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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. No, this one is modded from Pasko's. The PVO dude came with the Yak (25/28 IIRC). Mine is the "PilotER" with the old WW2 style leather flying helmet and "RedAir1" with the open visor and 'purpleish' flight suit Wrench kevin stein
  2. now, if we could get the Bull with turboprops, we'd have the PLAAF version, too. Wonder if MontyCZ still has the MAX files??? Wrench kevin stein (apologies for the small hijack) EDIT: since we can now 'remove' items, maybe I should make the attempt and FINALLY finish off the Bull AWAC!! After nearly 3 years sitting on my HD
  3. Seriously, SPENT some time in the KB -- like, read every article in there. All you questions have been answered, literaly, thousands of times. That's why we built it. To try to simplify things; get you the answers you need, and get you back into the game (so to speak) Wrench kevin stein
  4. MK -- do you have the 'aircraftobject.ini' in the /Objects folder? If so, throw it away; that's whats messing up the key assignments. Post Patch changes "something" Wrench kevin stein
  5. The Mariana Islands map (my very first!!!!) in 98.6% ™ complete. All the targeting is done, movements ini, etcs and so forths. But I could use a little help with a few things... It's built with pre-patch (9/08 - 10/08) standards, as my WoE is not going to be patched, until and when all the WW2 birds get new flight models. (riiiiight!!) I just need someone that really knows the TE to retile a few sectors for me -- in particular, the excluded/clear zones around the airfields (i think is the VeitnamG-AB1 tile). Some smoothng of the edges, mostly the 'ocean tsunami creep' around a couple of cliff edge areas, not to mention the large upwelling of the terrain at the northern end of Guam -which may have to do with the airfield flattening or magma chambers filling up I'd given some thought of adding city tiles for Agana and Garapan, but this IS WW2, so I don't really think there'd be too many paved roaded and 'housing blocks'. So those are just plane not needed. The addition of some more jungle trees would be nice; when you fly over some 'hill/mountain' sections and transition sections, there are some bare areas that some of the GreenHell tods don't seem to cover -- even with copy/renaming of some to try to fit them in. I just don't know enough of the TE operations to do this; to say nothing of the triple cursed thing crashing out every 2 seconds...we REALLLY could use a better/newer one!! So, any experienced volunteers? Please PM me. thanks in advance! Wrench kevin stein
  6. Yaaarp, most definately wrong. I was thinking of the Angel Interceptor. NOW...this thing looks very cool, and very nasty Wrench kevin stein
  7. Very similiar to how I did the FFARs for the F-89 Scorpion, and the MiG-17s with A-A Rockets. FCs fix on the Thunderwarrior works really well, too! The AI actually fires them! They don't hit NOTHING, but they do fire I spent 2 solid days on the Sabre D and L, trying to get the missiles to fly straight, with no positive results. They need 'somethng' that makes them fly stright, like a bullet, without turning them into a gun. Wrench kevin stein
  8. Am I the only one that knows about this Listing in the Knowledge Base? "What's Available and Where to Get It" http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=21870 Might be worth a look, even though it's several months out of date (meaning, I need to add the more recent releases) Wrench kevin stein
  9. Also the fact that the NATO Fighter series is designed NOT use any weapons pak whatsoever ( as stated in both readmes). It's designed as a 'stand alone, total conversion mod' of the stock game, but retains ALL the stock weapons. Also, NF 1 & 2 have NOT be upgraded to the latest patch standards...I think C5 is working on a NF 3 that will be. So, if you want to play NF 1/2, you need an upatched (NO 2008 dated patches!!! use the 2006 patch ONLY), and leave it be. NO weapons pak; just as it came out of the zip, so to speak. Wrench kevin stein
  10. And since SF dosen't have the FGA.9 Hunter, you'll have to import everything from WoE (all the sockpit ctuff) There's a complete parts list here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...st&p=139056 Wrench kevin stein
  11. If it's the bird I'm thinking of*, I found a pdf for a card-model of it If anyone wants it, PM me, and I'll post a link to my site for it Wrench kevin stein * you know how hard is it to find artwork of that for a Hangar Screen???!!! Geez!!
  12. It's a Dev A-Team bird. You'll have to check with them for the downloading procedures. http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ Read the page, it's got pretty much all you need to know to get started Wrench kevin stein
  13. Take the L, and rename it "J" (ie: create new folder, do ini renames, etc) ...that's what I did with mine. Or did I use the H??? Disremember!! WRench kevin stein
  14. Since Day 1, is SF, you've been able to select differing aircraft for wingmates from what you select on the main screen. Over on the left side of the loadout screen, there's a couple of drop downs. One of them is for aircraft selection. However, if you choose a different aircraft, it won't have a loadout. You'll have to add all weapons manually. Wrench kevin stein ps: moving this thread to the Mods forum
  15. The one that's on my site is more a late 50s-early 60s type. I think he's in my IDF Sabre pak, but really don't rememberize.... --- I'd had a really smart-ass answer for the original question too... Q: Where can I find modern Israeli pilots? A: In Israel???? Ok, I'm leaving now... Wrench kevin stein
  16. The E model Warhawk/Kittyhawk is available from the Dev A-Team. You can find most of the information you need at this link: http://cplengineeringllc_bb.cplengineering...d69516a4ece53ec in the "Board & Files Policies" forum onthe front page. Follow the instructions for 'gaining access to the files', and you should be good to go. It may take Capun an few days to respond, so don't get worried Wrench kevin stein
  17. Ya know, I've never touched those setting since I first got this XPS in 2003....hell, I had to SEARCH for the Nivida control panel!!! That is to say, I never knew they even existed...oh, dopey me!! Switched them up last night, and HOT DAMN!!! what a difference! Even on regular stuff, with decals. Thanks guys for helping out a lazy dummy! Wrench kevin stein
  18. Well, hell!! That's 50 bucks I don't have.... Looks like a good book, too!! Wrench kevin stein
  19. Ok, so you've downloaded a 3rd Party (ie: Non-Stock) version of an aircraft that already exists in-game. What to do to eliminate confusion, and/or picking the wrong one on the 'Select Aircraft' tab? Or, to simply make sure you're adding that new skin to the right aircraft....???? Well, all it really takes is a little renaming. The following works the same in ALL of the 3rd Wire Sims Series; First Eagles, Strike Fighters, Wings Over Vietnam, Wings Over Europe and Wings Over Isreal. In our example below, we're using Wings Over Isreal, and we want to add a bunch of NEW MiG-23 Flogger variants. Now, the game already comes with 3 variants of the Flogger: MiG-23BN, MiG-23MF and MiG-23MS. Open you WoI's /Aircraft folder, and RENAME the 3 stock Floggers folders just as below: MiG-23BN_3W MiG-23MF_3W MiG-23MS_3W In this case, the "3W" stands for "3rdWire", designating the aircraft as a STOCK one. Then, open EACH of the newly renamed aircraft folders, and RENAME the main ini to match the folder name. That is to say; MiG-23BN_3W.ini MiG-23MF_3W.ini MiG-23MS_3W.ini THEN, open each of the newly renamed inis and add the '3W' tagline to the "AircarftFullName=" line, as below: AircraftFullName=MiG-23BN Flogger-H (3W) AircraftFullName=MiG-23MF Flogger-B (3W) AircraftFullName=MiG-23MS Flogger-E (3W) You don't have to change anything else, unless you're making them Player Flyable, and that the subject is covered in another post, somewhere above. This way, when you're in-game, you'll see the "3W" callout to indicate that it's a stock aircraft. This will completly remove ANY possibility of confusion with add-on aircraft. One of the good things is, as the stock aircraft do NOT have seperate decals folders, is you don't have to do anything to adjust the decal ini's "FileFormatName=" lines, and all your stock decals will still work on these stock aircraft. This very same fix can be used for add on aircraft, where such aircraft already exist as "stock'. Things like The Mirage Factory's Mirage IIICJ/Shahak, Nesher, EricGen's SMBD, etc. You'd just add the new suffix designator for the 'manufactuer' (TMF, EG, etc) or just do the "3W" fix for the stock birds. It's a '6 of one, half a dozen of another' kind of thing. Just keep your naming conventions consistent, to eliminate confusion This is one of those quicke fix mods that almost everyone knows about, but never seems to mention. Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein
  20. Yes, a Mig-23 already exists in WoI; actually, there are 3 --Mig-23BN, Mig-23MF and Mig-23MS So, if you're going to add ANOTHER one, you'll have to do a little renaming. Open you WoI's /Aircraft folder, and RENAME the 3 stock Floggers folders just as below: MiG-23BN_3W MiG-23MF_3W MiG-23MS_3W In this case, the "3W" stands for "3rdWire", designating the aircraft as a STOCK one. Then, open EACH of the newly renamed aircraft folders, and RENAME the main ini to match the folder name. That is to say; MiG-23BN_3W.ini MiG-23MF_3W.ini MiG-23MS_3W.ini THEN, open each of the newly renamed inis and add the '3W' tagline to the AircarftFullName= line, as below: AircraftFullName=MiG-23BN Flogger-H (3W) AircraftFullName=MiG-23MF Flogger-B (3W) AircraftFullName=MiG-23MS Flogger-E (3W) This way, when you're in-game, you'll see the "3W" callout to indicate that it's a stock aircraft. This will completly remove ANY possibility of confusion with add-on aircraft. One of the good things is, as the stock aircraft do NOT have seperate decals folders, is you don't have to do anything to adjust the decal ini's "FileFormatName=" lines, and all your stock decals will still work on these stock aircraft. This very same fix can be used for add on aircraft, such as the Mirage Factory's Mirage IIICJ/Shahak, EricGen's SMBD, etc. You'd just add the new suffix designator for the 'manufactuer' (TMF, EG, etc) This is one of those quicke fix mods that almost everyone knows about, but never seems to mention. Wrench kevin stein
  21. Part of the truck would be the easiest, from a target list standpoint...you can place it where you want, and change it's facing to have the dude with hose pointing to a parked plane. Much easier to place a singe object, than try to match up 2. Might want to make 2 objects "FuelTruck" and "FuelTruckwDude" or something like that... That Woody is AWSOME!!! Needs some surfboards sticking out the back, though.... As to the I-152; I already have a Chinese version of it AND the 153 all done up and reskined, based on the Dev A-Team versions. I just need to find the serial numbers for the decals -- that's the only real holdup. As in what series of numbers was used; the P-26s just had single digits, the Hawk IIIs had 4 digit (2500, 2600, 2700, etc). And adjust the weathering on the I-153 -- it seems I forgot to throw mud on the main gear doors and part of the lower wing... Wrench kevin stein
  22. This is just a very quick and dirty version of what I think should be the basic layout for rivers/lakes/ocean bay for ANW Remember your basic geography (or hydrodynamics...) all rivers flow to the sea (or song lyrics I guess) Names are just thrown on for good measure --- couldn't think of a good name for the main river, so I stole from Marylin Monroe and Robert Mitchum! Thunder Bay and Salmon River, of course, are basic to my desires. Of course, one can't but wonder what that would do to the targets layouts for the various dumps, mining sites, depots, etc that I've placed right in the middle of flood plains!!!! And if the (song cue) 'river isn't so wiiiiide', I can throw bridges across them. That aint too hard. (if you all have seen the Korea shots...) Wrench kevin stein
  23. Make the nose/bumper flatter and more square, and the sides flat (no wheel well flaring), and that's good to go! I was thinking, too, if you have skin templates for your vehicles, release them as well. Some enterprising soul will not doubt give us all kinds of differnt skins! (desert, jungle, urban, whatever) and thanks! WRench kevin stein
  24. THAT'S always good news!!! A Toyota Hi-Lux with an MG in the back would be nice too!!! Any plans for some buildings?? We've needed the TAB-V hardened shelters since like, forever!!! Wrench kevin stein
  25. I only called it that because I couldn't think of a better name, and had Marlyin Monroe on my mind..... wet camisole....hhhmmmmmm I'm just upset that Lake Sasquatch is missing.... :cray: Wrench kevin stein

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