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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I must admit, I just did a quick run over it... For a seperate, winter terrain: LEAVE STOCK GERMANYCE terrain ALONE!!! create new folder "GermanyW" rename all inis to match ie: "GermanyW.ini", etc. adjust names to match in main ini add cat pointer line BACK to GermanyCE.cat in main ini: CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat drop the new tiles and tods into the NEW winter folder test fly to check. Wrench kevin stein
  2. Why would you need to do that??? Seasoned terrains have the seasons in seperate folder; so, the stock, garden variety standard GermanyCE.cat is reused. All the other changes are done via the 'seasonal entries' in the terrain ini. As this is a 'minor' (no insult intended) mod of the existing terrain, renaming the cat file removes it from the sight of the game engine. Rename it back to stock ie: GermanyCE.cat, and see what happens Remember, it's Post Patch (9/08 & 10/08) ONLY -- it will not work in any other environment. Period. wrench kevin stein
  3. Weren't there Hurri skins the campaign d/l??? I don't remember!!! Markings are easily done (I cheated on a lot of Spit skins and used decals ie: XX(roundel) for one decal and X for the individual letter, AI (O) one decal, A as another. Should work the Hurricanes, too. If you want my template, you're welcome to it. It DOES need the lower wing roundel changed -- I've got the wrong type on there (on the Spits, too, IIRC) The base skins would all be the same (since we can't do the 'mirror camo pattern without a whole seperate skin folder), just redecaling for squadron letters I may have a home-made template for Russo's Emil, but I'll have to look for it... Wrench kevin stein
  4. In the KB, you'll find this handy-dandy thread (albeit not fully updated), but nonetheless, a fairly complete listing of "What's Available" http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=21870 terrains/ground objects should be the 3rd or 4th post down One of the Great Secrets, hiding in plane sight.. Wrench kevin stein
  5. Easiset and simplest way would be to create nation-specifc versions for each, and edit the data and loadout inis to point to the particular tanks needed for that variant. Other than that.... Since they don't or won't change on the loadout screen. Wrench kevin stein
  6. Eric: that's a old, well know problem. It has to do with the lenght of the path name; IIRC it was too long (prepatch ie: 06 patch). You may need to rename the folder, shorten to something like Tor_IDS (rename the main ini to match =DON'T FORGET!!), then adjust the path in the decals ini. WRench kevin stein
  7. Yes, they are. As are nightime stellar constellations and moon phases (although those are based off time of the month) Example: DBS, with it's Midnight Sun. Hence the importance of adding the Lat/Long = lines in the terrains main ini. from ANW's environmentalsystem ini: everything below this point looks almost identical to a stock, freshly extracted environmentalsystem ini, found in the /Flight folder, in either the FlightData.cat or MissionData.cat -- can't remember which. note on gravitational accleration; one can't but wonder if we lower it, and create reddish-brown terrain tiles, if we couldn't simulate Mars...although the atmosphere may still remain at Earth standard (14.7 psi @ sea level -- is that 1 Bar in metric?) Wrench kevin stein
  8. pablito: from the ANW 4 Season Readme: (if you haven't got it, you're seriously missing out on some very fun stuff!) Those 'dateline variables' are set in the terrain's MAIN ini, ala First Eagles. Dates (season start/stop times) are easily adjusted by simply changing the month/day entry. Just like the example shown above. Since I'm not a Campaign Guru, I can only assume if you set the start date for a campaign in say, September 1st, you'd have the summer tiles...if the campaign continues on through say Feburary or March, you'd see the change to winter. I defintely like the 'clear zones' around the air bases, to me that a lot more realistic looking (as photos of the Real World ™ places would show. Wrench kevin stein
  9. Check the path name in the "FileFormat=" line. All the newer games require the full path name, ie: (which I'm pretty sure I used) Since I'm 'responsible' for the EAF Meteors (and a host of other 48-56 Arab and Isreali aircraft mods), I know something of the subject. Don't forget too, these are historical skins and only have a fixed (and very low) number of custom-made Arabic serial numbers. (same for all the Arab Metors - F.4, F.8) Couldn't tell you about the Texans, though wrench kevin stein
  10. No, it's called a "gunsight", as the bombers are AI controled and really not designed for player use. There is a horizontal bomber 'bombsight' mod available; check in the "cockpits" section in the downloads. Be advised, it messes with your views, and might not be compatable with the latest patches. Couldn't tell you about "Falcon 4", but the F-4B/C/D/E/F/G/J/N/S Phantom has the aforementioned "gunsight" thingy No. It has a "gunsight". If it had a "bombsight", it would be a bomber, wouldn't it??? Again I can assume you mean the A-4 Skyhawk? Like all the fighter and attack aircraft, the "gunsight" is on ALL the time. When selecting you A-G ordanance, the "gunsight" automatically depresses to (hopefully) give you a bette aim angle in the dive or glide bombing attack. ------ By these questions, one can assume you're new to air combat flight sims?? If so, you'll definately want to spend to some time reading the pdf that comes with the SF/Wo* series of games- you'll find it in a folder called "Manual". Although mostly concerned with game operations (installling, troubleshooting, etc), there are some factoids on aircraft operations, and weapons delivery. You'll also want to spend some time in our Knowledge Base -- start at the beginning and read EVERY thread in there. Somewhere else around here, is a Forum in the "Military and GEneral Aviation", that has a 'Air Combat School" sub-forum. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=155 may have to sift through a lot of muck to get the gold nugget you want, but there's some good data in there. Happy Hunting! Wrench kevin stein
  11. IIRC, there are 2 older terrains (which means they'll probably need some minor updating) DRV by Gepard, and SEA by Killerbee both were built for SF Don't suppose you've already looked in the local downloads section? DRV (and an upgrade pack) are both on page 11 of the SF/Wo*/FE Terrains/Mods Terrains SEA may still be at avsim.com, but totally not sure But seriously, if you got 20 bucks you don't need, ya can't go wrong buying WoV from TK's site. Wrench kevin stein
  12. I see a Supermarine Attacker on the cat, Hinch!! Wrench kevin stein
  13. Tanks have a _destroyed.lod called out in their inis. Stock ones, and a lot of the 3rd party made AFVs also use it. It's built into the Objects.cat, as are the destroyed and damaged lods for the 2 stock ships. Silverbolt: ever looked at the stock ships data inis??? SinkTime= (in seconds) A lot of the ship mods are missing this parameter. Takes just a few seconds to add it. Larger ships, ie Carriers and battleships (exepting HOOD and BARHAM perhaps...) would have the extended to apporx 60 or even longer*, depending on the damge inflicted and ship size. Warships are DEFINATELY more survivable than a thin-skinned cargo ship. The tanker should also be extended, due to the use of double hulls. You all know that in Real Life ™, Ed's a boat skipper. His last command was RMS Titanic....which is why he sticks to warm waters Like the Bermuda Triangle!!! Wrench kevin stein *historically, look at the time it took for ships like YORKTOWN, WASP, GAMBIER BAY to finally slip beneath the waves...even LEXINGTON didnt want to sink; we had to put her down ourselves via torpedoes from the escorting destroyers. And it still took a long time. Or, the CROSSROADS nuke tests at Bikini and Eniwitok ....
  14. Well, been testing it for the last hour and half, and I can confidently say... It don't work. Added the damaged effect to BOTH data inis and the terrain types ini (in this case, New Guiena, as it's got plenty of shipping routes), to ALL the ships (cargoship, tanker, liberty, my USN cargo ship), and all I get is nothing. Just a destroyed ship when it sinks. It may be like the removing meshes via dat ini edits, it only works on aircraft not ground objects. DAMN! that sucks! would be nice to see ships afire from strafing damge (expecially when using the 75mm gun on the B-25H!) You all can continue experimentating, but I can't get it to work... RATTSSS!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  15. Don't know if having a 'damaged effect' is possible... Theoreticaly it may be possible, via data ini edits of the various ships: You'll have to add it, run some A-S missions, and see if it works. WRench kevin stein
  16. All the trees and 'citybuildingsclusters' are in the TOD files, that are named exactly the same as the terrain tiles Unfortunately, I havn't seen (meaning I'been too buzy/lazy to get the CA_Stary's new ones..) the desert and I2 If you're meaning those high-rise clusters I added to the Isreal2 map, they're in the "City1.tod". You'll also need to associated bmp for the building skins (terrobjectsbuildings1.bmp) These were 'borrowed' from either Gepards or Polaks terrain, don't rmember exaclty who's As to the transitions, desert-sea, desert-farm, deter-mountain, etc, just look for those TODs. Lookin inside the new data ini, in the tiles lisitng, and it'll tell you which AlphaOjbcet to use, meaning which 'vegatation' tga to add to the terrain folder. Make sure you edit (AND BACKUP!!!! FIRST) the terrains' data ini. You'll probably have to add both, or do some renaming if you want to keep those stunted palms I used in Lybia. Wrench kevin stein
  17. Armor it with titanium? approx 100mm worth?? I've just been noticing some of our Battleships are armoured VERY low -- 25mm of steell? The Abarms for the DS mod has got 250mm worth -- takes 3 direct hits from a T-72 to kill it. I'd try upping the armor values considerably; which may create the problem of YOU not being able to kill with a single weapons (or having to use a REALLLLY big one), as your wingmates will probably NOT attack YOUR target. Wrench kevin stein
  18. The Terrain Editor Thread

    Which is pretty much how I did it...tiled first, placed airfield, checked position in-game, backed up TFD and HFD (I've got like 8 or 10 backedup!), then back in and flattened the airfields -- EXCEPT, I didn't do the smoothing, then adjusted sea level. Although, I've did do it several times afterwards .. So, am I screwed?? Meaning, having to start from a fresh retile withOUT the flattening and etc? How would this effect targets placements? It shouldn't, right?? Wrench kevin stein
  19. It can be set in the types ini, if you use ships as terrain ground objects. Also, can be set in the ships data ini ... IN SOME CASES!! Unfortunately, only the 2 stock ships (cargo ship and tanker) have a 'damaged' or 'destroyed' model ... all the others will just sit there until they sink, fully 'intact' or just plane disappear. This is a small tweek of the original CargoShip" You'll note the existence of the damaged and destroyed LODs. Whereas we look at the 'Destroyer': You'll see it dosen't. You can always swap out various "DestroyedEffects" from other items. Baltika used the "AmmoDumpExplosion" and "ShipDestroyedEffect" for the ships in his Phillipines 1941 map. And befour you ask, YES, I have tried creating a destroyed model and skin via copy/rename and hex edit lods, for test purposes, on the DATs Liberty ship, with no results. Even editing the inis to point to these 'new' destroyed models residing in a multitude of places...the Liberty's main folder, the main /Objects folder, the main /GroundObjects folder, and even in the terrain folder. Never figured out if it's a path problem, data ini problem, or just in models themselves. Example: in the above, I've got the destroyed LOD is residing in the MAIN Liberty folder. Nevr got it to work Wrench kevin stein
  20. Right now, it's on hold. Once I got the proper map, as I was working on a really OLD version of it, with all the right tiles and rivers and etc, and discovered I have to reposition 200 target area....burnout set in. So, I choose to take a little brake from it. I have to figure out the new postioins for virtually all the cities, naval bases, AD units, ports, hydroelectric plants, etc, etc and of course, etc. Some areas will need retiling (expecially Seoul), as the city tiles are misplaced (way too far inland) After the beginning of the New Year, I'll get back to it, and let Brain know what needs retile/flattening/trees moved, whatever I'm still shooting for a 'all years usage' from 1950 - the present Wrench kevin stein
  21. File Name: P-40B Tomahawk, Skin & Ini Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 18 Dec 2008 File Category: Allied Fighters Curtiss P-40B Tomahawk Skin "Pearl Harbor Defenders" This is a new skin (and ini pak) for Wolf257s P-40B Tomahawk, representing the 47th Pursuit Squadron, 15 Pursuit Group, Haleiwa Field, HI. as seen on the morning of 7 December, 1941. It is desgned for use on a user created "P-40B", NOT the standard Tomahawk that comes with Wolf's WW2 Planes Pak. For those that have NOT created a seperate P-40B, instructions are below in the "Creating a Seperate USAAC P-40B". I've included just about everything you should need for the task. EXCEPTING - the aircraft LOD and cockpit folders are NOT included, so you'll need the original Tomahawk to copy these files / folders from. However, I have included a new gunsight (ring-and-bead), as seen in some other Tomahawk mods I've done over the years. A new, revamped USAAC style Hangar screen is also included, as is the damage tga. Running lights have been corrected or added to, and a landing light has also been added. = IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY-, It has =NOT= been tested it in post 8/28/08 patch WoI, or post 9/08 - 10/08 patch SF/WoV/WoE. You use it in these enviroments at your own risk. = =This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.= *(not like this version Tomahawk -actually- carries anything but machine guns...)* == PLEASE read the enclosed readme through BEFORE installing this aircraft mod into you game install. This will get you familiar with the procedure, and you'll know exactly what to do!!! == Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  22. There's a screenie around here somewhere of a half-finished VVS Airacrobra I started; but I'm kinda trapped in the Pacific right now.. Still waiting for Deuces to finish off the forestation of the Solomons, so I can complete THAT map upgrade. Baltika is tweeking some water/land interface issues I have on the Marianas...and Hawaii will need the same. I thought the Soviet AF only have the E and later models Kittyhawk/Warhawk? (to say nothing of some Hurricanes, etc.) Honestly, I think the P-39 really only needs decals...I'll have to look in my ETO/SWOTL install to be sure Besides, we don't got no Eastern Front map yet! Edward was working on one a couple years back, but I don't think it was ever finished. Of course, pfunk's Black Sea map could convievibly be back-dated for WW2 usage...I don't want to think about that now!!! Wrench kevin stein
  23. Happy holidays everyone!

    QISmaS botIvjaj 'ej DIS chu' botIvjaj Happy now, JM??? couldn't find Happy Hannukah in Klingon, however... Wrench kevin stein ps: great sig quote, too JM!!
  24. Nurse Chapel is no longer on the Enterprise

    She was such a sweet lady...always had time for the fan. Majel was at every Con we used to go to...always ready to sign an autograph or pose for a picture. In fact, the shut-down wav for my comp is her as Enterprise's computer voice proclaiming "Main power offline in 10 seconds" One of the turely nice people of Trekdom! She will be missed... Wrench kevin stein
  25. The Terrain Editor Thread

    Now, this question, I'm sure would probably fall into the "Experienced" category...meaning amatures like can get rapidly over their heads and badly frustrated.. I'm going to start this off with the 'tsunami' questions; wherein we deal with the creeping up of the ocean vertically onto the sea/land transition tiles. Also with the odd "humping up" of the ocean that sometimes accompanies the flatten airfeild function, when said airfield is too close the water, as in my Mariana and Hawaiian Islands maps. Is there a proper order of things, with which to prevent or remove this effect? Meaning: you've got your citislst.in, with areaXXX HasAirfield=TRUE Do you 'flatten airfield' first, THEN "smooth", adjust sea level then "SAVE ALL", and check in game for the proper flattness and sea level? OR do you adjust the heightfield smoothing, adjust sea level, THEN flatten the airfeild? Does the radius distance of the airfield zone effect the sea level, as I seem to be seeing (or more properly phrased, HOW does it effect this?) As an example; We know the distance is in KM, radiused out from the 0,0 point of the main coordinates. But how short a distance can we get away with? because this airfield is literaly 'on the beach', it creates a massive upwelling of the surrounding sea. Going back into the TE and using the "adjust sea level", creates a cliff which the airfield is hanging off of. Here's some screenies to illustrate what I'm seeing in game: north shore, nice and smooth (sorta) Rotating our view 180 degs, looking toward Ewa and beyond, we have this: Going around the island, to Kanehoe...there's an interesting 'water fall'... Wrench kevin stein

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