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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I don't understand the question....??? What do you think Pearl Harbor is all about???? Unfortunately, since I can't build scripted missions, the best way to re-enact it WOULD be a series of scripted mission, for the US side; scrambles under fire....IJN would be Zeke escort, strike, via level bombing Kates --anti ship is problematic with non-moviing ships -- A-S is NOT a valid mission statement in this case; dive bombing attacks with Vals. Hell, even dawn recon with the faux Jake...but you'd NOT have any opposition...and it's VERY hard (read: impossible) to have the ground based defenses NOT shoot at you. The only way to do that, is have them simply not there; which goes back to user built mission only. But you'll still take fire from the docked ships, as they're Ground Objects and NOT Terrain objects -- the way to fix that is place ALL the needed ships INTO the terrain folder, turning them into big fat dumb sitting ducks -- oh, wait!!! that's what they were!! In-game generated missions for the US side would be limited to CAP...and most of them are 'Scramble' types (or so it seems during testing). Strike missions??? With what?? We don't have a usable B-17C/D (one exists as a very beta and needs LOTS of work). A-20A Havoc? ok, that one alrady exists (as I built it!), but the weapons loads are funky, as the 250 & 500 lb bombs have a start date of 1942 -ok, that one, too, IS easliy fixed with a simple edit of the weaponsdata ini. B-18? none exist. On the Navy side, sure we have The Big E, but again, missing the TBDs -so, again, there goes the anti-ship torpedo missions. Wildcat and Dauntless, covered. Simple redecaling of some exisitng skins and they're done. PBY? sorry, ain't got none If you really want to push it historically, we're missing The LEX, too.... But I'll leave that mission stuff to the experts. I'm just the targets guy... Wrench kevinstein
  2. cool!! They'd sure come in handy for a campaign builder, if someone ]cough[ Baltika ]cough[ wanted to do the San Bernadino Strait and Samar battles.... ok, note to self...PI needs an update, too (as if I an't got enough to do!!) Wrench kevin stein
  3. Didn't you post this already, in a whole 'nuther thread??? Question was asked, and answered there. Let's keep it all together, shall we?? Thank you! Wrench kevin stein ps to blackbird: Sabre's don't have a radar as such; it's a reaaaallly small set used to compute ranges and gunsight lead ONLY
  4. More thought.... what terrain, and what airfield? Meaning, that in a lot of the older WW2 terrains, there are FAAAAR too many squadrons assigned to them. Runway3 (the most popular) should only have 1. Check the MinBaseSize= in the data inis check the tailwheel steering angle; if its a negative number, switch to a positive, ie: MaxSteeringAngle=-45 change to MaxSteeringAngle=45 98.6% ™ of the DAT birds use negative numbers. was there any error message with the crash? The llittle M$ popup has a 'click here to see what this message entails) or some such noise. It'll tell you if its a dll problem, and which one. Jounce/rebound on the main gears will also be fouled up -- almost EVERY ww2 plane needs the spring/damping factors tweeked waaaay up. There's more, but I can't think of them right now.... Wrench kevin stein
  5. ErikGen REALLY did a superb job on these.... Wrench kevin stein
  6. One of the reasons we DON'T patch our WW2 installs of SF/WoV/WoE, and don't use the WW2 birds in WoI Check the literally DOZENS of post on the subject. Might want to let Capun know, too Wrench kevin stein
  7. No, that's actually 4 or 6 different tiles; Grass-to-sea, pointing inwards to form the bay. The tiles are just too big....and my most recent attempt at creating 10 new tiles (bmp & tga) was not a real success. Mind you, it DID work, but I got the colors 'off' somehow, so the transitions looked funny (these were repaints of the Sea-to-jungle, so I could try to replicate a de-nuded Kahoolawe Island, which was used as a bombing and gunnery range for the last 80 odd years) You HAVE, however, given me some food for thought....looks like i'm back into photoshop again... --- Here's Hinch's new Ise-class BBs in game; I created a seperate target area (albeit NOT historical) just for them and cruisers and destroyers, and 1 carrier... One of TONE's E13A's patrols over the Battle Line... There are also 2 attached to Nagumo' fleet, and added the other 2 carrriers. The Jake is a semi-finished mod of the DAT Ar-196, with the edits to remove the rockerarm humps on the cowling, and obviously reskinned and redecaled for IJN usage. Slight off is shape and size, but DAMN close!! Wrench kevin stein
  8. Don't suppose you've looked in the downloads section, under "Cold War Aircrft" ??? Wrench kevin sten
  9. I don't think that can be done via data ini edits. Probably only via moving the 'parts' in the MAX file. BTW, I have a template for the F-80/F-94/T-33 if that'd help you skin it. One of my 'home-grown' units. http://wrench1smog.com/tmp/f80-f94-t33_templates.zip btwx2: anyone else is also welcome to it. just credit pasko, gramps for the original skin, and me for the remade template Wrench kevin stein
  10. Have you entered the NIKE items in the terrain's types and targets inis??? Have you created a 'target area' in said target ini, and placed the NIKE battery there??? They (most likely) won't generate by themselves, as the Blue side has no provision for SAMs and SAM_Radars in their targets listings. They MUST be manually added Wrench kevin stein
  11. Colmak: that's EXACTLY what I have in mind, excpeting that I'd need somebody to build the item in MAX. A rectangular oval, skined to look like poured concrete. this is approximatley the size and shape needed for Ford Island: Size can be guesstimated by the comparisoion of the BROOKLYN CA parked in the middle, and lower center. Then, hangars, cranes, barracks, other items can be placed atop it. Won't have the correct control tower, but we can make due with Tower1. and if I'm as clever as I think I am, NAS Ford Island can be made opeartional via the use of Gepard's invivible airfield. Wrench kevin stein
  12. Sure that's not the USS San Pablo??? I think I see Steve McQueen down near the stern..... Nagumo's fleet couldn't be easier -- they're in the Open Sea. So all they need is a Offset= line. Now, I may add the BBs as a seperate target area, with DD and CA supporting -- just for looks mind you. Also, thanks for reminiding me there's 6 Carriers!! I guess I forgot Zuikaku and Shokaku (sp?) -- again, super easy to add. (which also means 2 more Val skin sets...sigh...) Pearl/Ford are the biggest problems -- again, due to the scaling issue discussed in another thread. It's gonna get CROWDED!! It can't be helped; and certain things will probably wind up NOT getting placed...I think the 10/10 dock might not show up, and some of the DDs in the Eastern (?) Loch (well, nrothwest section anyway...). Getting the BBs places in the bay/cove/inlet whatever the hell it's called is just a simple matter of the offsets and headings. What I DON'T have is Ford Island itself... there is NO possible way to place a terrain tile inside the Harbor. I still need a rectangular oval flat concrete colored "parking lot" appox 2 km long by 1.5 in width, with rounded ends, that I can drop in place of the 'ground_platte' I'm using now. I"ll post some piccies either later tonight (can't miss the Boston Legal Series Ender!!) or tommorrow, of the progress. In case anyone ever asks, hand tiling a terrain is a 1st Class bbbbeeee-oooyytch!! Wrench kevn stein
  13. Cool!!! We've had canopies coming off for a long time, making it look like they've left the aircraft...now we've got the the guy floating down!! ----------------- and if anyone even thinks of opening the can-o'worms on strafing ejected pilots -- they're gonna get a vacation. Wrench kevin stein
  14. Has anyone tried going OVER 100% in size on map??? Say, doubling the 63% difference between a KM and mile? Say, like giong 126%??? I ask this to see if, well, anyone knows, and if this MIGHT readjust the scaling differences in the terrain objects, since runways DO seem larger than they should in real life, along with many other items... TIA! Wrench kevin stein
  15. So, basically what it come down to is... NO, we're stuck with the scale issues Well, at lest we know. thanks guys! Wrench kevin stein ps to Major Lee: Ken, I hope you like the 4 Seasons ANW!!
  16. Strobe as in rotating? Jeff asked me about that ways back, I could never figure out a 'rotating beacon'. As far as I know, it's on/off only (FlashTime=xxx) I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank Jug publicliy for taking over the Lighting Fixes... I HATE electrical work!!! :yes: A rather odd statement coming from the guy who's speciality was on-board computer controls and driveability.... (hmm....is it a 1000 ohms per foot drop???? volts times amps equals watts? Watt is it??!!! ) Wrench kevin stein
  17. You can send it me direct, if you like! kjstein (AT) ca (DOT) rr (DOT) com Many thanks!! just have to plot thier positions in Nagumo' Fleet...shouldn't be too hard Wrench kevin stein
  18. Happy Birthday Kukulino!

    Wait, you're writing a readme while drunk???!!!! anyway... Happy Birthday!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  19. As promised, some screenies of the terrain in development.... P-40's scramble from Wheeler, as the enemy approaches, taking AA fire... (still have to straighten out the barracks and lots of fine tuning, but that for later. Schofield Barracks is just off camera, to the left. Yes, those are 'liberated' GH trees) gunsight view of Honolulu, Pearl Harbor inlet and Hickam Field (you can see what I mean about the scaling) Scratch one meatball!! you can see thing are going to get VERY crowded, VERY fast around the Peal ... there's still all the naval installation to located and place; n/e tank farm, HQ buildings, docks along the western edge by Hickam, ships at their bouys Looking at the terrain tiles, it ALMOST seems like the rivermouth tile would be a better choice for the passage to the sea, what with it being so narrow in Real Life ™. Again, there's the tiling issuse of them being just a bit too large. More things to think about and experimentate with...i've discovered HOW to place singe tiles; the hard part is figuring out WHICH code is WHICH tile!! Wrench kevin stein
  20. File Name: P-36A Skin & Ini Update Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 6 Dec 2008 File Category: Allied Fighters Curtiss P-36A Mohawk Mod "Pearl Harbor Defenders" This is a somewhat nearly complete overhaul of Wolf257's P-36 Mohawk, into a slightly more accurate version as used by the US Army Air Corps during 1941. (FM is the same -- just 'other' things modded) This is a COMPLETE aircraft mod; everything is included, excepting the ORIGINAL P-36A.LOD. This mod make use of the modified LOD created for the French & ML-KNIL (NEI) Hawk 75A mod I did a some time ago. 2 completely new skins and decal sets are included representing: 46th Pursuit Squadron, 15th Pursuit Group, Wheeler Field, HI (Natural Metal) 47th Pursuit Squadron, 15 Pursuit Group, Haleiwa Field, HI (OD/Neutral Gray as seen on the morning of 7 December, 1941. The cockpit ini has been modified to use my 'ring-and-bead' sight tga, a damage tga and Hangar & Loading Screens are provided. The data ini has been modified via the 'removing components' trick to delete the wing machine guns, as these were not used on USAAC aircraft. They are also 'inily' removed. Some liberties have been taken on the 2 remaining MGs; historically these aircraft were being used as trainers and squadron hacks, as the 15th PG was transitioning to P-40Cs, and only had a single 30 cal left in the nose. I've chosen to leave the 2 50 cals in place for playability, as this gives you a slightly better chance of knocking the enemy aircraft down. Those that wish to switch to the historically accurate 30s, I've supplied the needed data below in the "To Re-Create the Historical Gun Mountings" section. These aircraft carried no bombs or drop tanks, they were only armed with their twin MGs. The lighting has been updated, with the addition of the formation, runnning and landing light; positions have been corrected and so forth. As this mod is designed to -replace- the existing P-36A, backing up the Original Aircraft ™ in it's totality is HIGHLY reccomended!!! (Instructions below) = IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY-, It has =NOT= been tested it in post 8/28/08 patch WoI, or post 9/08 - 10/08 patch SF/WoV/WoE. You use it in these enviroments at your own risk. = =This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.= As usual, a highly detailed readme is included; it's HIGHLY suggested you read it... See 'Credit & Sources' for a complete listing of, well, Credits & Sources! Good Hunting, and Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  21. Version


    Curtiss P-36A Mohawk Mod "Pearl Harbor Defenders" This is a somewhat nearly complete overhaul of Wolf257's P-36 Mohawk, into a slightly more accurate version as used by the US Army Air Corps during 1941. (FM is the same -- just 'other' things modded) This is a COMPLETE aircraft mod; everything is included, excepting the ORIGINAL P-36A.LOD. This mod make use of the modified LOD created for the French & ML-KNIL (NEI) Hawk 75A mod I did a some time ago. 2 completely new skins and decal sets are included representing: 46th Pursuit Squadron, 15th Pursuit Group, Wheeler Field, HI (Natural Metal) 47th Pursuit Squadron, 15 Pursuit Group, Haleiwa Field, HI (OD/Neutral Gray as seen on the morning of 7 December, 1941. The cockpit ini has been modified to use my 'ring-and-bead' sight tga, a damage tga and Hangar & Loading Screens are provided. The data ini has been modified via the 'removing components' trick to delete the wing machine guns, as these were not used on USAAC aircraft. They are also 'inily' removed. Some liberties have been taken on the 2 remaining MGs; historically these aircraft were being used as trainers and squadron hacks, as the 15th PG was transitioning to P-40Cs, and only had a single 30 cal left in the nose. I've chosen to leave the 2 50 cals in place for playability, as this gives you a slightly better chance of knocking the enemy aircraft down. Those that wish to switch to the historically accurate 30s, I've supplied the needed data below in the "To Re-Create the Historical Gun Mountings" section. These aircraft carried no bombs or drop tanks, they were only armed with their twin MGs. The lighting has been updated, with the addition of the formation, runnning and landing light; positions have been corrected and so forth. As this mod is designed to -replace- the existing P-36A, backing up the Original Aircraft ™ in it's totality is HIGHLY reccomended!!! (Instructions below) = IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY-, It has =NOT= been tested it in post 8/28/08 patch WoI, or post 9/08 - 10/08 patch SF/WoV/WoE. You use it in these enviroments at your own risk. = =This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.= As usual, a highly detailed readme is included; it's HIGHLY suggested you read it... See 'Credit & Sources' for a complete listing of, well, Credits & Sources! Good Hunting, and Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein
  22. File Name: P-38M NightLightning File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 26 Nov 2008 File Category: Allied Fighters P-38M "Night Lightning" mod for SF/WoV/WoE This is a modification of Wolf257's P-38L into the radar-equipped 2 seat night-fighter version, the P-38M "NightLightning". This is an incomplete aircraft mod because, as per Wolf's wishes, the "P-38L.LOD" is not included. You =MUST= have his original L model Lightning to copy this file from. All other items; the inis, skin, decals, cockpit and various and sundry other parts ARE included. Serial numbers for 36 aircraft are included; this gives you the equlivant of 3 squadrons worth -- far more than you'll ever need. These are 100% historically accurate serials; but since the aircraft really didn't reach combat, the historical "6th NFS" is being used as the squadron. (More on that in the "Notes & Other Nonsense" section below). Damage tgas and a New!!! -only available in this mod!!!- P-38M "NightLightning" Hangar screen are included. The 'crsprp.wav' has a nice in-line engine sound; I've used it on several other mods that have Allison-type V12s, so just in case you haven't got to, it's here too. Some outstanding work was done by 76 IAP Blackbird and Timmy in helping create this mod; without them it just plane wouldn't exist. Full accreditation is also listed below. Wolf's original readme for the P-38L and historical notes from J.Baugher's site on the Night Lightning are included as well for your reading pleasure. While built and tested in my WW2 PTO WoE install, it should work just as well in any other in the series; EXCEPTING maybe for post patch (9/08 & 10/08) versions of all the preceding, and WoI. You use it in these versions at your own risk of 'squiffiness' in the FM :) It could use an update, so if anyone wants to volunteer..... =You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06 to get the WW2 weapons and drop tanks. They are NOT included; but use all 'stock' P-38J/L weapons = As per usual, there's a semi-detailed easy to follow readme enclosed for you to read, and follow the fairly simple installification procedures, as well as the 'notes and nonesense' for fun and etc. Good Hunting!! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  23. Wolf257's WW2 Planes Pak, here in the downloads section WRench kevin stein
  24. Ok, this "object", standing in for Ford Island, is the concret pad off the truck depot. I've used a Brooklyn for scale (man on man...is the scalling off in game this game or what!! or am I really that pathetic with the TE?? ) this is sorta looking towards the Eastern (?) Loch. the CA is actually heading 270, so you an figure out the placement/heading of the 'ground_platte' Anyway, what needed is a flat concrete slab 'object' about twice as wide and about twice as long as the rectangular part on the far left, with curved ends and such. Something that I can park the ships around, and drop some hangars and other building on to simulate Ford; it will definatly NOT be usable as an Air Station (sorry!) Having all kinds of difficulties with Hickam; can't get any REAL airfiled to fit properly (using runway1 right now) the mountains to the north/east will make AI landings an 'interesting' experience. Airfields placed: Bellows Haleiwa Ewa Kanehoe (that's another odd ball! using runway 2, with the 'extra' parking slot leading down to the water for seaplane ramps) Hickam Schofield is just a quadrangle of barrack1s right now; I keep blowing up on Bellows, so I've got the figure out what wrong with that. There are most definately height field issues ... large humps in the water, water creeping up cliff faces, etc. I was able,however, to hand place some tiles -- this map could really use a custom set, to more match the rock colors and etc. I'll try and have some more screenies up later... I need a break! Hinch: you know we'll take anything! Those would look good supporting the CV forces! Wrench kevin stein
  25. It's the Democratic Peoples Republic of Soviet Monica!!! Definatly not a city you want to try and do business in or with. Mayor pro-tem is Arnie's brother-in-law! Good thing I live just east, in West LA!!! Unfortunately, the Museam been closed for some years .. I loved going up there, all the history of Douglas; all those RG Smith prints (which I had as a kid, and of course, destroyed - now knowing their value. Being a 2nd Gen Angelino (parents grew up in SM), it's always fascinated me. My Dad and his NG unit stood watch over the plant and the beaches here at the beginning of the war, before going overseas. Still get the occasional Warbird in; Pat Harrington (Schinder from 'One Day At a Time') has a beautiful P-51D paintd up in 112 Sqdn Desert 2-tone; there was one of the "new" Yak-3s with the Allison enigine in and out several time, and of course the every present T-6 and occasional T-28. We even had the Vimy replica in one time -- THAT was seriously cool!!! Still used the 454 chevy engines! Wrench kevin stein

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