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Everything posted by Wrench


    Nice looking engine!!! Gotta LOVE them small blocks!!! That is a nice flat torque curve...consistent all the up the RPM range. outstanding V/E!! 90+%!!! but isn't the 10:1 AF just a little lean?? When that's back in your Vette....it's gonna be a major asphalt burner!!! Cool stuff, man!! Wrench kevin stein
  2. Agreed!! We can always start or expand the "WIP" thread --that no one seems to know about or look at- in the KB. Not only terrains, but ALL mods in general (ships, vehicles, aircraft, campaigns, and so forth) Wrench kevin stein
  3. stuff

    Now THAT looks like what SuperFort's cockpit should look like!!! Wrench kevin stein
  4. File Name: American North West - 4 Seasons Rebuild File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 06 November 2008 File Category: Terrains Upgrade for America NorthWest Terrains: 4 Seasons Inclusive Build -for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI and maybe FE? The original America Northwest Terrains; AmerianNW, AmericanNWinter and AmericaNWSpring, were released sometime back in 2003. They are exceedling FUN maps to fly on, as they are full of deep canyons and high mountain ranges. But...with the advent of the 9/08 patch for the entire 3rd Wire series, they can now be combined into ONE terrain, and with a few ini edits, allow for =ALL= 4 season to be present in ONE terrain folder. Seasonal changes are based upon the date a mission is flown, in single mission (month/day - year makes no difference), and probably in campaigns as well This package includes ALL 4 seasons for Major Lee's "America NorthWest" series, combined.This package is designed to TOTALLY REPLACE =ALL= the original terrains, with one single install. Editing has been done to the all the inis, as per the latest patch standards. Included are also my targets and movements enhancements, as seen in a 8/07 upgrade, with some additions. Included are the "Spring", "Summer" (by CA_Stary), "Thaw" (by Doghouse & Deuces), and "Winter" seasons as new subfolders of this rebuilt terrain. A new 'EnvrionmentalSystem.ini', that is terrain specific, was created that raises the cloud deck OFF the mountains. It's also super easy to edit, to allow for lower clouds, if that is your wish. You'll also find regional specific trees (pine) scattered across the landscape. It looks sooo much better with trees!!! :) For those looking for it, YES, there are more than a couple of Easter Eggs, as you've all come to expect. While set in the "What If.." world of the Global Sedition vs the North American Alliance, it's quite usable for just about anything. =EXCEPTING= no anti-ship missions, as there's no large bodies of water for shipping routes. (see my pleas for retiling in the "General Notes and Other Nonsense" section below) The movements ini has been expanded for more Armed Recon missions, with additional truck routes for both sides. Additonal targets have been added (one new city, airport and train stations for each side), and new Ground Attack routes for CAS missions. I added an oil field to the Alliance side, to give the Sedition forces something extra to bomb, and Alliance forces something to protect. I figure the story line would be "short on resources, the Global Sedititon is trying to capture the Salmon River Oil Fields and Elk Mountains Uranium Mines for their own". New country flags have been added (the 2 GS and Alliance flags are still here!) for NAA alllies - USA and Canada. This has been tested in WoE (my main Laboratory of choice..) As it was originally built for SF, no worries there. WoV should also be no problem. It -should- work in WoI and First Eagles, but you'll still need one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ for the terrain cat reacharound. This, however, has =NOT= been tested. You use it in these games at your own risk. Vista users should also have no problem with terrain effects, as the latest round of patching has apparently cleared up that problem. And the fact that there's no water on this map..... Included as well is FastCargo's SON-9A "FireCan" AA control radar, and some ini updates for a few of the stock "Red" AAA units, networking them to the FireCan. PLEASE read this entire ReadMe all the way through before installing; there are some issues I've encountered that need some explaining, and this will give you a better understanding of what I've tried to accomplish. Good Hunting & Happy Landings!!! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  5. "Seasoned with salt, pepper, and a dash of paprika" been wanting to say that since the project started! Great work! Wrench kevin stein
  6. I'm assuming you're asking about the Red Side? There ain't any. And you want to add Runway4 (which is the 2 V-crossing runways, aka "Large Airfield")? Historically, there aren't any, and there's not actual spot large enough to place them on the map. However, it CAN be done by rebuilding the map in it's entirety. 1) Get the latest version of the terrain editor 2) Extract all the terraintiles from the VietnamSEA.cat 3) Convert all the sea tile/sea-to-land, sea-to-river tiles TGAs to bmps 4) Extract HFD, TFD, ***_targets.ini and ***_types inis from the VeitnamSEA.cat 5) move entire VietnamSEA terrain folder into the Terrain Editor. 6) copy/paste ALL the terrain tile bmps (Expecially the newly converted tga-to-bmps) into the MAIN /Terrain Editor folder (where the exe is) 7) go back to WoV, set the debug in the Huddata.ini to ShowDebug=TRUE 8) select a Mig to fly, start game 9) Using the top line in the debugged display, find a location for the placement of the 'new' Large Airbase -- I'd suggest replacing an existing one, that has a LOT of empty space around it. 10) write down those coordinates - just to be safe 11) Go back to the VnSEA in the TE, and open the targets ini. 12) Begin building a NEW VietnamSEA_cities.ini, as one dosen't exist stock. You'll need to scroll through the ENTIRE targets ini, listing the coordinates of every single one of the target areas in the format shown below (btw, there's 124 areas on the stock map): When using Runway 4, your width/height will probably want to be 6.00000, as seen in the Desert_targets.ini 13) Back to the game install....Once that's completed the new citis ini, you'll need the layout for Runway 4 -- there exists the USAF bases you can use. Leave their heading ALONE!! We'll just leave them with a 0/180 orientation, as that's easiest to work with. Assuming you have your location picked out, and are reusing an existing airbase location, copy the ENTIRE listing from said base, from the "AirfieldDataIni=" line, to the end of THAT target area's listing; like so: Leaving the EXISTING place name and location alone...the example I've shown below is JUST an example: SAVE and close the VietnamSEA_Targets.ini. Copy/paste this modified version INTO the VNSEA folder of the one you've got in the TE -- let if overwrite, don't worry about it. 14) If you want to check how it sits -and you REALLY DO need to do this; meaning if you're going to have to expand the exclusion zone around the airfield -and you probably will given the size of the airbase, you'll need to see how it looks as is, in-game. Select any single mission, and this may take some time, try to 'start' at the airfield in question. When you've got that, using the Free Camera view (F12) zoom out and see how the base interacts with the surrounding terrain -- if the runways FIT into the clear zone (called an exclusion zone) around the center point. If they don't -and it probably won't- you'll have to retile that area to expand it. 15) Retiling the Large Airbase zone. Back to the TE ... here's where it'll get interesting. The latest version comes with the WoVTexturelist.ini. This lists ALL the terrain tiles used on the map. Open the "VietnamSEA.HFD" , change View to 'Show Terrain Tiles'. You'll have to navigate around the map to try and find the location of you 'remodeled' airbase. Zoom In as far as possible -that'll be 3200x; you'll need to move the map around with the bottom and side sliders to repositon over the area, that takes a little practice, so keep fiddling. The lower right has a numerical display that shows you the offset (the coordinates on the map where your mouse pointer is) You won't see any of the map objects, but hopefully you'll remember how much of the runways overlap into the jungle/paddy/grass, whatever is nearby. 16) Go to the "Texture List" tab at the top of the toolbar, and "Open Texture List". It should point to the main TE folder; you'll need to find that WoVTexturelist.ini. Once opened, you have to find the proper tile for you airbase exclusion zone. There are 2 such tiles VietnamJ-AB1.bmp (read it as "Jungle-AirBase1") VietnamG-AB1.bmp (read as "Grass-AirBase1) You then select which to use in that long, center drop down window. depending on which is the best, you'll use the "pencil" tool to replace the jungle or grass tiles around the exisiting cleared zone. You'll either be adding 2 or up to 6 new tiles, to surround you new Large Runway. You'll probably need to adjust the 'facing' of the tiles, so the clear area point towards the center. Hopefully, you won't have to fiddle with retiling -- that's why you go check it 'in-game' first. 17) Ok, you've got the tiles more or less set. Go to the "City List" tab at the top. When it drops down you'll see the "Open City List". Open the city list. This will tell the TE which target has an airfield. NOw, I'm not exactly sure if this next step is necessary, as the zone around the pre-existing airfield was already flattened. You may want to "SAVE ALL", move the new TFD and HFD files into your game, and see if the ends of the new Large Runway disappear, or sink into the terrain. If they do, you'll need to flatten the airfield zone. Or, you can simply do it now. 17A) Click on the "EDIT" tab and the top, and look for "Level Airfield". If you see a progress bar open and close, even if it's reaaaally fast, that zone has been flattened for airfield use. 18) If all looks right, "SAVE ALL", and exit the TE 19) If you have the TFD and HFD still sitting in your game install's VietnamSEA terrain folder, you can delete them or rename them xTFD or xHFD. Copy/paste the NEW TFD and HFD from the Terrain Editor's VNSEA folder into your game's terrain folder. 20) Go BACK in-game and find that airfield. If all is well, you're done. If not... 21) Repeat process until it is. ---------------- Wrench kevin stein
  7. You could have saved yourself a boat-load of work, by simply downlonading the Isreal2 ver 2.5; I seem to recall leaving all the proper tiles IN the zip Wrench kevin stein
  8. If it's like the ANW 4 Seasons, I think all you'd need is the bunker's texture in the proper season's tile folder. Wrench kevin stein
  9. BB: in Real Life ™ it's actual name IS "Naval Air Station Ford Island" ... ENTERPRISE's SBDs were landing there during the attack (those that didn't get zapped by Zeros or our own AAA); PBYs & OS2Us were based there, although most WERE at Kanehoe . You'll note in the photo, and Geezer's model, the seaplane ramps. Once I get it, and get it positioned properly, Gepard's Invisible Airfield ™ will most likely be used for it. Historically, nothing was flying out of there during the attack (not counting Michael Bey's 'imported' planes and those from Tora Tora Tora -- oh, wait -- they were the same planes!) Hinch: you KNOW we'll take ANYTHING!!!! Veltro: no one's got one planned, that I know of. If you got one....I'll even offer to try and help out skinnig the Kingfisher Wrench kevin stein
  10. Actually, it's just a terrain mod! I'd not given any thought to anything else...albeit in single mission testing, you DO get a lot of 'theatre in-appropriate' aircraft; like Oscars over the Islands. I'm sure the campaign guru's can fix that. In real life, the IJN would consist of the D3A Val B5N Kate A6M2 type 21 (all of which exist) E13A Jake floatplane (of which a stand in in ready, just need DAT permission for distrubution - as it's a fiddled with Ar-196) P-36 P-40B P-26 (will need redecling for correct squadron markings) F3F-3 SBD-2 A-20A (all existing or mods of existing) missing the O-47 B-17C/D B-18 and that's would be the entire plane set. You could 'What If..' it with ENTERPRISE and LEXINGTONs air groups; adding a reskinned F2A of Lex, as she still carried them aboard for her main fighters...missing TBDs of course But rest assured, I'll do up as many of the 'correct' aircraft as possible - one of the advantages of having scads of skin templates, and hordes of decals Geezer: PM sent! Wrench kevin stein
  11. Off Topic: We've got an glass nosed A-20G and a later 2-piece glass nosed A-20J, both of which I've never finished. (ETO skined). One day.... regarding your PM, Geezer: I'll try to get the stuff assembled, and uploaded to my site, and shoot you the link. Sorry, I don't have the UVMap for the Havoc, just a home-grown multi-layered skin template. Capun would have original map. Wrench kevin stein
  12. Along with the terrain itself, you have to have airplanes to fly over it... Here's a mod of the DATs A-20C/Boston III into a slightly more accurate A-20A from the 58th BS (L), as based a Hickam. You'll note I figured out the mesh name for the exhaust 'nipples' surrounding the cowlings, and have removed them via data ini edits Wheeler is just above the tail fin, and Haliewa just above the port wing. Ewa is in the square near the ocean, top left. Opana Point is just off screen to the right. Insufficent data to determine if the stars were in all 6 positions (like B-17, B-18 and B-25), and I'm not sure of the GHQ designator (58BS) would be on the tail fin. Still need to create 'plane in group' numbers for the nose. 12 of these were at Hickam during the attack; 2-5 reported destroyed/damaged. There were the first USAAC aircraft 'out and about' trying to find the IJN attack force. And of course, what Pearl Harbor mod would be complete without a properly skinned P-40B/C Tomahawk?... 47th PS, Haliewa, detached to 'dispersed' fields. A/C #316 is either Welch or Taylors ... my reference books don't say which. Skins for the P-40B should be ready early next week and will be uploaded here; the A-20A mod will be a 'semi complete' set of inis and skin ONLY, and will be uploaded to my site only. Of course, full instructions will be in the respective readmes for creating the new aircraft/aircraft folders. Wrench kevin stein ps: still decieding if I want to add an Easter Egg or not. I DO have one in mind....actually 2.
  13. Known secret: ALL the gunners shoot like Alvin York and Annie Oakley!!! They're definatley deadshot marksmen (markspersons???). Attacking a large bomber formation (say, a Nick against 6-9 B-24s, or any fighter vs bomber) is a REAL interesting proposition!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  14. So, this works post-08 patches only? Or post 2006 patch?? (runs off the redo WW2 games, as they have the least amount of junk...) Wrench kevin stein
  15. Sounds more like "Day the Earth Caught Fire", excepting FC's got us heading the wrong way. At least we get to meet the Barsoomians ... ah, Dejah Thoris!!! Martian women don't wear a whole lot of clothes, doncha know!! http://www.libertymeadows.com/covers/SB2_Dejahs.jpg (just giving the link, due to nudididty) IIRC my orbital mechanics, don't you have to speed up to slow down?? Meaning, going into a higher orbit (in this case, expanding solar orbit), wouldn't the direction of thrust be 90 deg to the oribtal plane, and pointed towards the Sun?? (brings to mind a really old Japanese 'monster' movie, where they build huge rocket engines in Antarctica, and move the planet out of the way of some giant planet headed our way -- can't remember the name...Gorath???? or something odd like that) Either way, the economy will still suffer. Even with it being the Holidays and all... Wrench kevin stein
  16. That is just SOOO amazing....the only thing that Woody is missin is Baby Moon hub caps!!! Or A200S American wheels (I always liked those better) Wrench kevin stein
  17. SF/Wo*/FE Aircraft mods/Cockpits/Jet Cockpits under Paladrins' name http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1919 enjoy! A real work of art, these are Wrench kevin stein
  18. Skins for the 4 squadrons of Vals are nearly done (including all new decals and all new skin bmps in weathered green) Skins for the 4 squadrons of Zekes about 75% done; just have to make more serial decals (also doing more for Pearl Harbor, as well as the Vals) Haven't touched the Kates...don't know what to do about them (other than make a new template from scratch..., and redecal from scratch) None of the IJN aircraft have the 'colors' for the Squadron Commander and Flight Leaders (the stripes above and below the serials on the vert fin). Possibly do them as level2 decals; probably just leave them off. Call the skins 95% Historical. You already have the TBFs for the appropriate squadrons (standing in for TBDs) US planes being the easiest.... The DATs F2A already has the VMF skin for midway; might need to do up some decals for the Wildcats. In between all the other stuff.... Wrench kevin stein
  19. Betty Page died 12-11-2008

    Here here!!! Her form and figure will forever grace us. (and she's used on a lot of the nose art decals I've made). Here's to Real Women ™!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  20. Random Thought In A Scattered Mind

    Great thread title!!! Those are, pretty much, the only kind of thoughts I HAVE been having of late!!!! Very cool factoid on the Whale! Wrench kevin sten
  21. Already have working coastal defense artillery/large gun bunkers (along with working MG pillboxes). Right now, they're in the Marianas map. Easily imported mmmmuuuuahahahahaaaaa!!! Simple ini edits of terrain object, turn them into Ground Objects; artillery. Placement around the Harbor mouth being the issue....as in where the hell can I put them!!! It's damn crowded in there (like do I or do I not add Hospital Point, with it's nearby oil tanks -- and what idiiot puts flamable/explosive petrochemical storage NEXT to a hospital????) Wrench kevin stein
  22. AHAA!!! Take that modern playas!!! We've gained another WW2 Junkie... ....that should bring us up to about 49..... Wrench kevin stein
  23. Brady: If the FMs got fixed on the wW2 birds, I'd be perfectly happy with the post-patch environment. But in many cases, it feels i'm fighting MY airplane more than the enemy. Like you said, the canopy fixes are 'no brainer', either go the maunal animation, via a key, or just comment out the auto-speed sections. The map will most llikely work in ANY version (and probably FE as well), as long as one the Original Three Terrains ™ are present for the 'cat pointer reach around' I haven't tested this, of course, but other terrains work just fine that way. It uses modified versions of the stock VietnamSEA tiles, and they'll be included, as will any added terrain/ground objects. Here's the non-historical, revamped NAS Kanehoe, using my 'paved runway 3' I've set it to have "0" squadrons, so its not really an operational base, just a big fat target for the Japaneses bombers. You'll note the removal of the berm shelters, and the parking slots acting as seaplane ramps. Now, if we had some parked PBYs.... Here's some of Ewa, using the standard or garden variety dirt runway 3: (as does Halewia, Wheeler and Bellows) Closeup of the infield, with the airship mooring mast: with a little hex editing, and repainting, one can do just about anything!! I repurpose entire objects!!! I still have some 'fixes' to do there, like move the too-close-together barracks. I tell ya, that Osprey book has been a real treasure trove of 'what goes where'. Schofield will be problematic, but not too difficult. Just have to figure out a few small things, like the Main Gate, etc. Wrench kevin stein
  24. Now, THAT's what I call 'getting the point across!!!' Nice one, guys!! Wrench kevin stein
  25. KB/Beginning Modding/Modding Aircraft (or whatever the hell its called) Save you the trouble of searching: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=19630 have at it!!! The 109s are IN Wolf's WW2 Planes Pak. And a butt-load of mods, upgrades, skins and all sorts of goodies for damn near all of them (which you've probably found by now...) in various and sundry places in the WW2 Downloads section Wrench kevin stein

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