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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Version


    SBD-3 Dauntless Skin, VS-6, USS Enterprise; for SF/WoV/WoE PTO installs "Pearl Harbor Defenders" - American Bombers This skin and Ini Update Pak for Wolf257's SBD Dauntless dive bomber represents VS-6 (Scouting Squadron 6) as based aboard USS Enterprise in December, 1941. Coloring and Decals represent the standard type markings as seen on Naval/Marine aircraft of the time, and include NEW BuNums and aircraft type name on the tail. BuNums are accurate, as they ARE from -2 & -3 Dauntless', but my research has only turned up 6 actual numbers as used by VS-6 that day. Unfortunately, they are the aircraft that were lost... A new decal is also used for the arrestor hook; it finally gets some color :) Ini mods include (yes, yet again!) some small lighting corrections from my pervious release of several years ago, modification of the StartYear; I've made it earlier, and the addition of a seat for the pilot to 'park it' on. The cockpit ini has a replacement 'ring-and-bead' type sight that is closer to the reticle in the (then) standard telescopic site used on all the early model (up until the -5 variant) Dauntless. -= NOTE: You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06 to get the WW2 weapons and guns and such =- -== This aircraft has been tested in SF/WoV/WoE and post-patch WoI (8/08) as well as post 9/08 & 10/08 SF/WoV/WoE. There still are some 'issues' with prop-plane flight models, but there has been a MARKED improvement!! You use it in these Post Patch Environments at YOUR own risk ==- As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein ps: this was supposed to be released in Feburary, 2009, but somehow got mislaid the shuffle! So, here it is now! W
  2. All right then.... when you get that mod finished, POST IT!!! I spent an entire week frakking around with the SabreDog last year while redoing the DBS terrain, and never got a satifying workaournd to have the damn things fire their rockets and (hopefully) hit something!!! This is something BADLY needed!!! (insert sound of applause HERE) damn stupid unguided rockets.... :angry2: Oddly, the fix I used for the Scorpion's & 17P/PF works ok, even for the dummy AIs!!! wrench kevin stein
  3. Paki Zippers didn't use them, as didn't the USAF due to abrasion of the seeker heads. OTH, the stock 3W G does, so go figure! There's Dave's F-104C "superpak" that has the fues stations ... and about a 1000 megs of skins, along with the probe IIRC either here or at C5s wrench kevin stein
  4. I know the WW2 versions are terrain objects (have used them innumerable times...) Low poly, good looking statics, parked away from the game generated "spaces" really spice it up! We wants more!!! wrench kevin stein
  5. grab marshmellows and hot dogs??? wrench kevin stein
  6. So the old method of having a D subfolder to the skin folder dosen't work AT ALL any more??? wrench kevin stein
  7. WW3 Today?

    Dude, it's WW3 EVERYDAY ... 99.9% of people are just too self-involved to notice wrench kevin stein
  8. Nope, they were never made. The wing dehidrel needs some tweeing too, but that like the pylons and bomb crutch, can only be added in MAX, by rebuilding the LOD wrench kevin stein
  9. Well, when I did the GAF Mk.9, it was to fullfill Galland's wish... (it's on my site somewhere, along with the Spit22) But definately, Mustangs would be the way to go. As to the czechs, look at my post above: S-92 and & S-99s wrench kevin stein
  10. what of the Aero Navale??? They'd be operating theirs in that time frame. I'm with JW on the Jugs...Mustangs can do the CAS just fine, and are already in-theatre, along with F-84A/B/C It's a well known and well discussed fact that bomber gunnners are WAYYYY overmodeled. I'd leave the MiG-3 out, as it really wasn't that good, even the VVS was disappointed with it. wrench kevin stein
  11. a mine? the kind that explodes or the kind people dig in??? sorry, couldn't resist!! well, not your generic 'open pit' type, but there's a modded factory center on my DBS update, 'Red Dog Mines', that might be usable. actually, with a little fiddling on the height map bmp, you could theoretically create a "hole in the ground", for lack of a better term, by repainting the surrounding terrain with the mountain colors (VERRRRYY light brown), therby creating a 'rise', and using the flatland color (a plain green), in the center to represent a cliff or (with a LOT of luck), gentle slope to the working floor. You might need to flatten the lower section, like an airfield. It would take some doing, but might be done if one is very carefull with the paint brush wrench kevin stein
  12. I have an entire install devoted to JUST that very idea; it was discussed a couple of years ago...so, have some knowledge and experience in the mattter... You've forgotten the RAF Vampires. And you could add the Washington B.1 (available here IIRC) USAF F-84s, F-86A ... all operational at the time. And the D model Jugs, operation unitl early 48 Czech S-92 and S-99s; you could even stretch the "what if..." to the original Su-9(1947). Yak 3, 3RD, Pe-2, etc. I'd leave the Luftwaffe out of it, unless ememgeny requiped with NATO aircraft (<cough>--Spit Mk9 or Spit 22 <cough> -as in alredy done by me) -- pretty much all the WW2 stuff they had was destroyed at war's end. Same goes for groun equipment. we are, of course, missing the C-54s and P-61s, but the F-82s can be used for your night fighters, as well as Beaus (unless you want to build an NF Mossie from the FB.6 .....) Definately need to step up the research, and most DEFINATLY watch out and/or be VERY carefull of permission issues on some aircraft!!! wrench kevin stein
  13. wow, then you're only going to have 2/3rds of the thearte good luck with that!!! At least it's got a GREAT tile set!! wrench kevin stein
  14. That's a sharp looking ship there, Hinch!! wrench kevin stein
  15. I hope you're not planning on using the original Iran/Irag terrain; as it gots some serious issues with target placements ... as in mis-placed, dis-placed and some that need to be re-placed. Needs a better tile set, too. Everything in the upper right corner (Teheran and environs) is completely off, to say nothing of the missing sea. I've been working on upgrading it, on and off for the last 3 years. Last time I worked on it was March, 08; although it's sitting n the TE and I started retiling in Jan, this year. Completely rebuilt targets, types ini; about a dozen or so nation and theatre specific ground objects, totally rebuilt movements ini...you get the picture. If you can complete it to MY standards, lets talk. But after I get done with India, as that's taking all my time wrench kevin stein
  16. you can go totally crossed, blind and mad from laying out miles and miles of trak... that's why I only use them in the 'local' region of the rail yard. They're not classed as targets as is, unless edited in the types ini wrench kevin stein
  17. This is SOOOO funny...the answers are staring you right in the face.... Have you NOT looked at the targets and types inis for the various terrain mods I've done??? All you need to do, is have the specific entry in the types ini, and the specific entry in the targets ini!! It don't get any simplier than that. sumptin like this: (now, mind you, this has the berm-style AAA bunkers, not included in the stock game, and I changed it back to the stock tent. you can also swap out the 2nd fansong for and EWR) Just have a look at the various inis, and all you questions are already answered EDIT: the reason you're still, and WILL always get mixed-maashed units, is the use of the 'generic' terms. If you want something specific to show up, you have to TELL the game what you want to show up. EDITx2: you only NEED (and can use) ONE name for a target area. remove the 2nd name wrench kevin stein
  18. spillone: I take you already have all the mesh names?? don't forget the HVAR rails/pylons under the wings wrench kevin stein
  19. malibu: I actually DON'T have one for GermanyCE (hard as that might be to believe...), but look around for Nick Bell's air defense mod for WoE, somewhere waaaaayyyy down the list, hopefully in the terrain mods section... He placed the historical locations for NATO HAWK batteries, as that was once his Real Life ™ job. (he worked HAWKS) wrench kevin stein
  20. Hawk's been working for me for a loooooong time. as to figureing out 'target placements', may I suggest "copy/paste"??? Every modern terrain mod I've done contains HAWK batteries. and as to figuring out HOW to place targets you might want to look in the downloads section, under "Ships" for my shipwreck object. there's a nice illustrated tutorial on how to place objects. Where, is up to you. But follow a logical pattern. Think in layers one just needs to look... wrench kevin stein
  21. don't know how much help it'll be: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=8480 Wrench kevin stein
  22. Actually, this should read: ValueUnit=KM as Russian/Soviet Union uses the metric system. also, you can metricize the insturments (which I did a looooong time ago, and perhaps even posted in the release threads...) in the aircraft data ini, in the ]AircraftData[ section, add this line (if it ain't already got it): UseMetricUnit=TRUE in the cockpit ini, anything that says FEET change to METERS; the VVI instead of FPS gets changed to MPS you on your own for fuel gauges -- never have figure that out right (lbs to kg; neve worked right, has to be based on total fuel in the aircraft's on board tanks) wrench kevin stein
  23. Perhaps because the other addon ships are classed as WARSHIP, maybe??? and therefor, not available for anti-shipping missions; which uses only those classed as "CARGO_SHIP" A quick check of the data inis will always confirm "GroundObjectRole=" wrench kevin stein
  24. and with a few simple data ini edits (ie: remove component trick), you can remove all the guns off Richard Dryfes's Invader...or Brad Johnsons too. wrench kevin stein
  25. hawk base ....hawk base....hawk base...... are those fuel bladders I spy??? and how did you get the Hawks to fire over the berm??? I tried that with the 'aa gun bunker' from Polak's Object libary, and all they did was shoot into it!! maybe it was too high... I drool..... wrench kevin stein

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