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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Version


    "Stand In" Prop Cockpit Mod for MontyCZ's A-1H and 3rd Wire's A-1H/A-1J Skyraiders For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2/SF2:V/SF2:E This mod is a semi-complete overhaul of the stock A-4B Skyhawk cockpit into a 'passable' stand-in prop-style pit for use on Monty's Skyraiders and the new Skyraiders in SF2:V. I say "passable", as opposed to the more true "fiddled-with-to-within-an-inch-of-its-life, not-even-close-to-reality". This mod uses ALL stock items, found in just about all versions, and includes EVERYTHING needed to get your AI SPADs in SF2:V up and flyable. All bmps, inis, and the cockpit lod are included. Most of the gauges have been repainted and reletter for a more "piston engined" look. As stated earlier, it's really designed for use with MontyCZ's A-1, but it's still in the Hangar for it's overhaul, hence, I'm releasing this mod before the aircraft it was made for. Rest assured it'll be included in the new version. This package has been tested in all the Classic Series ™ -hereinafter known as "TOS", and also in SF2:V -hereinafter to be known as "NextGen" versions of the sim. It works pretty damn good in both, allowing for the innaccuracies in the general layout and so forth. A new avionics ini is included for an audio-only RWR. While not too helpfull, it'll allow you some 'heads-up' time to look around for that radar or radar-controlled AAA or SAM that's about to get you. DISCLAIMER: this cockpit layout ain't even close to Real Life ™. I already know this, but it works, the instruments read pretty close to 'normal', and it's free. As always, unzip the package to a temp folder, or your desktop, to gain access to the rest of this readme for the full install instructions. It's reccomended you DO so, and read this through before installing; it'll help you understand what we're going to do a bit more. Happy Landings!!! Wrench Kevin Stein ps: I forgot to list this in the readme; Crash Testing by NDiki thanks Nigel!!! pps: look for the easter egg on the clock!
  2. Patience, my ass!! I"m gonna download something!!! wrench kevin stein
  3. Photoshop 6 wrench kevin stein
  4. Great!!! Now I"m gonna be 40 bucks in the hole...as I STILL need to get SF2V!! Fresco-D huh?? Well, that's gonna be a super simple conversion to the 17PFU Fresco-E, no doubt!! Just add the pylons and cockpit and Alkalis..., bingo!! Wonder why he didn't incorporate the MIIICJ pit from WoI for this one??? And, I wonder of the 'early' CF-104 is missing it's gun??? wrench kevin stein
  5. Increase the rolling radius number to raise them up (or just put more air in the tires!!! damn slacker maintainers!!! ) Do it in small increments, .005 or .010, test and repeat as necessary wrench kevin stein
  6. Anything about Star Wars?

    A long, time ago, in a flight sim far, far away... I remember bpao showing some screenies of T/Fs over the Parani desert...., and some T-65s wrench kevin stein
  7. Some may remember that I mentioned that I was having all kinds of problems with Ordways MiG Pits in SF2. The game would crash out between 80-90% mission loading with an "aircraftobject.dll" fault. Editing the ini to the use A-4B pit, would allow them to fly... but I wanted to use these, as they look better. So, I'm thinking....WHAT would be the cause for just these aircraft ... Mig-15, 17, 19, whilst Magoo/Paladrin's Fishbed pits worked with no issue? So, I start looking at the files themselves, and narrowed it down to either/both the cockpit ini and/or the LOD file being used. Now, the LOD 'metorpit.lod' came from the DATs Glostor Meteor, which is in itself an edited version of the A-4B (I know this as part of the development team, and simply looking at the gauge bmps and the in-game layout) So, what with all the work I've been doing lately on cockpits for the Beagle and Skyraider, as says to myself, "self, why not just rebuild them from scratch, using the stock Scooter bits, Ordway's bmps, and re-edit a newly extracted cockpit ini? You've got everything already extracted for the SPAD...get it in gear, boy" :yes: So that's what I did ... making some adjustments here and there so the measurments are metric, and they work (almost) just like they're supposed to -- some editing is still required for the fuel gauges, which aren't reading right -and let me tell you that's a NIGHTMARE trying to figure out what angle is where on the gauge for what value-, and the altimeter needle is 'off' below 100 meters (or is 1000??? disremember) All I need to do is check with Ordway, and release them. just thought you'd like to know that is did get fixed, and how it was done wrench kevin stein
  8. Since these use the stock WoE bits, they actually work in BOTH TOS and NextGen versions of the sim -- with NO issues whatsumever (nice ST reference, huh?? ) Of course, that don't mean I won't use my Patent-Pending 'Header Line': "blahbalhbhah Mod for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2/SF2:V" usually bolded ... trying to reduce the confusion for Traniees and Old Hands alike wrench kevin stein
  9. The MD-450's on the list too, just ain't got around it...but the principals are all the same. wrench kevin stein
  10. Looks close enough for guberment work!! wrench kevin stein
  11. If there's enough groups left (max of 6), split the hardpoint by creating (ie: copy/paste) another one with the same locations and whatnot, different ID number and group id number, and adding the SystemName= for whatever component (Fuelsege, etc), and adjusting the loadout ini to match. I do it allllll the time!! wrench kevin stein
  12. You're very welcome, and you deserve it!!! wrench kevin stein
  13. The pylon or the rack missing??? If it's the rack (i disremember the name) you have to add the rack type/name what ever it's called, to the loadout ini, like the Phantom (cause it's the easiet example to find this late at night ) : Loadout[01].WeaponType=CBU-24B Loadout[01].Quantity=6 Loadout[01].RackType=MER <--specified rack type like I said, I disremember it's name...but looking at the ODS Toro came up with this: (yeah, you made me look for it!) Loadout[06].WeaponType=Mk18_1000_LD Loadout[06].Quantity=2 Loadout[06].RackType=TSC <--- haven't played it in a while, so ...hopefully this'll help wrench kevin stein
  14. EDIT to above: the RAAF Phantom mod will ONLY work if you use the old SF/Wo* lods .. as the new F-4E lods are mapped a little different. I've just been flying it, and it looks/works just fine. You'll also need to adjust the main F-4E_RAAF.ini to point to the NEW avionics and cockpit inis. Thusly: You'll also have to change the AttachmentType= from just USAF to NATO,USAF to get everything to load. it needs a new hangar screen, too, one that the pictures and such don't interfere with the 'hot spots' wrench kevin stein
  15. More vodka is DEFINATELLY needed. And I'm not a drinkin' man ... but I'm gonna start, no matter what my doctor says!! But I like burboun better, is that ok?? I should have mentioned that I don't have 2:V yet, I was using the the WoV VN-SEA. And with the cat in the Core Install folder, it works perfectly as advertised, with the various cat pointer lines, like we been using for years. KnX: superb!! wrench kevin stein
  16. This might be of some interest, too... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5079 mind you, you'll need to SF/Wo* LODS imported to SF2/2:V to make it work BTW: I like it!!! The question is, could HMAS Melborne handle the Rhinos???? (well, ours could fly off Essex class, and I KNOW off MIDWAY class, but with reduced fuel loads -- too heavy for the cats. Our friend of ours dad served aboard Coral Sea in SEA, and they always had to launch 'short' of fuel, and then hit the tanker once airborne) wrench kevin stein
  17. The stock terrains (Germany, VietnamSEA) all work as advertised -when using ONLY those to fly in; with each of the terrains IN the /mods/terrains folder. That's no biggie; but those terrains WITHOUT cats, our addons, with the cat pointer lines, seem to not be. Well, at least for me (and apparently Silverbolt as well ) The question seems to be, "Is the cat pointer line activly working in these add-on terrains?" Right now, for me, it don't seem to be. BUT...moving the cat to the core installs DOES make it work. OR, does the line need editing to point over to the /Mods/Terrains folder??? Just another oddity of the new series, perhaps?? My machine, for some reason, don't seem to like the new series too much ... loading time are realllly long on the stock desert terrain, and I get some flickering at the top of the menu screens when exiting the game. Could be just my machine; I know there's some internal 'issues' that I can't fix (or, narrow down TO fix! -- the diagnostician in me get quite frustrated!) wrench kevin stein 'thunder over vegas'?? interesting....
  18. Just wanted to let you know that I just had a similar problem to SBs...excepting I didn't crash out. I moved "The Fighter Bowl" terrain over, as it loads fast due to so few terrain objects, and discoverd that there were NO terrain objects -no runways, no buildings ... just as one would expect with a wrong cat pointer. Now, this terrains uses the GermanyCE.cat, AND the WoE GermanyCE terrain folder IS in the this/that/theother/Mods/Terrains folder .. but nothing show up. Swapping out for the Desert.cat, it all came back. So, following KnX's advice, I moved the GermanyCE.cat to the Core Install ™, and viola!! It all came back, just like it always did before. I haven't tested this, but one can safely assume the same for the VietnamSEA.cat as well. Of course, this MAY mean 'double cats' for the Classic 4 terrains (meaning: one in the main terrain folder and one in the Core Install folder for those terrains that substitute). This may cause problems for people with limited hard drive space. This is something that REALLY needs adding to the SF2 KB ... which in itself NEEDS working on by those SF2 Gurus. So much data in beginning to get lost before being codified ... and too many people, myself included, are having "issues" with the changeover wrench kevin stein EDIT: now I wonder, if you can't SEPERATE the cat files from the terrain folders??? ... Simply edit the, say IsraelME.ini, fer example, adding the cat pointer line, and moving the IsrealME.cat into the Core Install's Terrains folder ....????
  19. Veltro was working on a Defiant, before his injury (and about 8 or 12 dozen other aircraft.... ) when doing the research for the hangar screen, and downloading a few book (most notable is the Warpaint), it says the turret could be turned all the way forward, but iirc some problem with the inturreputer mechanism, and loosing props opps! I don't think there was 'room to grow' in the wings for adding other weapons, even 303s. Underwing pods ala Hurric 2d (?c?) would degrade the performace even further. And by the time the Napier Sabre was finalized, the Defiant's day was loooong over, to say nothing of the major redesigns needed to shove that engine in (although that didn't seem to stop the IJN from doing something similiar to the Judy and more important, IJAAF to the Ki-61, turning it into the Ki-100) wrench kevin stein
  20. File Name: IL-28 Beagle Cockpit & Ini Upgrade Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 2 Jun 2009 File Category: Jet Cockpits IL-28 Beagle Cockpit Upgrade for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2 Modifications and repaints to the stock F-4B Phantom cockpit creates a 'reasonably facsimile' twin-jet engine pit for use on the otherwise "AI Only" Ilyushin IL-28 'Beagle". I say 'reasonable', as the Real Life ™, the Beagle didn't have a radar scope in the cockpit; all that was handled by the bomb aimer/navigator. But, this will allow the Player Pilot some control over what happens. This is a complete package, with all the necessary bits to just unzip, and install into your game install of choice. As I knew this mod would work in the Classic Series (SF/SFG/Wo-whatever), most of the testing was done is SF2. This assured me that all would work (more or less) as advertised. For SF2/2:V players, specfic inis for those games are included, edited as necessary to match those of the Classic Series. For Classic Series users, the data ini included is for use in those installs at the 08 patch level. Both data inis included herein have had some small adjustments in the gun aim angles, and landing lights added for those bothersome night operations, and a small tweek to the landing gear's rolling radius. Also included is a generic WoE-Style hangar screen (usable in ALL versions of the series), and the loadout.bmp for the Loading Screen. For those that don't have them, the MiG-style RWR sounds are here for your enjoyment and panicification (with no display, you won't know WHAT kind of radar, or where ... just somebody's looking at YOU!!! <evil grin> ) As always, detailed instruction are included below in the "To Install" section. It's reccomended that you unzip this package to temp folder or your desktop to gain access to the rest of the readme FOR said instructions. The "Notes and Other Nonsensical Ramblings" section will make good reading too, for explinations and etc. Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein ps: look for the 3 Easter Eggs hidden in plane sight on the instrument panel... Click here to download this file
  21. Ok folks, the package has been uploaded, and is now available for your downloading pleasure Designed for ALL versions of the series, in particular SF2. Full readme, as expected, with all the impertinant info. have at it!! wrench kevin stein
  22. It'll probably go up ONLY at my site, minus the LOD and cockpit folder, as per the newest DAT directives. Obviously, it's based off the Me-262B "NachJager", so that aircraft will be needed by the End User ™ to complete the mod. All other bits (inis, skin, decals, etc) will be included. wrench kevin stein
  23. Version


    IL-28 Beagle Cockpit Upgrade for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2 Modifications and repaints to the stock F-4B Phantom cockpit creates a 'reasonably facsimile' twin-jet engine pit for use on the otherwise "AI Only" Ilyushin IL-28 'Beagle". I say 'reasonable', as the Real Life ™, the Beagle didn't have a radar scope in the cockpit; all that was handled by the bomb aimer/navigator. But, this will allow the Player Pilot some control over what happens. This is a complete package, with all the necessary bits to just unzip, and install into your game install of choice. As I knew this mod would work in the Classic Series (SF/SFG/Wo-whatever), most of the testing was done is SF2. This assured me that all would work (more or less) as advertised. For SF2/2:V players, specfic inis for those games are included, edited as necessary to match those of the Classic Series. For Classic Series users, the data ini included is for use in those installs at the 08 patch level. Both data inis included herein have had some small adjustments in the gun aim angles, and landing lights added for those bothersome night operations, and a small tweek to the landing gear's rolling radius. Also included is a generic WoE-Style hangar screen (usable in ALL versions of the series), and the loadout.bmp for the Loading Screen. For those that don't have them, the MiG-style RWR sounds are here for your enjoyment and panicification (with no display, you won't know WHAT kind of radar, or where ... just somebody's looking at YOU!!! <evil grin> ) As always, detailed instruction are included below in the "To Install" section. It's reccomended that you unzip this package to temp folder or your desktop to gain access to the rest of the readme FOR said instructions. The "Notes and Other Nonsensical Ramblings" section will make good reading too, for explinations and etc. Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein ps: look for the 3 Easter Eggs hidden in plane sight on the instrument panel...
  24. don't think so, since they had the 2 wing guns. Not until the Fritz, maybe??? here's the best I could find in my books for the R sereies gun pods. The first pic is from th AeroDetial on the 109G, the second from SSPs Fw-190 in action. Obvioulsy, 2 different R series (RLM numbering systems don't make sense to me!) The barrel on the R6 Mg151 for the 109 appears, when 'measured' against the cockpit or exhaust stack, "about' 1 meter in lentgh, if that helps. as to the Judy book, its Famous Airplanes of the World, and I hope you can read japanese!!! I'll get it uploaded tonight sometime, and post a link wrench kevin stein
  25. The promised screenie. I have noticed a oddity with the altimeter... the needle is innaccurate below 100 meters. But after that, it's fine. Strange metric stuff... 3 easter eggs in there...don't think you can see them clearly in this shot, but in game you can zoom down on the labels and read them. also tested in SF2, and works just fine. albeit, a new data ini with lights and main ini, all set up, will be included -for both SF/Wo* and a special folder for the sf2 inis wrench kevin stein

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