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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I actually have the Hawaiian Islands DEM in my Terrain Editor .... got as far as "autotile", and then the f***ing thing crashed out, losing it all. Now, it TE is crashing all the time. Piece of crap that it is...of course my almost utter lack of skill with it has nothing to do at all.... Skinning up the planes is just the matter of a few hours work ... since I have templates for all but the Kate (and could easily make a new in day) -Vals, Zekes, etc ain't nothing. (Vals & Zekes are getting ALL new skins & decals for an upcoming Midway campaign) Pre-war P-40B/C skin already exists; I'd just have to (finally!!! -- after 3 years) finish off the P-36 skins this one represents Rasmussan's bird....i guess we'd also need a pilot figure in his pajamas!! (I DO my research) Wrench kevin stein
  2. CA_Stary hit the nail right on the head: THAT is the single, most important element missing from this series. How many of you remember that superb mission builder in Fighters Anthology? Where you could 'virtually' step right into the 3d world, and place an object exactly where you wanted it to be??? Everything, and I do mean everything else is a moot point; aircraft, ships, vehicles are USELESS without being able to locate them properly, and 'tell the story'; that's what I used to do with FA -how many of you remember all those Novel Conversions I've done? - and what the YAP guys are doing now. Wrench kevin stein
  3. I'd think those tubes would be for something like Kytushas -- surface to surface unguided rockets Nice work, RR!!! Wrench kevin stein
  4. File Name: Tu-4 Bull AWAC File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 3 Dec 2008 File Category: Soviet Aircraft and Variants Tu-4 Bull AWAC for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI This is a modification of MontyCZ's Tu-4 into a reasonable facsimile of a long-range airborne radar equiped version. I say 'reasonable', as I've not seen any proof the Soviet Air Force -actually- had a version like this. Photo evidence, and other research, show the PLAAF had several, with turbo-prop engines, but they apparently didn't work out too well. This is a complete aircraft mod, ready to unzip and install. Everything is included. Even MontyCZ's original Tu-4 readme. Although designed as an "AI Only" aircraft, for testing purposes I had a cockpit installed; I've included this modificated version of the A-4B Skyhawk pit, converted to use Metric readouts. Using the 'Stargetic Moves Method' pioneered by Lexx_Luthor, you now have a flyable aircraft, although it would best be used as originally designed AI Only. PLEASE NOTE: it REALLY is designed with Post 9/08 & 10/08 Patchs in mind, as I've used the "OpenCockpit=TRUE" line to bring up the greenhouse framing. Unpatched users WILL experience visual anomolies; therefore, it's best left as AI only. Instructions to return it to such are in the "To Install" section below. For those wishing to fly it, a new WoE-style Hangar Screen is included. Other ini mods (many as seen in the CombatAce Knowledge Base Weapons Fixes Threads) puts NS-23 cannons in the tail ONLY, place the exhaust emitters correctly, remove the upper and lower guns and turrets, bomb bay and add the radar disc (as a pilot station). You will NOT be needing to use the Weapons Editor...how easy is this!!!???!!! Operational years are a "best guess", as I've not found any real data (as stated above) the Soviet Air Force ever really had this version of the Tu-4. As usual, PLEASE read the enclosed readme for relitively easy (for once!) to follow install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  5. Like I said, right there in the first lines, "no proof the Soviet Air Force ever had anything like this....but the PLAAF had several...albeit with turboprop engines" What If or not, glad you all like it! At best, a fantasy plane, at worst, another target for NATO/Western Fighters! Wrench kevin stein
  6. And THAT's what I'm talkin' about!!! BTW, my 509th skin and ini set has the 'NUC' callout for the Superforts...so if anyone DOES make the Mk.3, they're ready to go. (well, maybe with a small tweak to the diameter and length limits...) Which reminds me....maybe it's time to update it with the new styles of doing things.....since I got a semi-workable pit for the Tu-4.... well, just another thing to add the ever expanding list of things to do like finish of the Midway Vals...maybe start the Kates...Solomons, Marianas....Korea...Iran/Iraq...oi!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  7. Wasn't he working on the shapes for the 2 bombs?? I seem to recall something along those lines. To be more historical, I'd suggest things along the Mk.1 (??-disremember the exact name) or so, more similiar in shape to little boy, as used by the 509th 45-48ish, when they were the ONLY nuclear capable unit in the entire world (and oddly enough, based at Roswell AAF Base...hmmmm....are we seeing a connection??) Silverbolt, you need to SERIOUSLY do some fact checking... B-29s DON'T/Didn't have a specific Nuclear Doctrine -- they're just so much metal and petrochemicals. The US Army Air Force (and after Oct, 47 the USAF) HAS/HAD/Will always have, a specifc nuke doctrine. After all, we've got at least 3 of SAC's best right here in these Forums - 2 bomber jocks and a missileer. I'd listen to them, when they speak up * (*only because I know from perosnal experience - my cousin Karen was married to B-52 navigator when I was a kid) Personally, I think they're useless weapons (fatman and little boy) for our gaming purposes. Later versions, however, would come in handy if anyone ever completes the 6 Milliion Meter Map, and that scenairo get VERY hot!! Wrench kevin stein ps: if anyone starts the historical, armchair quaterbacking of the whys or why nots, it gonna get a little vacation.
  8. I'd have to reccomend an old English sci-fi movie, "The Day The Earth Caught Fire" Here's a link the IMBD write up: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0054790/ I have it on DVD. Watch for an uncredited, VERY young Michael Caine as a 'bobby' near the end --sorry for the hijack-- Wrench kevin stein
  9. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...st&p=197609 Try this...from the "Things You Need To Update Thread" Mind you, this IS for post 9/08 & 10/08 patches Wrench kevin stein
  10. Don't forget "The Range" terrain, with my targets upgrade. The only real problem with is, is there is NO enemy airfield (for either The Range or Red Range), and no 'Dogfight.ini' They can VERY easily be added, of course.... Randolph got kinda nuked on that map, what with all those destroyed buildings I placed there.... Wrench kevin stein
  11. So as not to hijack another thread -which is something I detest, expecially when I do it- here's some more on the Tu-4 Bull AWAC, modded from MontyCZs original bomber version. First off, is a request to any Mirage Factory Rep; I've used the rotodome off the EC-130V from the megapak, reskinned and hex edited to create a 'new' item. I just want to be sure it's OK to include it; as without it, there's no mod to upload. I always like to check you all first. TIA! --------- Ok some pics: this is the cockpit, using MK2's ye olde Russianized Skyhawk pit from forever ago. Using the new coding in postpatch WoE for the 'OpenCockpit=TRUE', we now have a nice greenhouse to sit in. Also using Lexx's "Stargetic Move Method" as well And here he is from the outside. You'll note all the gun turrets have been removed, excepting the twin 23mms in the tail the dome is added via FastCargo's "adding a thingy as a pilot position/seat', and makes use of his recently released 'fakepilot'. (it'll be inlcuded in the package) So, I just need to do up a hangar screen for those perverts that'll want to fly it (and get totally shot down!), finish off the readme, and get TMF ok for the rotodome. Wrench kevin stein
  12. My thanks to you all!!! (bows) Wrench kevin stein
  13. we'll just use what I've got for the Tu-4, as its got some metric stuff in already Open the main aircraft ini, and change out the avionics pointers, like this from the BUll AWAC. I've highllighted the importand lines... This is what I have for the **_avionics.ini. It DO need some tweeking!!! [TextureData] RadarTextureSize=256 RadarTexture=easyradar.bmp RWRTexture=cockpit\f-4e_rwr.bmp [RadarDisplay] RadarSweepTexture=EasyRadarSweep.tga RadarLockBeamTextures=EasyRadarBeam.tga EnemyIcon=EasyRadarTarget.tga EnemyGroundIcon=EasyRadarTarget.tga TargetBracketTexture=EasyRadarBracket.tga TargetIconSize=0.08 SweepRate=2.0 RangeUnit=KM RangeSetting[1]=20 RangeSetting[2]=50 RangeSetting[3]=150 RangeSetting[4]=250 TextPosition=0.85,0.85 HorizontalAlignment=CENTER VerticalAlignment=CENTER [RadarFont] TextFontName=Arial TextSize=8 TextBold=TRUE Color=0.000000,0.76171875,0.000000,1.000000 [RWR] Type=3_RING AirSearchTexture=RWRair1.tga AirTrackTexture=RWRair2.tga AirLockTexture=RWRair2.tga GroundSearchTexture=RWRground1.tga GroundTrackTexture=RWRground2.tga GroundLockTexture=RWRground2.tga SearchPosition=0.90 TrackPosition=0.55 LockPosition=0.15 SearchSize=0.075 TrackSize=0.075 LockSize=0.075 SearchFlash=FALSE TrackFlash=TRUE TrackFlashRate=0.2 LockFlash=TRUE LockFlashRate=0.1 TrackSound=MiGRWRS.wav LockSound=MiGRWRL.wav [RWRTrackSound] Priority=HIGH 3DSound=FALSE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=1 [RWRLockSound] Priority=HIGH 3DSound=FALSE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=1 sorry about using the "code" tags...the board's software for some reason don't like it when using the 'quote' tag with som many brackets. Based, yet again, off the TMF USGC Herc, EC-130V. Wrench kevin stein
  14. How do you want the radar to be? Full 360 deg "gods eye view"???? (uses easyavionics.dll) Or standard 'narrow sweep'? I'd think they'd be a the 'full 360'. I have 2 aircraft that have that = the Bull AWAC and the USN PB-1W Fortress (both nearing completion). Both are tweeks from the TMF megapak's EC-130V Let me know if you want it! The search ranges may need to tweeking to expand them Wrench kevin stein
  15. Nothing from any TMF Reps???? I just want to be sure it's ok to use the moddifed rotodome, as you all aren't signatories of the Freeware Accords Treaty. So, that's the reason I'm asking permission. TIA! --- nice pics, lindr! I see your museaum aircraft are just has picked over and pilfered as some of ours. Monino is one place I"d LOVE go to!!! The wife complains we plan vacations based on the 'nearness' of an aircraft museaum or other fligh related attraction! Wrench kevin stein
  16. I think you're working on the wrong airplane.... the loadout ini you posted, and the notation about 'W_Germany' above tells me you're working with the post-reunification version of the MiG-29G. Which IS West German (since we don't have a nation for the unified Germanies) Hence, when I updated the 29Gs, you see the suffix _G on the 'new' weapons for "W_Germany" You want the MiG-29A, which is the SOVIET version Wrench kevin stein
  17. Well, you know them Chair Force guys better than I would.... Since I haven't installed it yet (I know, I'm gonna get flammed...), what's the maxsteering angle for the nose gear? Is it a positive or negative number? In post patch, the negative numbers are causing outbreaks of "Driving Miss Daisy Disease" Guess I'll have to unzip mine, and install it. (damn, that sounds dirty! ) Wrench kevin stein
  18. Sh'o nuf brudda; You adjust the lead computing sections in the COCKPIT ini, in the ]Gunsight[ section This is from the stock 3W F-15A; possibly the Turkey would be similiar: Wrench kevin stein
  19. Thank you, gents for you offer! Don't think I won't take you up on it when I need it The last persons to speak Russian in my family was my maternal grandmother and 2 aunts (my mother's older sisters), unfortunately they're all long passed on...so it's kinda hard to get in contact with them Ok, here's the swapped out standard A-4B pit. I had to repaint a few items real quick to remove Naval references (tailhook and such) At best, it's an imperfect insturment panel - wrong style of gauges; there should be no machmeter, fuel gauges, etc. BUT the aircraft really is designed for AI only use (stated several times in the new readme). So as a stand-in cockpit, I think it works pretty well, all things considered. I also like the gray panel MUCH better than the green Wrench kevin stein
  20. Ain't no problem to swap out the bits for the stock A-4B. After all, it's like what I did with the recent Yak upgrades -- left them in English (a Russian speaker/reader WOULD be seeing them in the his/her own language, and THATs what the gauges would read. "Automatic Translation" or some such sci-fi terminology) -note to self, finish off the other 2 Yaks, and the 3 Fishpot pit upgrades- nice pics...standard Superfort layout. (having been in the pit of a REAL B-29...) Minimual insturmentation for the pilots; all power setting, fuel managment, etc, handeled by the Flight Engineer, seated behind the co-pilot. Navigator/radar operator in the aft section of the front compartment. No bomb aimer in this mod, so he's not added. BB: I'm not fully understanding HOW it works, but I know it DOES work (its used on the XF-103 as well). It's code from First Eagles, and I'm assuming allows for cockpit viewing of the internal structure of the aircraft lod. Even then, I still added the "ShowFromCockpit=TRUE" lines to the data ini for the fuesleage and nose. In the cockpit ini, it looks like this: the positions, yaw angles, etc, were worked out by Lexx in the Cockpit Thread over at the 3rdWire forums. They work really well; the only thing missing is the co-pilot's panel. Which I don't think can be added...it's not that important, anyway. Remember, this ONLY works in post patch SF/WoV/WoE Wrench kevin stein
  21. There sure are several lead-computing mods for the Sabre (all by me!!! ) Unless you want to download them (which boosts by ego!! ) you can just use the data below in the cockpit ini, changing the gunsight tga's name to fit what ever the Mk.6 is using. This come right out of "The Hunters" mod, IDF Sabre, WW2 "What If" F-86A, EDA F-86F, etc, and a host of others: You may need to comment out the AGGunsight, and possible adjust the MilSize based on the Mk6 gunsight tga. Best advice, would be to use THOSE sections from Mk.6. The really important lines I've highlighted. You can simply add them to the original cockpt ini. Based on the usage of 6 50cal MGs. Wrench kevin stein
  22. You're welcome. If you want to stick with twin-engine annunciator panels, you can always use the F-4B/C/D pit. That's what I did on the stock WoI Vatour. Albeit NOT correct, but workable (yah, I left the radar working too ) As to the mystre/saar/sambad, I'd definately use ordway's pit mods. They look VERY nice! Wrench kevin stein
  23. Mostly, that advice of mine was for WW2 and Korea, since the new patches mess up the Flight Models for all the old prop-driven aircraft. But if you're flying (anything but prop jobs) in the mid 50-to date, you shouldn't have TOO many problems. The helo rotor problem has been asked and answered several hundred times. Basically, reduce the main rotor size to 6.0 or less. Should be listed in the "Things You Need To Update Thread", stickied around here somewhere... Wrench kevin stein
  24. Well, if you look in the KB, in the post I linked to above about the Hunters, You should find data on using the F-100 pit http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...st&p=139056 down near the bottom of the post, under a dividing line ------------------------- Wrench kevin stein
  25. In loadout inis, you always use the "TypeName". Wrench kevin stein

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