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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I KNOW I've seen it somewhere.... BRB.... ok .. found it in the old BunyPak, weapon #201, it's TypeName is BLU107B. Should be a simple copy/paste of the necessary items, and viola! WEAPONSUSAF.bmp BLU107.lod and you'll probably need to create a BLU107.ini for it, here's the weaponsdata (Matra incuded): wrench kevin stein
  2. the israelme works ok, yes??? wrench kevin stein
  3. these should help, some... AND, I must correct myself...the KM version was to be a Ju-87C. I guess I was thinking T for traeger, for the 109s wrench kevin stein
  4. not even close, baby!! that would be ONLY from Pasko, as he built it, and would have the MAX files. Unfortunately nobody's seen him for several years. As for skin templates, I made my own by redrawing every panel and rivet line. A very fun task -NOT!!! what you need are 3d diagrams of the gunpod itself, as opposed to re-creating the ENTIRE aircraft, with the pods built into the wings. I'll have a look through my 'library', and see if SSP has anything, or some other of my WW2 Luftwaffe books. Then, it's just a simple matter of data ini edits, to place the gunpod. And, of course, adding the weapon wrench kevin stein
  5. hmm....since I don't have any terrains that reference BACK to the IsrealME cat..... don't know what to tell ya. I guess I'll just have to get Afghanistan and see for meself!! wonder of something is changed, but why would the 'stock' and add-ons that have the cat reach-around pointers still work??? very odd... everything at the 08 level (and according to some of the ww2 players in SF2, even 06) should all be pretty much the same. wrench kevin stein
  6. I don't know....maybe move the IsrealME terrain folder over??? That should take care of the cat pointer issue as to the "refernced memory at such-and-such a location", i get that occasionally, but usually only in Windoze Explorer. Possible bad sectors on the HD??? wrench kevin stein
  7. Moved to the Correct Forum... PLEASE do NOT post in the Knowledge Base .... ---------------------------------- For games patched to the 08 level, you need to 08 level weapons editor, nothing else will work. You'll find it both in our Downloads section, and at the 3rd Wire site. Linky below, just to save you the trouble http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6075 wrench kevin stein
  8. Yes, indeed VERY sad news. One of our FM gurus, and we have so few to start with.. Well, such is life I guess. This is a request he sent me early today, something for his 10 year old son to fly. I think it looks pretty good! wrench kevin stein
  9. Hopefully that SB2C shown in the WIP Thread will be revamped, as the shape is 85% WRONG!!! Wingtips should be rounded (like a P-40), the nose it too long, the tail is too short, the gunner's position will need the 'folding turtledeck' activated -somehow, as the gun can't be deployed with it up (that's the section just AFT of the rear canopy, and before the fin; it folds down so the guns can be pull up from their storage recess, and swung in their firing arc) Derk: !! good one man!!! I"d like a turbo-prop powered Yak-28 Firebar. Make it look like the fighter that attacks Dr. Quest and Party in one of the "Jonny Quest" cartoons!! wrench kevin stein
  10. have you done a search of the forums for "SF2 missing cockpit textures"???? there's at LEAST 3 or 4 threads about it, listing the necessary bmps/tgas to be extracted, placed in the cockpit folder, and then transfered to SF2/2:V Also, check Colum5's forums ... iirc, the fix is listed there too As to 'how to...' extract the missing files, there full, illustrated instructions on using Skypats Cat Extractor (for the Classic Series ONLY) in the Knowledge Base. wrench kevin stein
  11. One of my favorites is "I'm taking damge!!!" .... just as the hapless pilot splatters all over the ground. A bit on the late side, methinks!! what's needed is a response to "get him off me''. Something like "Shut up and die like a man".... wrench kevin stein
  12. Cannon pods are bit on the big side, aren't they??? Also, the decals.ini needs re-editing to remove the KM Graf Zepplin squadrons tag from the nose; CarrierBased= needs to be changed to "FALSE"' All the landing light callouts need to be removed, or the 'fakedout retracting tail gear re-activeated' Readme could us a bit more work, too. Good work in including the originals, that should help folks a bit. And mine was a Ju-87T, naval variant. wrench kevin stein
  13. Please do not post in the Knowledge Base moved to the correct Forum and thanks KB!! wrench kevin sten ps to dunkra: welcome to CombatAce
  14. File Name: VA-923, AD-4 Skyraider, Korean War File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 28 May 2009 File Category: A-1 Skyraider Skins VA-923 Skin Set for AD-4 Skyraiders, Korean War, for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2 & SF2:V This is a new skin for MontyCZ's Skyraider, and in particular the AD-4 Skyraider V2 pak recently released. This skin represents aircraft from VA-923 aboard USS Bon Homme Richard in 1951 during the Korean War. It's your standard or garden variety Navy Gloss Blue, with all new decals for Modex, BuNum and other sundry bits. As with the AD-4 V2 upgrade pak, this skin have been 'weathered' and show all the signs of heavy usage -staining, streaks and dirt and so forth. As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. Enjoy! Wrench Kevin stein Click here to download this file
  15. File Name: AD-4N/NL Skyraider File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 28 Jun 2005 File Updated: 27 May 2009 File Category: A-1 Skyraider AD-4NL Skyraider, Korean War, VC-35 UPDATED to Ver 2 for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2 & SF2:V, too This version is designed to TOTALLY replace the one I released in 2005; a LOT has been updated. This has a brand new skin, still representing VC-35 "Night Hecklers" during the Korean War, is based off new templates from Royohboy's AdA Skyraiders, all new decals for modex and semi-historical BuNums. I saw 'semi', as these ARE in fact, REAL BuNums as assigned by BuAer to AD-4NLs, but I was unable to ascertain exactly which were assigned to VC-35's aircraft. So, consider them generic AD-4N BuNums. This is a full, complete add on aircraft mod, with all the goodies necessary. Along with the new skin and decals, there's a heavily modified/repainted/tweekified A-4E cockpit. (more below in "Notes" on an alternate). Small data ini edits add a landing light, a few more running lights. Edits to the landing gear make this aircraft fully functional in the post-08 patch world. It should also function pretty well in SF2/SF2:V. This has been tested, and acts just the same in SF2 as is post-patch WoE. It's fully carrier rated, so mission and campaign builders can do their thing. 2 new -only available in this mod!!- carrier deck Hangar Screens are included. Both are the "WoE-style", but for the SF2 series, that one has the blackboard removed. Also, a new damage tga for the 'tail' section has been created. Designed for use with any weapons pak, the 3 necessary addons, the APS-31 radar pod, AN/ALT-7 ECM pod, a small 50-ish gallon and 300 gallon tank are included. What is NOT included, are the HVARs, 250, 500 and 1000 lb WW2 era bombs. You WILL need to have these available via one of the existing weapons paks!!! As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  16. Again, WHICH campaign ... a name would be helpfull if it's fizya eagles, I think that's for SFp1, somewhere around the Patch3 level. If so, it needs a total rebuild, and probably won't work in in 08 patch install, provided you HAVE all the necessary stuff (terrains, aircraft, ground objects, weaons, etc) wrench kevin stein
  17. Version


    VA-923 Skin Set for AD-4 Skyraiders, Korean War, for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2 & SF2:V This is a new skin for MontyCZ's Skyraider, and in particular the AD-4 Skyraider V2 pak recently released. This skin represents aircraft from VA-923 aboard USS Bon Homme Richard in 1951 during the Korean War. It's your standard or garden variety Navy Gloss Blue, with all new decals for Modex, BuNum and other sundry bits. As with the AD-4 V2 upgrade pak, this skin have been 'weathered' and show all the signs of heavy usage -staining, streaks and dirt and so forth. As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. Enjoy! Wrench Kevin stein
  18. They should be in a lot of my skin/ini upgrad paks for Wolfs Luftwaffe birds. To make things easier, I've attched all 3 use this in the cockpit ini, just change the sight tga name: [GunsightFront] HasGunsight=TRUE GunsightMilSize=65 GunsightName=LWRevi16B_GUNSIGHT.tga LeadComputing=FALSE MaxDepression=0 DefaultDepression=0 (although the 16B may have been lead computing == I disremember!) I should mention, they're a bit on the "bright'' side (a very bright yellow), so pretend the sight illuminator is up to "full bright" wrench kevin stein
  19. looking goooood!! Don't forget Kesselbrut's Emil cockpit, and my Revi-3 gunsight tga! (also have the 12 and 16s, too) wrench kevin stein
  20. My pleasure, CL. I"ll make the adjustments in my data ini, for when the Package gets re-released wrench kevin stein
  21. Dave's taller than me (I think ... I'm 5 10), and dosen't have a beard, and probably weighs in less than me. Of course, if he keeps eating all them penguins, and drinking all that beer.... The funny thing is, I'm 'racing' to catch up with the sheer number of decals he's made ... but still falling a couple thousands short, while it seems he trying to catch up to MY size!! Life is funny that way... wrench kevin stein
  22. TCM Rulez!

    For those of us in the States, the cable channel "Turner Classic Movies" (aka TCM) has been running a lot of the classic war films; the expected ones and some not so expected... They've had Back to Bataan They Were Expendable We Dive At Dawn Operation Crossbow (Sophia Loren!! woot!!!) still to come later today (well, for us West Coast Folks) Where Eagles Dare Bridge on the River Kawi and the ones I'm waiting for: Above and Beyond (Paul Tibbits & The Bomb - fictionalized 509th Story -- good flying scenes!) The Dambusters ('nuff said!) as TCM runs things uncut, I'm sure the dog is STILL named correctly... can't wait for 7 pm tonight!!! when these 2 start! wrench kevin stein
  23. File Name: AT-6G Texan "Mosquito FAC" File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 27 May 2009 File Category: Trainers North American AT-6G "Mosquito FAC" for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI, Post 08 Patch Level and probably SF2/SF2:V This is a mod of Bunyap's little T-6 Texan trainer into the AT-6G as used during the Korean War as the "Mosquito FAC" This is a COMPLETE aircraft mod, with all the trimmings. There have been extensive edits to the data, loadout inis and a "new" cockpit. It is designed for use in the post 08 patch envrionments; in fact a couple of edits WON'T work without being in post 08 patch (movable rudder lights, fer example) It has been totally reskined in a Natural Metal, more of a generic than any particular squadron, with all new Buzz Number and accurate Serial Numbers. I say 'accurate', as they ARE for AT-6G, but not from any particular squadron. All the weapons supplied have been updated for this late game usage, and are supplied in the new 'folder style'. For SF2/SF2V users, a data ini for each weapon is included in each folder. (note: most of these propably already exist in the SF2 weapons pak. PLEASE check before installing, AND note the T-6_30cal_GunPod has been edited to make the guns shoot in the right direction) A new blade-type upper antenna, with repositioned pitot tube, and set for use as a 'fake pilot' seat is also included (thanks to Ravenclaw!!). This is also usable for other nations that used the AT-6G in the COIN or FAC roles. New Hangar Screen, in the WoE style, allowing it's use in all the Classic Series ™ and SF2/2:V and a new Loading Screen are also provided. As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein ps: yes, I know the anti-glare panel is 'off' in the screenie above; it has bee fixed. I was just too lazy to take another screenie! Click here to download this file
  24. I think this question gets asked (and answered) about once a week since the 08 patches came out. It SHOULD be covered in one of the KB threads (most likely the "Things You Need To Update Thread") and/or the several 'weaopns adjustments threads'. short answer -- it sure will. IF you make sure and use ONLY the 08 weapons editor (don't forget to se the compatibility to win98). just open the weaponsdata ini as always, select ANY weapon, look at it, click OK, then "SAVE". Boomm. done! it ain't perfect, but it works in the 98 percentile range. wrench kevin stein
  25. have you looked in the downloads section??? I recall uploading a buttload about 3 or so years ago....including a WoV one with the US/NV flag EDIT: they're in the "Menu/Hangar Screens" section. Couldn't find mine thought ... they'll be on my site, on page 1 where the terrains are. wrench kevin stein

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