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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. File Name: F-84E Template Set File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 23 Feb 2009 File Category: Skin Templates / Decal Sets Templates Set, Partial for RussoUK's F-84E Thunderjet (straight wing) This is a VERY basic set of mulit-layered templates with redrawn panel lines. Unfortunately, I didn't do any rivet lines ... you all can do that for yourselves. (meaning: when I did these, I hadn't learned HOW to do rivets yet) The are in standard PhotoShop psd format, and include the following sections: Canopy fuselage tankspylon Wings. the other skin bmps that come with the T-Jet: cockpit engine maingear nosegear panel seat wells wheels zerolength do not need repainting. I've left all the layers and such I've created for some skins intact, so you can have a basic idea as to where things go. btw, if anyone DOES up the rivet lines, please update this template set so I can get a copy -- I"m getting lazy in my old age :) Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  2. Version


    Templates Set, Partial for RussoUK's F-84E Thunderjet (straight wing) This is a VERY basic set of mulit-layered templates with redrawn panel lines. Unfortunately, I didn't do any rivet lines ... you all can do that for yourselves. (meaning: when I did these, I hadn't learned HOW to do rivets yet) The are in standard PhotoShop psd format, and include the following sections: Canopy fuselage tankspylon Wings. the other skin bmps that come with the T-Jet: cockpit engine maingear nosegear panel seat wells wheels zerolength do not need repainting. I've left all the layers and such I've created for some skins intact, so you can have a basic idea as to where things go. btw, if anyone DOES up the rivet lines, please update this template set so I can get a copy -- I"m getting lazy in my old age :) Wrench kevin stein
  3. Thanks Ant!!! Been tearing through all my notes and backups and can't find the cursed thing!!! I knew someone would find it, even without me asking! Wrench kevin stein
  4. Sound like the "Beginning and End of Time"* hasn't been changed.... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=27492 amazing what one can find in the KB, isn't it?? Wrench kevin stein *=12/21/2012, according to the Mayans
  5. You're not seeing all the error message...when you get the "send M$ a report" popup, there's ALWAYS a littlle tab that says "to see what this report contains click HERE" -- this goes for ANY CTD that is game generated. that will open a sub-window, and list the dll responsible for the fault. That's the info we need to know. see my post above. re: HeightField data. HINT: extract the data ini from the GermanyCE cat, and compare the top sections to the one in SoCal; that is, everything up to the start of the terrain tile listings. You'll see the differences. a note to EVERYONE: all the terrains I'm working on, excepting those for WW2, are built with the 9/08 & 10/ 10 Post-Patch world in mind. So, if you arn't patched up, you'll have to start learning HOW things work, and how to fix them. Stick: all terrain cats are listed in ALL my terrain mods, just commented out. All the End User ™ needs to do, is READ THE DAMN README, expeically the "Selecting the Proper Terrain Cat" section, and make the necessary edits. Wrench kevin stein
  6. Why not just extract the _types ini for the terrain in question, find the "Shelter3" (and Shelter2) item, and give it a 0 target value?? That way, it'll never show in you "items to strike list" Wrench kevin stein
  7. It's been done already...I just don't know where I put the description notes. Try NOT using a TER as a TER ... Wrench kevin stein
  8. yes and no the cockpit YOU sit in is a seperate physical model (lod) The cockpit seen from the OUTSIDE has to be built INTO the AIRCRAFT's physical model (LOD) Wrench kevin stein
  9. I'll upload what I have tommorrow...mind you, there's no rivets, just panel lines. Wrench kevin stein
  10. You DID read the supplied readme all the way through, yes??? It's also designed for the "post patch world", as it incorporates the latest height field data readout. Stated in the readme: for prepatch use, you'll probably need to be editing out some lines in the data ini, most likely this section: [HeightField] DetailScale=1.0 DetailFrequency=1.0 MaxHeight=1000 MinHeight=0 you also don't mention if you're using XP or Vista ... if unpatched in Vista, makes a difference. Also didn't mention any error messages (if any). 80% is where the engine is loading the terrain objects ... search for missing items in you install. Since you say in unmodded, I'll bet real money you're missin something. WRench kevin stein
  11. I'll have to look...as I've done several "what if" skins for it (ie: a ww2 version). I may have a home-made template (and it'll probably need work too...) Wrench kevin stein
  12. Is that the straight wing or the swept wing??? I can never keep them straight!! Wrench kevin stein
  13. I like it! Now, all we need is a 'Rasberry Ripple' Hunter... Wrench kevin stein
  14. Although a WIP, and therefore shoud be in the "WIP Thread", I want to add discussions to this, whereas up there, it ain't allowed... Stratos' post a few days ago about the Mosquito FACs in Korea got me inspired to finally finish off the decals I'd started early last year. Also, fixed the issue with the aircraft NOT taking off in the post-patch world (and other FM stuff).. So, without further ado... basic aircraft, please ignore the HVARs ... it was an experiment that didn't quite work.. Now, I'd made mention of mapping issues in the rudder mesh. It'll only take a decal (and sometime only partly) on the right side only (ie: mapped single face) So...original positioning: Odd to note, the "US Air Force" is a decal, and it shows, but the serial don't. So, to fix that, we use a totally inaccurate method (meaning non-regulation)...simply move them forward to be only on the fin.. and that works fine! Also, we now have tail lights that move with the rudder... What we don't have is the proper 3-rocket rail. Hence, the appeal to a 3-d modeler. These are about the best shots I could find, from Squad/Signal Texan in Action.. I'll even be very happy to zip up the entire book-on-pdf, and send it to whomever wishes to attempt this. I think new rockets might also bee needed (to say nothing of trying to figure out how to get the smoke marker effect to work - I can't seem to get that straight, either. Having a bad week, I guess ) Also, didn't someone release a better, more accuratly shaped 30 cal gun pod? The one I have don't seem to want to work... meaning it now (post patch) shoots SIDEWAYS!!, and no tracers are seen. Other than the weapons systems, this bird is pretty much ready to go. Even has a WW2 style N-3 gunsight. And it now takes off, without using twice the lenght of a Runway 4 (the LARGE runway) Wrench kevin stein
  15. waitign for rockets and racks On hold at present, until then Wrench kevin stein
  16. Since we're a bit on the short side of freeware naval combatants (and cargo/oilers/other aux craft), I've been going over all my installs to find those types of ships and to see if they can be 'adapted' (ie: meaning creatng a faux version) for post-WW2 usage... (meaning I'm getting damn tired of used the stock Sumner for all destroyers/frigates...) So, going though and locating the following items: KriegDestroyer (maybe Geo???) KriegCruiser KriegFlakDestroyer all from Edward's EAW WW2 Eruo map Anyone know who created them??? With a little repainting, and squinting at ... they might be used to stand in for USN ships of the 50s & 60s (like the cruiser standing in for the later 8in gun types -class name escapes me now) thanks! Wrench kevin stein
  17. HOLY Mackeral!!! That Shinano would be good for any late-ww2 scenario... all we need is a Serian, and you can try to bomb the Mira Flores or Gatun locks (whenever I get the panama map done) Wrench kevin stein
  18. Yah man!! thanks alot Grinch!! These'll also look good on the Mariana's maps too!! Wrench kevin stein
  19. After returning from an uneventuful patorl over the Canal Zone, we were greeting by this startling bit of news.... Wrench kevin stein
  20. The information on 'how to" has also been in the Knowledge Base for several years btw, all caps means you shouting....please try and use regular type. Header edited by me Wrench kevin stein
  21. Paragraph 2 of the readme: From the "To Install" Section: Why do I even bother to write detailed, step-by-step readmes, when nobody seems to use them....???? To say nothing of the extensive "notes and explinations' sections.... Wrench kevin stein
  22. Spinner: you're not using Hinch's "MosEngine.wav"????? Sinner!!!! It's set to use the Hurricane Pilot; but adding new pilots to SF2 since I don't have it.... How would one do it??? Just as always, or into the /users/doc/sF2 folder thingy?? Wrench kevn stein
  23. The Twin Mustang was created by Pasko. I've just done a few mods for it. Wrench kevin stein
  24. Which Scorpion???? There's like 4 different versions I've done..... Wrench kevin stein

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