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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Airliners.net

    Damn, that's terrible. I live less than 500 meters east of SM airport...was hearing the helicopters and sirens late in the day. Didn't know what was happening unitl watching the news last night. RIP Wrench kevin stein
  2. OOPPS!!!! I swear I added those line to the recent rebuild!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  3. No, you don't mess with the sim's Op years...you adjust the start and end years of the DATA.Ini of the ground objects in question. Also the Exported years too...extends their lifetimes a bit Also, messing with the weapons data is bad idea, too. As we're not talking SAMs, but guns. The Gundata.ini has NO dates set for ANYTHING! And there used to be a package of adjusted data inis in the downloads section for most of the SAMs and AAA units. Also, the Old Pasko Pak (and several of my terrain mods) includes older Soviet and Western AAA units. BTW, you aren't GOING to see certain types BEFORE a certain op year anyway... even the KS-30 has a 1945 start date. So, bite the bullet...get the WW2 stuff and install them. Obviously, you'll not be needing the Flak 88... The Bofors single 40 has an EXTREAMLY long life span -- late 30s (IIRC) to any time you want. Wrench kevin stein
  4. What??? You don't like fresh air??? You must be a Pollutionist !!! AHH...the smell of freshly burned hydrocarbons!!! Brings back so many memories.... Coverd in the "Things You Need To Update Thread", basically, disable the auto-speed canopies OR reverse the values for open/close line, OR switch to animation control keystroke Discussed about a gazillion times so far (me, I just disabled them cause I'm lazy...) Wrench kevin stein
  5. Been waiting on this one for a llooooong time!!! Now, the re-editing begins... Wrench kevin stein
  6. The Mustang has known shadow issues...it was never built with one in mind. (which was covered, IIRC, in the "Things You Need To UPdate Thread", and in one of the WoI Thread) Wrench kevin stein
  7. from my post above: Weither or not you'll get the template.... Of course, one can always be made from scratch, using the 'desert pink' as a base for the new panel & rivet lines. The 29s would require TOTAL reskinning, with the creation of completely new templates, since the existing skin bmps are only 512x So the new template would have to be at LEAST 4096x to get in all the gazillion rivets, then resized down to 1024x for the final bmp. Waaaaaay too much work, even for a guy like me that's hand retiling maps (oh, only 20-30000 tiles.......) It's sooo much easier to just to unit markings as decals... Wrench kevin stein
  8. Yah, that might be of some assistance. also, did you follow all the instructions in the Red Air cockpit paks? That's pretty vital... Wrench kevin stein
  9. Not to be an jerk, but why an OD SuperFort? Only a very few were actually painted that way, and only for a very short time. By the time they were deployed to India and China, they were all Natural Metal ™. (btw, that 5 or 6 hundred POUNDS of extra weight you ain't gotta carry, reducing you fuel and bomb loads.....) As to the Mitchell, perhaps a request over at the DAT site for templates?? That camo WOULD look good in my MTO install... Wrench kevin stein
  10. An amazing aircraft.... It looks a lot like the bomber/transports from the 1930s movie "Things To Come" I'm with CA... I WANTS one too!!! Wrench kevin stein
  11. Good one Harold!!! Wrench kevin stein
  12. In the KB Here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=11815 and Here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...st&p=113930 at the bottom of the aformentioned post (which is a not-so-up-to-date) listing of available Ground Objects Wrench kevin stein
  13. Your answer lies within.. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=18346 * ...and you journey is just beginning!!! muuuuushahahahahahahaaa Oh, and BTW, you stores listings in the Campaign data inis may need adjusting to the naming styles, too Wrench kevin stein * of course, you could always go over each and every weapon's listing and return them to the 'stock style'...
  14. Did you create "Carrier Stations" in the targets ini??? The need somewhere to be told to be... Wrench kevin stein
  15. There's a Russian rocket rack in the Bunypak that's look realy close to that ... S-3K? Might have edit the mounting positions as it uses 7 rockets...something ot look at Wrench kevin stein that is one SHINY airplane!!
  16. Had to go pull this shot off of the pdf of the "Texan in Action" I think this is what you're looking for... New mountings for the smoke rockets will need to be made, maybe creating a "HVAR_Smoke" etc, etc, and of course, etc I also have Buny's templates with totally redrawn panel lines (and simulated fabric too ) The T-6 (well, modded Wirrawary...) also stands-in for the Vindicator at Midway ... performance-wise, they're about the same!! Wrench kevin stein
  17. Like the recent Libya re-re-release, the Southern California terrain has gone in for a through rebuild -- and retiling. As it stands now, approx 60-75% of the map has been retiled, and 5-7 new tiles have been created to fill in some gaps in the generic Desert tile set. Here's a shot over the LA Basin; Palos Verdes is directly under the aircraft, LAX just above the canopy. Burbank is below the cloud in the center - one can see the San Fernando Valley's new green and city/farm look as well... The north end of San Fransico; no longer do we have that huge water mountain at the Golden Gate...docked ships and one of the new tiles, imported and modificated from WoV... Mt. Palomar Observatory (and listening post), looking towards San Deigo... you can see the "Coronado Penninsula" (best that can be done given tile size and map scaling issues -so, no airfield) in the distance. The Hale Telescope Dome is a modified (hex edited and repainted) version of Grampotamus' radar facility. A lot of target areas have been moved around, renamed, corrected, etc. Just have to finish some fine tuning of the movements ini, and some object placements....so, soon... Alameda Naval Base has also been completly rebuild, with some ideas 'borrowed' from pfunk's Black Sea previews he showed earlier this week Wrench kevin stein
  18. Just for giggles...I went back into ASW last night (ie: I was up to almost 4 AM this morning) and fiddled with some tiles... This is the Huston/Galveston/Texas City region. Please ingore the beached tankers near the X ... as per usual with retiling and HM adjutments, target areas near the coastlines get all screwed up In the distance you can see what looks like the grass in the foregournd, but I assure you it's a new "Prarie" tile, based off the Farm1, with lots of little trees and buildings and HAWK batteries... Again, this one's gonna be a tremendous nightmare, as it uses 10 of thousands of Mountain and Desert tiles that'll need replacing. To say nothing of rearranging the target areas.... Wrench kevin stein
  19. No. We don't. Also, there's decal issues on the tail fins, so adding the 'proper' serial numbers for the Mosquitos will be problematical (as in, I've already been looking at the doing up the Mosquito FACs) Have a natural metal skin, but the decal issues..... Also have a Skytrain done up for the "Kyushu Gypsies" ... just need a few more serial numbers ----------------------------- oh, and in response to the PM, the item in question is totally unusable in in present state for ANYTHING. Of the 225 target areas, 200+ will need repositioning, thereby negating anything already existing or planned until it's finalized So, sorry, bro. Wrench kevin stein
  20. IIRC, the music is stored in one of the LIB files. Unfortunately, you'd need the FA Toolkit to access them. I don't think it's availalbe anywhere; I can't even find my old copy!! Wrench kevin stein
  21. It's just like 'nation specific' aircraft, a simple data ini edit. Of couse, you'd need to create a new folder for the new main ini and data ini. Ground objects (stock ones at least) can still point to the original lods in the cat files. I've done this for some Iranian AAA units; they had a home-built version of the Zu-23, so it becomes "Zu-23_I" for Iran, to seperate it from the Soviet versions used by Iraq. Wrench kevin stein
  22. Yes. How could I NOT put it in???? It was "Mission Bay USMC Base", which was postioned WRONG even now, with the coastline and scaling issues it's still not in the right place, probably too close to the sea, but I HOPE it's closer to it's Real Life ™ position. I hope. I've only driven by it a few dozen times in life ... Unfortunately, it's a rather 'generic' base layout -- so it definately WON'T match what you and the rest of The Green Machine are used to seeing. The defense unit (ie: arty center south of the Sandy Yago has been renamed to "Fort Coronado", and now has working arty batteries, since it just happens to be on the main line of advance northwards from TJ by GS forces.... Wrench kevin stein
  23. Creating brand new tiles is fun isn't it???? Been running inot something similiar my self, but I think my issue is something in the alpha channel...had some sea2grassfield tiles that looked ok, but vanished into an empty space when in game. but for a standard bmp tile, just make sure there's no layers, and have a copy of the new tile IN the Terrain Editor's MAIN folder, then do as krfrge said, add it from inside the TE with the edit texture list function. I've been adding the 'new' tiles to the data ini by hand; it's a simple copy/paste for me since I'm basically just repainting an already existing tile, and renaming it. Now, if I could just get the damn sea/land transitions right.... Wrench kevin stein EDIT: ok, fixed the problem with the 'sea'....ALWAYS double check the data ini's entry for the tile, and make sure it's got the proper HasWater= line. 0 don't cut it...but 1 do!!
  24. Right then ... I'll get the ball rolling with some of the things I've been working on. Mind you, even I forget what I'm doing sometimes... SoCal rebuild Iran/Iraq rebuld Mariana Islands Hawaii (ie: Pearl Harbor) Solomon Islands rebuild -again! waiting for tropical trees from Deuces Korea at some point: Kashmir targetization ASW retiling -not likely for a long time, but being considered skins: 6 skin & decal sets each for Zero, Kate, Val for Pearl Harbor & Midway various and sundry small aircraft mods Wrench kevin stein
  25. CA: thats' a great shot!!! It could almost pass for a view (in Real Life ™ ) of downtown LA looking northwest from the I-5 freeway a few miles below where it meets the I-10 in east LA. The buildings on the left could be Century City!! firehawkordy: Bakersfield gets one of my patent-pending "Air Defense Sites",with multiple SAM launchers and various AAA. The airport it not quite positioned where it really is, but I've got a bunch of drilling rigs about where Oildale would be. (the wife has family -aunts/cousins/neices/nephews/etc- up there, so we used to know the area pretty well. Plus, they used to have the State Bowling tournments there every other year or so.) Still have to farm-ize (terraform???) the Imperial Valley -- was rereading 'Lucifer's Hammer' last week, so figured I'd add the farms in down there The really odd thing about California, is there's really 3 or 4 different Californias ... you can divide the state in quaters roughly about Monterey Bay. Most everything north & west of that is Pacific NorthWest rainforest; redwoods and other conifers, to the south a more 'Mediteranian' (sp) climate (in particular from LA to San Deigo). To the south east, deserts/mountains and some farm. North east is still some desert, with farming in the central valley, to the Sierra Nevada mountains. This is a very generalized description, of course, but you get the idea. I've kept it to basically 3 zones, coastal mountain/farms, central farms/desert, desert/mountains. Simplifies things a great deal. I don't think the Big Guy will mind too much of me taking some of His job for bit . Guvanator Schwartzenegger on the other hand.... Wrench kevin stein You guys want me to create a sticky for "Works In Progress?"

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