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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Sounds more like "Day the Earth Caught Fire", excepting FC's got us heading the wrong way. At least we get to meet the Barsoomians ... ah, Dejah Thoris!!! Martian women don't wear a whole lot of clothes, doncha know!! http://www.libertymeadows.com/covers/SB2_Dejahs.jpg (just giving the link, due to nudididty) IIRC my orbital mechanics, don't you have to speed up to slow down?? Meaning, going into a higher orbit (in this case, expanding solar orbit), wouldn't the direction of thrust be 90 deg to the oribtal plane, and pointed towards the Sun?? (brings to mind a really old Japanese 'monster' movie, where they build huge rocket engines in Antarctica, and move the planet out of the way of some giant planet headed our way -- can't remember the name...Gorath???? or something odd like that) Either way, the economy will still suffer. Even with it being the Holidays and all... Wrench kevin stein
  2. That is just SOOO amazing....the only thing that Woody is missin is Baby Moon hub caps!!! Or A200S American wheels (I always liked those better) Wrench kevin stein
  3. SF/Wo*/FE Aircraft mods/Cockpits/Jet Cockpits under Paladrins' name http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1919 enjoy! A real work of art, these are Wrench kevin stein
  4. Skins for the 4 squadrons of Vals are nearly done (including all new decals and all new skin bmps in weathered green) Skins for the 4 squadrons of Zekes about 75% done; just have to make more serial decals (also doing more for Pearl Harbor, as well as the Vals) Haven't touched the Kates...don't know what to do about them (other than make a new template from scratch..., and redecal from scratch) None of the IJN aircraft have the 'colors' for the Squadron Commander and Flight Leaders (the stripes above and below the serials on the vert fin). Possibly do them as level2 decals; probably just leave them off. Call the skins 95% Historical. You already have the TBFs for the appropriate squadrons (standing in for TBDs) US planes being the easiest.... The DATs F2A already has the VMF skin for midway; might need to do up some decals for the Wildcats. In between all the other stuff.... Wrench kevin stein
  5. Betty Page died 12-11-2008

    Here here!!! Her form and figure will forever grace us. (and she's used on a lot of the nose art decals I've made). Here's to Real Women ™!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  6. Random Thought In A Scattered Mind

    Great thread title!!! Those are, pretty much, the only kind of thoughts I HAVE been having of late!!!! Very cool factoid on the Whale! Wrench kevin sten
  7. Already have working coastal defense artillery/large gun bunkers (along with working MG pillboxes). Right now, they're in the Marianas map. Easily imported mmmmuuuuahahahahaaaaa!!! Simple ini edits of terrain object, turn them into Ground Objects; artillery. Placement around the Harbor mouth being the issue....as in where the hell can I put them!!! It's damn crowded in there (like do I or do I not add Hospital Point, with it's nearby oil tanks -- and what idiiot puts flamable/explosive petrochemical storage NEXT to a hospital????) Wrench kevin stein
  8. AHAA!!! Take that modern playas!!! We've gained another WW2 Junkie... ....that should bring us up to about 49..... Wrench kevin stein
  9. Brady: If the FMs got fixed on the wW2 birds, I'd be perfectly happy with the post-patch environment. But in many cases, it feels i'm fighting MY airplane more than the enemy. Like you said, the canopy fixes are 'no brainer', either go the maunal animation, via a key, or just comment out the auto-speed sections. The map will most llikely work in ANY version (and probably FE as well), as long as one the Original Three Terrains ™ are present for the 'cat pointer reach around' I haven't tested this, of course, but other terrains work just fine that way. It uses modified versions of the stock VietnamSEA tiles, and they'll be included, as will any added terrain/ground objects. Here's the non-historical, revamped NAS Kanehoe, using my 'paved runway 3' I've set it to have "0" squadrons, so its not really an operational base, just a big fat target for the Japaneses bombers. You'll note the removal of the berm shelters, and the parking slots acting as seaplane ramps. Now, if we had some parked PBYs.... Here's some of Ewa, using the standard or garden variety dirt runway 3: (as does Halewia, Wheeler and Bellows) Closeup of the infield, with the airship mooring mast: with a little hex editing, and repainting, one can do just about anything!! I repurpose entire objects!!! I still have some 'fixes' to do there, like move the too-close-together barracks. I tell ya, that Osprey book has been a real treasure trove of 'what goes where'. Schofield will be problematic, but not too difficult. Just have to figure out a few small things, like the Main Gate, etc. Wrench kevin stein
  10. Now, THAT's what I call 'getting the point across!!!' Nice one, guys!! Wrench kevin stein
  11. KB/Beginning Modding/Modding Aircraft (or whatever the hell its called) Save you the trouble of searching: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=19630 have at it!!! The 109s are IN Wolf's WW2 Planes Pak. And a butt-load of mods, upgrades, skins and all sorts of goodies for damn near all of them (which you've probably found by now...) in various and sundry places in the WW2 Downloads section Wrench kevin stein
  12. No, because FE is the same as WoI, when it comes to prop fllght models. Meaning: the coding from FE is in WoI, and post-patch (9/08 & 10/08) SF/WoV/WoE Not reccomended. The "Creating an Era Specifin Install" thread in the Knowledge Base Wrench kevin stein
  13. ok actually got it run without a crash this time, and got some piccies: NAS Kanehoe: this is that custom tile, that looks like a seaplane ramp. I have a sneaking suspicion that THIS is the cause of the crashes,so I'm probably going to go back to the stock sea-to grass tile. Problem is, it looks damn good!! I do have an alternative way of doing it...I've got a square 'slab' that I can place several near the hightide mark, and just toss everything else out, and use runway3 (I have a paved version from another mod.) The only problem is the dispersal parking slots that wouldn't be here (as they are at bellows, haleiwa, ewa, etc) The alternative would be to have you, Geezer, create a 'new' runway, that's just the runway, based off runway3, but without the other stuff. I'll try it with the repaved version and 'ramp' object, and retile the map ... again!! wrench kevin stien
  14. Now, if I can keep the damn game from crashing out....sometimes getting an 'ntdll failiure' and 'd3dx9 failure' -which is bs, as my dx9 is fullly updated. The ntdll is gotta be a bad thing though...isn't that a core kernal file?? seems to only do it on THIS map....gotta be something with the TFd and HFDs or some such nonesense... I wanted to take a screenie of Kanehoe for you'lls edification. back o trark, I created a new terrain tile JUST for Kaneohe, that has the paved seaplane ramp leading down to the sea. It won't be a usable base (as we not flying the PBY/OS2U etc that we dont have..) but it'll make a nice target for the IJN flyers! I even added 2 of my MG AAAs to defend the place. if/when I get the objects placed, I MAY experiment with Gepards 'seepiste' , the inivsible airfield used for carrier groups. I'll try to get that screenie up later. Hinch: that is BOMB dude!!! I really wish I could 3d model.... I just ain't got the brain talent for it. Geezer: I'm sure I do....been stuck using the standard BS runway 2 for Hickam, and runway 3 for everything else. These WILL work just fine however; as the biggest plane availabe right now is a 'moded mod' of my A-20A, correcting some things (like I finally figured out which mesh was the exhast nipples on the cowling to remove them) and reskining and redecaling for 58th BS(L). All airfields are on Oahu, so it's pretty busy there! Since the US forces will mostly be P-40s, P-36s, (what if guys can add F4F-3s from Ewa and the really suicidal can fly P-26s!!) using the small and medium runways pose no issues. Wrench kevin stein
  15. Any particular country you'd like?? I've got several dozen to choose from.... Wrench kevin stein EDIT: there's a flag pak I did a coupla years ago, in the d/ls section, Terrain/Environment Mods Linky: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=4622
  16. Actually, the large paved pad is the "ground plaate" that goes unde the HQ center from Mitch's "Factroy Place" mod. I guestimeated layouts of the missile assembly buidling, MCC and some other buildings by google earth-ing the Nike base outside San Fransisco. It's the same layout i used for the ROK Nike batteries Blast defelector added for decoration. There's supposed to be a flag there too, somewhere... Ed moved the radars to a more logical placement than I had ... and it LOOKS better, too! Wrench kevin stein
  17. NO, the ships are fine EXACTLY as they are (exepting for needed a all gray skin, easy accomplished). They ARE sized correctly The terrain IS 100% scale.... This isn't CFS2, where the terrains were perfectly sized, and objects perfectly matching. It's something we've learned to live with, and have gotten over. -------------------------------------------- Geezer: here's a shot from the Osprey Camapign book on Pearl: maybe this'll help some Wrench kevin stein
  18. The layers should be labeled (IIRC), as to what part goes with which airplane (F-80, or F-94 or T-33) I forgot to mention, the right and left wings are mapped the same, so I only included the one psd fro them. You just do a "save as" for each wing's name. Wrench kevin stein
  19. We know the given lenght of the ships I'm using (Brooklyns are 'standing in' for our Colorado/Arizona/Nevada, etc battleships). 608 ft (185m) for Brooklyns, 624ft (190m??) for the Californias -- that's not that big a difference!! Means spacing will be easy to figure out.. Also, given the terrain tiles, we don't have all the little coves and inlets and such like... Scale wise, I'd start with 'real life', it can always be scaled down in max, right?? (my knowledge on building a 3d object is soo woefully inadequate...) That screenie somewhere above, I show the basic size and shape, if that's any help. OTH, since everything's scale seems to want to fit the 63% rule, maybe starting off a 63% Real Life ™ size, and going from there. Heck, I'll send you the whole terrain, if want to fiddle sizes with. It'll be about 45-50 megs, as it includes the tiles. I, and I'm sure the other WW2 players (and even those in the closest ... ) REALLLY appriciate the assist! Wrench kevin stein
  20. BB: did you get my link to the templates in the other thread?? Wrench kevin stein
  21. Admrial Nagumo says: " I Hiryu" (ok, I know...bad pun) but here's 2 of her flock (new skins and decal sets, originally designed for Midway, but decals is decals is decals...and changing the color of a fueselage stripe in a skin template aint' nothing!) --- the booms are not defined in the data ini, but definately in the OUT: I haven't experimented with is, as I'm not using SOLACE as a GO, but a terrain object. Easy enough to uncomment the necessary lines in the Hawaii_Types ini, though.... Wrench kevin stein
  22. Drat!!! Curses (tin)foiled again!!! Well, it WAS an idea....never spent much time disassembling the dlls, sooo.... Shoulda know it was only a ground object setup. Also shoulda known that Ed had already explored that path.... Wrench kevin stein
  23. Just to throw more gasoline (or JP-8) on the fire, has anyone ever considered adding thses lines to the Tomcat and Foxhound's data ini, in the ]DetectSystem[ DataLink=TRUE NetworkType=F-14 or DataLink=TRUE NetworkType=MiG-31 Thought I"d just throw that out for amusment..... Wrench kevin stein
  24. Geezer: nope, no one's offered anything -until now!!! expect a PM!!! ok, here's some of last night work. now, I know BB row is definatley 'off' in it's postioing ... should be a little more east, closer to the stand-in 10-10 dock (ish) unit thingy I'm using. That's a easy fix, however note the white ship in the background? repaint of the Liberty (will need to get permission from Capun for its use) as hospital ship SOLACE. BROOKLYN cruisiers standing in the battleships, until when/if some appear. If not, I'll have to repaint them view from SOLACE toward battle ship row and ARIZONA another view. Hinch's IRON DUKE is standing in for UTAH - in fact, if you look close enough it's flying the Republic of Texas flag, as I borrowed it from my AmericanSouthWest map, where it's representing USS TEXAS at Huston/Galveston Please also note the repainted grass and sea-to-grass tiles, that now have the fields removed You wil also note one of the (several) major flaws in my terrain building --- the humped up water at Honolulu. This tusnami effect is ALL over the island, and is especially prevelant around Kaneohe and Bellow to the south. I'm most afraid to 'smooth height field', as it seems to scerew up other thing, and I"m must not good enough with the TE to understand how it works. on a side note, does anyone know if the 'removing components via data ini edits' work for ships??? I"d like to remove the boom cranes from SOLACE... Wrench kevin stein
  25. Trains as groundobjects

    I miss that too, but never having flown EAW, I mostly recall it from Aces over Europe. I think it should be fairly easy to do; mind you, since the train objects we have ARE all seperate items (engine, flatcar, tankcars and some boxcars from Polak's CFS2 pak), it makes it hardef to obtain proper spacing and mainting direction while travelilng So, I'd think a 3d guy would have to 'fuse' the bits together, creating a 'train of vehicles' ie- one really LONG vehicle, then create a data ini for it based off one of the trucks. Then it would appear in CAS (for the other 3rdW sims), and whatever FE calls it. Damage modleling could even be set to have 'cars' sepearted from the 'engine' cease moving and just sit there, when the 'car' in front is destroyed. Hmm...that would mean damage boxes for each 'section' of the train; much like aircraft components. Have to be set to "TRANSPORT", but again, the data ini work would be minimal. Shoot, for WW2 trains, one could even build a 'flakcar' with MGs or autocannons on it; I've added MGs to other transport vehicles, and they WILL shoot you full of holes in CAS Wrench kevin stein

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