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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I just wish the larger versions of stary's hangars had an open version, so you could 'put stuff' in them This is looking REAL good, Gepard!!
  2. <cough> low level integrated graphic card <cough> We've seen this before
  3. The Corona Virus Thread

    While watching the news on various (local) channels, and seeing what's happening all over the country I was struck with some interesting thoughts.. Are we seeing the beginnings of the next American Revolution, or of the next Civil War?? I'm hoping that if its revolution, it's an evolution to something better, stronger and safer. As for the other ... we'd be pretty fucked then
  4. Open air display day at the USAF Museum
  5. The Corona Virus Thread

    it's unbeliveable!! There as a blurb on the news scroll on one of our local channels (KTLA 5) the bishop at that church 'simply couldn't believe what he was seeing' with prez twat. And watching my city burn, again ... Santa Monica was spared the lunacy in 92, but not this time. (I'm in a nice quite residential area just east of SM airport. there ain't nothing around us worth burning, fortunately) and when the virus spike hits ... karmic justice anyone?
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  7. But I'll bet Lemurland got removed (sad face). King Julian must be very depressed (as people won't stop touching the feet) Seriously, though, Menrva's is soooo much better!!
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  9. and it actually WORKS??? that terrain has one of the most fucked up height fields I've ever seen or worked with (as it, it ain't got one!) I'd be surprised (but pleasentley!!) let us know if it does!! :)
  10. View File SF2 F-102 (V2K) Delta Dart Hawaii ANG Skin Pack SF2 F-102 (V2K) Delta Dart Hawaii ANG Skin Pack 5/22/2020 = For SF2 (Any & All) = This is a new skin for the F-102 Delta Dart, by Veltro2K. It represents Darts as used by the 199th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, Hawaiian Air National Guard from 7 December 1960 until October 1976. You can find the aircraft, if you don't have it already at the following URL: https://combatace.com/files/file/9446-f-102a-delta-dagger/ This is an all new skin, built from Geary's template (thanks!), with 26 new serial numbers. Those numbers marked with the star (*) are 100% historical. All the rest should be considered generic in nature. Decal randomization is TRUE. When in-game, you'll see: 199th FIS, Hi ANG (12/60-10/76) On the skin/unit selection drop-down menu. **Important! In order to eliminate confusion with the Razbam F-102, this main folder has been tagged as "F-102A_v2k". If yours in name differently, you may have to either rename you aircraft folder, or rename THIS folder to fit you personal naming conventions. Do NOT rename the folders in the Decals sub-folder. This will keep their specific pathways intact.** As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... they can be accessed after unzippering. Please follow the 'usual instructions'. If you run into trouble, feel free to post the question, or PM me. Happy Landing! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 05/29/2020 Category F-102  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 F-102 (V2K) Delta Dart Hawaii ANG Skin Pack 5/22/2020 = For SF2 (Any & All) = This is a new skin for the F-102 Delta Dart, by Veltro2K. It represents Darts as used by the 199th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, Hawaiian Air National Guard from 7 December 1960 until October 1976. You can find the aircraft, if you don't have it already at the following URL: https://combatace.com/files/file/9446-f-102a-delta-dagger/ This is an all new skin, built from Geary's template (thanks!), with 26 new serial numbers. Those numbers marked with the star (*) are 100% historical. All the rest should be considered generic in nature. Decal randomization is TRUE. When in-game, you'll see: 199th FIS, Hi ANG (12/60-10/76) On the skin/unit selection drop-down menu. **Important! In order to eliminate confusion with the Razbam F-102, this main folder has been tagged as "F-102A_v2k". If yours in name differently, you may have to either rename you aircraft folder, or rename THIS folder to fit you personal naming conventions. Do NOT rename the folders in the Decals sub-folder. This will keep their specific pathways intact.** As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... they can be accessed after unzippering. Please follow the 'usual instructions'. If you run into trouble, feel free to post the question, or PM me. Happy Landing! Wrench Kevin Stein
  12. yes, guns must be added to the soundlist ini
  13. so, but as it's not the official 3rd Wire version, it may NOT be patchable up to October 08. (there being like 6-10 patches between 04 and 08) You might want to look into getting the "regular" version from the 3rd Wire site. If international sales are (still) allowed. https://store.thirdwire.com/store_p2.htm I don't know if all the patches are stored there anymore, as that link seem to have vanished. I know the downloadable versions ARE at the 08 patch level At the end of the day, it's probably smarter, easier to simply just go to SF2. ESPECIALLY for any maching that Win7 or above. So much less effort on the End User's end. that's all I got! Sorry!
  14. need to find out what version (patch level) it is. On the opening splash page, down usually in the lower right corner s a date -- month/year below is the WoE main screen, SFG should be similar. The last patch available for SF, WoE, WoV was October 2008. Now, SFG might be different, especially for non-American versions. (of which I know very little). There may not be a patch for your version. If that's the case, you're going to be somewhat limited. If you can, take a screenshot of the main screen (prntscn). Since teh game won't see it a screenshot, you'll need an image program to save it with, then attach it here. But again, as the other poster with that game version found a few weeks ago, you might be boned. Just saying (sad face)
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  16. the answer is ALWAYS uninstall and start fresh we've seen that version cause problems before... so it's questionable version.
  17. i'd go with the 'open space' version, even if it's not historically correct. It's easier to work with when targeting
  18. yes, PLEASE don't use dds skins!!! We've been going around and changing those models that do/did back to jpg via hex editing. thank you Russ!! that Dak is REALLY looking good, too!
  19. and if it's the KNOWN pirated one .... I shouldn't have to finish this sentence
  20. All Out Fighters Attack!!! Hunting Rodan...
  21. Indeed, that should be mentioned. If so, I can edit the announcement and add it with no problems!
  22. That's far more than I could have ever hoped to see, let alone ask for
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