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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Transparant bomb aimers nose??? Wrench kevin stein
  2. We've covered this, oh several years ago... If you've just downloaded it, I'll bet real money there's a A-4E.lod inside. Throw it away -- delete it. Bet the plane comes back. It be defectified. Wrench kevin stein
  3. This is a HUGE help to me, as I've got some cockpit mods for these nearly finished. Thanks lindr!! Wrench kevin stein
  4. Would be great for, say a man-made lake near Berlin??? Wrench kevin stein
  5. That's always bugged me since day one. I think -but have no proof, that it may be tied in to the specular/glossiness/reflectivity in the textureset ini. Or perhaps even to the size of the skin bmp (sundowners super hi-rez don't have this problem, or if so, it's not so apparent) Personally, I like the decal idea much better... TK's given us this superb system for adding markings. I'd rather see them more 'sharp', so I tend to use more decals btw, how'd you get the border on the Amrillo USAF font? Border --> modify --> then stroke or fill? Wrench kevin stein
  6. Adding the flash hiders? Gunsight would be cool too. Brother, whatever you feel you wanna to do to improve it, I'm with ya!! Wrench kevin stein
  7. That's been a known problem with PS 7 for while .... which is why I'm still using 6, even though 7 is loaded. This is one of those 'weird' things (pornoshop 7s inability to handle 32 bit tgas) as opposed to the graphics cards issues. I seem remember adding a/the patch to my PS7, but don't like the menu system. Don't remember if it worked or not!! Glad somebody finally found/figgered out the problem! Wrench kevin stein
  8. We have some Aussie ones; think there should be one for Dels' J model (after all, that what he flys in Real Life ™ ) shouldn't be hard to simply re-badge it via decals ini edits Wrench kevin stein
  9. P-38M NightLightning



    P-38M "Night Lightning" mod for SF/WoV/WoE This is a modification of Wolf257's P-38L into the radar-equipped 2 seat night-fighter version, the P-38M "NightLightning". This is an incomplete aircraft mod because, as per Wolf's wishes, the "P-38L.LOD" is not included. You =MUST= have his original L model Lightning to copy this file from. All other items; the inis, skin, decals, cockpit and various and sundry other parts ARE included. Serial numbers for 36 aircraft are included; this gives you the equlivant of 3 squadrons worth -- far more than you'll ever need. These are 100% historically accurate serials; but since the aircraft really didn't reach combat, the historical "6th NFS" is being used as the squadron. (More on that in the "Notes & Other Nonsense" section below). Damage tgas and a New!!! -only available in this mod!!!- P-38M "NightLightning" Hangar screen are included. The 'crsprp.wav' has a nice in-line engine sound; I've used it on several other mods that have Allison-type V12s, so just in case you haven't got to, it's here too. Some outstanding work was done by 76 IAP Blackbird and Timmy in helping create this mod; without them it just plane wouldn't exist. Full accreditation is also listed below. Wolf's original readme for the P-38L and historical notes from J.Baugher's site on the Night Lightning are included as well for your reading pleasure. While built and tested in my WW2 PTO WoE install, it should work just as well in any other in the series; EXCEPTING maybe for post patch (9/08 & 10/08) versions of all the preceding, and WoI. You use it in these versions at your own risk of 'squiffiness' in the FM :) It could use an update, so if anyone wants to volunteer..... =You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06 to get the WW2 weapons and drop tanks. They are NOT included; but use all 'stock' P-38J/L weapons = As per usual, there's a semi-detailed easy to follow readme enclosed for you to read, and follow the fairly simple installification procedures, as well as the 'notes and nonesense' for fun and etc. Good Hunting!! Wrench kevin stein
  10. I can't help but wonder if a Betty could be created as the 'weapon', mounted ABOVE the Okha, and you "drop" it upwards? Or, use it as a weapon (EOGR class like the torpedos), and just attach it to the updated Betty's torp station.... many possibilites here... Wrench kevin stein
  11. Nice!! I was wondering if we had an AMI Toronado, looks like we do!! Damn TE keeps crashing on me lately; for 2 maps I was fiddling with (in trying to learn). More maps is a good thing!!! Wrench kevin stein
  12. FM-2 Wildcat (stand in)



    General Motors FM-2 Wildcat Pak for SF/WoV/WoE WW2: PTO Installs This package contains a new skin, and some minor data & cockpit ini mods for Pasko's F4F-4 "Wildcat", representing (as a kind of stand in) the GM/Eastern Aircraft built version, the FM-2. I call this a 'stand-in', as there are several marked differences from the F4F-4 and FM-2 models. These are enumerated in the "General Notes" section This is to be considered an "incomplete" aircrafit mod, as I've =NOT= included the actual LOD files. You WILL need to have the original F4F-4 to copy these files from. The cockpit, however, IS included. The skin represents VF-26 as seen aboard USS SANTEE during mid-late 1944,during operations against Palau and the Mariana Islands, and the Battle of the Phillipine Sea (aka "The Great Marianas Turkey Shoot"). The data ini mods include corrected positions and the additions of, running, recognition, formation and landing lights. Loadout changes include the addition of 6 HVAR rocket positions. I've also tweeked the canopy to it opens to it's full extent; swaped out the pilot for a more US looking WW2 guy, and gave him a seat to "park it" on. -NO OTHER CHANGES HAVE BEEN EFFECTD-!!! Flight modeling remains just 'as issued'. Enhanced AI sections have been added, including several from post-patch WoE/WoV/WoI/ SF. The engine sound has also been changed (wav included!). Another sound tweek has also been added, creating the ratcheting sound of the landing gear mechanism (wav included, too!). Also, it is now fully carrier-qualified, so mission and campaign builders can use it from the CVs, CVLs and CVEs. The cockpit ini has been modified for a new WW2 N-3 gunsight tga. 2 New WoE style Hangar Screens are included (so you get to choose which you like best), as is a new Loading screen. Damage tgas are here as well. Weapons are NOT included! -= NOTE: You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06 to get the WW2 weapons and guns and such =- -== This aircraft has been tested in SF/WoV/WoE and post-patch WoI (8/29/08). There still are some 'issues' with prop-plane flight models, but there has been a MARKED improvement!! ==- -== You use it in WoI at YOUR own risk ==- As expected, there's highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions in the enclosed readme -- so READ it!!! Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  13. File Name: Indian Air Force Type 95 Update Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 22 Aug 2007 File Category: Mig-21 IAF Type 95 Fishbed L Update ver 2.0 Based on the original mod by Bob 'howling1' Hauser. Skins by Ghostrider883 (not included)...see readme for details. What I've basically done, is 'rearrange' things to use the latest, Patch 4 versions of the 21MF lod, and 21MF data ini. == This package is designed to be used ONLY with the latest weapons pak!!! == == This package is also set to use the Magoo/Badger Mig-21MF cockpit - make sure you have it installed. == The loadouts have been set for Indian weapons; several of which might be new. Please check the 'Loadout Fixes' Thread at the CombatAce Knowledge Base for any further details. It should be noted at this time, 2 other skins by Ghostrider883, the "4Ag" and "15_YT" need NO updating. All the decals and skin bmps work just fine with the later lods. Sometimes one actually gets lucky..... If there are other skins for this aircraft, please compare the decal ins and skin bmps to MAKE SURE they'll fit the newer lod. You'll also be using the weapons editor to add several weapons (mostly a new HAL Mig-21 Reco Pop), but double check your weaponsdata ini that the latest versions of the HAL missiles and twin IRM racks are installed. PLEASE!!! read the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions... Fly High! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  14. To get the 'all in one with seasons', you'd need to patch up to 10/08. Unfortunately. Or just have 2-4 terrain folders with the differing seasons. XRay, you ever get that issue resolved with DBS? Did you try reusing the original data ini? I know I added all the new bits from post-patch (far terrain fx, the height changes, etc). While I was testing it, I got a constant 40-50 fps (depending on flak bursts, of course) Wrench kevin stein
  15. Probably at AvSim. You sure in not here, waaaaaaay down in the listings???? Also, you might want to update the data ini with the latest SP5 FM sections. Wrench kevin stein
  16. (Mr. Burns voice...) Exccceellent!!! Wrench kevin stein
  17. Yah, like ya'll are just sitting around waiting for something to do!!! This little, late WW2 bird is pretty much ready to go, excepting I need someone to make the secondary pit (as a 'pod' stuck on top) for the RIO... accurate serial numbers, Timmy's AN/APS-4 radar pod. Just need that secondary pit, and it's out the door (well, and hangar screen, but how hard is THAT to do?) There's a couple of other drawing; hell, I'll even through in the whole D&S book on late mark Lightnings! TIA! Wrench kevin stein
  18. The flight model has always been a little squiffy, expecially in a real hard yank&bank (which is one my failings!) BB, baby, THAT is exactly what I'm looking for!!! Just swap out the modern guys for the WW2 pilot, and it looks like we're in business!!! Did you 'fuse' the radar pod to the nose, or is it still 'attached' as a weapon? (btw, looks better in black!) Wrench kevin stein
  19. MiG-19 lights?

    I'd added them at one time, but it looks like I overwrote that data ini...DAMN!!! On the left lower wing is a round little thingy that's about where it goes. Use the data off the FrescoD and then adust accordingly: note: this is for the Mig-17 Wrench kevin stein
  20. Sorry, was away this weekend. I DID download them, but got heavily distracted with work on skinning stuff for Baltika's upcoming Battle of Midway campaign. (and sidetraked off that by trying to replicate the E13A floatplane) I'll try to look at it as soon as I can. my apologies! Wrench kevin stein
  21. I take you've not seen the Southern California map??? BUT...(and you all knew THAT was coming...) NASNI is NOT there....to create a proper coastline for the Western US would require a completly new map. As the bay and island it self is quite missing. Wrench kevin stein
  22. File Name: Bering Straits Terrain & Targets Upgrade File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 20 Nov 2008 File Category: Terrains Bering Straits Terrain Upgrade for SF, WoE & WoV This is a rebuild of Major Lee's Bering Straits Terrain from his superb !!! DBS mod. The terrain has been fully updated to the latest standards, as needed by the 9/08-10/08 patch for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI. As it stands, it really needed very minimal editing, mostly to the targets and types inis, to remove the 'fixed static' parked aircraft, and the extraction and renaming (with some editing) of the new Desert airfield inis to allow for in-game generated parked aircraft. Some new targets and target areas have been added; mostly some small items, dressing up a few places, and the additon of US air defense batteries. The airfields have been 'cleaned up' somewhat, but to a large extent, remain pretty much as Major Lee built them. The mod is designed to completely replace the terrain as originally issued. Or any other variants thereof. This is the FULL terrain, plus the 'tweeks', as seen in the DBS Total Conversion Mod, with no changes to the dogfight BUT some additions to the movements inis. The Types ini has been expanded substantually, with the additon of lots of new ground objects. As you can expect, there ARE Easter Eggs at various places on the map...you'll just have to find them for yourself...and there's a LOT of them. Water effects are active, but this should pose no problem for Vista users, in the post-patch world. Playing on the 'safe' side, I've left the instructions for commenting out the shaders in the sections below. For those that haven't patched up yet. Not that you can really see the water, what with all that ice and all...<grin> Included are several 'new' ground objects; most of which are available in several other terrain mods I've done (basically, the NIKE batteries from SoCal) BRAND NEW Nike units, by ErikGen. New planning maps, although I've kept (ie: reused) Major Lee's US Flag and Soviet Star style icons for the airbases on both sides on PlanningMap3. =This map is designed ONLY for use in SF/WoV and WoE.= = It is NOT reccomended for use with WoI What with it being frozen and all= As expected, there is a HIGHLY detailed readme -- I'd reccomend reading the document all the way through before installing; it might make you life just a bit easier. Expecially the 'General Notes and Other Nonsense' sections. Good Hunting, and Keep Warm!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  23. Spectacular fireball lights up the night

    MrCraig: I moved this to "The Pub" so more folks can find. Thinking about what WILL happen during the next Impact Event, is most frieghtening.... Of course, we have near misses daily... Wrench kevin stein
  24. Sound good! Dosn't really need much detail, just need to 'show up' so to speak. And the top 'window' hatch. The AN/APS-4 pod was made by Timmy for use on the TBM-3E Avenger; I just didn't want to see it go to waste on a singel mod Wrench kevin stein
  25. guessing mind you, but looking at data ini there's also "Rolling Radius" and "Rolling Coefficient" Wrench kevin stien

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