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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Sound to me like you missed several steps... Read this first: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=9323 Then, give it another shot Wrench kevin stein
  2. Yes, you just copy the aircraft folder over .... to start with.... Then the REAL fun beginns..... You'll need to cat extractor, available here in the downloads section (look for Skypat's Cat Extractor Tool), BTW, there's a tutorial on how to use it in the Knowledge Base, illustrated, too! open the extractor, and then go into the Objects.cat, and then extract EVERYTHING having to do with the A-7...all the lods, all the cockpit files, all the inis, damage tgas (or bmps depending..) Should be near 100 seperate files... THEN.... you have to identify what decals are needed, usually by looking in the skin folders at the decals inis and texture set inis... THEN... find all said decals; hopefully they're in the the Decals folder, if not ... back to the objects cat with the extractor, and pull them as well. Probably in the neighborhood of 100-200 files..... THEN...install all the bits into which ever game you installing it to....you might be able to get away with dropping the decals into the other game's DECALS folder -- you'll find it in the /Objects folder. You'll probably have to adjust the pointers in the decals ini for each of the stock skins, however. THEN... test fly and see if it works. I've done this a LOT of aircraft; it ain't fun, but with a little concentration and attention to detail, it's quite doable. Coupla hours work.... OR, just download The Mirage Factory's versions.... Wrench kevin stein
  3. File Name: Hudson Ini Tweeks Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 5 Jan 2009 File Category: Allied Bombers Lockheed Hudson Tweeks Pak -For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 ETO Installs Some small ini mods and a new gunsight for Veltro2K's RAF medium bomber. The data ini has had the lighting repositioned, modified and adjusted to more closely match those seen on Real Life ™ aircraft. The loadout ini has been adjusted for the use of 'RAF***' type bombs only (although US AN series can still be loaded on the loading screen), and the cockpit ini has the addition of a 'ring-and-bead' type gunsight. Enhanced AI sections have also been added. Several sub-folder that are included here contain new textureset inis for the "CC" and "RAF1" skins, with the addition of the squadron names, and the inclusion of the Squadron Crests as the patch.bmp. The folder name remain the same, but the 'in-game' name you'll see will reflect these changes. CC will now show "48 Squadron, Coastal Command". RAF1 will now show "500 Squadron". =This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era guns, bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.= As expected, there's a nice readme included -- the MOD requres you read it and follow the instructions therein Enjoy! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  4. Nothing to be sorry for!!! ...took me 2 seconds to create the new patch for 48 Sqdn, and another minute to find the 500 and create one for that. Having a bunch of Crests 'in stock', and a link to an RAF site that has most of them....well, it helps! LInky: http://www.rafweb.org/Index.htm It did take me nearly FOREVER to dial in that cursed tail light...I think it still needs to go aft a bit more..... Wrench kevin stein
  5. Note to self ... pickup and finsh creating non-functional SAM sites on the Range..... (yes, I tried a 'smokey SAM', but it didn't work) Wrench kevin stein
  6. Greeting to all our brothers and sisters out there in Sim-land!! It's a New Year Folks!!! And do you know what time it is??? Why, It's Time to Update Your Profile!!! After all, with one of the largest, most international communities on Web, wouldn't it be nice to know where you're at? Or you Birthday?? -- how else can we make the "Happy Birthday" announcements, if we don't know when it is???? So, go in your Profile, and add a few minor things. As for location, you don't have to really use your home country/state/city/etc, but it'd be nice to know where everyone is. You can even make something up, like "stuck on the darkside of the moon" or something funny! (but keep it clean, after all this IS a family site ) So, take a moment, and update that profile!!! Thanks to everyone for all your support and participation in the Year Gone By!!! Wrench Kevin Stein PS: don't forget, CA Subscription Plans are available to all!!
  7. Attention CA Members! Update Time!

    Its not the hair on my ears, nose, and back I worry about...but my palms I know, I know...TMI!!! Wrench kevin stein
  8. I"m totally diggin it!!! Really brings back great memories of Fighters Anthology!! Dels, you hit it outta the park with this one! Many Thanks! Wrench kevin stein
  9. File Name: Yak Cockpit Pak #2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 5 Jan 2009 File Category: Jet Cockpits Cockpit Upgrade for Pako's Yaks (ie: Yak Pak Part 2) For SF/WoV/WoE/WoI This semi-inclusive package contains cockpit upgrades and many ini tweeks for the following Yaklovev aircraft made by Pasko: Yak-28B "Brewer-C" Yak-28P "Firebar" It is desinged for use in a post 9/08 or 10/08 game install. These mods should work just as well in a non-patched version, but this has NOT been tested. Included in the package are complete cockpit folders for both (since I'm kinda paranoid about someone =NOT= being able to figure out the same cockpit folder goes in all of them....this removes that possibility), that are basically repaints of the stock 3rdWire F-4B/D Phantom, but with lots of changes and stuff. The entire cockpit folder is included, as the F-4B/D exists in all versions of the game, I feel this a pretty safe move. A whole slew of updated/modificated/fiddled with inis are included, Using the "Stargetic Moves Method" pioneered by Lexx_Luthor, and with some repainting and "metricizing" of the readouts, they make a "passable" Soviet-style cockpit. Not perfect, mind you, but "Passable". The cockpit labeling is still in English, although the measurements themselves are using metric; ie: KMPH, MPS, Meters and KG. I made the assumption that a "Russian" pilot would see the "Russian" labels in Cyrillic; so just pretend you're reading "Russian". Your brain is automatically translating :) Data and Loadout ini tweeks return the "WP,SOVIET" attachment types, to allow for usege in any Weapons Pak, or none -- HOWEVER -- the weapons will still need to be added to your stock WeaponsData.ini (for those NOT using the BunyPak ), or to the TMF Pak. The weapons themselves ARE included, in the new 'seperate folder' format pioneered by The Mirage Factory. This will create a cleaner, more readily accessable /Weapons folder without all them hundreds of loose files floating around. The naming conventions for the air-to-air missiles has been returned BACK to the stock method (ie: as used by 3rd Wires stock weaponsdata ini, and the TMF's WepPak. Meaning: NATO codes are used for the name; R-3S is the AA-2 Atoll, etc) Where information has been available, or based on 'best guesses' in looking at the aircraft, landing lights have been added, and the running lights upgraded. The Flight Models have not been touched, so be advised in the post patch world of possible handeling issues. Oddly, the 'auto-speed' canopy seems to be working just the same as pre-patch; so it's been left alone. The main ini has been left alone i regards to the "Shadow" section. There seems to be some 'issues' with how the game engine creates the 'new style' shadows via the main LOD. Unfortunately, there are no damage tgas yet available. Perhaps I'll do them up someday... Also included are the MiG RWR sounds, and the "JetEngine2" wavs. Obviously, you'll need both these birds to install this package too. They're available at Column5's site, and (hopefully!) at Pasko's. They should also be availabe at CombatAce, way at the end of the "Cold War Aircraft: Soviet Aircraft and Variants (with the other Yaks and Sukhoi Fishpots - which are next on the list) There's a pretty detailed, step-by-step readme enclosed; I'd highly reccomend reading it all the way through before installing the bits and ini, just to familarize yourself with the whole process. Sorry there's no screenshot, but it's all pretty much the same as Yak Pak #1 Good Hunting!! Wrench kevin stein (this one was supposed to be uploaded in November, 2008 -- I simply forgot about it, what with other projcets popping up!) Click here to download this file
  10. Yak Cockpit Pak #2



    Cockpit Upgrade for Pako's Yaks (ie: Yak Pak Part 2) For SF/WoV/WoE/WoI This semi-inclusive package contains cockpit upgrades and many ini tweeks for the following Yaklovev aircraft made by Pasko: Yak-28B "Brewer-C" Yak-28P "Firebar" It is desinged for use in a post 9/08 or 10/08 game install. These mods should work just as well in a non-patched version, but this has NOT been tested. Included in the package are complete cockpit folders for both (since I'm kinda paranoid about someone =NOT= being able to figure out the same cockpit folder goes in all of them....this removes that possibility), that are basically repaints of the stock 3rdWire F-4B/D Phantom, but with lots of changes and stuff. The entire cockpit folder is included, as the F-4B/D exists in all versions of the game, I feel this a pretty safe move. A whole slew of updated/modificated/fiddled with inis are included, Using the "Stargetic Moves Method" pioneered by Lexx_Luthor, and with some repainting and "metricizing" of the readouts, they make a "passable" Soviet-style cockpit. Not perfect, mind you, but "Passable". The cockpit labeling is still in English, although the measurements themselves are using metric; ie: KMPH, MPS, Meters and KG. I made the assumption that a "Russian" pilot would see the "Russian" labels in Cyrillic; so just pretend you're reading "Russian". Your brain is automatically translating :) Data and Loadout ini tweeks return the "WP,SOVIET" attachment types, to allow for usege in any Weapons Pak, or none -- HOWEVER -- the weapons will still need to be added to your stock WeaponsData.ini (for those NOT using the BunyPak ), or to the TMF Pak. The weapons themselves ARE included, in the new 'seperate folder' format pioneered by The Mirage Factory. This will create a cleaner, more readily accessable /Weapons folder without all them hundreds of loose files floating around. The naming conventions for the air-to-air missiles has been returned BACK to the stock method (ie: as used by 3rd Wires stock weaponsdata ini, and the TMF's WepPak. Meaning: NATO codes are used for the name; R-3S is the AA-2 Atoll, etc) Where information has been available, or based on 'best guesses' in looking at the aircraft, landing lights have been added, and the running lights upgraded. The Flight Models have not been touched, so be advised in the post patch world of possible handeling issues. Oddly, the 'auto-speed' canopy seems to be working just the same as pre-patch; so it's been left alone. The main ini has been left alone i regards to the "Shadow" section. There seems to be some 'issues' with how the game engine creates the 'new style' shadows via the main LOD. Unfortunately, there are no damage tgas yet available. Perhaps I'll do them up someday... Also included are the MiG RWR sounds, and the "JetEngine2" wavs. Obviously, you'll need both these birds to install this package too. They're available at Column5's site, and (hopefully!) at Pasko's. They should also be availabe at CombatAce, way at the end of the "Cold War Aircraft: Soviet Aircraft and Variants (with the other Yaks and Sukhoi Fishpots - which are next on the list) There's a pretty detailed, step-by-step readme enclosed; I'd highly reccomend reading it all the way through before installing the bits and ini, just to familarize yourself with the whole process. Sorry there's no screenshot, but it's all pretty much the same as Yak Pak #1 Good Hunting!! Wrench kevin stein (this one was supposed to be uploaded in November, 2008 -- I simply forgot about it, what with other projcets popping up!)
  11. Hudson Ini Tweeks Pak



    Lockheed Hudson Tweeks Pak -For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 ETO Installs Some small ini mods and a new gunsight for Veltro2K's RAF medium bomber. The data ini has had the lighting repositioned, modified and adjusted to more closely match those seen on Real Life ™ aircraft. The loadout ini has been adjusted for the use of 'RAF***' type bombs only (although US AN series can still be loaded on the loading screen), and the cockpit ini has the addition of a 'ring-and-bead' type gunsight. Enhanced AI sections have also been added. Several sub-folder that are included here contain new textureset inis for the "CC" and "RAF1" skins, with the addition of the squadron names, and the inclusion of the Squadron Crests as the patch.bmp. The folder name remain the same, but the 'in-game' name you'll see will reflect these changes. CC will now show "48 Squadron, Coastal Command". RAF1 will now show "500 Squadron". =This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era guns, bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.= As expected, there's a nice readme included -- the MOD requres you read it and follow the instructions therein Enjoy! Wrench kevin stein
  12. This discussion forum/thread/whatever is designed for those with an interest in exploring the potential of WoI in all eras that it should be operational in. Just to name a few, things like "War of Independece", 1956 Suez Crisis, 'Water Wars', and other stuff not covered by the stock game. We'll be discussing, obviously, the aircraft of the varying nations; many of which already exist reaching back to the end of the 2nd World War, ground vehicles, tanks, trucks, personell carriers, anti-aircraft units. With regards to the aircraft, in particular the loadouts and operations years, any and all verifiable information anybody knows will be happily accepted; obviously we'll be limited to what's available in the 2 weapons paks. Those of you not familiar with the weapons paks might want to spend a little time exploring them. There is a (gotta go biblical with this!) a vast host of weapons for the nations involved to use. I'm talking about the 'nationalized' types as seen in Buny's Pak. These can be easily added to TMF, using the new weapons editor. I should know...I've already done it. With one exception, ALL the aircraft from 1948 - 1966ish are fully functional in my "Historic" install. so, lets get to going here... Wrench kevin stein
  13. All the screens (well, the stock ones and my aftermarket ones) should all 1024x768. Extract one from the flight???.cat, and double check "DefalutHangarScreen.bmp" is file name for the generic 'blank' one in the cat. That's the size I've been working with since screen #1. Mind you, I've got a stock style ie: non widescreen, so that size works well. Wrench kevin stein
  14. Nice!!! 'bout time you started releasing these cool "What If's..."!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  15. That's the main reason I write readmes nearly as long as "War and Peace"....so everyone can have all the instructions necessary to get the damn things up and running in just about all the sims! I (usually) try to keep the techno-babble to a minimum; sometimes I forget and go off the Experten deep end... Wrench kevin stein
  16. File Name: 12 Squadron Wellington, Skin & Ini Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 4 Jan 2009 File Category: British Commonwealth Vickers Wellington, Skin and Ini Update Pak -For SF/WoV/WoE ETO Installs- Some small ini mods and a new skin (from a completely new template) for Veltro2K's RAF medium bomber. New, modified inis include the data ini with additional and corrected lighting and bomb bay tweeks (which will allow the loading of the 2000 & 3000 lb "Cookie" bombs), and the cockpit ini with repositioned pilot station. The aforementioned lighting additions include landing, various formation and marker lights. The Flight Model remains untouched! The skin represents 12 Squadron, approx late 1940/early 1941 time frame, after their return from the Battle of France, and trading in their Fairey Battles for Wellingtons. This skin, from a totally NEW template by me, is based off the solid UV maps so graciously provided by Veltro2k (thanks Ed!!!). The trademark 'geodesic' lines I've tried to duplicate as best as possible. The Serial number decals for 26 aircraft are also new. I cannot claim as high a historical accuracy as I'd like, having only found actual proof for 4 aircraft of 12 Squadron (B,C,R,V). The other serials were assigned to Wellingtons, I'm just not sure of their operational squadron usage. The new templates are available upon request. =This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era guns, bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.= As expected, there's a nice detailed readme for you all to NOT ignore... so, give a good once over, huh? Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  17. Version


    Vickers Wellington, Skin and Ini Update Pak -For SF/WoV/WoE ETO Installs- Some small ini mods and a new skin (from a completely new template) for Veltro2K's RAF medium bomber. New, modified inis include the data ini with additional and corrected lighting and bomb bay tweeks (which will allow the loading of the 2000 & 3000 lb "Cookie" bombs), and the cockpit ini with repositioned pilot station. The aforementioned lighting additions include landing, various formation and marker lights. The Flight Model remains untouched! The skin represents 12 Squadron, approx late 1940/early 1941 time frame, after their return from the Battle of France, and trading in their Fairey Battles for Wellingtons. This skin, from a totally NEW template by me, is based off the solid UV maps so graciously provided by Veltro2k (thanks Ed!!!). The trademark 'geodesic' lines I've tried to duplicate as best as possible. The Serial number decals for 26 aircraft are also new. I cannot claim as high a historical accuracy as I'd like, having only found actual proof for 4 aircraft of 12 Squadron (B,C,R,V). The other serials were assigned to Wellingtons, I'm just not sure of their operational squadron usage. The new templates are available upon request. =This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era guns, bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.= As expected, there's a nice detailed readme for you all to NOT ignore... so, give a good once over, huh? Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein
  18. Have you read the entire readme that comes with it?? you're probably missing the correct cat pointer line, as evidenced by your statement of 'lacking airfields'. Seasons are determined by 'time of year', meaning on those random, in-game generated missions, it's convcievably possible to get all one season. You just have to keep generating single missions, and WATCH the date at the top, on the hangar screen Wrench kevin stein
  19. Did you look under "SF/Wo*/FE Terrain Mods"??? That's where I recll putting it... look for "Bering Straits Upgrade" or somethinglikethat Wrench kevin stein
  20. Excellent!!! If/when CA_stary 'fixes' the 4 seasons Modern EAW Euro, we'll have a great place to put them!! Wrench kevin stein
  21. I really AM an a-hole, aren't I??? DBS 1.5 -- ErikGen's new Nike objects, launchers, TLR, TTR (2 types each) HIPAR, etc, and a new 'base' layout by me. Wrench kevin stein
  22. Desperate Times.... Summer, 1940 (the 109 pilot was laughing so hard, he lost control of his aircraft and crashed...) Wrench kevin stein
  23. WOI Hunter

    What, you don't have WoV or SF??? Instructions are the same. you'll also need the Hun for the Mystre/Saar, unless you get ordway's pits (which a SUBSTANTIALLY better!!!) EDIT For those that just can't figure it out, here's the post in question, locaated in the KB, in the TMF Pak Thread: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=26101 Read it all the way through...you anwers are there. You just have to see them.. Wrench kevin stein
  24. WOI Hunter

    And there's yet another post around here ... either in the Official WoI Thread above, or probably in the KB in the 'Bunyap Weapons Pak' thread that gives a detailed parts list and full instructions on what needed to get WoI's AI Hunters a full pit, using the bits from WoE, or the F-100 pit if you don't have WoE The Knowledge Base is a extreamly usefull tool....time in there is well spent Wrench kevin stein

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