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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. IIRC, Geo's Bearcat comes with a VNAF skin ... wrench kevin steni
  2. Safe to assume this is WoV, and the stock VietnamSEA terrain? (well, other than the trees and such like... ) Or are you trying this is SF2:V?? gotta tell us which game!! Have you flown single missions, and does the problem reoccur??? IIRC, that campagin was made for like SP3 or 4 -- probably no higher than the 06 patch level. That's more than likely the issue; needs updating (read: total rebuild). Most assurdly will probably NOT work in SF2V wrench kevin stein
  3. Ok, I just got the thing (SF2) and had no problems bringing over the stock GermanyCE or VietnamSEA terrains ... you just copy/paste the ENTIRE terrain folder over into you (well, for me XP) C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin J. Stein\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Terrains don't forget, you MUST create the new folder Terrains (and it must be plural) now, to figure out how to get the AI Migs flyable.... wrench kevin stein
  4. dumb question ... do you have a textureset.ini for said skin in said skin's folder??? Without it, the game don't know it's there wrench kevin stein
  5. SF2

    You know, you all are gonna make/force/convince me to spend 20 bucks I ain't got and get this thing, right??? I'm sure I can drege it up somehow... "oh, honey, can I borrow 20 bucks?" wrench kevin stein
  6. You gots it man!!! The existing building are not in the d/l section per se...they're in terrain mods themselves. You have to look at the types inis for the listings, but looking at the guts of the terrain folders, you can see the various lods, bmps/tgas and inis (if needed -most do) REALLLLYYY nice building would need to be created in MAX, textured, and then placed on the map in relation to the tiles. In the case of say, Paris, you'd need to parks and streets surrounding the Tower or the Arc de Triumph (sits in a kinda of traffic circle iirc). Mind you, this is for SEPERATE building, like what you want. There are scads of various and sundry smaller ones scattered all over in the various terrain mods (bunches of small houses, a church, resturant -ok, hot dog stand). Most come that I've use come from Major Lee's original DBS terrain. Others, more ww2 in nature are in Polaks' imported CFS Object Library -many of which are in my ww2 terrains St Pauls, Albert Hall, British Museaum, sommerset house, and a few others are in Gepard's BoB terrain. If you look at the terrain tiles, there are 'specials' (as I call them) for things like Hyde park. Again, those need to be created, hand placed in the TE and so on... Placing the building themselves is no harder than any other terrain object .. you just need to know the offset from the 0,0 point of the target area.... and have virtually infinate paitence in trying to get things places juuuust so... wrench kevin stein
  7. File Name: Northrop/Horten F-79C Manta File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 25 Mar 2009 File Category: Fictional Aircraft, Experimental and UAV's Northrop/Horton F-79C "Manta" for SF/WoV/WoE and maybe WoI & SF2 For Post-Patch (9/08 & 10/08) Installs ONLY A "What If..." aircraft for the early Cold War.... This is a mod of Pasko's Ho-229 into a "What If" aircraft for the immeadate Post-War/Cold War period of 1948-1955. This is a complete aircraft mod, containing everything needed to just unzip and fly. Some weapons and, of course, a new pilot figure will need installing, but that's a pretty simple matter. The skin, created from new 1024x1024 templates, is based off the original WW2 Luftwaffe one, and has completly redrawn panel and rivet lines. All new decals representing a ficitonal USAF unit, 54th FIW, are included for 38 aircraft. These are the standard 'buzz numbers' and serial numbers as seen on USAF aircraft of the time period. Period style lighting has been added; running and ID lights, and a landing light. The cockpit, while based off the A-4B, has been extensively edited to make use of the new coding in post-08-patches for the "OpenCockpit", as has the data ini. This allows the external model's canopy frame to work for us. If attempting to use in a pre-patch install, you'll need to make all sorts of adjustments, and even I don't remember them all. Suffice it to say, it's built for post patch -- keep it that way. A new "WoE-style" hangar screen has been created for this aircraft. Also included are an illustrated Word doc and a pdf with the "What If..." historical notes. Damage tgas are here as well, just in case you happen to get shot up.... This mod is designed for use with, I'm hoping, ANY weapons pak. You may just need to add a few things. If you've already added the weapons provided from another mod or weapons pak, you need not add them again. = IMPORTANT: This aircraft has been tested in Post-Patch SF/WoV/WoE/WoI. Be advised of the existence of some handling issues prevelant in WW2 era and many Pre-Patch (ie: 06 level) aircraft. Fly accordingly!!! It should also work in SF2 and later iterations - this has NOT been tested, however. As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein (this should actually go under "Cold War Aircraft", but there isn't a category for Fictional/What Ifs in there ... so, here it is) Click here to download this file
  8. SF2

    The internal formats are different for the SF2 series, so methinks our old tried and true method of exhuming them with the old style hex editors is not working. Also, the mapping has changed, causing major incompatibilities ... Classic Stuff has to use Classic Stuff. No way around it. Also, in regards to the N Phantom, it IS only mapped to the old style lods. But extracting, moving them to the aircraft folder in SF2, and having the proper setup is only the matter of a few minutes work, as the F-4B is in EVERY version of the Classic Series. A simple, and easy fix. wrench kevin stein
  9. I'm sorry, but could you be a little LESS vauge in the question???? Meaning: what exactly ARE you asking??? NONE of the maps are 100% accurate as to coastlines, roads, rivers ... terrain builder are limited by what the tiles themselves have on them (now, that dosen't mean roads and coastlines and rivers don't run approximately to real life, but certain liberties have to be taken due to scaling issues and the fact there are only 4 sides to a tile, not 6) As to landmarks, the GermanyCE map is full of 'real world ' buildings, as is one of the WW2 maps (iirc, the Effiel Tower is in Paris) Said buildings MUST be created; built in MAX, exproted and textured, then hand placed on the map. Examples would be the aformentioned stuff in WoE and the WW2 (in think it's BoB map -that also has some London landmarks). Same thing we've run into for the Indo-Pak mod -- CA_Stary created the Fisal mosque and the Taj Mahal. The 'generic' city building -all them little small ones you see in the cities- again, have to be built, imported, and then placed via the Terrain Editor's ability to create TOD files, wherein lie the trees and structures. It can be a pretty massive undertaking, as each and every item has to be placed individually Now, there are ways around to add things ... one just need to figure out the naming conventions for the various tile/TOD types, find out where they sit, and add them to which ever terrain you want. Polaks city TODs from his enhanced desert can easily be used on the GermanyCE, and give some rather nice skyscrapert, as also CA-Stary's enhanced desert (several show up on the SoCal map) So, again, what exactly is the question? wrench kevin stein
  10. Ok, just about done on the AD-4NL update, and i've got new 7-shot pods (actaully the LAU-32/As), but I KNOW these are NOT LAU-32s. I've been all over the web trying to find any info/data/names etc. Even went to NOTS and poked around there, but only found a pictute of a 4-shot diamond shaped launcher on an AD. Here's the quotation from Rausa's book: So basically, what I'm asking is there ANY way to find out WHAT the designation (nomenclature, sorry Gunny!) for this pod would be? As I've edited the start date availability for this, I don't want it to conflict with any existing LAU-32/A. At worst, I can do the renaming and simply call it "USN 7 Shot RP" or something equaly inaccurate, but descriptive. During my research, the closest things I've found are/were the XM157 & XM158s, but those seem to be US Army, and for helicoptors... I also have a modded PU-55MM, reskinned & renamed as a 4 shot parachute illuminator flare dispenser. (btw, is there any way to make them 'fall' slower??) Below are screenies of the 'new' flare dispensers, and the rocket pods. any and all help is appriciated!!! It'll speed up the release process.. TAI! wrench kevin stein
  11. Yah, couldnt' get it to work earlier. (was gone watching "Weaponizers" on Discovery channel!) Retested a working one in an old, 06 level install and it's fine, so I definately missing something (how can you shoot, and the miss the ground!!!???? ) I'll take those, and see what/where I didn't have something... Thanks! wrench kevin stein
  12. what a dumba$$ I am!!! Totally forgot about the missile objectifier ini!!! off to test...and then if it works, gotta dail in the pod positions on Buny's old Texan.. wrench kevin stein
  13. Hmm....wonder if it's handled differently in post-08 or SF2 series.... as my WW2 install is only at 06.... wrench kevin stein
  14. File Name: BT2D Dauntless 2 (Ver 2.0) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 22 June 2005 File Category: Allied Fighters Douglas BT2D "Dauntless II" Version 2.0 - for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO installs patched to 06 levels -ONLY-!! Updated to Version 2.0, Uploaded 5/18/09!! -- NOTE: this package is designed to TOTALLY replace my original release from 2005, in it's entirety!! -- This is a complete reskin and redecaling of MontyCZ's A-1H Skyraider into a "What If..." variant of it's predecessor, the BT2D "Dauntless II", had it been available for use in the world of WW2: 1946, in the Pacific Theatre. This version, as stated above, replaces the original. It's gone through some updating, but still remains pretty much the same. All new decals have been created (and properly done THIS time!) with correct Modex, and new BuNums. The BuNums themselves are actually AD-1 series numbers, but as the BT2D was renamed in 1947 TO the AD-1, this poses no historical conflicts. A new skin, with appropriate weathering, based of new templates, is also included. Some other 'fixes' include the renaming of some bits in the data ini, so's they 'disappear' when not used, and the addition of more formation/running lights and a landing light. The aircraft depicted in the mod represents BT2Ds of VA-19A, the first squadron to recieve them, and be carrier qualified (that part really is true), aboard USS Coral Sea in 1945. This is a COMPLETE addon aircraft, with all necessary parts, including an excessively repainted version of the A-4E cockpit (it's the closest there is -- see NOTES below for alternates). For those not having the WW2 Weapons pak, the AN/APS-4 radar pod and 300 gallon AD Blue drop tanks are included. = IMPORTANT: This aircraft has been tested ONLY in 2006 Patch Levels SF/WoV/WoE. Be advised of the existence of some handling issues prevelant in WW2 era and many Pre-Patch (ie: 06 level) aircraft being used in the post 08 patch enviroments. It is NOT reccomended for use in WoI or SF/SFG/WoV/WoE in these post 08 patch game installs. It is also NOT reccomended for use in the SF2/SF2:V new series. If you insist on doing so, you do so at your own risk. No support is available from me for any issues you may experience. You have been warned/advised... As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. Also included, at the bottom of this document, is the Alternate History essay, telling the story of the Dauntless IIs use against the Home Islands. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  15. OK Fellow WW2 Prop-Heads... this is the new Ver.2 of the BT2D "Dauntless II" As always, and stated above, READ the damn readme!!! Enjoy! wrench kevin stein
  16. SF2

    Try these: Mind you, beinging in SF2 may make a difference -- the skins will be mapped to the orignal SF/Wo* F-4B lods. You may need to extract them from one of the Classic Games, and drop them into the F-4N folder. wrench kevin stein
  17. Sweet!! So, now it just a matter of some slight renaming. Thanks Gunny! Also, does anybod know all the little bits --tgas, effects ini etc, that make the red wp rockets actually give red smoke on the ground?? Trying to finish off the AT-6G Mosquito FAC, and can't get the damn smoke rockets to, well, smoke! wrench kevin stein
  18. I cheat.... when I added the landing light to the P-26, I changed the tailgear to retractable, no sound, and a very fast cycle time. As it's a fixed gear, and part of the model, it dosn't change. The only drawback, is the Player Pilot MUST remember to 'retract' his gear. Don't know if there's a way to link it to flap retraction, but I don't think so ... This is what I did: GearsSound=key2 [TailGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=0.0 For the moving tail light...this is off the AT-6G [TailLight2] SystemType=LIGHT Position=0.0,-5.82,0.05 LightSrcOffset=0.00,0.00,0.00 Color=0.88,0.25,0.25 Brightness=0.04 LightSrcRange=0.5 MovingLight=TRUE <--- AttachedNodeName=rudder <--- these 2 lines then, just whatever the meshname is it works very cool!! wrench kevin stein
  19. searching the NOTS site further, I DID come up with a name: Aero X6B, but that's probably something inhouse from the manufacturer, or from them. The picture in Rousa's book shows the MightyMouses (Mousi??) "being fired from a Skyraider based at Inyokern, Feb 1950" 49 seems llike an awfully "large number'' for so early a pod! .... I figure out something, somehow..... I'll check the flares too ... didn't even know they HAD drag and lift!! wrench kevin stein
  20. And this line too...found in every tile listing in the data ini that has water: HeightMapScale=2.000000 they may be still set to the old desert style, which is 25.000000 change them all to 2.00000 ie: find/replace with the line above. as to the stock map...??? ???? wrench kevin stein
  21. I'll have to check that out!!! The guys keep complaing they're wearing out the heels and soles of the their boots on landing!!! what??? Nobody's caught the Easter Egg yet?? wrench kevin stein
  22. In between all the terrain stuff I'm supposed to be doing (yes, I've restarted work on the new Korea map again ... and what a nightmare THAT is...due to an error on MY part...) I'm squeezing in some time to update/rebuild some older mods of MontyCZ's classic AD Skyraider.... Reskinned all my eariler Korean Vintage skins; new decals, accurate BuNums (meaning, they're FOR the model shown, just unsure of actual squadron usages of said BuNums) so... VC-35 AD-4NL (based off Royohboy's newer MUCH better template) VF-194 AD-4 VMA-121 (* it should be noted, I didn't do these decals, other than the BuNums to be still made. They're from the original skin, which I think was done by Volksjager?*). IT should be noted, 121 flew AD-2s for most of the Korean War, but since we don't have the -2, with only 1 gun in each wing, and the lod dosen't permit the removing of them, as there's no mesh called out, we're stuck with the -4. Rest assured, I'll use -2 BuNums just for accuracy. and s**ts and giggles updated to work in the 08 patch levels with VERY minor adjustments. It flys fine for me!! The data inis will have commented out sections for use in 06 patch level installs. Just to be safe. One of the things I could wish for, was that Monty would revist the LOD, if at all possible, and give us an opening canopy. Other than that, and fixing one open mesh on the front of the tail fin ... this bird holds up remarkabely well almost 7 years after its' original release. coming soon!! Wrench kevin stein EDIT: ps: if anyone has any information on the 7 shot rocket pod, which was brand new in 1950, and was first used in combat by VC-35 (according to the book "Skyraider: The Douglas A-1 Flying Dump Truck" by Rosario Rausa), I'd be appriciative!! W
  23. I know for a fact the Libya and Isreal2 DID have issues in the post-patch environment. They've been fixed ... there's some editing in Data ini (for water heights) and changing the _hm.bmps to all black ones. Check our handy dandy downloads section for updated verions (ver 3 Final for Libya) Also, check the "Things You Need to Update Thread", and the thread on the Oct/Nov 08 patches ... there's LOTS of fixes hidden amongst the weeds in there. Which versions of Libya and I2 are you running?? As to the stock terrains having issues ... that points me to look at the game install itself, or something in your machine. I know for a fact the DS terrain is DESIGNED for post patch EDIT: (slaps self in head) --- for the stock terrains, make sure you don't have an old copy of their ***_data.inis sitting the the terrain folders. They aren't quite compatibale anymore -- rename them and see if the problem goes away. wrench kevin stein
  24. PEOPLE PLEASE!!!! Are we NOT reading the message on page 1??? I gotta come in here everyday and delete 4 or 5 posts. Can we at least TRY to keep the Thread on focus??? You know, just show what's "in the workshop"? ONLY, and the comments and questions go in the regular Forums, as theyr'e supposed to??? thank you!!! wrench kevin stein

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