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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Ok folks, the package has been uploaded, and is now available for your downloading pleasure Designed for ALL versions of the series, in particular SF2. Full readme, as expected, with all the impertinant info. have at it!! wrench kevin stein
  2. It'll probably go up ONLY at my site, minus the LOD and cockpit folder, as per the newest DAT directives. Obviously, it's based off the Me-262B "NachJager", so that aircraft will be needed by the End User ™ to complete the mod. All other bits (inis, skin, decals, etc) will be included. wrench kevin stein
  3. Version


    IL-28 Beagle Cockpit Upgrade for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2 Modifications and repaints to the stock F-4B Phantom cockpit creates a 'reasonably facsimile' twin-jet engine pit for use on the otherwise "AI Only" Ilyushin IL-28 'Beagle". I say 'reasonable', as the Real Life ™, the Beagle didn't have a radar scope in the cockpit; all that was handled by the bomb aimer/navigator. But, this will allow the Player Pilot some control over what happens. This is a complete package, with all the necessary bits to just unzip, and install into your game install of choice. As I knew this mod would work in the Classic Series (SF/SFG/Wo-whatever), most of the testing was done is SF2. This assured me that all would work (more or less) as advertised. For SF2/2:V players, specfic inis for those games are included, edited as necessary to match those of the Classic Series. For Classic Series users, the data ini included is for use in those installs at the 08 patch level. Both data inis included herein have had some small adjustments in the gun aim angles, and landing lights added for those bothersome night operations, and a small tweek to the landing gear's rolling radius. Also included is a generic WoE-Style hangar screen (usable in ALL versions of the series), and the loadout.bmp for the Loading Screen. For those that don't have them, the MiG-style RWR sounds are here for your enjoyment and panicification (with no display, you won't know WHAT kind of radar, or where ... just somebody's looking at YOU!!! <evil grin> ) As always, detailed instruction are included below in the "To Install" section. It's reccomended that you unzip this package to temp folder or your desktop to gain access to the rest of the readme FOR said instructions. The "Notes and Other Nonsensical Ramblings" section will make good reading too, for explinations and etc. Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein ps: look for the 3 Easter Eggs hidden in plane sight on the instrument panel...
  4. don't think so, since they had the 2 wing guns. Not until the Fritz, maybe??? here's the best I could find in my books for the R sereies gun pods. The first pic is from th AeroDetial on the 109G, the second from SSPs Fw-190 in action. Obvioulsy, 2 different R series (RLM numbering systems don't make sense to me!) The barrel on the R6 Mg151 for the 109 appears, when 'measured' against the cockpit or exhaust stack, "about' 1 meter in lentgh, if that helps. as to the Judy book, its Famous Airplanes of the World, and I hope you can read japanese!!! I'll get it uploaded tonight sometime, and post a link wrench kevin stein
  5. The promised screenie. I have noticed a oddity with the altimeter... the needle is innaccurate below 100 meters. But after that, it's fine. Strange metric stuff... 3 easter eggs in there...don't think you can see them clearly in this shot, but in game you can zoom down on the labels and read them. also tested in SF2, and works just fine. albeit, a new data ini with lights and main ini, all set up, will be included -for both SF/Wo* and a special folder for the sf2 inis wrench kevin stein
  6. I may have a book on judy around here someplace....I'll look and let you know (I mean, with over 90 gigs of books on pdf...and most about ww2 ....) wrench kevin stein
  7. possibly a missing texture bmp (again!!!) which F-16 pit? TMF or WoIs??? wrench kevin stein
  8. Spiders again...

    There's even one running around in Sundowner's sig file!!! wrench kevin stein
  9. right here Daniel: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=41860 last post has all the pics I'll see what I can come up with the R-series 20 and 30mm 109 gun pods... wrench kevin stein
  10. Simmers Paintshop ruuulllz!!!! Not just for the priceless tutorials, but the FS color keys, templates for various and sundry stuff (like the IJN numbers I used on the zekes,vals and kate) and just a WEALTH of knowledge! I"ll get this moved and stickied, Daniel wrench kevin stein
  11. The new, revamped, repainted, relettered re-inied version should be out in a day or 2. I just want to make some final adjustments, test in SF2 (extraction of the IL-28 data ini was required -and will be included, as the gun aim angles needed adjusting for the nose cannon, and the rolling radius was too large...wheels are sunk in the ground) I'll try to get a screenie up sometime today. And yes, there IS an easter egg in the cockpit (2, actully) The main (well, only) reason I'm using the F-4B is I know where everything "goes", what to move out of sight, and is readily available in ALL versions of the sim (exceptng WoI and FE) . Another good alternative, and I'll be expertiemtating with it as well, is Boopi's Flagon pit wrench kevin stein
  12. matt: you're 100% accuratly describing the FM failings of these early aircraft, when used in an 08 level install. What I've been going on about for -how long now?? I agree with the Corsair ... it never seemed fast enough. And AD REALLY did a great job on the Zekes. as to skins, have you found the butt-loads of one's I've done??? And the couple of Hundred mods for differeing variants, expically for Wolfs' birds. Mind you, some of the skins ARE a bit on the lo-detailed side (of course the template for the Fw-190s weighs in at about 48 megs!!! The 109 is right behind it at about 30 - and there are 2 disticnt templates for Wolfs 109s; p-51b/c is 45, and the D a measly 30 ) Just look in the downloads section ... you'll find 'em! Of course, the DAT reskins are at my site. And all the others as well wrench kevin stein EDIT: try this update pak for I-16: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5449
  13. and all the necessary diagrams, photos, drawing and etc, ar in the Stuka's release thread, supplied in a large a format as I could wrench kevin stein
  14. That's because you hit "The Wall", Sparky. Yes, the map edge limit is ALSO a verticle limit too!!! good to get the fix ... i'm still soooo far behind on updating stuff to 08 levels...sigh....only so many hours in a day, and too many installs!! wrench kevin stein
  15. Pete, you'll be back! You know you'll miss us too much. In the meantime, we'll be here, waiting for ya, brother. Get that rig back together, and we'll be seeing you soon! "They do call to me, and bid me take my place among them" wrench kevin stein
  16. Ok, as promised, here's the repainted, relettered, readjusted not-even-close-to-real-life ™ Stand-In Generic ™ propeller pit for Monty's SPAD. all the needles have been recalibrated (and what a frakking nightmare THAT is!), although I'm not happy with the temp gauge -- can't quite get the needle to stay down in the 100-250 deg range. Also, there's 2 easter eggs in/on the pit ... one you can't see (excepty by viewing the panel.bmp, as that FIRE warning light on the right covers it up. Damn, it was a funny one too!!), the other is on the clock face, right now hidden by the hands. Nigel, since I don't have SF2V yet, if you want to Test Fly it for me in the stock 3W SPAD, shoot me a PM, and I'll get the files to you, via a link from my site. Right now, it's all set up for WoE in the 08 patch level. I DO know it works just fine in SF2, as I've been testing Monty's new A-1H rebuild in there. So, theroetically ..... Like I always say, it ain't perfect, but it works and it's freeware wrench kevin stein
  17. matt: don't forget ALL the DAT Spits and Hurris (excepting the 22/46/47 -which are mapped like each other) are ALL mapped alike. Meaning, with some ingenious renaming of bmps, you CAN get skin to work on other lods. Of course, the Mk.1s being physically different from the 5, 5LFs, etc.... I have templates, usually home-made, for all the DAT spits and hurris and others And Wolf's stuff too (some of which are here in the /Templates downloads section) wrench kevin stein
  18. Wolf's pak DOSEN'T have Spits and Hurris... just Mustangs (A,B/C,D), Tomahawk (P-40B/C) 2 Corsairs, 109s, 190s, an Oscar, Sally, George, Dauntless, P-36, P-38, P-39, P-47D (razor and bubble) and maybe one or 2 others I'm disremembering ArmorDave gave us the Zero, Betty, and another Oscar (43i?) Pasko gave use the He-219 Uhu, Stuka, F4F, Ho-229, Me-163, Mossi IV and VI, Yak-3, D3A Val, B-24D & J Plus the one's Veltro2K has done, that's it. EVERYTHING else is/are DAT releases. That's a lot of aircraft to replace!!! wrench kevin stein
  19. If you can wait a bit, when Monty finishes redoing the LODs for his A-1H, and the new package is releaed, you can have a WHOLE new, repainted, properllerized A-4B cockpit. (since these AF versions didn't use their radar, and most had the scope removed from the pit, and blocked off -which works out just fine using the Scooter B's pit) (the gauges ACTUALLY work! and more or less read correctly!!!) I'll try to get a screenie up later today. wrench kevin stein
  20. Check my site ...there's been a modified F-4B pit there for about 5 years (mind you, it could use a slight upgrade to the cockpit ini, converting to metic measurments.) It's not perfect, as the Beagle, i don't think, had a radar display for the pilot, but it works. It may also be here as well...check in the "SF/Wo* cockpits" downloads, but go waaaaayyy to the back. Prolly near the last page or so! I'll add the update to my list of things to fix.... link to my site it below, in my signature. Should be on the first page linked to from the front page wrench kevin stein
  21. Hmm...here's an I idea (stolen from JSF_Aggie), what about unpacking the isrealme cat, with the SF2 cat pk utility, then repacking it with the utility, with all the Afghan inis, and calling it "Afghanistan.cat" or (dummy me) even simplier; like we did before pacth3, simply copy the israelme cat, and rename it inside the Afghan terrain folder?? wrench kevin stein
  22. The skyraider mk.1 was mine. wrench kevin stein
  23. That was caused by the gamma-ray burst in those first few microseconds. Their bodies stopped just enough radiation for just long enough to 'cast a shadow', before they ceased to exist. Yea, they used conventional high explosive (RDX, iirc) for the initial triggering. Both in the uranium gun and spherical implosion devices. wrench kevin stein
  24. Good info! so, run memtest86 from the command prompt??? wrench kevin stein

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