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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Indian Hunter vs Pakistani F-6 (the one going down in flames) Man, them 30mm DO tear s**t UP!!!!! (also, please ignore the tiling screw up -- I have to redo those. I promise! and ignore the 'white thingy' at the bottom center) wrench kevin stein
  2. AH-64 - WIP F-117 Nighthawk - available in ODS mod Commanche - not planned that I know of wrench kevin stein
  3. For those not seeing this in the Missions and Campaigns Forum, I posted some "adjustments" for the MiG-17PFU, in respect to it's add-on radar nose. This makes use of FastCargo's Fake Pilot tweek, and will now have the nose show up on parked aircraft.... Instructions Follow: Well, that weren't so hard...excepting my stupid typo on missiles ... couldn't get them to load as forgot that install is using an updated (post-patch) bunypak, and the Alkalis use the RS designation, NOT the AA-1B . don't forget to add FC "FakePilot" bits!!!! so.... add this to the ]AircraftData[ section. This will remove the port side cannon barrels... in the Nose section, leave the callout for RadarStation alone. in the Pilot section, add this: in the weapons/hardpoint section use this (notice the commented OUT radar station, and renumbered hardpoints) the outer Alkali stations (left/right 2) MAY have the missiles a bit to far aft (approx 0.10; could read as 1.86,1.40,-0.41), you can adjust to taste. new, adjusted loadout ini, with commented out radar bubble. Please note, this is with the old bunypak. If you use this in anyother pak you might want to rename the missile TypeName= in the weaponsdata ini back to AA-1 and AA-1B. Adjust your loadout ini accordingly the screenie below is what it looks like in game. I'm sure the same setting for the nose can be used on the 17PF and 17PF (SP-16). Other than the damn bort numbers decals ..... but that's another story Any interest in the 17PF and 17PF (SP-16) tweeking along these same lines? wrench kevin stein
  4. weeeeelll...yeah, they could come down a tidge. maybe drop them down to 0.38. it's still not quite 'peaked and tweeked' yet. Nice catch though!! But the cockpit view is good...you can see the missile on the pylon. Using the Mago/Paladrin PFM pit with no other tweeks than the usual positioning etc (ini is in the original paks I uploaded) wrench kevin stein
  5. is there a 'spacing adjutment' --don't know what else to call it... in the brush drop down? like below...mind you, this is PS6 anti-alising checked will give a 'fuzzy' arond each dot. with it unchecked, it's be sharp and square wrench kevin stein
  6. here ya go, my brother... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=9323 It's pretty basic; it left off the first step of adding via text edit that I showed above. But other than that, that's pretty much it. wrench kevin stein
  7. I'll get started on them today or tommorrow. I'll upload update packs, which will bacically just be inis. Probably inlcude the nose bubbles just in case, for those poor benighted individuals that don't have them. And make it just a hair easier for the SF2 users. wrench kevin stein
  8. and thank YOU for your support!! wrench kevin stein
  9. Could this be the official Combat Ace shirt

    O M G !!!!! I'll take one in gray, and the lime green for the wife. For some peculiar reason, Pat just lloooooves lime green.... we must have them, our prescious!!! wrench kevin stein
  10. yeah...that skin will look good on a HAF version, too!!! I MUST have other books on the 102 around here someplace..... wrench kevin stein
  11. My pleasure!!! In fact, the original reason Dave made me a Moderator, was to watch-dog the KB; try to keep it up to date, edit, and generaly create some semblance of chaos , er...order out of it. As with all things, it's very much a work in progress, and I DO fall behind in keeping things up. fer instance, I just updated the "What Available" listing in the First Section; which needs updating again with the relase of the Comet tank... wrench kevin stein
  12. fission weapons have 'never gone out of style', as they say. Fission = tactical or battlefield nukes (ala B-61 types) Fusion = city killers Rright! You need a fission EXPLOSION to triger the fusion IMPLOSION, to force the nuclei together at the pressures and temptures necessary to begin the fusion process. Unlike the Sun (or other stars) we tend to lack the gravity and pressures necessary at standard Terran sea-level Which is another reason the 'uranium-gun type' (Little Boy) bombs fell out of favor for the 'spherical' implosion devices (Fat Man), IIRC I think they also got better yeilds, which are adjustable. somewhere in my favorites, I had a link to all the Bikini/Eniwetok tests ... fascinated and VERYYYYYY frightening. btw, anyone know where I can find some Xerox timers???? I need about a hundred of them...oh, and some plutonium. It's for my Delorian, of course... wrench kevin stein
  13. Consider these as 'generic steps' in adding a weapon. It come right from the readme for a F-89 Scorpion mod I did. When weapons need adding n any mod I do, such instructions are always included.... REMEMBER .. this is JUSt an example. And is covered QUITE fully in several posts in our Conviently Located Knowledge Base If you wish, I'll provide a link to the illustrated "using the weapons editor'' turorial. Many times, such things DO help!! (hell, I needed it the first meself!!) wrench kevin stein
  14. KB, you should have seen the post before I edited myself .... I keep forgetting that Moderators MUST "maintain an even strain". Of coures, NOT everyone here (well, those well under 30) remember the Nuclear Damoclean Sword that hung over our heads for most of our lifetimes.... one of my earliest memories (being born in 1957...) was that Fall of 1961 (?? or 62?? --hell, I was only 4 or 5), with my parents scrambling around --and this in Los Angeles mind you, far from the 'scene of the action-- putting together an 'emergency kit' and the little pamphlet from Civil Defense "How to Survive a Nuclear War", iirc the title correctly, because some nut-case parked a few dozen missles just off the southeastern coast. Things like that tend to taint one's memories... and I was lousey at physics, too....bad math skills wrench kevin stein
  15. I belive they were removed by their creator some time ago. wrench kevin stein
  16. 1flight1: methinks some basic physics classes are in order. and of course, there's always google.... fission - the splitting of atoms, with the resultant release of energy fussion - the joing of atoms, with the ruslutant release of energy research project: Manhattan Project, and Edward Tellar in his quest fo the 'super bomb' (see also, Bikini Atoll) wrench kevin stein
  17. Mabye some decals you can use in here.... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7560 save you a little bit of work, for one squadron anyway. wrench kevin stein
  18. There's also a recent update to Buny's Destroyer I did sometime last year; check the downloads section. I disremember if it under skins or aircraft (as its mostly decals and ini upgrades -cockpit, loadouts, etc) wrench kevin stein
  19. Turely an unexpected surprise! There's a show on the cable channel "The Military Channel" over here, called "Tank Overhaul", and they recently did one on the Comet. thanks RebelRyder!! Wrench kevin stein ps: any chance for an M-109 Paladin SPG????
  20. moved to the proper Fourm please DON'T post in the KB!!! thank you! wrench kevin stein
  21. I take it that book helped??? looking good Pete now, we just need a "Happy Holligans' skin!! (to match the Scropion) wrench kevin stein
  22. Well, that weren't so hard...excepting my stupid typo on missiles ... couldn't get them to load as forgot that install is using an updated (post-patch) bunypak, and the Alkalis use the RS designation, NOT the AA-1B . don't forget to add FC "FakePilot" bits!!!! so.... add this to the ]AircraftData[ section. This will remove the port side cannon barrels... in the Nose section, leave the callout for RadarStation alone. in the Pilot section, add this: in the weapons/hardpoint section use this (notice the commented OUT radar station, and renumbered hardpoints) the outer Alkali stations (left/right 2) MAY have the missiles a bit to far aft (approx 0.10; could read as 1.86,1.40,-0.41), you can adjust to taste. new, adjusted loadout ini, with commented out radar bubble: the screenie below is what it looks like in game. I'm sure the same setting for the nose can be used on the 17PF and 17PF (SP-16). Other than the damn bort numbers..... I also have the 19PM without gun barrels too.. wrench kevin stein
  23. Ajundar's EE Canberras; several variants in the downloads section. wrench kevin stein
  24. Agreed, the nose Bort numbers being the major draw-back on using the Pasko/MadCaddie mods. You can always do what I did; move the decal aft a bit, and reduce it in size. Won't look "all and proper", but at least something will be there. also, I think the psd template for the Izumrud nose skin is in one or all of the mods (possibly even the EAF one for WoI). If it's not around, let me know if anyone wants it. wrench kevin stein
  25. A more important consideration, is where are the Runway 4's placed (ie: LARGE_RUNWAY) in the targets ini, as they all pretty much need those. IIRC, US B-52s would be coming form England, Iceland or even the States. Same for B-47s. Anything else (B-57, B-66) might be considered 'tactical air', and be based on the Continent and/or England I discount the use of the Hustler, as it's service life was short, and more in the "stargetic"* nuclear role wrench kevin stein * and old joke, based upon my misspelling of 'strategic'

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