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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Here ya go Pete; even zipped it's about 85 megs (no, I'm NOT kidding!! --pdfs don't seem to compress much) http://wrench1smog.com/books/f102_in_europe.zip i'll leave it up over the weekend for anyone else that might want it too wrench kevin stein
  2. Those are great Pete!! If it any help to you, I have the pdf of Squad/Signals "F-102 in USAFE", if you need it. wrench kevin stein
  3. The skin mapping on that one is horrendeous, to say nothing of LOD issues. If I may suggest, perhaps Pakos's 17PFU and MadCaddie's mods ; of which I've done a few 'upgrades' to (PF, PF SP-16 and the PFU - the first 2 with working a-a rocket pods). All available here at CA. with a little tweeking, I think the Izumrud nose could be added as a pilot seat, as opposed to the 'weapon station' (ie: 0 strength jammer) it is now. That way, it'll show up on parked aircraft and you have the advantage of using the stock 3W MiG-17 with all the proper skins, damage bmps/tgas, etc wrench kevin stein
  4. Which one? The original or my Upgrade?? Major Lee's original was designed for the Desert cat only, as that's all we had at the time* The Upgrade version can be used with any version of the game; which is why I included a HIGHLY detailed, step by step installation section, giving all the info necessary info on cat pointer selection. I try to make things as easy as possible for folks ... wrench kevin stein edit: * actaually, it CAN be used with any, just select the proper cat, as you've already done
  5. Firecans are not only in ODS, but in ASW, DBS, SoCal, Libya, Isreal2 and butt-load of other 'modern-ish' terrain mods I've done with thanks to FastCargo for creating it ~18 months ago wrench kevin stein
  6. Hey Stretch, have you looked here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=20789 right in the KB!! Now, lets seem some flying Migs! wrench kevin stein
  7. No, sorry. it wasn't me. Wasn't it that anti-eco political techno freak dude?? what the hell was his name??? I'd LIKE to lay claim to internet p0rn, but beat out on that, too. Somedays, ya just can't win!!! wrench kevin stein
  8. not until, unfortunately, I get done with the Indo-Pak mod. there's still a lot to do with this map .... like targetization, movements ini (as there's not front line or truck/ship routes) lots of tiling fixes and etcs. hopefully, by the end of the year wrench kevin stein
  9. Hmmm...considering I wrote the tutorial, as I "invented" the thing.... Odd that's is not. BUT.. it is now!!! http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=39810 (as I just added it, as per yer re-quest) enjoy! Wrench kevin stein
  10. Adding an Audio-Only RWR

    This is a simple edit to add an audio-only RWR to ANY aircraft, regardless if it has a radar or not. It works the same for them, as well. In this example, I'll be adding it to the existing F-100D. You'll need to following data to create a new ***_AVIONICS.INI with. Don't worry about the call-out for the actual RWR gauge...trust me, this works! You'll also need the rwr bmp from an existing aircraft, to be added to the cockpit folder of the bird being modded. The easiset one's to use are the F-4E, F-4J or A-4F's, as they'll (sometimes) already exist in the /cockpit folder. If not, just extract them using the Cat Extractor Utility and pull them from the object.cat. PLEASE NOTE: if the aircraft you're working on does NOT have a /Cockpit folder, you'll have to create one. 1) Place the rwr bmp of choice into the /cockpit folder. 2) Copy/Paste the data below into a blank notepad sheet save as "F-100D_AVIONICS.INI" in your /F-100d's main folder with all the other inis. 3) Open the F-100d.ini, and add the following lines: AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll AvionicsDataFilename=F-100D_AVIONICS.INI This allows the game engine to 'see' the new data. Save the ini, also in the main folder. Also, in the aircraft's data ini, in the DetectSystem section near the top, you might want to stick this line at the bottom, thusly (example is also from the F-100D) This will allow your wingmates to have it as well. On an interesting sidenote, if you extract a frech copy of the Hun's data ini from a post-patch install, that line already exists, but it set to FALSE, so change it to TRUE. One may also expect to find something similiar for the A-4B and possible the F-104G -- Data to be copied/pasted for your new avionics ini: If you have Mago's superb MiG-21 pit, you already should have the Mig RWR sounds for the Serina-type warning systems. You can easily change the sound pointers, and use the above information for any Red Air birds that you want to add this to. Change the "TrackSound=" and "LockSound=" lines to read: TrackSound=MiGTrack.wav LockSound=MiGLock.wav Now your Soviet/Warsaw Pact birds will have a warning device as well. Be advised, however, you'll still have to be looking around for SAMs or A-A missiles, as there is no directional indicator. It dosen't differentitate between ground based or airborne radar threats. Remeber, This Works for Radar Threats -ONLY!!. It won't give you any warning for infra-red guided weapons!!! That does it! Remember: keep your head on a swivel, and KEEP WATCHING THE SKIES!!!! with thanks to CoopF4 for reminding me about the HasRWR= line in the data inis!! Wrench Kevin J. Stein
  11. a little oopsy...since this IS a screenshot thread.... Defender of the Faith wrench kevin stein
  12. vampyre: those flags and that sign looks awfully familiar!! Also just noticed I used the wrong US flag...that one only has 48 stars..damnit!!! Should have 49, what with the existence of the Republic of Texas (well, at least in that alternate world..) great skin, btw!! wrench kevin stein
  13. Confusing

    Still not using the "Weapons Fixes Threads" in the KB I see..... you'll still need to double and triple check EACH aircraft's data ini for the weapons stations AttachmentType= line. To say nothing of each and everyone of their loadout inis.... If using the TMF pak (which, afaik, is NOT for WoV) they're attachement types match the stock 3W versions. But sometimes, the aircraft themselves STILL need the occasional tweek; to wit- the addition of SOVIET to WP (as in it reads "AttachmentType=WP,SOVIET" if using the Bunypak, follow the instructions I posted in the aforementioned threads wrench kevin stein
  14. there's a major part of your problem RIGHT there!! you ALWAYS patch first, THEN install weapons and other mods wrench kevin stein
  15. for the nose mounted rockets, you can use the "cheat" like I did for the Scropions/MiG-17P/PF ... it's a little more ini work, but they AI will actually fire them ...don't hit much, but they will shoot! wrench kevin stein
  16. For those not finding, or are looking for, new GroundObjects, http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...s&showcat=7 Object Mods section, you'll find all the various and sundry tanks, trucks, SAMs, AAA, ships, horses, donkeys, camels, chickens, cows, sheep and of course, the cursed ever-present eels Now, it we just had the Atomic Moth.....I'd be happy wrench kevin stein
  17. Propably because it's a PURE interceptor, totally optimized for the Air-to-Air mission. Therefore, no A-G ordanance can be (or should even be attempted to be) loaded (as with the P/PF mods that I did as well, and the common or garden variety PFU) wrench kevin stein
  18. TMF's weapons pak --either one depending on which game you want it for... the 9/08 version is for WoI, and the 1/09 version is for WoE wrench kevin stein
  19. known falut with almost all helos, post patch. I can't remember exactly, but down somwhere in the data ini you'll find 'rotor diameter' Reduce it to 8 meters or less (or is it 6???) Try 8, and see. wrench kevin stein
  20. Nuts!! I never did anwer you're PM...sorry Jake!! here's my loadout ini for the F-84G, right from my Korean War install (bunypak, 06 patch) and the weapons stations from the data ini...I don't think they're changed... I've got the Schiffer book (an ACTUAL book, not pdf) on the F-84s. With the max load shown in the pics above, they'd need JATO/RATO to get airborne, and their range was severly restricted I've never used the F84_Trple_rack on anything but the swept wing F version. I'm sure a little tweeking could add it to the straight-winged variants. wrench kevin stein
  21. are you missing a tga in folder?? in mine, along with the 2 skin folder (this being the TMF version, not the older Pakso one, although they should pretty much be the same, iirc) Hawk_PAR.ini Hawk_PAR_Data.ini Hawk_Destroyed.lod Hawk_Par.LOD radar.tga in the skins folder: HawkLauncher.bmp texturset.ini and objects 'disappear' or de-spawn in a guestimated radius from the players aircraft ... pfunk and I figured it's between 25 - 50 km from your aircraft. So, yes, sometimes, if you're using the f12 free camera to check target placements, nothing will showup that's a GroundObject. Terrainobjects (buildings and such) seem to always be in the way. What's cool is to watch a ship in port, and have it 'pop' out of existence, or if you know the location and are headed that way, jummping ahead in free-camera, and watch it 'pop' into existence. Like it got beamed in via a trasnporter. For SAM insanity, try the Israel2 map during the 73 War ... at one count it was 100 SAMs in the air...talk about killing frame rates! wrench kevin stein
  22. PB4Y-2 Privateer ... I always liked that one. Had the pilots manual when I was a kid. Good for those long, boring uneventful overwater flights, turning avgas into noise. wrench kevin stein
  23. Did you look in the KB??? "Intermediate Modding/Adding Weapons" read the first 2 or 3 posts in the Bunyap Thread. The answers are there. wrench kevin stein
  24. Yup, making the Bad Guys CFIT is VERY cool!!! wrench kevin stein

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