acropolis is so iconic (or Ionian???) a visual, it would definatly need it's own terrain object. ---------------- Great looking base!!! All you'd need are some static terrainobject helos to drop on it. (like the WW2 statics) It's beginning to look like I have a competitor/cohort in the race for "Guru of Terrain Targeting" wrench kevin stein
  4. Like PB said, there are 2 version of the TE; the oldest is for SF ONLY and terrains using the desert tile naming conventions. You cannot use terrains built in that one with the newer, WoV/WoE/WoI version. It will cause all kinds of unwanted "issues" and problems. And vice-versa. Although, you CAN import the WoV/WoE tiles into the desert set, but you'll need to majorly edit the desert_texturelist.ini. Adding trees and city building can be done several ways... following Big D's turotials, to create your own or use existing TODs, and their asssciated terobjects_buildings.bmp and terobjects_trees.tga. That's the easiest and laziest way (in other words, how I do it!!! ) There's some very cool TODs for the desert-style terrains by either CA_Stary or Brain32 in the d/l section ... skyscraper cites, trees and farms, etc. There's also a butt-load of custom TODs in my ASW terrain for the farms, rivers, etc. EDIT: once you get the hang of adding just 'stock' trees and the 'generic' buildings to the TODs, you can actually have a little fun with it ... or if you have too much time on your hands ... see pic below. Yet another style of Easter Egg!! And one that most people would never notice, or see. wrench kevin stein
  5. You know, the DATs P-40E/Kittyhawk is mapped EXACTLY the same as that template thats available over at SimmersPaintShop. http://www.simmerspaintshop.com/forums/dow...m-template-124/ how do you think I did that 'generic' AAF skin!??!!! wrench kevin stein
  6. You know the FGA.9 is stock in WoE and WoI (even if the WoI variants are called 59 & 70), and probably SF2E (and the other hunters in SF2 are based off the WoE-ish/WoI model. Importing the WoE version would be pretty straight forward, just EXTRACT everything releated to it, and move it over. Which you'll probably want to do for the cockpit, anyway for ADs Hunter. but to the question at hand.... You can do it with data ini edits ... I've done this LOTS of times, in particular removing the HVAR mounts and wing guns from the TBM-3 to make it a TBF-1 (early model) Obviously, you'll need the Hunter's data ini and the OUT, which you have. Open the data ini, and scroll down to the ]AircraftData[ section, that lists the MAJOR components.... (note adjusted CG position for 08 patch levels) Then, what I do, is add a break line //--moves to remove stuff--// so, for folks that look at inis, can get an idea as to how it's done. Then I add the "new" components, so they can be removed in the step. BTW .. you MUST list every single one of the rocket stations!!!! Below, exampled by not listing all of them, is right from ADs OUT file: Do the same for the Right side pylons. they MUST to listed EXACTLY as displayed in the OUT file!!! Then, below that, I add the 'removal statement' of the nudely displayed component name -they MUST MATCH EXACTLY the component listing from above !!! I'll just show a couple... and the same for the right side. There's really nothing to it!! I disremember exactly WHO discovered this, but it coolio maximus!! wrench kevin stein
  7. Oh, and I TOTALLY forgot about Pasko's D3A Val !!! makes a GREAT target!! wrench kevin stein
  8. You're kidding right???? You mean to tell me you've missed Wolf's WW2 Planes Pak, in our D/L section (Addon Aircraft/WW2), the various and sundry couple of hundred mods (by me!!) of said aircraft??? (puts on best Pitchman Voice) Well, my friends, you've come to the right place!!! Required mods for WW2 (not theatre specific): Wolf's WW2 Planes Pak AD's Japanese Planes Pak Pasko's Ju-87B Pasko's Me-163 Pasko's He-219 Uhu Pasko's Ho-229 (needs some FM work) Pasko's Mossies (B.II and FB.IV) Pasko's Yak-3 Pasko's Yak-9/9U (same plane, just 2 different data inis, so you can create both versions) Geo's F6F Geo's He-162 Geo's WW2 Ground Objects -quite a pak!! (all over at Geo's site) The Spits and Hurris are Dev A-Team aircraft, along with a hundred or so other WW2 birds; Axis and Allied. You can only get them at Capuns site. Also, most of the WW2 ships as well. Registration required. And bunches of others I'm sure I'm missing. The aforementioned several hundred WW2 mods by meself, some available here, others at my site (link in my sig below). Some, however, require DAT aircraft. More details, covering all eras (expceting, iirc, WW1) is in The "What's Available Thread" http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=21870 You'll have to scroll through it; I don't remember if the 3rd or 4th post is the WW2-ish listings. Terrains in our d/l section, many with "upgrades" ------ Anyone want to try to talk Wolf into releasing his Spit and Hurri??? I'll take them even at the 06 patch level!!!! I'm DYING to see 'em!! And start skinning ... ... ... ... Wrench kevinstein
  9. It's not a hobby!!! IT'S A WAY OF LIFE!!!!!! sorry, couldn't resist!!! I'd say to 2 version of the ini, and GO FOR IT!!! wrench kevin stein
  10. Beast: is that for 16GIAP?? or another squadron? Looks good! wrench kevin stein
  11. I can just imagine the data ini edits to add it .... one emitter of EACH exhaust port, 6 per side (or more depending on which V-12 -as some had them split for each cylinder) one for each tube. Radials would be easier, as most had the 'collector' and a single stack on each side. Dialing in the positions would be a NIGHTMARE!! (and you thought adjusting lights was hard?...!!!!!) I don't think that's EVER been done in any sim! Be hard to control?; maybe link like ABs to throttle position, only comes on past 85% or something? Emitter size would be very important!! (yup, size DOES matter!! ) I think it's doable. wrench kevin stein
  12. You can use any of the 'original' screens in ANY version of the game, all you need is the ***.ini to go with it (example: the WW2 ETO menu screens in WoE, which were designed for SFP1) Drop everything in the menu folder, and badaboom - they work. Nice screens too! (btw: wasn't that TBD from YORKTOWN on the Wake raids? -disremember!) I haven't even figured out HOW to do the "total conversion" yet to the new series, which for me runs at HALF the frame rates of WoE (obviously, all maxed out). For me, WW2 is staying in WoE for the long foreseeable future (although some improved FMs would be welcomed --- hell, I don't even CARE if they're 1% or 10% !!!) I would reccomend, however, building the screen set for use in BOTH TOS and NextGen variants. This will not limit the end users to just the NextGen series, and allows everyone to use them. Obviously, you'll have to re-save the various inis in ANSI, but that aint nothing wrench kevin stein EDIT: note to self -- in regards to PTO mods, must bug Deuces again on how the Solomons trees update is going....
  13. Yes, it is still in development wrench kevin stein
  14. Go for it!!! anyone that even thinks up doing an Iraqistani Bug, gets what they deserve!!! (all in good fun, of course ) wrench kevin stein
  15. Well, given we've use "L" to disginate Late (or later) models, I'd think that one is an Early version, and the other a Later version wrench kevin stein
  16. Haven't tested it yet either (stuck in the Eastern Med right now...), but I hope it does!!! That terrain needs some serious updating/upgrading!!! (and major retiling to 'clear off' the airbase zones Still, it goes back to the aircraft FM issues for the WW2 birds in the 08 level ... that should be stated somewheres, regardless of what the terrain looks like wrench kevin stein
  17. Having a readme for install instructions would be nice...explaning WHICH games they're to be used in (especially given the FM issuses in 08 and above patch levels for the WW2 planes) You're also going to want to re-upload this WITHOUT the aircraft LOD, as Wolf hasn't allowed it's inclusion since the re-upload of his Planes Pak in 2007. Until such time as he make a statement permitting this, it's still an 'unallowed' file. Such permission, if granted, must be included in the package. Sorry to be so stiff necked, but with all the problems abounding lately, we like to keep things cool, and avoid unnecessary hassles. (also be advised of 2 different LODs for the P-51D-30 - ver 2 and ver 3 -- the 3 has slightly different mapping, especially around the spinner/prop) You should also remove the USAF skin, as these are supposed to be "nationalized" versions. Will also have the side effect of making the up/download a bit smaller Fues stars on the ROCAF seem a bit on the "large" side, as compared to the profile provided; wing stars OTH, are a bit small. Give it another go! wrench kevin stein
  18. Could we get a description in English, maybe??? And maybe some details on WHAT this does, and how to use it??? You know, things like "back up all your original TOD files before installing this", etc and so forth. Does it change any terrain effects? Designed for WHAT patch level -06 or 08? Will it work with Vista??? Will it work with the SF2 series??? A LOT more details in the "readme" would be nice to, including credits to whomever created the TODs and/or tree tgas wrench kevin stein
  19. Of course, there's always this one.... This is at Benghazi Field, in the upcoming North Africa rebuild (Edward's WW2 terrain) wrench kevin stein
  20. Those quays/breakwaters come in handy, don't they??? I made extensive use of them at Sircusa and Benghazi in the Libya map (as Gabriel can tell you!!) I'm pretty sure Major Lee's "hot dog stand' could easily be reskinned to a kabob shak... (see DBS ver2 for a 'Borscht Bowl' resturant) as for the antenna farm, the "amRadioTower" has been floating around for years, and there's a 'radioantenna' in my PTO mods (af62-somethingoranother) from Polak's Object Library 1, courtesty of the CFS mods people. Don't forget the 'Chain Home' antennas in the BoB terrain. Pathenon and Hagia Sofia would have to be custom objects, like the Taj Mahal or the mosque in Islamabad (thanks to CAStary). "Generic" ruins could use the 'temple1' object, already in the various terrain cats (again, see Libya -Cyrene, Leptus Magna, and another one). Wonder if Gepard's Luxor Temple could be repainted....??? EDIT: it would also please me to no end, if the 'CASign1' were added to the airfields or any other places...nice advert for our beloved site, and a nice Easter Egg. wrench kevin stein note to self: add some ruins to North Africa map in Libya
  21. After examining the download in question.... It flys right out of the box BECAUSE the cockpit is included. But it shouldn't have been, "core files" doncha know. But as it's been out for so long....I an't messing with it. That's gonna be an Admin/Owner call; Not my place to call it. (given allen and baltika's had to re-edit a butt-load of their ww2 stuff due to 'other issues') And now that you HAVE the correct cockpit, put that beeeayach into the stock one, Monty's and ALL your Intruder problems are solved (well, not quite, as the loadouts need some adjusting, but that's a minor matter) as to including it in OTHER mods for upload, I'd advise against it ... just point folks to the d/l url in your readme, and let them grab it themselves. Let's not compound the 'sharing of core files' with more ileaglity! wrench kevin stein
  22. Is this statement in your Types.ini entry: FlatObject=TRUE You'll need to be carefull with such things, expecially around shorelines. If you look at the docks in Pearl Harbor (and more importantly, the citiylist ini), you'll find the area has been flattened in the TE via HasAirbase=TRUE. This may need to be done to make sure the docks are flat against the water/air interface ( ooh...that sounded pretty cool!!) wrench kevin stein
  23. sounds like Monty's original, as the stock WoV/SF2V's don't do that out of the box For those that don't actually look (ie: explore with Skypat's Cat Extractor), you'll find ALL the Intruder cockpit bits IN the WoE Objects.cat, too. (08patched) The only folks left out in the cold are SF/SFG/WoI Only Users. And yes, if you want the correct A-6 cockpit, that's the only way to do it --extract/copy/ini edit, fly. Less than 5.2 minutes of work. And it (the cockpit and associated bits) CANNOT be posted, as the 3rdWire A-6 is NOT available in ALL versions, unlike the A-4 or F-4 that has/is being used for stand-in cockpits of all flavors. It's up to the individual to do all the leg work. We've already done all the brain work. However, if someone really "needs" a fully illustrated, step-by-step, easily understandable instruction sheet, that can be arranged to. It just needs to be ask for. But, in general, it's not really any different from when the got the WoI Hunters flyable, using the WoE cockpits, as seen here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...st&p=139056 in the "Weapons and Other Ini Fixes Thread, WoI/TMF pak" in our increasingly ignored Knowledge Base wrench kevin stein
  24. Yah, like the WoV Intruder cockpit?? You'll need to extract ALL relevant files; bmps, tgas, ini and most impornantly, the lod, As the are NOT in the SF2V object cats. Create cockpit folder, move to SF2Vs Intruder, add the correct pointer lines (easly copied FROM WoVs Intruder), hangar and loadout screens, etc. Also, if's its Monty's old A-6A LOOK AT ALL THE INIs -- there were naming issues when originally released the use of a _ (underline) in some places where a - (dash) should be used. Also, to seperate/differentiate it FROM the stock one, it's reccomended to name the folder, the main ini to "A-6A_MCZ" The AircraftDisplayedName= (the one that shows on the drop down in game, you know?) should read A-6A Intruder (MCZ) wrench kevin stein
  25. we could also use a Trans Global Airlines skin ... so George Kennedy can save us!!! (with some help from Jack Lemmon) wrench kevin stein

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