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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. It's a Dev A-Team aircraft, and is only availalbe from Capun's site. Follow the instructions here to sign up: http://cplengineeringllc_bb.cplengineering...d69516a4ece53ec don't forget to request access to the files!!! And don't worry too much if it takes several days for a response; Real Life ™ tend to interfere with Gaming Life ™ wrench kevin stein
  2. do you have gepard's WoE base pak (somewhere in the d/l section) real life setups for some east german bases. All you'll need to know is how to edit the targets and types ini (which you already do, methinks ), then just finding the x/y coordinates to place them. oh, the TE, terrains cities list etc, to 'flatten' them, if jplaced somewere other than at an existing site. wrench kevin stein
  3. Yah ww2 burma korea (uncompleted) India/Pakistan (in the works) I have layout for n/s track and e/w track; plus some enhanced object for jplacment at the various train statins (exceping a macdonalds ... still waiting for one of those) Of course, there's always the Hot Dog stand from DBS/ASW/SCal.... wrench kevin stein
  4. ya know, that IS kinda cool!!! great idea on the fires, and how to 'extinguish' them. Gabrielle, you fly those, don't you??? Other terrains could be used, by simply removing the listing for AAA and SAMs in the targets ini wrench kevin stein
  5. Yes, WoE works reallly well (as my 4 ww2 installs will attest). In fact, I like it better than SF for WW2 usage. Now, if you have WoV....you should move the vietnamsea terrain folder over, as a lot of the SoWesPac terrains need the tiles from there. What you do, is intall the game. Clean. Then, go an get the Oct 06 patch, and run it. One way to check what level you're running; don't remember if this was available in the 'clean' game or not, but down on the lower right corner of the main screen used to have a version or date stamp. Would say something like 08.??.06 (can't remember the day numbers) The DAT birds work just fine in WoE. Don't forge to get Wolf's WW2 planes pak, pasko's F4F Wildcat...and other i'm surely forgetting There's boatloads of maps, ground objects, ships (most of the ships you'll find at the DAT site) - vehicle at Geo's site. wrench kevin stein ps: !!! one more added. that brings us up to 17 WW2 players! take that starfighter2!!!
  6. It was done by moonjumper/crusader several years ago. look for something like "labs counter mod", in the /cockpit section I even have that bmp relettered to read "DME" wrench kevin stein
  7. moved to the proper forum wrenchnik kevin stein
  8. Hell, even on my monster XPS, 80 gazallion SAMs brings me to single digits! Whatever works, man!! if you really want to get into the editing the targets ini, extract it from the vietnamsea.cat, and search for SAMLauncher. You can reduce their numbers by changing every other one into another object == I'd suggest 'oildrum9' , or maybe a parked truck --SovietTruck is the TargetType= name, or something innocius (sp?) You may, however, get tasked to strike missions against the truck wrench kevin stein
  9. Have you tried adjusting the EnemyAirDefense level on the menu screens? You should be able to select LIGHT, NORMAL or HEAVY. to do anything else, requires editing the terrain's targets ini. wrench kevin stein
  10. I was gonna suggest verbally berating your ground crew for not putting air in the tires.... wrench kevin stein
  11. ..reread the statement again.... It's called 'moving faster than your sound footprint'. Listen, in game, to what happens when you drop below mach 1 .. the sounds come back, don't they??? This is a feature (not a bug) added post patch. I'm sure our real pilots, with multi-mach experience will chime in here with what happens wrench kevin stein
  12. why do you think I left the guys feet sticking out??? If you've all read the historical doc, you see how I 'worked around that' anybody notice the easter egg on the plane??? wrench kevin stein
  13. for the battle's wing bays, you could actually mount the bombs inside the wing. When I did the B-49G, and used mk82s, they're longer then the bomb bay, so part of them 'falls' through the wing structure. but then, there's the clipping issue of possibly having them stick out the top of the wing! wrench kevin stein
  14. oppps!!! Hey, don't feel bad Dave ... I pulled that same stunt recently too. I felt like a total yutz for hitting the wrong button! wrench kevin stein "API Los Angeles: for immeadate release Today, it's been proven that Dave is human"
  15. What FC said. It all goes to the questions of "what do you want from the game?" and "how much HD space do you have". For a while, I had a total of 21 installs of 3W games. Down to 17 now, well, 18 with the new indo-pak mod. There's really nothing to it! wrench kevin stein
  16. That's a cool book!!! Is that the one with the A.Conan Doyle story about the "jungles of the air?" This bird (bat? fish?) would be very well placed in a 'prop cold war' scenario , 47-55 time frame wrench kevin stein
  17. First off, I think we need to know exactly WHAT you're trying to do... In particular, WHICH theatre are you trying to replicate...ETO? PTO? MTO? CBI??? Each one would have their own theatre specific plane, ship, vehicle, AAA, and etc object sets. Make no mistake about that -- each theatre is VERY object specific. I'm assuming you've read "Era Specific Install Creation Tutorial" in the KB? http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=19630 that'll give you the basics. As to add on missions, you'll have to learn how to use the 2 or 3 mission creation editors around here....that I can't help with. Missions themsleves, go into the /Mission folder. To fly them: from the main screen, "fly single mission", and you'll 2 tabs on the next screen, whre you select your aircraft, map, time of day, type of mission, etc, you'll see another tab that says "Load Mission" that's how you access the addon. You HAVE read the maunal that comes with the game right??? All that is answered there. wrench kevin stein
  18. Hell yes release that!!!! wrench kevin stein
  19. Moved to the correct forum Remember .... the KB is for ANSWERS only ... not for questions; they go here, in the regular forums. So Please don't post in the KB!!! thank you -------------------------------------------------------- I wasn't aware we had any WW2 single missions to download. Can you be a little more specific??? Please. EDIT: ok, I just went and looked there's Scrapper's sets 'Fallen Angels' You know those are ETO only, right?? Which means you need the ETO map... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6930 wrench kevin stein
  20. Ah! I'd forgotten that! My mistake my apologies! um..disregard my last wrench kevin stein
  21. cute joke about a salesman in Israel

    Oh THAT's funny!!! I remember trying to learn Hebrew for my Bar Mitzvah...the right to left STILL thows me (and no, I can't read it anymore.) wrench kevin stein
  22. It's also a reallly REALLY good idea to NEVER run an add-on executable directly into your game. The ONLY exception is/are the official 3rd Wire patchs. For aircraf like this, or any TMF Product ™ that uses and exe to install, I always run it to a temp folder, then manually add the new files. This prevents the possiblity of anything being overwritten in the install process. A little more work? Yup, it sure it is...but it beats getting things messed up in "new and interesting ways" wrench kevin stein ps: welcome to CA!!!
  23. Version


    Northrop/Horton F-79C "Manta" for SF/WoV/WoE and maybe WoI & SF2 For Post-Patch (9/08 & 10/08) Installs ONLY A "What If..." aircraft for the early Cold War.... This is a mod of Pasko's Ho-229 into a "What If" aircraft for the immeadate Post-War/Cold War period of 1948-1955. This is a complete aircraft mod, containing everything needed to just unzip and fly. Some weapons and, of course, a new pilot figure will need installing, but that's a pretty simple matter. The skin, created from new 1024x1024 templates, is based off the original WW2 Luftwaffe one, and has completly redrawn panel and rivet lines. All new decals representing a ficitonal USAF unit, 54th FIW, are included for 38 aircraft. These are the standard 'buzz numbers' and serial numbers as seen on USAF aircraft of the time period. Period style lighting has been added; running and ID lights, and a landing light. The cockpit, while based off the A-4B, has been extensively edited to make use of the new coding in post-08-patches for the "OpenCockpit", as has the data ini. This allows the external model's canopy frame to work for us. If attempting to use in a pre-patch install, you'll need to make all sorts of adjustments, and even I don't remember them all. Suffice it to say, it's built for post patch -- keep it that way. A new "WoE-style" hangar screen has been created for this aircraft. Also included are an illustrated Word doc and a pdf with the "What If..." historical notes. Damage tgas are here as well, just in case you happen to get shot up.... This mod is designed for use with, I'm hoping, ANY weapons pak. You may just need to add a few things. If you've already added the weapons provided from another mod or weapons pak, you need not add them again. = IMPORTANT: This aircraft has been tested in Post-Patch SF/WoV/WoE/WoI. Be advised of the existence of some handling issues prevelant in WW2 era and many Pre-Patch (ie: 06 level) aircraft. Fly accordingly!!! It should also work in SF2 and later iterations - this has NOT been tested, however. As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein (this should actually go under "Cold War Aircraft", but there isn't a category for Fictional/What Ifs in there ... so, here it is)
  24. And with that, ladies and getilemen, I'm going to un-sticky this and let it drift away....so all you in the General Populace ™ can be utterly amazed, astounded and awed when the finished project is released (whenever that is ) Wrench kevin stein

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