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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. ?? I thought we were up to like 26 or 27 WW2 players?? Don't forget, we just got a "convert" in mppd!!! This is just the tip of the iceberg (or tropical island or whatever...) Wait till you see the Zeros, Kates, Vals, and several others that are still to come!! All real credit HAS to go to AD, for giving us this early model! Thank you all, and me and Mrs Wrench wish EVERYONE a Happy New Year!! Wrench kevin stein
  2. Version


    Ki-43, Early War Skin and Ini Update Pak For SF/WoV/WoE PTO Installs This is a partial re-skin, and ini update package for ArmorDave's Ki-43 Oscar. IMPORTANT: this is NOT for the Oscar from Wolf257's WW2 Planes Pak -- it is ONLY for the Oscar released by ArmorDave in his "Japanese Planes Pak" that contains the Zeke, Betty and this early model Oscar. The skin represents 11 Sentai, 1st Chutai during the opening months of the war, as seen and used in Southeast Asia, Netherlands East Indies, Malaya, etc region. Decals and instructions are provided below in the "To Create the Additional Chutias" will allow you to also recreate the 2nd & 3rd Chutais, effectively giving you the entire Fighter Regiment. I say this is a 'partial reskin', as I only created layers in a new template to remove ONLY those items necesary for this mod. Also included is an updated textureset.ini for the original 'camo' skin, giving it the corrected Sentai/Chutai names. New, updated inis include some small renaming in the main ini (to help diferentiate this early model Ki-43-Ia from Wolfs and other Oscar mods by me), data ini with additional and corrected lighting, and the cockpit ini with a new gunsight tga. The Flight Model remains untouched! = IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY-, It has =NOT= been tested it in post 8/28/08 patch WoI, nor post 9/08 - 10/08 patch SF/WoV/WoE. You use it in these enviroments at YOUR own risk. = =This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era guns, bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.= As expected, there's the standard detailed readme. It's kinda reccomended you give a look through, just so's you know what's going on! Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  3. You'll also find those new AI sections on the MiGs, too. Experimentatly, I've been adding them (strafe and rocket AI sections) to some WW2 planes in pre-patch WoE (ie: using the Oct '06 patch), and I've seen some improvement there as well. Wrench kevin stein
  4. I take you found this thread....... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...ost&p=82098 I did this over 4 1/2 years ago.... You can easily swap out the CBU-24s for Mk81s or BLU-10 napalm canisters (if they were worth a damn). I chose the cluster bombs because I have a mean streak.... Wrench kevin stein
  5. Happy Birthday JSF_Aggie

    Birthday AND New Year's Eve??? Oh, man....he is gonna be soooo useless tommorrw!!!! Have a super, super great day bro!!! Wrench kevin stein
  6. ???? F-4F ICE has been out for like 4 or 5 years....it should be over at C5's site. The HAF F-4E and F-4E AUP are right here (although I disremember if I added the AHM tag to the Sparrow stations; methinks the HAF Rhino's aren't wired for AARAMs) EDIT: a quick check of the data and loadout inis say I did. Wrench kevin stein
  7. Don't EVEN get me started on the incorrect colors or wrong serials...I'm going bat-s**t crazy crosseyed and blind trying to get the correct colors for the ML-KNIL Buffalos! Even with all the great info I've been sent. Even with FS numbers, and the RGB equlivants (to make paint swatches from)...it's like every monitor is different! --- Something I like to do, is add a 'fading' layer -- I take 10% gray, create a new layer, flood the whole thing with it, erase it from obvious thing that should be lightened (engines, tires, cockpit interiors), then reduce the opacity to between 5 - 10%. Testing in game all the time in between. It take some time, but it can give the entire aircraft a more worn look, and dulls down the colors. Any other wear and tear; chipping scratches, etc can be added in another layer. I also always use a "dirt, mud and various crap" layer (yes, that what I call it!!) for the well, dirt mud and various crap that get tossed onto the undersides from muddy fields. Exhaust , oil stains and gun blastback also gets their own layers. I can't wait for this one!!! Wrench kevin stein
  8. This thing look sooo sweet!!! All the little details, puts my skins to shame!! For fun, here's a new patch.bmp, that I was gonna use for the 1 Sqdn AASF skin... it's the attachment below. It's the squadron crest, like I like to use for my skins when I can find them (RAF actualy being the easiest!) Good stuff Mike!! Wrench kevin stein
  9. I like the mix of the med sea gray/green with the mid stone (? or is it dark earth ?) and green!!! that'll confuse the heck outta Jerry!!! all in all...looking REAL good. Now, I have to find Hudson/A-29 art work for a hangar screen.... Wrench kevin stein
  10. mike: try Jennifer Garner (Alias, Daredevil, Electra) Interesting to note the terrain choices here... Wrench kevin stein
  11. It should be, but I couldn't find it either... here's what you do: using Skypats Cat Extractor tool, extract the "HUDDdata.ini" from the FlightData.cat open the HUDData.ini in any text editor, notepad works fine. scroll down until you see the following entry: there are a couple of way to eliminate it; 1) comment out the "DisplayType=" line, thusly: //DisplayType=RADAR <-- note the 2 slash marks or 2) reduce the display sizes to 0 thusly: Width=0.0 Height=0.0 This will make it disappear. Also, if you want to remove the background box from the on-screen text displays, go back to the top section, and to this... that should take of you Wrench kevin stein
  12. My First Project Car

    My first girlfriend in High School had one of the Vega GTs...exactly as you described - red wth the white stripe. Spent many and hour driving up and down Mullhuland and the canyons in that thing . Horsepower? -- yah, like none!!! Good in the turns Cosworth Vegas...well, that's a 'hole nuther story.... Instresting to note, a few years later, Chevy came out with the Monza's, basicaly the Vega chassis -but now with an available 5.0 ltr V8 (305 cid). Always wondered how them little tiny disc brakes, and really small drums in back were able to stop that thing!! It was REALLLLY fun trying to the the last spark plugs (disremember if it was 6/8 or 5/7) I remember you had to disconnect the motor mount, and jack up the engine. BTW, I still have the special tool required to collapse the rear drum self adjuster mechanisms. I don't even think this tool is available anymore, anywhere, from anyone. Yah, lots of memories.....sigh..... Wrench kevin stein 18436572
  13. Only 13 installs??? (this from the guy who's pared his down to 17 from 21....) WoE TMF F-15, TMF F-16, TMF Mirage IIICJ * Widesky, BunyapPak (edited to remove some things --until TMF's WoE pak comes out) ??? so many good terrains (and some REALLY good rebuilds...) Can I have Jenny Garner instead, for a terrain to explore???? Wrench kevin stein you'll probably think I'm a bit "odd" selecting jets, when I'm such a confirmed prop-head
  14. Yah, me too!! Gotta see how the enhanced targets sit..... Stary, PM Major Lee - he shows up every now and then, and see if he's still got the texturelist ini archived somewhere! Wrench kevin stein
  15. Damn, Nicki!! That is one nice skin! I've got the "Warpaint" on the Hudson on pdf, if that'll be of any use to anyone... Wrench kevin stein
  16. NUTS!! Ed, you trying to make me go out and spend money to find the DVD for "Captains of the Clouds"??? For those that haven't seen this Jimmy Cagney vehicle, Hudsons figure in the last quater of the film, as they're ferrying a bunch from Canada to England (aircraft take off was filmed at Lockheed Burbank; the birds were right off the production line) Tyrone Power's "Yank in the RAF" has some too...THAT one I have!! wrench kevin stein
  17. It's a 'What If...' experiment, as I'd never flown the Buffalos against anything but IJN/IJAAF birds. All the serial numbers I used are real, too, from the aborted Belgian delivery. I 'assumed' the aircraft would wind up somewheres (I actually think they wound up in SEA/Burma/etc region. Easy enough to change the call letter -- it's part of the skin. Only the individual letters and serials are decals. Actually managed to hold my own against the Emils...I got 4 and wingmates got another 4, but we lost 5! Wrench kevin stein
  18. Is this of any help??? wrench kevin stein
  19. Not to do too much of a thread hijack, but here's a couple more, BoF and BoB (and don't laugh at the BoB ones -- well, not too much ) 12 Squadron Battle, Advanced Air Striking Force: Partial reskin, with new markings; still need to do serial numbers Not sure how to state this properly.... "Do you wish to feel wholely inadquate in combat? Want to be the laughing stock of the enemy, so that when they see you they can't control themselves, and plow right into the ground?? Well, then, if that's what you want bunky, then sign up with the RAF and get posted to No.66 Squadron!! We have our brand new American-built Brewster Buffalos!!" I gotta admit, those 4 50 cals do a HELL of a lot more damage then 8 303s!!! (why waste a new template??) Wrench kevin stein
  20. Happy Birthday Moonjumper aka Crusader

    Happy Birthday Otto!!!! make sure it a great day! Wrench kevin stein
  21. Q: How to you get a kill without a hit? (referenced to A-A action only - a qualifier) A: Outfly them look up the term "CFIT" my favorite way....insert evil laugh -->HERE<--- Wrench kevin stein
  22. The first jamming (ECM) devices were used in WW2; both as active countermeasures (electronics) and passive (chaff or 'window'). Radar warning devices started appearing (methink in RAF bombers) around 1943. P-38, P-51 and I think some P-47s carried a rear radar warning reciever/transmitter of some kind in late 44. Late model B-29s could also have a small aft looking radar for the tail gunner to use. (got pictures around here somewhere...) Think of noise jammers as a big blanket, covering the spectrum, trying to drown out the search/track radar beams (like the idiot next to you in traffic, with the his 45000 watt speaker system in a Honda Civic, or you turning up the stero to cover up the sound of your brakes grinding up the rotors) IIRC, deceptive jammers create false images of your aircraft, to fool (decieve ->hence deceptive) for the radars/missiles/radar guided AAA to look at, whilst you hopefully slip through with too many holes magically appearing in your aricraft. Simplified explinations, of course. Info on the history of ECM/ECCM readily available on the web. Researching WW2 nightfighters helps too... Wrench kevin stein
  23. aahhhhaa...i see said the blind man...you went AROUND the roundel, with a larger decal! (vader voice) MOST Impressive!! Figuring out the spacing must've been a real bee--oiych!! the movie is a great reference, that's how I got the codes and serials for my "BoB Movie" Spit 1 skin Gotta love DVD freeze frame and zoom!!! BTW, I'd suggest not trying the half/half scheme for 1939/40 BoF...the raditor scoop is mapped to the undernose section, and dosen't even want to take a decal to cover it. 1 Sqdn, AASF Oct/Nov 1939: Oddly enough, the references FOR the raditor scoop decal have been removed in these shots...I must have missed something on the skin map Well, least I finally got the right lower roundels...!! Wrench kevin stein
  24. Um.....like Fubar said. Don't tell nobody about the free gas...expeically at today's prices.... ---------- edit the Douglas refuleing pod's entry in the weaponsdata ini, and turn it into a 0 strength jammer. Like I did with the Scooter humps. Right now, it's set as a gunpod, thereby forcing itself to load. Wrench kevin stein
  25. Ok, where's the decal bleed on the cowling, and how'd you get rid of it???? Wrench kevin stein

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