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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Check the Knowledge Base, the "Bunyap Weapons Pak Fixes Thread"...there's a couple of issues I addressed about the 'Varks in there that might be helpfull Wrench kevin stein
  2. Probably for me to finish of 3 or 4 RAF skins.... I know I started an AASF Battle, a Hurri and something else that I disremember right now. The AdA Hawk 75 and DB-7 already exist, but we're missing all the other French aircraft. Plus anything the Belgian AF might have had. We've got a Fokker XXI, so a Dutch fighter is covered. What else would be on the Allies side? I have to go back and find my notes and whatnot...I'd started some work when the BoB map came out, as some folks were expressing intrest in the BoF set...but nearly 2 years (?) ago?? Editating the BoB map/campaign data for BoF would be left up to Baltika ... I'm just a skin and ini kinda guy! Wrench kevin stein
  3. Is that simulated fabric I see on the aft fuse and fin??!!! Oh, I hhhope so!! Wrench kevin stein
  4. None taken -- since I don't work for Brewster! Don't forget, the F2A WAS the first modern monoplane delivered the USN in the mid-30, so it was quite advanced for 1936!! Oddly enough, Brewster was a sub-contractor for Vought, and built several hundred Corsairs .. complete aircraft. They also made bomb racks for the -1A and -1Ds. Disremember the disgination to seperate the Vought built (F4U) from the Brewster built versions Wrench kevin stein
  5. Um...actually, there's a good possibility they will. After all, the seasonal code originated in FE, which is where I 'borrowed' the idea from for the ANW 4 season rebuild. Post patch FE and SF/WoV/WoE (ie: post 9/08 & 10/08 ) have some FE coding in them. There's another thread in here, by me, with some screenies of an imported terrain -- you'll have to do a search to find it. Should be from Sept/Oct time frame. All you need to do is move the original GermanyCE terrain folder over INTO you FE's /Terrain folder. The reason for this is, the SF/Wo* series NEED one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ for the cat pointer line. I've tested several of the add-on terrains, mind you WITHOUT seasonal sub-folders, and with one of the Original 3 ™ present, they work fine (i think it was Edward's WW2 North Africa terrain). Be advised, however, you'll be missing a LOT of the ground objects, FE-wise, so you'll be stuck with a more 'modern' looking terrain (airfields will be the paved ones, all the buildings, etc, etc, sam sites, etc....and so forth) What that means, is you'd need to extract the 'era specific' building and such from FEs' stock terrain cats (LODS, tga, bmps, destroyed LODs, etc), copy/paste them into the terrain you want to add, copy/paste their entries from the FE terrains *** _types.ini into the newly imported one's **_types ini, and rebuild the **_targets.ini of the terrain you moved over. Probably, a complete rebuild of said _targets.ini. A lot of work? Yes, indeed. Identifying and extracting the FE terrains objects should keep a body busy for a day or so... Is it worth it? That's all up to what YOU want to see in-game. Wrench kevin stein
  6. The Terrain Editor Thread

    But don't you loose the 'real world' coastline outline that way?? In this, the coasline at Kanehoe Bay is not correct, due to the lack to detail, but I'd like to keep it ( the bay outline) as close as possible I think what I have is an extreamly "odd" case, as there's no other map, and no other airfield that's, literally, at the water's edge. It being a seaplane base and all... To me, for fixing MY issues (other than several million dollars worth of therapy....) sounds more like HFD editing....which I ain't exactly very clear on. Yet Wrench kevin stein
  7. Wouldn't it be easier to just zip up 8 or 10 of these into single packages, and upload THAT pakcage? When posting in the Announcements Thread something like: "Hangar and Loadings Screens for the following aircraft a b c d e f g etc" Release threads for other Mods get lost this, with (I hate to call it this) "mini-floods" of smaller mod paks, that drive them down and off the 1st page and out of sight. Also dosen't tie up your end with upload after upload after upload; have them all together in one, simple to upload (and download) package. You can even group 'types' togehter in coherent packages -- like, all the MiGs, NATO aircraft, US, Swedish, whatever. Give that some thought, please? Thank you!! btw, nice choices of pics! Wrench kevin stein
  8. Most definately sounds like a 'cat pointer problem' Follow the instructions in the Thread in the KB -- read the whole thing, especially my comments/instructions in the 2nd post. (as some of the info in the 1st one is a bit outdated, due to the new patches adding all the stuff form the older versions, ie: Strike Fighters desert_airfield**.inis) Wrench kevin stein
  9. here she is, nearly finished.... I just have to do up serial number decals. Which will actually BE for B-25Bs... I'll do the usual 12, even though only 4 "will" be sent to Midway. notice the removal of the ventral turret and tail guns, (via data ini edits) as 98.6% of ALL B-25s either removed them in the field or were not installed at the factory (expecially on later models) C & D models could actually carry torps, and did so on severl occasions in SoWesPac...so, this isn't too far fetched! 69th BS, 38BG which is the actual unit delpoyed to Midway in their Maruarder (and later requipped with Mitchells!!) Wrench kevin stein
  10. My Grandfather has passed.....

    Sorry for you loss, too brother. Like someone else stated already, he's in Good Company. Wrench kevin stein
  11. As far as I know, they just show up all the time. I've never seen a selectable capabality like that in any GO, stock or 3rdparty Wonder how that'll effect your searchlights...will the beam show up daylight? (just had a thought...apply a search/trak radar to it....what a nasty thought!) I don't think the ground object dlls (?) have that. Fubar would probably know -- he's been taking them 'apart' since day one! Wrench kevin stein
  12. Capun performed a stupendeous great service for us all by including the OUT files with our aircraft releases (hence the removal of the exhaust stack outlets on the A-20A Havoc, and the decaled belly turret on the B-25B/C) Try this for the mesh name: TailGear oddly enough, on the Buffalo , I used a 0,0 coordinate, and it worked. For the Hurri, you might need to guestimate from the tail light position, moving down and forward Wrench kevin stein
  13. To quote Bill Dana (Jose Giminez) from Ed Sullivan/"The Right Stuff": "Oh, I hhope so!" His ligth cruisers will most likely 'fit' better than the Brooklyn's I been using. I guess a PM IS in order...maybe after the holidays. Hate bugging folks this time of year; it's suuposed to be for family. Which is why I appriciate everyone's efforts all the more! Wrench kevin stein
  14. -1C or early -3 TBM. He was shot down during operations around Iwo. (Ha-ha Jim??? - disremember) mid 45?? Don't know about any other time having to get fished out... Wrench kevin stein
  15. (thinks hard before responding.......) . . . . . . well, all it takes is a knowledge of how the targets and types inis work, how to place targets, use Skypat's extractor tool... then one just needs to extract the destroyed lods and associated tga/bmps, create and add the entries for said destroyed buildings in the _types ini, create or edit the "Large Urban Module" (which, btw, is NOT centered on it's 0,0 point) and place it on the map via the _targets.ini. Only about a day and halfs work... Wrench kevin stein
  16. It's here, the different season tile sets were included in the original. IIRC, it was done by Edward? I personally think it's a slightly better map than the stock GermanyCE, for the simple reason it's sssoooo much larger, covering the UK (well, most of it). Took me a while to find the screenies where I"d stored them on my site: the water extends almost 1 1/2 tiles inland here's some borrowed trees.. I'll try to have up zipped, and a link to you later today thanks man!! Wrench kevin stein
  17. Well, we could cheat and just cover it with a 'metallic' decal. I just did the same thing on the 2 Buffalo skins I just released: the landing gear struts are ALL covered with a decal. Just wish I could get a better handle on metallic colors. I've done this on several mods of our (DAT) planes, to add a little 'extra flavor'. Wrench kevin stein
  18. That could almost (ok, but not quite...) stand in for a California class. Obviously, some differences, but the hull shape is closer than Iron Duke's. Great stuff, hinch!! Wrench kevin stein
  19. I thank you fro the offer! Most definately, will take you up on it!! Wrench kevin stein
  20. Dload: In simple terms, NO. Building set in the TOD files are "terrain objects", and not subject to even mulit-megaton detonation damage. The various "Urban Modules" by Polak that I've been using, are. They use standard in-game buildings, which are targetable and destroyalbe. In fact, if one is exceptionaly clever , they can even be replaced by destroyed building, creating utterly destroyed whole cities: we see here a Phantom on a recon run over the remains of Yuma, AZ. Wrench kevin stein
  21. The "modern" EAWEuro version, I'm assuming? The 4 season tiles already exist. I have a multi-seasoned version that I'm trying to figure out MANY oddities and anomalies. On hold right now, whislt I do other things. Do a search around here, I've posted some screenies of the quirks. (I was, however, able to add some forests from the WoE fields and farms upgrade) Basically, my belief is the terrain will need complete, major overhaul from the ground up (excepting targets - which may need air defense upgrades), as the tiling/ HMs, sea effects and other things are a bit 'off' CA, if you want to take a look, let me know and I'll zip it up and shoot you a link. There are some MAJOR issues with the sea/land interface. Wrench kevin stein
  22. Here's a quicky test shot of the B-25B with a torp. Obviously, I still need to dail in the 'mounting brackets'... fueselage skin is new; was making a new templates tonight. Still have to do the wings. ALso, note the now none-transparent belly turret; as they were periscope operated, they were solid sheet metal. (its a decal -- borrowed from an uncompleted B-25C 'Strafer' mod for New Guinea) OR we can use the A-20A or C, as I've got several skins readily available (and templates!!) and just needing redecaling. And adding the torp station of course... Your choice! Wrench kevin stein
  23. Baltika: any tho0ught been given to the Missing Marauder??? I'm pretty sure I can hang a torpedo on a Mitchell, if we want some kind of stand in. The B model is readly avaialbe...it'll just need reskinning Wrench kevin stein
  24. I think a LOT of us would be VERRRRYYY interestered in these... Are the changes for the '06 level or '08 level patches?? With all the Hurri skins I've, I never noticed the tailwheel problem. Got a screenie?? Wrench kevin stein
  25. I can get you produciton run blocks, but not individual serials per squadron. Looks like I got a 50meg book to upload.... Wrench kevin stein

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