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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. The DAT has both the straight and V tail versions, along with the Mentor. I have some decals around here somewhere with fuselage registration numbers I made for the DAT's Bonanza/Debonair. I think there's only a dozen or so, but you're welcome to them. I made them so they kinda spell things out.... CL: yup, Mentor was based off the straight tailed version. Living next to GA airport helps (Santa Monica) WRench kevin stein
  2. First off, Welcome to CombatAce! Second, PLEASE don't post in the Knowledge Base -- it's for answers. Questions go here, in the "General Forums", etc Again, welcome!! And Happy Landings!! Wrench kevin stein
  3. Wouldn't, by chance, be using an ATI card?? Wrench kevin stein
  4. I love it!! Funny as all hell!! Blackbird, you forgot the define the moves as insturments Instrument{028]=Move1 Instrument{029]=Move2 etc just like the SystemName= in data inis But DO read Lexx's thread over 3rdWire -- some VERY cool stuff there WRench kevin stein
  5. SWEEET Hinch!!!! btw, as seen above, that map IS 100% scale...which begs the question: How far off is everything else???? It seems that no one has answered my question in this thread: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=34559 something else to experiment with this weekend, amidst all the skinning I'm still trying to finish off the Baltika's Midway campaign (just found out I'd NOT done enough or the right decals for the Zekes -- good thing I only made a couple numbers for each! - less to redo); the P-36s are finished and they'll be uploaded before Sunday (for historical purposes). oh, so much to do, so much time (well, being unemployed waaaaay too much time on my hands)....motivation!!! Need more motivation!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  6. You DID move the lod, skin and ini (if there) into the /Weapons folder, right??? Wrench kevin stein
  7. In each terrains ***_Data.ini are the specs for the effects; terrain, water and post 10/08, far terrain effects. It's an easy copy/paste job from a postpatch terrains data ini, extracted from the terrain cat (VietnamSEA.cat, Desert.Cat, GermanyCE.cat) A LOT of the older terrains will need some fairly minor tweeking (coverd in the "Official Patch Thread" and "Things You Need To Update Thread") , so I won't go over them here. You still didn't say exactly WHICH ones you have that are faulted... Wrench kevin stein
  8. As they say "why the hell not!!!" It's a good enough paint scheme for me! Somebody down the line can always repaint it, if needed. Big Guns would cool, if it's not too much work. They can always be used later in surface engagements ... (cough) Surigio Strait (cough) Gepard, I'd very much like to see your version -- it's probably better than mine Wrench kevin stein
  9. Looks like you go the whole family in there!!! I hope they left room for the beer!!! Nice to actually see muli-seating (other than bomber and EA-6B) Wrench kevin stein
  10. That'd be super Hinch!! The gods only know if or when a Hawaiian Islands map will appear, but thise BBs would make good targets - for either side to use. Could update the Okinawa map to have them 'in port' somewhere in the Inland Sea...or on the (as yet unfinished) Solomons map, based near Rabaul or wherever! If possible -meaning not a lot of work- to add the aft stack, that would be cool too. These could also possibly stand in for IJN BBs, too....easy enough to reskin the flag bmp. I"ll ini dance it to add the Engine2 for smoke. BTW, I've modded 2 of your carriers for the Marianas -- the MAC into a 'passable' CVE, and Kukolino's mod of Zuiho (CVE-118) into a CVL .... didn't come out too bad either!! They'll be included in map pak, when Baltike finishes some retiling for me. Wrench kevin stein
  11. 10 minutes worth of work... using the standard or garden variety Scooter B pit...which needs a few insturments moved out of sight and other repositioned as per the photo above. Still have to dial in the exact position, the pilot figure is NOT showing up (not like you can see him anway--half the windows are painted on!!) Not sure if it should be centered to the windshield, or offset like this. Positioning is based off where the pilot sits in the data ini. Needs some lighting upgrades, too. (the plane, not the cockpit!) Avionics ini needs some adjusting; borrowed it from howling1's mod for some other Blinder variants. Don't think they had a 'AirSearch' radar, probably only Ground Mapping...we'll need our Resident Russian Experts to weigh in on that one. Wrench kevin stein
  12. There's a hangar screen just waiting for a home, if you want it! Wrench kevin stein
  13. the color changes are nothing...a simple 'flood' or paintbucke tool can do that. Just extract all the cockpit bits, put in the /Cockpit folder for you Blinder, and paint away. Don't forget, too, that Lexx's system does NOT take into account the new First Eagles coding for OpenCockpit=TRUE. You may still need to use the ShowFromCockpit=TRUE lines for the nose and fuselage meshes, but you'll need to experiment to test. Lexx...patch up to 10/08, and see what I mean. Bet it might bring the canopy framing into view (no, sorry, I ain't had a chance to test this) Silverbolt: we've decieded that the old MK2 pits, while nice in their time, have incorrect labeling -- why don't you take a look at the "This Thread is Bull" Thread, about the What If Tu-4 AWACs; 2 of our native Russian speaker had some 'things' to say about it. Now, Ordway's stuff on the other hand... Mods of those will be appearing -hopefully soon- as stand in Fishpot pits. Wrench
  14. What terrains, specificly??? The Original 3 ™ all work, even post 06 patch. have you added the TerrainFX lines to the data inis of the terrains in question?? Wrench kevin stein
  15. The moves in the Bull AWAC do just that...remove EVERYTHING, and then move JUST the panel back up into view (this is for the B, non radar equiped Scooter pit). If you wanted to use the C/E pit with radar...don't know exactly, but I think they'd be pretty similar. Might need to open the C/E lod with a hex editor to double check the node names Lexx's moves! What a great find, huh??? Wrench kevin stein
  16. PBY-4 and -5 (none amphip, -4 had sliding flat hatches in the waist, 5 had the blisters) Kanehoe Bay (patwing 24???) B-17C/D -- possibly 1 or 2 Es in Major Sweeney's flight P-36s at Bellows and Wheeler & HIckam ??? --with only ONE nose mg and NO wing guns -- they were being used as training aircraft (will need to adjust in data ini) P-40B/C Wheeler and ??? possibly Hickam (not counting the few dispersed flights ala Welch & Taylor) P-26 -- a few scatered around B-18 Bolo SOCs at some of the navy bases (and battleships/Cruisers) SBDs somewhere... EDIT: Ewa, in pre-war neutrality gray, USMC only. Others on ENTERPRISE, non-spec blue/gray I've got a OrBat around here somewhere...maybe in my "Pearl Harbor Colors" book (good for skinning planes) Wrench kevin stein
  17. You must've never flown my "Wingman" missions for FA.... I think it was from Book 2, where the Mongolian Cavalry had invaded, you had to steal a Forger (Harrier standing in), and were being fired on by armed and dangerous Mooeses (Moosi?) that were standing in for the cavalry!!! Wish I had a screenie of ... it was HYSTERICAL!!! The Toolkits were a blast! (can't find them in my archives...damnit!!! Mission sets and Libs, yes...) Wrench kevin stein
  18. I'd forgotten about Urgent Fury ... my apologies! Still, you'll note the lack of enemy AD in Panama and Grenada (i'm talking SAMs with nasty pointed noses) I hadn't heard of any in Irag; have to check up on that I STILL want this aircraft; It'll look great flying or even just parked on the ramp!!!... now, if we could get TK to create "Air Convoys" to escort/intercept or just plane show up.. we'd be doing ok Wrench kevin stein
  19. I go away for an hour to experiment, and THIS is what happens!!!! Oddly enough, the triple-cursed thing IS working again...it seems like it's "Properties" got lost. Now, mind you all, this is VERY rough...just basic islands and stuff. A REAL Terrain Guru will need to get in here and fix a whole s**t-load of things But, without further ado, some screenies... don't concern yourselves about the misplaced airfield...it had to bee there (you should see the IJN one -- its in the middle of the ocean.) The mouth of the inlet bay is incorrect; and conspicious by it's absence is Ford Island. But the basic shape is there, albeit seeminly MUCH too small (given that runway is 1200 meters in lenght). Mountains seem about right, though Hinch: baby, that's JUST the ticket!! It would make a PERFECT terrain object! I'll 7 or 8!!! A series of single missions would probably be the ticket; I remember in CFS2 it would either generate them (you choosing the place) or there were some already built-in (or did I d/l them??? disremember....) So, if somebody REALLY good with the TE wants this, it's all yours. Uses vietnam tiles; so you'll have to adjust your cat pointer. If someone gets the terrain straightened out, I'll targetize it. Looks like the Kates and Vals will need yet MORE skins..... As to "What If..." scenarios, I have an ENTIRE book on the shelf devoted to just that very subject for WW2.... SARATOGA was enroute to Pearl, as was ENTERPRISE, (unfortunatley missing the SARA and LEX shapes -- we can make do) Even gamed this out a thousand or so years ago in Avalon Hills "War At Sea" board game. With disastrious results for the US Navy. So, there you go. Any Guru that wants it, PM me WRench kevin stein
  20. Now THATs an Idea I'd forgotten.... used that on the Talon pilot figures...the male figure is the star's face (not the black guy). You'd just have to fiddle with the size to work it down so it fits into the helmet. Wrench kevin stein
  21. Depending on historical time frame, (ie: 1950s) you'd be using C-119s -- and this IS true! Too bad we can drop supply pallets for the Marines reterating from Chosin...had a cousin there in Real Life ™ Airdropping troops in a Modern Day ™ environment may only be a good way to the your paras killed and transports destroyed ... given the level of today's air defenses. Transports are best used for what they were designed for -- moving men and material close to the FEBA, and then using ground transport to close, engage and destroy the enemy. When was the last time paras were dropped into a hot LZ, with uncontested control of air and minimal or no enemy air defenses? The French at Dien Bien Phu? The IDF at Mitla Pass, 1956? No, I think the days of the Overlords and Market-Gardens are well behind us...and this is NOT to denegrate the courage of any nations paratroopers ... my cousin Al proudly served in the 173rd Airborne ... another nut job jumping out of perfectly good planes or climbing down nets out of hovering helos ... that is when they weren't dropping them into swamps in Alaska!!! -and thats a story for another day (what radio??) Wrench kevin stein
  22. That screenie is about 3 years old...so it's probably either the VNSEA map, or Edward's Phillipines The map itself (before the triple cursed TE went bellyup) I think was 500x500, so Nagumo's fleet was apporx 200 m n/w of the island, pretty close historically. Trying to keep it away from "The Wall". But I never got it far enough so I could actually fly over it to see; it looked like it'd created the (for lack of a better term) 'bay area' for Pearl - at least the shape was close. Given the scale of thing being off by 37% (the maps being 63% actual size -- which even when set to 100%, seems off to my eye*), there would probably be unacceptalbe crowding on Oahu. Using Hinch's WW1 dreadnoughts would be the closest we could come to BattleShip row; destroyers and cruisers would also be pretty easy. Laying out the targets themselves really wouldn't be that hard...there's SOOO much documentation of what was where and when that it would actually be pretty easy. Wrench kevin stein *=one can't but wonder if upping the map size to 126% would bring things more in line with the Real World ™. If I get it working again...I'll try that!
  23. 100+, methinks. A friend of a friend of mine used to do it for a living...also a Ft. Bragg!! I'll ask Mark to ask Dirk. There MUST be something wrong with folks...jumping out of a perfectly good airplane..... OTH, the info should be readily available for those want to look... Wrench kevin stein
  24. I'm assuming you want to 'reskin' (yes, pun intended) the infantry troops, and/or pilot figures?? Easily done (mind you, I use PS 6), by creating another layer of the pilot/troop's face, and trying the 'replace color' , and darken them down. Don't go too black, or you'll loose the facial features. You may need to repaint the eyes and such. Wrench kevin stein
  25. Damn straight, brother!! And in these times....nobody seems to want to hire us older, experienced hands; even in the fields we've worked in; in my case nearly 30 years bending wrenches and banging my head on hoods! Unemployment sucks!!! But, at least I'm getting "hobby" things done... Wrench kevin stein

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