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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. And DON'T forget to include a readme, telling folks what to do and HOW to do it... Wrench kevn stein
  2. "If it moves, salute it. If it don't move, paint it" can't go far wrong.... Wrench kevin stein
  3. SFP and WOI terrains in FE

    Actually, you could easily bring the FE terrain object over into an imported terrain. You'd just need to extract ALL the terrain objects (lods, bmps, tga and inis) from the Desert, or GermanyCE or VietnamSEA cats, do a copy/paste from the relevant ***_Types.ini; ie from FE into the imported one-- not to forget FE ground objects listings!!! -- and go fly. BUT...(you knew THAT was coming...) You'd need to make all the changes in the ***_targets.ini of the imported terrain which is again, just a simple copy/paste. Time consuming? sure, but not any more so than any other terrain mod Doable? Oh, helll yes!!!! You could even extract the FE airfield lod and bmp, and use those to replace the 'modern' paved runways. The stock runway3 is already a dirt strip...so shouldn't pose any problems. Wrench kevin stein
  4. Fav cooking/chef show

    Kitchen Nightmares for sure, and MOST definately.. Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives makes me want to travel to some of these cites, just to try the resturants. He's done quite a few here in SoCal, including one place in Oceanside (?) that has the wall decorated with Trudigan and Taylor aviation art!!! Wrench kevin stein
  5. Well, yeah, all the original Easter Eggs are still there, plus a few new ones. Although my 'shop' (Wrench's ToolBox Auto Repair) seems to have gone missing under the buildings from the city1.tod...I have to find it and move it... (whilst testing Red Air strike missions last night, I was tasked to destroy the 'Nelson Institute of Marine Research' in Santa Barbara) SM Pier is still here, as is a very high value target (ok, call it "payback being a beeoitch") Bay Shore Bowl, where I used to work (and was fired from...bas***ds!!). And World Famous Pink's Hot Dogs. Debating on weither or not to repurpose one of the Factory buildings as Disney Studios in Burbank...and Disneyland itself is missing* Wish I had the Hollywood sign.... The San Juaquin Valley (ie the WHOLE central part of the map) has been retiled -by hand!!- to more replicate farms. Salton Sea added, Colorado River from Lake Powell (?) to Baja, Kern River in Bakersfield, Fresno Air Terminal added, Lake Tahoe, Reno (destroyed) moved more close to it's real life position. Costal valley from Moro Bay to Vandenberg tiled to farms, Lakes Chachuma, Piru, Castic added...oh man!! What a job of work! Wrench kevin stein * how many remember the movie "The 3 Stooges In Orbit", with the heli-sub-tank, stolen by Martians, with a Death Ray ™ being ordered by the Martian High Command to "hit them where it hurts"....flying over Disneyland??? I love move trivia!!
  6. FC: yarp, my bad! Missed the MovingLight= line Blackbird: If I'm reading the comment correctly, is this along the lines of "the more you overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drains" ?? Or as we used in automotive : KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid!!! That might also be used to for the wing lights on the Thunderwarrior ... I can move them back to the wingtips, and hopefully they'll move with the alerion and variable incidence....hmmm.... Wrench kevin stein
  7. Version


    F-4N Phantom II Updat Pak -- for SF/WoV/WoE/ -maybe-WoI and possibly SF2?? This is a small package of ini to bring the F-4N more up-to-date with the last round of patching. Included are updated data, loadout (more in the notes section on that below), cockpit and avionics ini. The changes are mostly based in the data and loadout inis, bringing them up to spec with to the post-patch world. (ie: updated AI sections and flight models). I've included the main ini (ie: F-4N.ini) as I made a few small changes there as well. Other additions are the inclusion of an on-board ECM suite, with chaff/flares and internal jammer. This has been tested in WoE (my main Laboratory of choice..) As it was originally built for SF, no worries there. WoV should also be no problem. It -should- work in WoI, but you may have to extract the F-4B LODs and SHD, as well as all the F-4J cockpit bits, as I don't believe they're anywere in any of the WoI Object.cats. For SF2 users ... don't know what you to tell ya...you're on your own! But it -should- work, given that the B & J Phantoms already exist in that game. As I'm not a FM Guru, this is mostly based on educated guesswork, but it flys and fights fine for me!! Obviously, you'll need to have the original aircraft to add this update to. It's available at Column 5's site: http://www.column5.us/aircraft2.shtml As you've come to expect, there's detailed install instructions, and an interesting "General Notes" section in the enclosed readme ... so, do yourself a favor, and read the curssed thing!!!! Good Hunting! Wrench kevin stein ps: the VF-111 skin seen in the screenie above is NOT included -in fact, it's just inis! It's a skin from a B model, with a simple edit of the decals ini, and viola! New F-4N skins...details in the readme
  8. I found this, quite accidentely, whilst looking at the Mig-27 for another reason entierely.... AttachedNodeName=outer_wing_L this was in the right/left position lights callouts. They move with the wing sweep. Maybe something like that for the tail light? Wrench kevin stein
  9. File Name: F-4N Phantom II -Update Pak- File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 22 Jan 2009 File Category: F-4 F-4N Phantom II Updat Pak -- for SF/WoV/WoE/ -maybe-WoI and possibly SF2?? This is a small package of ini to bring the F-4N more up-to-date with the last round of patching. Included are updated data, loadout (more in the notes section on that below), cockpit and avionics ini. The changes are mostly based in the data and loadout inis, bringing them up to spec with to the post-patch world. (ie: updated AI sections and flight models). I've included the main ini (ie: F-4N.ini) as I made a few small changes there as well. Other additions are the inclusion of an on-board ECM suite, with chaff/flares and internal jammer. This has been tested in WoE (my main Laboratory of choice..) As it was originally built for SF, no worries there. WoV should also be no problem. It -should- work in WoI, but you may have to extract the F-4B LODs and SHD, as well as all the F-4J cockpit bits, as I don't believe they're anywere in any of the WoI Object.cats. For SF2 users ... don't know what you to tell ya...you're on your own! But it -should- work, given that the B & J Phantoms already exist in that game. As I'm not a FM Guru, this is mostly based on educated guesswork, but it flys and fights fine for me!! Obviously, you'll need to have the original aircraft to add this update to. It's available at Column 5's site: http://www.column5.us/aircraft2.shtml As you've come to expect, there's detailed install instructions, and an interesting "General Notes" section in the enclosed readme ... so, do yourself a favor, and read the curssed thing!!!! Good Hunting! Wrench kevin stein ps: the VF-111 skin seen in the screenie above is NOT included -in fact, it's just inis! It's a skin from a B model, with a simple edit of the decals ini, and viola! New F-4N skins...details in the readme Click here to download this file
  10. Easy, simple answer: rebuild the LOD from scratch. So, don't expect it ever happen. Unless, of course, some 3d guy has nothing else to do... beside, AAR don't work in this game, so why bother??? Wrench kevin stein
  11. ...and Hell's coming with me Wrench kevin stein
  12. Convair 880??? Wrench kevin stein
  13. See...I told you guys the object scaling is off in the game...but noooo...nobody believed me!! Well, now ya gots proof!!! Wrench kevin stein
  14. Yarp, just like I said above! I even recall the damage tgas being available as a seperate d/l at one point... might even be around here, if someone has the gumption to look for them Wrench kevin stein
  15. You're missing the damage tgas...download my AD-4N and they're inside it (assuming it's for MontyCZ old SPAD) If they're not there, let me know Wrench kevin stein
  16. Oh, man!!! That is just TMI!!!! Let's just hope it's not named as well.... (btw: DO have a great BD Ed!!) Wrench kevin stein
  17. Happy Birthday Veltro2k

    Happy Birthday Ed!!! Wrench kevin stein
  18. To be honest, I have the same problems with the NIKEs and HAWKS...sometime they work, sometimes they don't. Fubar's our AD Guru...hopefulyy, he'll pop in and give us the skinny. Right now, I'm rebuilding the Southern California map ... retiling the San Juaquin Valley is a nightmare!! Moving target areas around, renaming, fixing a boat-load of things I just didn't know how to do before. It'll look 1000% better!!! But I got the sea level straightened out -- no more oceanic mountain at the mouth of SanFran Bay!!! Wrench kevin stein
  19. Well, they COULD rotate and fire forward, since the turret/barrel width was greater than the canopy's....but the real ones didn't have an inturrupter mechanism.....very hard the prop.... ....hhmmmm... what about using the regular bomber turret pitch/yaw etc, and maybe it'll ignore the prop?? Isn't there a way to limit the firing arcs; meaning trying to crowd the front 45 degrees to try and allow small off-nose angles... I was never very good at figuring that out... Wrench kevin stein
  20. NOPE!! We need the "Trans Global Airlines" tail tag, and Dean Martin at the controls!!! I like this idea!!! Be great to see parked around the fields, give a little more color to the place Wrench kevin stein
  21. Have you tried the 'newer' version in the Mirage Factory's Wep Pak??? They seem to be a bit better (after all, you DID ask where the originals were!!! Just funning with you Chuck!!) Wrench kevin stein
  22. On that latest upgrade (2.5), I belive I "mistakenly" forget to remove the stock desert tile set....hence the 25 meg file size Wrench kevin stein
  23. Those are camoflauged!!! Although in real life, I can see major forest fires right after a launch.... Like I said, I will be getting back to it soon....now that I know how to place single tiles, I can make some adjustments and whatnot, then readjust the targets placements and so forth. Without having to keep bothering Brain32 for this or that to be moved and stuff. Although there still will be the occasional "HELP" shouted out... Wrench kevin stein
  24. That statement is incorrect... The site is NOT closed, it's just 'member's access only'. All one needs to do is request access as stated in the "Boards & Files Policies Forum". May take a few days to get a respose, due to Real Life ™ commitments. ie: sending capun an email requesting access. Don't sound all the hard to me.. Wrench kevin stein
  25. But we LIKE putting targets in super-strange places....keeps the players on their toes!! Wrench kevin stein

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