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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. File Name: Weapons Pak for WW2 Installs File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 19 Mar 2009 File Category: Weapon Packs WW2 Weapons Pak: for SF/WoV/WoE FOR USE -ONLY- IN INSTALLS PATCHED TO 10/2006 LEVELS!!! Since there seems to have been a small upsurge in interest in WW2-based installs of the 3rd Wire series, and a distinct lack of a 'dedicated' weapons pack for such usage, this is a project that I'd been working on for some time, albeit very slowly. It is based off the '06 Bunyap Pak, pared down to the bare bone with ALL other weapons removed that have a start date later than 1950. I've tried to include everything I could find that fits this era, and without a doubt probably missed a few. You can search out and add any of the missing items, if any, yourselves. OOTH, I've probably left in a few 'era inappropiate' devices as well. As their service dates are beyond the time limit of WW2, they should create no interferences. As was with the BunyPak, all the weapons are 'nationalized' to the best of my ability, to the WW2 Nations ini. You'll have the usual suspects, Nazi Germany, Japanese Empire, RAF (ie:UK), France, USAF, USN, etc. Please note that WW2 Italy uses Luftwaffe weapons, as no one has ever created any RA specific types. It is designed to cover all the WW2 Theaters of Operation: PTO (including Southeast Asia), MTO, ETO (incuding all WW2 Soviet in case the Eastern Front ever open up), and some allied nations, for both sides. Included is also a GunData.ini and GunData.dat that should contain ALL the guns, from all eras, most expecially all the large caliber naval guns for the battleships and such like. As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. These instructions are CRITICAL to installation, so it's suggested you REALLLLLY read them through. Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  2. You can also do it this way (this of off the F-4N) wrench kevin stein
  3. The Knowledge Base is for answers....not questions, so I've moved this to the relevant forum. You might want to look in the "Things You Need to Update Thread" in the KB....the change in weapons editors has been discussed at great length. wrench kevin stein
  4. Did you even READ the readme???? Or the very first line in the release statement above? Over the last year or so, it's been covered and covered and covered and re-coverd....ALL the WW2 aircraft need major overhauls to their data ini for use with WoI, and postpatch SF/WoV/WoE. Those types of installs are NOT reccomended. The WW2 aircraft are NOT reccomended for use in postpatch SF/WoE/WoV and most certainly in WoI. New parameters were intruduced that really mess up the flight models; everything from exploding on the runway at mission start, to inveted flat spins when you least expect. wrench kevin stein
  5. Believe me brother, when it comes to targetization of a terrain (and theres soooo examples to choose from), you're talking to the expert!! Which reminds me.... do we want signs to the go with the flags??? Wrench kevin stein
  6. I feel for ya, Brother Atreides! Feburary marked 2 years I been unemployed, too. Well, as far as I'm concerned, the terrain will be usable in ANY version (excepting I can't test in SF2, as I ain't got it --may need a volenteer for that). Like all terrain mods I do, I test with all the Original Three Terrain Cats ™. Aircraft should be no problem, as they're either 3rd Party (like the Marut, Gnat, Sea Harrier Mk.51, the SeaHawks) or use stock lods (FitterA and all the Fishbeds, F-6/Mig19) Some ground objects (vehicles) will probably have to be aftermarket - don't we have a 3rd Party T-72?? M4 and M50/51 shermans, there's some Chinese tanks readily available, Centurion, etc. Some ships, maybe -- I'd love to have the container ship docked at Karachi harbor, but nobody can get ahold of Kesselbrut, who did it for the falklands mod (and I need it for the Central America map, too). Indian navy ships, we're missing Vikrant; Hinch has some frigates/DDs in the downloads section .. SAMs and AAA are no problem. Mabye we can mod Albion back into Vikrant???? ------- anyway, here's some promised screenies.... Paki F-6 departs Sam Ungli (which needs repositioning a little further east) Using my 1024 "medium rez skin), and the original decals by ghostrider883 IAF Type 96 -- using the "wp,soviet' attachments -- no problems so far with the weapons I've been adding!! as a stand-alone WepPak, it give much more latitude in "adjustments" as to who gets what! Wrench kevin stein
  7. I'm working on that, too....and making veeeeerrrrrrrrryyyyyy slow progress. What I'm thinking, and trying to do, is use more 'stock' items and some TMF items, and as few of the old stuff as possible. Since India is aligned as ENEMY (sorry Sandesh! ), maybe going to more Soviet weapons, exported, than trying to update and create the folder for the HAL builds. I'm still experimentating with this, as I keep getting a "missileobject.dll" ctd after importing the HAL built weapons. This may simply be caused by NOT having the lods, bmps and inis in the game install. There is just a butt-load of these HALs to add...so it's slow going.... I'm also thinking a dedicated Indo-Pak install; it will greatly simplify things (this is what I did yesturday -- it's amazing how fast a striped down game loads!! My all-is-everything install takes soo long to start, the screen saver comes up!!! ) Also need to figure out why my city tod buildings are not showing....oh, and I moved Karachi city over to the coast where it belongs. I'll try to have a 'basic' map for you guys by the weekend, replacing what Big D sent us (some retiling, and etc) wrench kevin stein
  8. Thank the gods!!! Something to replace that crappy "PilotER" I did sooooo long ago!! wrench kevin stein
  9. Simple answer, without listing the myriad differences and difficulties: No. and yes, we DO have trains. They just don't move (ie: train stations with parked/docked engines and various cars) wrench kevin stein
  10. It's the BLT's B-Day!

    s**t!!! How the hell did I miss this post!!! Well, damnit!! Happy Brithday Dave!!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  11. Ok..been working on creating a seperate stand-alone Indo-Pak install for WoE (for the last 5 hours)...been collecting aircraft, skins and one thing bothers me... Where the heck is the Toofani skin!!!????? I distinctly remember seeing one 4 or 5 years ago..... also, updated howling1s Su-7BMK to full post-pacth levl, and added the Fitter pit by boopidoo (?) It's MUCH better now!! Ground objects are going to be interesting, as they will need 'nationalization' for probably both india and pakistan -- which is just a few simple ini edits...but finding what year which Sherman variant was used is gonna be a job of work!! oh, and the Vikrant seem to be missing from the d/l section ... For the seahawk 101 (with the Ekco radar pod), how do you all feel about using the F-86D pit to 'stand-in'??? Since it's radar equipped and all also, is there more information about early 50s PAF stuff?? btw, the B-24J is by Pasko wrench kevin stein
  12. also might want to conver to jpg...reduces server space and download times wrench kevin stein
  13. good list! I know there's an IAF skin for the oragon somewhere (or decals at least), AND there's my home-grown 1024x1024 templates in the Salvadoran version I just uploaded, so the rez can upped. I also have a home made template for ADs Hunter, if anyone has a need of it. Been fiddling with the Paki F-6; tried to get the pylons mounted via the 'fake pilot method', but it didn't work -- or at least I couldn't fiddlate the positions correctly, so I upgraded the pylons to a 0 strength jammer, and mounted them the 'old fashioned way' as a weapon; as originally done. I also upgraded the NM skin from my 1024 templates. I'll get a screenie up later today. As to weapons, GR mentioned all the nationalized versions in the bunypak; if you all want, I can start assembling them folder fashion for the postpatch world. I've already run that whole install trhough the patch5 level weapons editor, so they'r pretty much set. wrench kevin stein
  14. My bad! It should mention it in the readme, but if I've forgotten, it's the P-51D-30 from Wolf's ww2 planes pak; it's in our downloads section, WW2 Aircraft ... Same for the FG-1D corsair (it's really a F4U-1) wrench kevin stein
  15. File Name: Darwin (WW2) Update Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 21 Aug 2008 File Category: Terrains Darwin (WW2) Terrain Upgrade: For WW2 PTO mods SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY- This mod is a relatively simple upgrade to Edward's WW2 Darwin terrain. What I've done is added LOTS of new targets to the existing target areas, and replaced at least one airfield, on each side, with a repainted "desert airfiled 1", which is now a medium dirt runway. The 'new' target areas are enhancements of already existing ones -- I've just added some more things here and there to make it look a little more populated. There are a couple of new parked planes, based of existing ones, hex-edited and reskinned for their proper users. This is a fairly 'target rich' environment -- there are plenty of items for strike and anti-shipping missions. It is also fairly well defended - so watch out for the flak. It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, using their cats pointed to in the main ini. As the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line, or down below for full instructions) New planning maps (all 3) have been created; only the #3 map has the cities listed on it, to keep #1 & 2 fairly 'clean'. You MUST have ALL the Pacific Objects (ground units, ships, AAA, infantry, etc) already installed in you PTO version of the game; otherwise things won't be appearing. This is especially important for the ships -- make sure you have the barges (get both, they're needed in the GO folder), the Liberty ship, and all warships, both Allied and Japanese. Don't forget to check Geo's page for more WW2 goodies ... there's a lot of stuff that's usable (and used!) here as well. Hinchbrooke has some very nice Royal Navy battleships. <wink> However, you DO get a new PT Boat. The lods and skin bmps come from Edwards Solomons Terrain; I just built an half-assed data ini for it to add one more little ship. It is also reccomended that you have installed CA_Stary's WW2 hangars and buildings. They have a nice worn green wood-ish texture, and look really good in the PTO theatre! I have, also, included the original data ini with it's terrain and water effects activeated (Vista user take note!! -more for you below). I HAVE tested the map with both Brain32's tiles, and CA_Stary's "Green Hell'' mods; it is NOT set up for their use, and if you choose to install either of them, you do so at your own risk (not that anything bad would really happen...). See "Notes and Comments below for more". While they do greatly enhance the visual eye candy, there are several issues due to target placements. As stated above, the data ini has been upgraded to the latest standards. Water effects are active, so Vista users beware...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users". = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST, WW2 NATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST WW2 FORMATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = == MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST WEAPONS PAK FOR THE WW2 WEAPONS!! == Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. In essence, READ the readme!!! Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein yeah, I know it's the same picture as the Original Map upload...you all know me, too lazy to take another screenie! :yes: Click here to download this file
  16. NO!!! you do NOT touch the fraking inis!!! You should have NO need to ever, EVER touch those!!! look in your Options panel, off the games main menu. THIS is what we been talking about!!!! wrench kevin stein
  17. Really, it should generate the parked planes all by itself == I mean, MINE does! Now, I've got mine pointd to the GermanyCE.cat; but post patch the VietnameSEA cat should have all the desertairfield inis included. AND it was tested in all 3 games... At worst, extract the desert airfield inis (like he said), and drop them into the Libya folder. Again, also make sure you're set to UNLIMITED for ground objects, or you won't get all the parked planes and stuff. Addon terrains, for the most part, to NOT usually need them. WW2 airfield would be the exception, but as they SHOULD only be used on pre-08 patch installs, they don't really count (gads!! did I just say that!!!) The cat pointer line in the main ini tells the engine where to look for all the 'terrain objects'. This is right out of the Libya, ver 3.0 FInal main ini: all the cats are listed; I don't understand why you're STILL not getting the parked planes. I've even played with upping the ParkingChance= percentage, but it don't seem to do anything wrench kevin stein
  18. Dman! I don't have the walkarounds on pdf in my collection; I have the 'fighting colors' for the Fishbed, if that'll help. Disrecall if it has any Indian AF stuff, though. also, chek PMs guys btw, which map ARE we workin on??? I used deuces... wrench kevin stein ps: mike, I'm going to sticky this, so it don't gets lost, then edit out all the unnecessary BS posts, to keep in on track, if that's ok with you.
  19. If its mapped the same as TMFs, you can ask bpao if they'll shoot you the templates. Or (and this is much more work), if the mapping stays the same, generate 'home-made' templates off the original skin. I've done this LOTs of times. I still need to do up a bunch more tiles; I've got (almost) all the sea sea/land transition tiles converted/edited/adjusted so the water effects are working. I missed a few, and it looks funny....Repositioned some airfields last night, so they're in the center of the cleared zones. I still need to look at the cities themselves; there are no TOD with buildings, trees, etc. Some of these lower slopes would be covered with forests, at least in a few pictures I saw yesturday in researching Indaian army mechs. The MOUNTAINS!!!! are just spectacular!!!!! wrench kevin stein
  20. It was removed at the request of it's author, and is no longer available. There are, however, substitues. You'll just have to look around for them Wrench kevin stein
  21. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=29675 wrench kevin stein
  22. Everyone, all together.... "The Knowledge Base is your Friend!!! the information you seek is there.... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry263932 "and the colored girls sing.. do da-do use the knowledgebase, do da-do use the knowledgebase..." wrench kevin stein
  23. It seems that folks can never find this Fix, so I'm re-posting it, in EVERY ONE of the KB main Forums, in the hopes people can acutally find it and use it. This will tell you how to change to 'year spread' of the game; making it cover a wider range of calendar years, and not having to mess with aircraft data ini service years, which should NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER!!!! be messed with. The ServiceYear= of an aircraft should only be adjusted when you are, 1) creating a 'nation specific' version that has carved in stone, hard data service years, or 2) correcting a mistake in said service dates That's covered in another thread in the KB, and not truely relevant here. Ok, there are 2 files you need to tweek for expanding the available years in ANY of the 3rd Wire games. Options.ini Singlemission.ini Options ini is found in the root directory of your game ie: assuming the standard install path, C:/ProgramFiles/StrateyFirst/StrikeFighters or C:/ProgramFiles/WingsOverVietnam or C:/ProgramFiles/WingsOverEurope or C:/ProgramFiles/WingsOverIsreal (should be the same for SF2, and later iterations) Open the options ini in any text editor; notepad works really good, and scroll down until you find these entries: StartYear= EndYear= There'll be 3 of them, one in each of the entries for SingleMission, DogFightHost and CoOpMission Change the start and end years; I use at least a 100 year spread, due to having several WW2 installs. So, it can look something like this for your normal, jets install: If you have aircraft pre-dating these years, use the entries below (this will include ALL WW2 style aircraft): Plenty of leeway there, doncha think???? Save and Close the Options ini. Now, using the Cat Extractor, available here at CA in the Downloads/Utilities section, open the MissionData.Cat, and extract the SingleMission.ini. Remember, the extractor always puts the extracted file into the folder where the cat it's pulled from resides. In this case, it'll be in the /Flight folder. This is were THIS particular extracted file will now reside until, well, the End of Time!! Open the SingleMission ini, and you'll see this: This is also another nice little tweek: Note, this is my modified one. Also, look at the TargetValues section; these have also been modified, so you'll have a wider variety of targets, based on values assigned in each terrain's **_types.ini. The targets are assigned randomly in single missions, and semi-randomly/partly scripted in campaigns. So, in some missions, you might find yourself being tasked against a high value target such as a HQ building, or something as lowly as a single tent. Save and close the SingleMission.ini That's it...your done! Go Fly!! Wrench kevin stein
  24. It seems that folks can never find this Fix, so I'm re-posting it, in EVERY ONE of the KB main Forums, in the hope people can acutally find it and use it. This will tell you how to change to 'year spread' of the game; making it cover a wider range of calendar years, and not having to mess with aircraft data ini service years, which should NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER!!!! be messed with. The ServiceYear= of an aircraft should only be adjusted when you are, 1) creating a 'nation specific' version that has carved in stone, hard data service years, or 2) correcting a mistake in said service dates That's covered in another thread in the KB, and not truely relevant here. Ok, there are 2 files you need to tweek for expanding the available years in ANY of the 3rd Wire games. Options.ini Singlemission.ini Options ini is found in the root directory of your game ie: assuming the standard install path, C:/ProgramFiles/StrateyFirst/StrikeFighters or C:/ProgramFiles/WingsOverVietnam or C:/ProgramFiles/WingsOverEurope or C:/ProgramFiles/WingsOverIsreal (should be the same for SF2, and later iterations) Open the options ini in any text editor; notepad works really good, and scroll down until you find these entries: StartYear= EndYear= There'll be 3 of them, one in each of the entries for SingleMission, DogFightHost and CoOpMission Change the start and end years; I use at least a 100 year spread, due to having several WW2 installs. So, it can look something like this for your normal, jets install: If you have aircraft pre-dating these years, use the entries below (this will include ALL WW2 style aircraft): Plenty of leeway there. Save and Close the Options ini. Now, using the Cat Extractor, available here at CA in the Downloads/Utilities section, open the MissionData.Cat, and extract the SingleMission.ini. Remember, the extractor always puts the extracted file into the folder where the cat it's pulled from resides. In this case, it'll be in the /Flight folder. This is were THIS particular extracted file will now reside until, well, the End of Time!! Open the SingleMission ini, and you'll see this: This is also another nice little tweek: Note, this is my modified one. Also, look at the TargetValues section; these have also been modified, so you'll have a wider variety of targets, based on values assigned in each terrain's **_types.ini. The targets are assigned randomly in single missions, and semi-randomly/partly scripted in campaigns. So, in some missions, you might find yourself being tasked against a high value target such as a HQ building, or something as lowly as a single tent. Save and close the SingleMission.ini That's it...your done! Go Fly!! Wrench kevin stein
  25. 800 Squadron, FAA Sea Hurricane 1 (Eagle, perhaps???? Indomitable?? ) looking it over, I'd say it ok. I've only got 12 serial numbers made, so if more decals are needed.... it shouldn't take too long to whip them out (decal bleed on starboard side is only fixable with a new lod -- it has some open meshes) wrench kevin stein

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