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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Well, as long as still got your Bulwark/Albion's to fiddle with....we can 'get it close enough for gaming purposes' thanks Hinch!! wrench kevin stein
  2. You can still load the laser designator to the centerline, but then you loose you external jammer pod When the LDs are loaded as a weapon, and the aircraft's avionics ini is set for it's use (iirc, the TV part is enabled --and yes, it'll even work WITHOUT it stated in the avionics ini), it should work as "normal" A few years back we did the "built-in designator" trick for some F-4Js, to simulate the hand-held that was available in the ?? early to mid 1970s ?????. If you look at Zur's Talon, it too dosen't need an add-on pod; it's built into the aircraft's data ini; just like an internal jammer or CM station wrench kevin stein
  3. Since the 08 patch, I LOVE the seperate folders for the weapons ... it makes for a MUCH cleaner install, without having to wait for the screen to refresh for all the gazillion skin bmps (for some reason, this LCD monitor seems a bit slow, or as I more likely suspect, "other internal issues") and the one before that, gave us the seperat GroundObject folder; each is a step up The pilots bits, thats pretty cool too. Its just the decals thing that reallly bugs me..... Of course, when I get SF2E next week...I'll have to back it up or have to do it all again wrench kevin stein
  4. The ones on the Mud Hen aren't really 'pods', they're part of the physical model (lod). The data you posted allows the fake pods to work like there's something attached to the aircraft. The only way to add them to the Viper, would be: 1) attaching something via the fake pilot method, as there are NO more slots left for WeaponsGroups, and using the data ini edits as on the Mud Hen, add the EO systems. Or, 2) Wait for a new phyiscal model of the 16C Blk (whatever), that has the chin pods built in, and a new, multi-MFD pit. Them's the alternatives. wrench kevin stein
  5. No Sweat, brother!! I'm just an a-hole that way. I likes pictures :yes: With the impending re-release of the Modern Darwin terrain ... you might want to release some SEATO stuff!!! wrench kevin stein
  6. Unfortunately, Melborne's gone to the breakers ... It's been removed from here, and isnt at the DAT site anymore either. Gramps' page seems to also have vanished. Last time I saw the Melborne, it was docked with an American nuke boat tied up to it (ok, movie buffs ... what's the reference from??) Also, I want to keep to 'freeware' items only; which is why I've also removed the references to Liberty Ships, Osas and some others from the targets ini (easily added back in by those that have it ... they'll still be listed in the Types ini) If you can find the Aussie Darings, that'd be great! If not, I can always change the BluEnsign back to WhtEnsign!! (doncha love hex editors??? :yes: ) I should mention that this is being tested in post-08 patch WoE, which like WoV, HAS the SCB-125 Essexs (Essexi??), the SumnerFRAMs (and the unused on this terrain CV-63s) in the Object Cat. SF/SFG users, well, you're screwed, unless you can import about 30 files, not counting the CV decals (which ain't being used) SF2V (and by inference, SF2/SF2:E merged installs) shouldn't have any problems, as it's referencing lods and skin bits in the various cats. I'll be testing that later, when the terrain is finished. Importing my gundata SF2 NextGen has been an issue that I've still to figure out... wrench kevin stein
  7. Some screenies? Maybe???? if these be Oz Scooters (of which a nationalized version would HAVE to made), I may have something for them to land on quite soon ... both 'semi-real'* and "What If..."** wrench kevin stein *=mode of Hinch's Bulwark to Melborne/Sidney **=take a guess!!!
  8. The PF is now STOCK in SF2:E I plan on getting my copy (hopefully!!!) next week, and working a little magic on it, and re-create the 17PFU, using the existing bits --ie, the pylon set will hopefully work without the nose bubble**!!, and the cockpit already existing from my 17PF/PF-SP16, which should work with minimal fuss wrench kevin stein ***damn! I hadn't thought about that ... the nose bubble/pylons are ONE peice!!! Crap!!! We'll need a just pylons sets for the 17PFU
  9. Just waiting for finalized lods; I've released the "cockpit" already for the SF2V SPAD, and also older versions of Monty's. It'll be released with the VMA-331 skin seen in the other thread wrench kevin stein
  10. Charlie14: I LIKE your idea!!! Sombody, I think it was CA_Stary, had one entitled "the_funniest_joke_ever.txt" FC: I'm adding that line to ALL my new readmes!!! "when the gods whisper to you, you should listen"...... wrench kevin stein
  11. No, it does not. MISP is configured for A-A only (and probably says so in it's read me) wrench kevn stein
  12. This was discuused a few weeks ago, in another thread (about 109, IIRC) You need to make 2 sets for the codes, one right, one left and adjust the decals ini accordingly. That's how I did it on some of mine So, your decals would be (mind you, the names are just used for example porposies...) FNum000R FNum001R FNum002R etc... FNum000L FNum001L FNum002L etc.... minimmun 18 EACH required (as per the Game Engine). wrench kevin stein
  13. Just make sure you release that skin for all to enjoy!! wrench kevin stein
  14. This is one of the reasons for the existence of hex editors Nosegear_Door_Right Nosegear_Door_Left wrench kevin stein
  15. File Name: Skyraider Cockpit Mod File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 5 Jun 2009 File Category: Prop and Helo Cockpits "Stand In" Prop Cockpit Mod for MontyCZ's A-1H and 3rd Wire's A-1H/A-1J Skyraiders For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2/SF2:V/SF2:E This mod is a semi-complete overhaul of the stock A-4B Skyhawk cockpit into a 'passable' stand-in prop-style pit for use on Monty's Skyraiders and the new Skyraiders in SF2:V. I say "passable", as opposed to the more true "fiddled-with-to-within-an-inch-of-its-life, not-even-close-to-reality". This mod uses ALL stock items, found in just about all versions, and includes EVERYTHING needed to get your AI SPADs in SF2:V up and flyable. All bmps, inis, and the cockpit lod are included. Most of the gauges have been repainted and reletter for a more "piston engined" look. As stated earlier, it's really designed for use with MontyCZ's A-1, but it's still in the Hangar for it's overhaul, hence, I'm releasing this mod before the aircraft it was made for. Rest assured it'll be included in the new version. This package has been tested in all the Classic Series ™ -hereinafter known as "TOS", and also in SF2:V -hereinafter to be known as "NextGen" versions of the sim. It works pretty damn good in both, allowing for the innaccuracies in the general layout and so forth. A new avionics ini is included for an audio-only RWR. While not too helpfull, it'll allow you some 'heads-up' time to look around for that radar or radar-controlled AAA or SAM that's about to get you. DISCLAIMER: this cockpit layout ain't even close to Real Life ™. I already know this, but it works, the instruments read pretty close to 'normal', and it's free. As always, unzip the package to a temp folder, or your desktop, to gain access to the rest of this readme for the full install instructions. It's reccomended you DO so, and read this through before installing; it'll help you understand what we're going to do a bit more. Happy Landings!!! Wrench Kevin Stein ps: I forgot to list this in the readme; Crash Testing by NDiki thanks Nigel!!! pps: look for the easter egg on the clock! Click here to download this file
  16. Well, if you want to use it in early Scooters (A & B), I can easily undo the redo for the prop gages, and re-turn them back to jet readouts. (I also MAY have forgotten to re-move the ***_gauge.psd templates from the upload...) I think the pit's just a bit too clean, but I figure the Navy/MC maintainers would be a bit more meticulious, what with all the salt water corrosion and etc to always fight .... or just some detail-orientated lunatic that wanted thing legibable (sp?) EDIT: nope, it looks like I took them out...so, now I have to remember WHERE I put them..... wrench kevin stein
  17. Don, what about us poor benighted XP users??? My path: C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin J. Stein\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Decals\F-79\USAF with the tgas and the decals ini IN the /Aircraft/F-79/USAF skin folder; that give me decals using the regular pathway in the decals ini (WoE version); [Decal001] MeshName=RightWing DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=F-79\USAF\D\FNum Position=2.20,-0.250 Scale=1.25 DecalMaxLOD=3 Rotation=90 does not. or, is there more that should be added to the decals ini, even with the the aircraft in the C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin J. Stein\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Aircraft\F-79 ????? even though the edits only take less than a minute, it's still a PIA!! wrench kevin stein
  18. Well, considering I based that mod off the F.... a newer (and hopefully better) model would be MORE than welcomed wrench kevin stein
  19. Something I discovered too.... C:\Users\<username>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Decals\*skinfoldername* create a new folder in the /Decals subfolder that matches the skin name, move all the decals over to it, then, you'll have to rewrite the pathways in the decals ini...this is for the Indian Fulcrum as an example: [Decal001] MeshName=RightEngine DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=Mig-29A_In/in/47 <--- Position=0.150,-0.230 Rotation=0.0 Scale=0.6 DecalMaxLOD=3 Reverse=TRUE note the removal of the d/, since the decals folder IN the skin folder isn't used anymore. Leave the newly edited decals.ini STAYs in the skin folder, inside the airplane's folder. Pesonally, I think this is one of the STUPIDIST, most inane thing about these NextGen series ... there was nothing wrong with the old way of doing things, with the *skinname*/D/*decalsname, and all the bits all in one place. Gotta be a Vista crapology thing... wrench kevin stein
  20. No can do ... that seems to be a metallic 'material' applied in MAX for the engine panels. If you look at my redone Chinese skin, hawk_1.bmp, you'll see it's painted totally the same color as the rest of the fuselage, yet the 'texture' still comes through. gotta just live with it, sorry! wrench kevin stein edit: forgot to say, it actually was NEVER finished, when Monty released it, it was like a Beta - (minus). There are parts not mapped to any skin bmp, and I tried getting decals on the N struts, to no avail. The OUT is in the original mod, here, maybe somebody can figure out the placements for the struts. To me, it's just not that important. Right now
  21. File Name: A-4AR FightingHawk File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 23 Jul 2008 File Updated: 23 Jul 2008 File Category: Light Attack and Trainers A-4AR FightingHawk, Fuerza Aérea Argentina A Stand-Alone aircraft for SF/WoV/WoE =and= WoI Introduction, from the ReadMe: This package will create a complete, 'nation specific' aircraft; the A-4AR FightingHawk, as used by the Argentine Air Force. You will also be adding several 'new' Argentinian nation-specific weapons, so get your Weapons Editor of choice warmed up. As stated, this is a COMPLETE aircraft, with ALL parts necessary to -almost- unzip and fly away. I've included ALL the aircraft LODs and Damge tgas, as the A-4F itself is readily availble as a free add-on aircraft from 3rd Wire, and it's internal parts exist in all versions of the game, excepting WoI. This is the main reason it's an 'all inclusive' mod -- WoI does NOT contain the necessary aircraft LODs, and as it's freely available, I reckon it won't voilate the EULA in any way, shape or form. This is an almost complete rebuild of an aircraft created by "Ravens**t" , from 2005. The skin supplied, and possibly the decals, were originaly created by Soulfreak. All the serial numbers are new, created by me. The aircraft is based off the stock 3rd Wire A-4F Skyhawk, and while not a perfect physical match (there are a some exterior changes on the Real Aircraft ™ - such as the ECM/ESM fairing atop the verticle fin, after all, the Real Aircraft ™ were rebuilds of the A-4M), it's close enough until someone builds a correct A-4M body. Loadouts are a 'best guess' based on the eariler FAA Skyhawks, and research on the Web. Ravens**t's original readme is also included, for historical purposes. The cockpit is based off Julheim's "What If..." Kestral, and included a working HUD, CCIP and for WoI users, working Ground Mapping radar. Also included are almost all the avionics, including various and sundry bmps and tgas, from The Mirage Factory's F-16A-10, as they have the best look and feel. Remember: although this is designed for use in ANY of the game, you won't have the GM radar working in SF/WoV/WoE. I have supplied a WoI-only style avionics ini (for use in that game), as at present, it has the only avionics70.dll that supports HUD/CCIP and Ground Mapping radars. So, again: there are 2 avionices inis - you'll be choosing which to use based on what game you install it to. Obviously, after the next patch comes out for SF/WoV/WoE, you'll be using the WoI style one. But that's still a long time off... See the "Selecting the Avionics ini" in the install instructions below There are 2 hangar screen enclosed, one is RS's original for SF/WoV/WoE, and a new one by me for WoI. It is set up to use either of the weapons paks; the Bunyap Pak or Mirage Factory, ---BUT-- you WILL be adding the Agrentine nation specific-weapons. See "Adding Weapons" section below. As you've probably guessed by now, there's an EXTENSIVE readme with hightly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. It's strongly reccomended that you read it through first, before making choices. There's even a screenshot to illustrate a point (aimpoint, actually)! Also, an extensive Rants & Notes section. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein NOTE: package re-uploaded with corrected credits in readme, and this message also corrected . Click here to download this file
  22. I"ll bet you didn' set the WeaponsEditors compatibility mode to win95/98 ... that's usually the problem. And, I know I"ll get flammed again for saying this (and really don't care...) .... all the answers to pretty much all the Issues are covered in our Knowledge Base. Which, unfortunately, lots of folks seem to scroll right past, not really knowing what's in there. I beg you! PLEASE!! (as a new member, and new to the 3rdWire sims -this is really important!!) Spend some time going over the threads in there ... because you're bound to run into something like this again, and the answers are usally covered. now, ASKING the right question....that, too, becomes a skill in itself... wrench kevin stein ps: welcome to combatace!
  23. Same here; I spend my time IN the cockpit, with the occasional wander around just to see what's parked on the ramp wrench kevin stein
  24. Have/Did you read and follow the instructions in the "Adding Weapons" section of the readme?? Reproduced here: Additional caveat: if installing this mod into a POST 08 Patch game install (SF/SFG/WoV/WoE and WoI) you MUST use the correct Weapons Editor, also dated of 2008. There should be no issues with the drop tanks, as they're stock 3rdWire items. Also, in Post 08 Game, you should ONLY use the "woi_A-4AR_Avionics.ini" wrench kevin stein

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