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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. All the screens (well, the stock ones and my aftermarket ones) should all 1024x768. Extract one from the flight???.cat, and double check "DefalutHangarScreen.bmp" is file name for the generic 'blank' one in the cat. That's the size I've been working with since screen #1. Mind you, I've got a stock style ie: non widescreen, so that size works well. Wrench kevin stein
  2. Nice!!! 'bout time you started releasing these cool "What If's..."!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  3. That's the main reason I write readmes nearly as long as "War and Peace"....so everyone can have all the instructions necessary to get the damn things up and running in just about all the sims! I (usually) try to keep the techno-babble to a minimum; sometimes I forget and go off the Experten deep end... Wrench kevin stein
  4. File Name: 12 Squadron Wellington, Skin & Ini Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 4 Jan 2009 File Category: British Commonwealth Vickers Wellington, Skin and Ini Update Pak -For SF/WoV/WoE ETO Installs- Some small ini mods and a new skin (from a completely new template) for Veltro2K's RAF medium bomber. New, modified inis include the data ini with additional and corrected lighting and bomb bay tweeks (which will allow the loading of the 2000 & 3000 lb "Cookie" bombs), and the cockpit ini with repositioned pilot station. The aforementioned lighting additions include landing, various formation and marker lights. The Flight Model remains untouched! The skin represents 12 Squadron, approx late 1940/early 1941 time frame, after their return from the Battle of France, and trading in their Fairey Battles for Wellingtons. This skin, from a totally NEW template by me, is based off the solid UV maps so graciously provided by Veltro2k (thanks Ed!!!). The trademark 'geodesic' lines I've tried to duplicate as best as possible. The Serial number decals for 26 aircraft are also new. I cannot claim as high a historical accuracy as I'd like, having only found actual proof for 4 aircraft of 12 Squadron (B,C,R,V). The other serials were assigned to Wellingtons, I'm just not sure of their operational squadron usage. The new templates are available upon request. =This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era guns, bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.= As expected, there's a nice detailed readme for you all to NOT ignore... so, give a good once over, huh? Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  5. Version


    Vickers Wellington, Skin and Ini Update Pak -For SF/WoV/WoE ETO Installs- Some small ini mods and a new skin (from a completely new template) for Veltro2K's RAF medium bomber. New, modified inis include the data ini with additional and corrected lighting and bomb bay tweeks (which will allow the loading of the 2000 & 3000 lb "Cookie" bombs), and the cockpit ini with repositioned pilot station. The aforementioned lighting additions include landing, various formation and marker lights. The Flight Model remains untouched! The skin represents 12 Squadron, approx late 1940/early 1941 time frame, after their return from the Battle of France, and trading in their Fairey Battles for Wellingtons. This skin, from a totally NEW template by me, is based off the solid UV maps so graciously provided by Veltro2k (thanks Ed!!!). The trademark 'geodesic' lines I've tried to duplicate as best as possible. The Serial number decals for 26 aircraft are also new. I cannot claim as high a historical accuracy as I'd like, having only found actual proof for 4 aircraft of 12 Squadron (B,C,R,V). The other serials were assigned to Wellingtons, I'm just not sure of their operational squadron usage. The new templates are available upon request. =This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era guns, bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.= As expected, there's a nice detailed readme for you all to NOT ignore... so, give a good once over, huh? Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein
  6. Have you read the entire readme that comes with it?? you're probably missing the correct cat pointer line, as evidenced by your statement of 'lacking airfields'. Seasons are determined by 'time of year', meaning on those random, in-game generated missions, it's convcievably possible to get all one season. You just have to keep generating single missions, and WATCH the date at the top, on the hangar screen Wrench kevin stein
  7. Did you look under "SF/Wo*/FE Terrain Mods"??? That's where I recll putting it... look for "Bering Straits Upgrade" or somethinglikethat Wrench kevin stein
  8. Excellent!!! If/when CA_stary 'fixes' the 4 seasons Modern EAW Euro, we'll have a great place to put them!! Wrench kevin stein
  9. I really AM an a-hole, aren't I??? DBS 1.5 -- ErikGen's new Nike objects, launchers, TLR, TTR (2 types each) HIPAR, etc, and a new 'base' layout by me. Wrench kevin stein
  10. Desperate Times.... Summer, 1940 (the 109 pilot was laughing so hard, he lost control of his aircraft and crashed...) Wrench kevin stein
  11. WOI Hunter

    What, you don't have WoV or SF??? Instructions are the same. you'll also need the Hun for the Mystre/Saar, unless you get ordway's pits (which a SUBSTANTIALLY better!!!) EDIT For those that just can't figure it out, here's the post in question, locaated in the KB, in the TMF Pak Thread: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=26101 Read it all the way through...you anwers are there. You just have to see them.. Wrench kevin stein
  12. WOI Hunter

    And there's yet another post around here ... either in the Official WoI Thread above, or probably in the KB in the 'Bunyap Weapons Pak' thread that gives a detailed parts list and full instructions on what needed to get WoI's AI Hunters a full pit, using the bits from WoE, or the F-100 pit if you don't have WoE The Knowledge Base is a extreamly usefull tool....time in there is well spent Wrench kevin stein
  13. Check the decal pathways, and levels. Make sure the full path name is present, and the insignia decals are Level=0 Wrench kevin stein
  14. File Name: VMF-211, Ewa HI, December, 1941 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 3 Jan 2009 File Category: US Navy and USMC F4F-3 Wildcat Skin, VMF-211, Ewa HI, for SF/WoV/WoE PTO installs -Yet another "Pearl Harbor Defender" (well, almost -- they were all on the ground at the time....) This skin represents VMF-211 as based at MCAS Ewa, Territority of Hawaii, approximatly December, 1941. Information I've found in my researches seem to indicate that not all of 211' s aircraft were sent to Wake Island prior to the Pearl Harbor Attack. So, I offer this skin. The paint job is still the pre-war non-specular gray, sometimes called "Neutrality Gray", as photographic evidence, and some references exist that point to the USMC not yet having applied the non-spec blue to the upper surfaces. Decals represent the standard type as seen on Naval/Marine aircraft of the time, and include BuNums and aircraft type on the tail. --NOTE: this mod is designed for use ONLY on the F4F-3 Wildcat mod I released some ago; NOT for the F4F-4. Totally different aircraft-- -= NOTE: You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06 to get the WW2 weapons and guns and such =- -== This aircraft has been tested in SF/WoV/WoE and post-patch WoI (8/08) as well as post 9/08 & 10/08 SF/WoV/WoE. There still are some 'issues' with prop-plane flight models, but there has been a MARKED improvement!! You use it in these Post Patch Environments at YOUR own risk ==- Easy to follow instructions in the enclosed readme... Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  15. Version


    F4F-3 Wildcat Skin, VMF-211, Ewa HI, for SF/WoV/WoE PTO installs -Yet another "Pearl Harbor Defender" (well, almost -- they were all on the ground at the time....) This skin represents VMF-211 as based at MCAS Ewa, Territority of Hawaii, approximatly December, 1941. Information I've found in my researches seem to indicate that not all of 211' s aircraft were sent to Wake Island prior to the Pearl Harbor Attack. So, I offer this skin. The paint job is still the pre-war non-specular gray, sometimes called "Neutrality Gray", as photographic evidence, and some references exist that point to the USMC not yet having applied the non-spec blue to the upper surfaces. Decals represent the standard type as seen on Naval/Marine aircraft of the time, and include BuNums and aircraft type on the tail. --NOTE: this mod is designed for use ONLY on the F4F-3 Wildcat mod I released some ago; NOT for the F4F-4. Totally different aircraft-- -= NOTE: You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06 to get the WW2 weapons and guns and such =- -== This aircraft has been tested in SF/WoV/WoE and post-patch WoI (8/08) as well as post 9/08 & 10/08 SF/WoV/WoE. There still are some 'issues' with prop-plane flight models, but there has been a MARKED improvement!! You use it in these Post Patch Environments at YOUR own risk ==- Easy to follow instructions in the enclosed readme... Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein
  16. That's odd...just got the same thing in my non-patched version!!!! Methinks that it's a terrain issue, as strike and recon are working fine. Maybe there's not enough Axis shipping routes? I must admit, I haven't spent any time really looking at the targets and movements inis in BoB -- to busy intercepting bombers!! EDIT: hmm...BoB (original - not the campaing versions) only has 2 shipping routes. the EAWEuro WW2 has several. I'll transfer the Hudson over, and see what gives in the Pacific, just for s**ts and grins... Wrench kevin stein
  17. THAT's what I wanted!!! Usually, when I've gotten that, it's for a mission type not supported (anti-ship on The Range, say) or as mentioned above, the airbase size issue. That's why I've tried to add a least 1 medium airfield for each side in my WW2 rebuilds/updates. Ed, what plane, what mission type, and just the BoB and Midway terrains, or others??? BoB COULD stand to have some larger airfeleds -- at least a runway1 for the bombers, most definately on the RAF side (probably for the LW too...) Midway we're kinda stuck with what we got, due to the size of the island. Wrench kevin stein
  18. Announcement edited to reflect changes in upload Wrench kevin stein
  19. File disapproved due to permission issues with cockpit Wrench kevin stein
  20. Hmmm...none of my WW2 installs are patched, so I've got no problems with them. (due to the FM issues). I do have a fully patched WoI WW2 that I 'experiment' with... In patched WoE (my all is everything modern-ish install), everything seems to be working..34 terrians, not including the ww2 one, however. Ed, when it crashes, does the Micro$oft error reporting box pop up? If so, what error message does it say? (the 'click here to see what this report says' thingy). Usually will tell which dll is releated to the crash. Wrench kevin stein
  21. Hmmm .... didn't know TMF had released their WoV/WoE pak yet... Are you talking about this one, perhaps? http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7362 You might notice it's for WoI ONLY...that might explain the missing bits for WoV/WoE. It's what might be called a "theatre & era specific wep pak" Wrench kevin stein
  22. They also have an annoying tendency to infest hovercraft... Wrench kevin stein
  23. That gives us the PBO variant, but abou the AAF's A-28/29???? AAF used them during Torch??? That's what the yellow outline usually means ... I guess I'll have to recheck my Warpaint book (btw, if you want a copy, shoot me a pm) just kidding!! used standard RAF colors, execpting for having the 13 red/white rudder stripes and "star-and-meatball" Velto's got the new hangar and loading screens; the loading screen is an A-29 killing a U-boat, the first US kill. Wrench kevin stein
  24. File Name: Ki-43 Oscar (ArmorDave) Skin and Ini Update Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 31 Dec 2008 File Updated: 31 Dec 2008 File Category: Ki-43 Ki-43, Early War Skin and Ini Update Pak For SF/WoV/WoE PTO Installs This is a partial re-skin, and ini update package for ArmorDave's Ki-43 Oscar. IMPORTANT: this is NOT for the Oscar from Wolf257's WW2 Planes Pak -- it is ONLY for the Oscar released by ArmorDave in his "Japanese Planes Pak" that contains the Zeke, Betty and this early model Oscar. The skin represents 11 Sentai, 1st Chutai during the opening months of the war, as seen and used in Southeast Asia, Netherlands East Indies, Malaya, etc region. Decals and instructions are provided below in the "To Create the Additional Chutias" will allow you to also recreate the 2nd & 3rd Chutais, effectively giving you the entire Fighter Regiment. I say this is a 'partial reskin', as I only created layers in a new template to remove ONLY those items necesary for this mod. Also included is an updated textureset.ini for the original 'camo' skin, giving it the corrected Sentai/Chutai names. New, updated inis include some small renaming in the main ini (to help diferentiate this early model Ki-43-Ia from Wolfs and other Oscar mods by me), data ini with additional and corrected lighting, and the cockpit ini with a new gunsight tga. The Flight Model remains untouched! = IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY-, It has =NOT= been tested it in post 8/28/08 patch WoI, nor post 9/08 - 10/08 patch SF/WoV/WoE. You use it in these enviroments at YOUR own risk. = =This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era guns, bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.= As expected, there's the standard detailed readme. It's kinda reccomended you give a look through, just so's you know what's going on! Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file

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