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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Shouldn't have to mess with the weaponsdata ini at all, if you're (as you say) planning to use the Stock 3rd Units. No need to extract and hex edit lods and all that other assorted nonesense... Assuming you've already extracted the Netz data and loadout inis, why not just use the names given in there??? Remember: the name of the tank in the data in (for the Sufa) MUST match the name used in the Loadout ini (from the Netz). Some adjustments fore/aft and/or up/down of the tanks mounting postions may be necessary example: from the Sufa's Data ini: From the Netz: So, simply swap out the names and you might be good to go. Tank300_F16 Wrench kevin stein
  2. If you dump the old pre-patch airfiled inis form 2.0, it'll revert to what ever is in the which ever terrain cat youre using, and give you the parked planes. Or just rename them to xAirfiled**.ini. The look of Sicily was what I was going for...just wish I had some better mountain tiles to use on Etna, making it look more 'volcano like' Had my Bull AWAC show up parked a Bennia Int'l, with the rotodome on top, but forgot to take a screenie. zmatt: never had a problem with the water on this new data ini. Wrench kevin stein
  3. File Name: Canary Islands File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 15 Jan 2009 File Category: Terrains Canary Islands Terrain -for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI and maybe SF2 & FE? This is a small map mod that was sent to me, partly started, by Crusader (IIRC) . I went ahead and targetized it, did some minor retiling (including creating a new "DesertAB1" tile for use under the runways), and generally did what I could to finish it off. This is a VERY small map, I'd guess in the 250x250 km range, so there is a distinct possiblity of running into The Wall. Hopefully, I've gotten all the movement routes well within. If there is, or anyone knows of a way to expand it.....do let me know and I'll targetize the other islands.... The data ini makes use of all the latest 'goodies' added by the 9/08 & 10/08 patches as to effects rendering. Included are new targets, types, movements inis and tiles. Everything is included to make install as easy as possible. Even the GroundObjects used are ALL stock types, so nothing new has been added. One thing, however, there are NO SAM sites on either side. Given the small size of the map, one could find himself under fire from wheels up to whereever you're going! Several new flags have been added; the Spanish flag and for the 'enemy' side, I just reused the "Global Sedition" banner. However, 2 new ones have been added for the Bad Guys ... consider them the 'Easter Eggs' for this terrain. This has been tested in WoE (my main Laboratory of choice..) As it was originally built for SF, there should be no problems . WoV should also be no problem. It -should- work in WoI and First Eagles, but you'll still need one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ for the terrain cat reachback. This, however, has =NOT= been tested. You use it in these games (WoI & FE) at your own risk. For SF2 users ... don't know what you to tell ya...you're on your own! Vista users should also have no problem with terrain effects, as the latest round of patching has apparently cleared up that problem. If, however, you've not patched your game install, I've left the "Notes for Vista Users" section intact, with instructions on commenting or editing the shaders sections. Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein (this is one time I think the readme is bigger than the upload itself....) PLEASE read this entire ReadMe all the way through before installing; there are some issues I've encountered that need some explaining, and this will give you a better understanding of what I've trying to accomplish. Click here to download this file
  4. Why not save yourself a butt-load of problems, and just download my upgraded version? Tiles included Wrench kevin stein
  5. I been using the F-4B/C since day one...only because of the twin engine annunciator panels. Radar screen's in the wrong place with the Rhino, pit, but it's a small matter.... Avionics could probably use a tweek, but that's something for another day!! Wrench kevin stein
  6. Just released at my site, NEW versions of the B-339D & E Buffalo (as seen in this thread...http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=35593) Nationalized version for Dutch ML-KNIL, with 2 skins; Nationalized version for RAF in the Far East, 67 Squadron (Burma/Malaya, etc) Fictional "What If..." 66 Squadron, Battle of Britian (hey, I had the decals...and you all know I hate to waste good decals.. ) Also, a totally revamped, brand new, 100% Historically Accurate skin for VMF-221 at Midway: Modex and BuNums matched to each aircraft as used. Full detailed instruction in each pak's enclosed readme files. Now available in --> The Wrench's Toolbox <--- link thingy Happy Landings!! Wrench kevin stein
  7. "Pasko's Ground Object Pak" http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6120 awwwwaaaaay in the back, like page 9 or something.. Both the desert and Euro should have the HAWKs and their associated radars within. (also at my site, too) Wrench kevin stein
  8. BSG

    So we don't tell Dave of Admiral Adama running neekked all over the ship??? Quite interesting bit with Tyroll and his "shadow"..... Wrench kevin stein
  9. Please do NOT post in the Knowledge Base...it's for ANSWERS, not questions. Those go here, in the regular forums Thank you, and Welcome to CA!! And, since this is also posted in the General Discussion, it's gettin closed. Wrench kevin stein ps: fill out your profile!!
  10. Ok, i can't find my notes and/or modded versions that have the CORRECT USN placements on the upper fuselage for the aforementioned Rhinos... As I'm doing some very small upgrades to them, can't sombody hook a brutha up?? I feel so funky!!! TIA! Wrench kevin stein
  11. OMG!! That is a MUST have!!! yah, we could use some Armored Bears, too.... Wrench kevin stein
  12. Isn't that in YAP only??? Wrench kevin stein
  13. Excellent...when we get the data amassed, I'll re-edit this thread, and put it in the Knowledge Base, in one of the Weapons Threads. That'll help folks wanting to add the properly placed CM dispensers Crusader: don't have SF2 (and probably won't for a looooong time -money issues!) Wouldn't happen to have those values around would you? Wrench kevin stein
  14. Go for it baby!!! You know I'll grab it!! Targeting, as least runway wise, is pretty easy. You should have at least one of the runway 1 or runway 6 on the map for bombers to use. Runway 3 (the dirt strip) make a good fighter drome. Swapping them out is just a simple copy/paste exercise (and belive me, I know this one well from all the other WW2 map upgrades I've done) Repaving (ie: painting the various bmps and tgas) the runways is just as easy. Gepard has a 'muddy' runway in the BoB terrain ... what I haven't looked at is, is it a tile or a 'repaved' runway. Dressing up the 'modern' airfields to make them more fit the time frame is also just a matter of CA_Stary's ww2 building repaints, or some of the stuff you can find in Polack's Object Library (many of which can be found in my WW2 map rebuilds) For a modern (ie: say 1955 or later), stock stuff will definatley do the trick. I'd look around in the Object Mods section for all those neat buildings some of the guys have been doing = TAC Ops center, new towers, hangars, factories, etc. Wrench kevin stein
  15. Pasko did the Yak-9 a long time ago...it should be at his site or C5 maybe. Or even here??? I'll have to look... EDIT: Yes, we DO have it here... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=697 don't know if it' got Kesselbruts's propYak pit or not. I guess I can always be re-uploaded Wrench kevin stein
  16. I'll get back to it sometime in the very near future.... I just got kinda discouraged (ie: burnout) when I got the correct newer version, and found that I'll have to relocate 200+ target areas....and get some places retiled Had to take a break and work on other things, but I'll be back to it Wrench kevin stein
  17. zmatt: based on what information? Your data in lacking....they work fine at the 06 level. Prop FMs are NOT broken (example: First Eagles). The existing ones (all 250+) just need fine tuning in the post-patch world. TK's got a Mustang coming for WoI in the very near future....we'll hopefully get what parameters we need from that. klavs: looks SUPER dude!!! Me wants!! Spectre: that was MY thought too....Sparko is always complaining he wanted a pony. Wrench kevin stein
  18. That's what I"m looking for!!! Thank KB!! I'll wait till tommorrow, after you check your other stuff, and upload after that! Wrench kevin stein
  19. Ohhhhhh crrraaappp!!!! (ID4 reference) just with the Hudson, or all planes? You're using a patched WoE right? I'll have transfer over my mods to a patched version, and see if it does it for me nuts...my 'patched' ww2 install is WoI...hmm....shouldn't make much difference.....I can always create another one Wrench kevin stein
  20. Ok, been testing these over the last couple of hours.... copy/paste the items below at the bottom of the BattleofBritian_Movements.ini: ///--new routes, added by The Wrench, 1/14/09----/// [Route009] RouteType=SHIPPING StartArea=Port of Le Harve EndArea=Port of Cherbourg RoutePosition[001]=706303,419973 RoutePosition[002]=532918,462269 [Route010] RouteType=SHIPPING StartArea=Port of Dieppe EndArea=Port of Le Harve RoutePosition[001]=837354,490160 RoutePosition[002]=721245,454913 RoutePosition[003]=714708,419053 [Route011] RouteType=SHIPPING StartArea=Port of St Malo EndArea=Gurnsey Fliegerhorst RoutePosition[001]=465680,332315 RoutePosition[002]=410583,402809 [Route012] RouteType=SHIPPING StartArea=Port of Calais EndArea=Port of Le Harve RoutePosition[001]=925447,607547 RoutePosition[002]=875019,575672 RoutePosition[003]=743035,489240 RoutePosition[004]=710038,428861 I claim aboslutely NO historical acccuraty, just took a 'logical' bent, and went Port-to-Port, except for Gurnsey Been testing with the Beau Mk.1, Mossie FB6 (and FB6 633 SOE sepecial ) and Hudson. The only oddity I get it sometimes a CTD with the Hudson with a "DxD9.dll" fault -- which is odd, as I'm up to date. Wrench kevin stein
  21. Shoot, the old "Megafortress" game had them...you could fire them out ahead of you and they'd fly around until they either 'saw' an emitter or you could assign them a target and they'd "seek and destroy". Many a time I'd watch them on the LLTV display flying along all non-chalant, when all of a sudden they'd make a hard turn, and start heading in on radar site. Very nice Wrench kevin stein
  22. Ricardo Montalban dies at 88

    Was also good in one of the "Spy Kids" movies as the Grandfather. One of his first roles here in the US was as an American solider in "Battleground" with Van Johnson and James Whittemore. (story of the 101st at Bastogne) He plays a guy from Los Angeles that's never seen snow before; he gets wounded, and hides under a wreck. When the rest of the squad goes back for him, he's froze to death. As Khan, TRUELY brought a sense of class to the Star Trek Villan. Was always rated as the #1 Bad Guy from all the series and movies. And I always wonder who exactly he was working for on Fantasy Island....lots of hints/theories, but never anything concrete. Wrench kevin stein
  23. I've got hangar and loading screens all ready for the Stringbag....been ready since 2005!!! Here's a sample: you should have seen the one for the Tarpon...it incuded a reciepe!! Wrench kevin stein
  24. Alrighty then... The new Fleet Air Arm version has just been uploaded to my site. Like the RAF version, it's "nationalized" as Royal Navy. All the inis & skins bits are there, you'll need to transfer over the LOD and cockpit files. Excepting the picture and map -which I did't change Skins for 804 off FURIOUS, and 805 off EAGLE (although it actually should be ILLUSTRIOUS, but they mostly operated from land bases, included 3 used in the defense fo Crete) Now up at my site! Happy Hunting! Wrench kevin stein
  25. They got the force fields working?? Damnitall!!! Miss one staff meeting...... Wrench kevin stein

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