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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. "We are experiencing technical difficulties, and will resume our regular scheduled progaming shortly"
  2. sssswwwwwweeeeetttt!!! Like 617 WOULDN'T have gotten them!!! looking forward to it! wrench kevin stein
  3. it works hellacool, once you get the hang of it. I REALLY do like the "things in seperate folders" structure, makes for a MUCH cleaner, easier to manage install. My AT-6G mod uses it for the DF blade antenna and pitot tube ... works damn good!! Mike, I really dislike the decals thing too, but it only DOES take a few seconds to remove the /D from the pathway, and create the folder. Wish I know just WHY TK wanted it that way!! Now, if I could just get framerates that are BETTER than the Classic Series ™ .... sigh.... wrench kevin stein
  4. oopppsss...forgot to attach this to the previous message. Turkish flag for your airbases, army camps, amusement parks, naval bases, shopping malls, etc. Types ini listing included wrench kevin stein
  5. One can expect that the moment a new, very cool aircraft arrives, Spinners will find a way to "Anglicize" (sp??) it. Well, hell, ANY airplane that catches his fancy!!! but you know what?? I LIKE IT!!!!! wrench kevin stein
  6. Be carefull with those too close to the sea!!! I had some issues with some airfields like that in SoCal - runways would dispapear like they hadn't been flattened ... wound up using repainted HM_bmps for all the sea/land transition tiles. Of course, it may be different with a WoE based terrain, built in the late-model TE, as opposed to the early Desert version... I also see the 'grassfield' that I 'borrowed' from Gepard is making a reappearence!! Don't forget the transition tiles .. grassfield25/50/75. I think I repainted them for the Indo-Pak mod, so they fit together better (the 75 was wonky in the upper right, and lower left corners) Of course, a MYRIAD of other grassfeild tend to be needed as well....hate making tiles!!! wrench kevin stein
  7. Good to see you back at it, Ed!!! wrench kevin stein
  8. I would assume, one would need to transfer over the cockpit folder (and all the little bits therein), avionics and cockpit ini to the SuperBug, then double check the F/A-18F.ini to make sure the pointers are correct. Haven't done it myself, so I'm just guessing mind you! wrench kevin stein
  9. I'll do better than that, I'll upload all the inis, as I've activated the GM radar (albeit with the ww2 bomber pit -that don't have a scope ...maybe I'll test some other pits to what works better.....), adjusted/tweeked some loadouts (trying to give Silverbolt his paras!) and some other small changes. I'd considered adding a dull red light to the cargo compartment, for the night drops ... but changed my mind Want to repaint the fuselage, and switch over the painted-on star for a decal, clean up a few lines -- I REALLY want to do something with the MATS tag & Flag on the tail...some experimentation IS required! wrench kevin stein
  10. hmmmm.... Yeup, you're right! I forgot to include that step!!! ADDENDUM to the Above Install Instructions: "Take the Mig19_avionics.ini, and toss a copy into each folder you want to activate the audio-RWR. It's reccomended for the MiG-17F and MiG-19S only, as I could find no data if the MiG-17 Fresco-A had any type of warning device" Ok, 1 oppsy and 1 almost oopsy (the range counter) wrench kevin stein
  11. Which city TODs are those?? Those are GREAT!!! There's a new 'army base' layout in the Modern Darwin map ... totally rebuild, it's centered now with the 0,0 point ACTUALLY at the 0,0 point. Feel free to use it's layout. If you need any country flags, iirc, there's a Greece one in Libya, and I can whip out the Turkish one in like 2 minutes... position offsets can be found for the varying airfields in most of my terrain mods. For the Stock ones or just ask .. I've got them plotted in a text file around here somwheres....; for Gepards you'll have to figure those out yourself! EDIT: and don't forget all those funny signs/billboards I keep coming with wrench kevin stein
  12. Thanks Storm! btw, you wouldn't happen to know what COLOR those formation lights would be, would you??? I came across some 141 crew training manuals on pdf, so I pretty much know WHERE they go .... I should maybe check with Jug too... wrench kevin stein
  13. The REAL fun begins when they're displaced by several 10s of meters, or don't exist at all (Pakso's Yak-2* series -25/28, etc) Had to research and guestimate a LOT for those.. Here's Veltro's C-141 with the adjusted lights (coming soon). The only ones I didn't add are the formation lights that run down the upper wing surface. Just didn't want to fiddle with them (mostly because I couldn't find info on WHAT color to use) or the air-refuling light along the top of fuselage. I alos didn't add the 'fuselage lights' at the wing root, that point out to illuminate the engine pylons. too much work!!! wrench kevin stein
  14. For those that may not have noticed, Ordway's Early MiG Pits (15,17,19) have been rebuilt and are now available in the /Cockpits Downloads section. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=9178 Rebuild especially for the SF2 "NextGen" series, they also work quite well in the SF/Wo* "Classic Series" too. Congratulations to snapper_21!!! This is how it's supposed to work, brothers and sisters!!! wrench kevin stein
  15. Oppps!!! Well, missing one entry ain't so bad!! Actualy, I really didn't DO anything, other than simply copy/paste the bmps over existing A-4B ones! Same for the cockpit inis, just a little clean up (and looks like I missed a spot...where's my Windex and shop rag????) If you look further down, into the "moved items", you'll see the range counter moved away, so it really isn't even there!! wrench kevin stein
  16. Only in 1960's TV shows!!!! (those old enough may remember "Combat", I vaguelly recall a Luftwaffe painted Piper Cub) wrench kevin stein
  17. Actually the correct statement would be "these lights are out of postition with the aircraft", and they're the forward ID/Recognition lights. The skin has nothing to do with it. And here's how you fix it .... I should know I've added/adjusted/replaced the lighting on oh, IDK... a few hundred aircraft. I'm assuming it's the OLD Wpnsgt/Team Viper F-16, and not TMF (which don't need nothing...) These may be the lights in question; if not, the instructions to follow will help guide you in 'screwing in the light bulbs' [LowLeftLight] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-0.683, 4.518,-0.295 <---- LightSrcOffset=-0.0,0.00,0.00 Color=0.88,0.25,0.25 Brightness=0.03 LightSrcRange=0.5 CanFlash=FALSE [LowRightLight] SystemType=LIGHT Position= 0.683, 4.518,-0.295 <--- LightSrcOffset=0.00,0.00,0.00 Color=0.25,0.88,0.25 Brightness=0.03 LightSrcRange=0.5 CanFlash=FALSE The 2 statements I've indicated are the, well like it says, the position of the light relative to the 0,0 or World Center position of the model (lod). The measurments used, like everything eles in the 3W sims, is in meters. The order of what the number indicate are: Right or Left of center right is indicated with a minus (-) sign Fore or Aft of center aft is incidated with a minus (-) sign Vertical distance, or Up or Down from center down is indicated with a minus (-) sign So, loooking at the position statement 0.683, 4.518,-0.295 We have a light that 0.683 meters OUT from center, 4.158 meters FORWARD of center, and 0.295 meters DOWN from center. So, going by the pic, the lights are too far OUT, and need to be tucked IN a bit. So, you'd reduce the distance for THE FIRST UNIT DISPLAYED, usually I do it in increments of 1 cm (0.10), go into the game, turn on the lights, and using the F12 free camera view, see where they sit. Repeat as many times as necessary to get them positioned into their 'sockets' It's time consuming, but it gets the job done wrench kevin stein
  18. Thanks! I can't wait for the New Flogger pits!!! wrench kevin stein
  19. Just uploaded the updated, rebuildified Ver 2 of Edward's Darwin terrain. Like my orignal mod of it, it's designed for 'modern' times (read: 1950-2050) Updated to post-08 standards, tested in TOS and NextGen series. enjoy! wrench kevin stein
  20. Yeah, I may have mentioned it in the readme, those are some of "unavailable for General Usage ™" ships. I've left them listed in the types ini, simply for those that have, or can get them, and you can easily swap out the patrol boats on the Indonesian side for Osa, or Nunchakas or whatever. Some Spruance class DDGs would be good for USN/SEATO ships at the 2 Darwin convoy stations. They should still be available over at Capun's site. Anyone notice that Darwin Convoy 1 has the ships NOT all facing the same way?? I tried to 'simulate' them caught in a zig-zag maunver. Yup, there are some SERIOUSLY long distnaces to fly on this map!!! RAAF 'varks would be a good choice for Strike and Anti-ship missions (hint-hint) wrench kevin stein
  21. Actully, Deuces did The Range (and Red Range) Terrains. I just did some 'target enhancements' but, yes, Practice, Practice and Even More Practice. I'm luck my bombs hit the ground half the time.... wrench kevin stein
  22. I had some luck, but hit a snag. Right now it's in the very capable hands of Fubar The Great, to see what he can with it. Hopefully, will know someting within "2 weeks" At worst, I can send you what I've got, but when Fub finishes with it, I'll be uploading the whole thing wrench kevin stein
  23. no problemo! welcome to the Official CombatAce Prop-Head Club!! wrench kevin stein
  24. Use the fighter bowl, and to recons. Less objects, loads real quick! (that's what I been using) While you're at it, why not nationalize the oil refineries, and car plants!! Make you some extra money!!! wrench kevin stein
  25. Isn't this it? http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5203 wrench kevin stein

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