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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. The tods are all in the main /ANW folder. Each of the seasonal folders should have their own terobject_trees.tga (or forest or whatever it's called!), based on if it's snowing or not. I never had problems with getting the trees to show up; I did however (as stated in the "notes'' section) have the odd issue of the Winter tileset disappearing! Hence, the inclusion of an 'extra' set. (slaps head) duh moment: Eric, are you using the newest 4 Seasons version?? It's full of trees. Mind you, post patch only! Wrench kevin stein
  2. It's on page 9 in the Bunyap pak weapons fixes thread. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...st&p=114940 make sure the Hump section in the data ini looks like this, directly from the A-4L's I was just flying it last week, in my "all is everything fully patched install, with the bunypak", and had no problems. Wrench kevin stein
  3. India sinks Somali pirate ship

    About damn time!!! Good work on the part of the Indian navy! At least someone's showing they've got a pair... Wrench kevin stein
  4. Like the title says...a brandey newey place to blow stuff up on! I wanted to choose something fairly simple, fairly small and easy to targetize (ha! like that's ever gonna happen!!), that also would be simple to find historical data as to dispositions (well, it really ain't that easy!). Obviously, it's a WW2 map. But I ain't saying where. You figure it out! Without further ado... and 2 views whilst flying: still need a LOT more work in straightening out targets, there's some 'sea level' issuse I can't figure out, and I'm trying to get more trees from GH onto the hills -- trying to figure out which TOD goes with which tile is troublesome, at best. When the movements and targets are finalized, I"ll release it 'as is', warts and all (and exceptional high tides...which shouldn't happen here?) enjoy! Wrench kevin stein
  5. Ok. If I can tear myself away from the Marianas, I'll write up a readme and assemble the package. The question is, should I upload it here? I'm almost embarrased of it!! Don't say I didnt' warn you -- it's a pig. FM wise, I think the Wirraway is damn pretty close. Shapewise....I'm not going there!! Wrench kevin stein
  6. Yes, it's "Hell to Eternity". Nightshade is the winner!!! So, on my next major map, you get something named for you. What would you like? Bar? City? Cat house??? Unfortunately, I can't add anything to this one, as there's no US prescence on the island. Typhod is thinking of "No Man Is An Island", where Hunter plays the Navy Chief (?) that hid out there until the invasion 'rescued' him. Nice work people!! Your movie triva skill impress me! Now, if I can just the the rest of the jungle tods to show up around the hills...hgrrrhahahagggaarrrr!!! Movements ini, target items dialed in... Damn TE keeps crashing out on me when I try to fix the water bits, so phooey on it!!! Interestering to note, the nothern cliff is there on Saipan, the sight of a major tragedy for the Saipanese islanders, propagandized into irrational fears of the Americans...a very sad thing. I think I'll just leave that area alone, out of respect. Wrench kevin stein
  7. The Knowledge Base Forums would be the place to start. Begin at the beginning and work your way down. Good luck, have fun, and don't hesitate to ask questions; if you can't find the article in the KB (which happens a lot! ) Wrench kevin stein
  8. New Modding Article @ SimHQ

    Excellent job, Chuck!!! I HATE bow ties!!! Hell, I HATE ties!!! I only own one, and it's never been untied (as I never learned how to do it!) for 25 years!!! Wrench kevin stein
  9. File Name: F-86F Sabre, Spanish Air Force File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 18 Nov 2008 File Category: F-86 F-86F "Sabre", Spanish Air Force (EDA) Mod This package contains a complete aircraft, based on Zur's F-86F, as used by the Spanish Air Force, Ejército del Aire, during the late 1950s through approx 1965, when most were replaced by F-104G 'Starfighters'. As stated, this is a COMPLETE nation-specific airplane, with all the trimmings, ready to unzip and fly away. It contains a new natural metal skin and decals for 18 aircraft. It represents Ala 1 at approximately 1959-ish ;) There are some small mods to the cockpit, namely my K-14 sight set (as seen on "The Hunters" Sabre mod), and the addition of an audio-only RWR (track sound ONLY). It is designed for use with ANY weapons pak, or none at all. The drop tanks are included, for those that don't have them, in the post-patch style of seperate folders. Loadouts are standard USAF style; with the exception of Sidewinders. Historically, the EDA =did= upgrade their Sabres in the early 60s to the late F-40 standards, with the inclusion of the AIM-9 capability. This is still intact, but the loadout is adjusted to NOT give them to you right off. If you wish them, you'll have to edit the loadout ini or load them manually. Included is a new sound "JetEngine2.wav", that has a more whiney turbo-jet sound than the stock JetEngine sound. Also for your enjoyment, is a new WoE-style Hangar screen -only available in the mod!! This aircraft was tested in Post-Patch (9/08 & 10/08) WoE, it should work just as well in SF, WoV and WoI. Be advised, the FM might need a little tweeking for the new parameters post patch, but I've encounted no real adverse characteristics. It flys real nice as is! For once, there's a pretty simple easy to follow readme (was that a sigh of relief I just heard??) But, still, PLEASE read the it!! As well as the expected Notes and Other Nonsense section for comments and the like Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  10. Version


    F-86F "Sabre", Spanish Air Force (EDA) Mod This package contains a complete aircraft, based on Zur's F-86F, as used by the Spanish Air Force, Ejército del Aire, during the late 1950s through approx 1965, when most were replaced by F-104G 'Starfighters'. As stated, this is a COMPLETE nation-specific airplane, with all the trimmings, ready to unzip and fly away. It contains a new natural metal skin and decals for 18 aircraft. It represents Ala 1 at approximately 1959-ish ;) There are some small mods to the cockpit, namely my K-14 sight set (as seen on "The Hunters" Sabre mod), and the addition of an audio-only RWR (track sound ONLY). It is designed for use with ANY weapons pak, or none at all. The drop tanks are included, for those that don't have them, in the post-patch style of seperate folders. Loadouts are standard USAF style; with the exception of Sidewinders. Historically, the EDA =did= upgrade their Sabres in the early 60s to the late F-40 standards, with the inclusion of the AIM-9 capability. This is still intact, but the loadout is adjusted to NOT give them to you right off. If you wish them, you'll have to edit the loadout ini or load them manually. Included is a new sound "JetEngine2.wav", that has a more whiney turbo-jet sound than the stock JetEngine sound. Also for your enjoyment, is a new WoE-style Hangar screen -only available in the mod!! This aircraft was tested in Post-Patch (9/08 & 10/08) WoE, it should work just as well in SF, WoV and WoI. Be advised, the FM might need a little tweeking for the new parameters post patch, but I've encounted no real adverse characteristics. It flys real nice as is! For once, there's a pretty simple easy to follow readme (was that a sigh of relief I just heard??) But, still, PLEASE read the it!! As well as the expected Notes and Other Nonsense section for comments and the like Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  11. Baltika: you want that hack job "Vinda-way??" for Marine use??? Wrench kevin stein
  12. So, the question is: "How many credits towards your degree, will a weapons class earn?" Wrench kevin stein
  13. Well, shoot...looks like Geezer & Typhoid have got it! Although, Gwar's pick ARE pretty funny!!! And here I had the real nice trivia quesition, relating to movies and TV shows to 'give a hint'....hell, I'll do it anyway. EXTREAME knowledge of war movies (expecially those lesser known) and TV shows IS required!!! I'm going to try and word it as vaguely as possible... "What 2 famous actors appeared in a movie about the invasion of these islands, that BOTH later appear in the TV series Star Trek? One plays the boy adopted by the family, the other plays his 'brother', during the late 30s-early 40s in Los Angeles" Name the actors and the roles they later played in Star Trek, as well as the movie in question. Hint: the family is Japanese. The winner will get a building/sign with their name on it on an upcoming terrain mod. (best I can do...) ---------- I've shamlessly 'borrowed' Gepard's layouts for the 2 CVTFs (well, 4 actually), as well as the 'invisible' airfield for the Navy to fly from. As well as Kukolino's repaint of Hinch's Zuiho for the Princeton class CVLs Back in late 60s my cousin Alan, when he was in the Air Force as an Air Policeman, was stationed at Anderson. I think he still remember exactly how many rivets there are on a B-52!! I guess back then, they stood guard on the flightline! Storm: Iwo's just off the upper right edge. I think that little island on the lower left, which is behind "The Wall", could be Truk. WRench kevin stein
  14. The Man Cave...

    Hey Ghost, was that a Fluke 98 (or 68 or something....) on the workbench??? Looks just like the one I've got! Haven't used it for years! (figures, the mechanic notices the tools, instead of the cool, fully equiped cockpits....gotta be something wrong there...) Wrench kevin stein
  15. Was 'delivered' a new-ish map to work on, and wanted something to fly over it for testing that was region appropriate, so I kinda just whipped this out.. ... after noticing it's glaring absence. BTW, this WAS taken over the 'new-ish' map. mostly the questions I have are for Ala.1's nose band; is it the correct color? I had to guess and I could find no pictures. Serial numbers (C.5-xxx) are correct; the 'buzz numbers' I've seen in the few pics I could find mostly showed a 3 digit, based on the serial number. So, how does this look to you all?? Wrench kevin stein
  16. You all want a single seat F-110 "Wraith"???? Been available since Oct, 07. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5405 Wrench kevin stein
  17. Spectre: that's a real easy fix. There are 2 ways to do it. One involves going thrugh the targets ini, and rewriting it. The faster, quicker way is to open the Spain terrain folder, find the lods for the various parked aircraft (real easy as they're named as such) and just renmane them thusly, using the Bf109C as our example from Bf109C.lod to xBf109C.lod the game engine will now ignore it, and skip over those entries in the targets.ini Dave and I were discussing this a few weeks back, as he wants me to 'modernize' Edwards North Africa/Eastern Med map from WW2 to post-1950-to Date. A hell of lottta work, I gotta telll ya!! Wrench kevin stein
  18. Your city2river-turn TOD has misplaced building. Looking at it , you can see they're the stock building built into the various TODs. May have to 'move' them editing the TOD or not use the city2river-turn TOD, and hand place the 'generic' city buildings via the targets ini. Wrench kevin stein
  19. that's the bit that was driving me nuts...trying to figure out WHEN it was on the tail or nose. I took the lazy-mans way out, and use 1 Ala in the mid 50s, when it was on the tail (so I could make use of the existing decal positions conviently plotted for the USAF birds) Brain32: you can expand the map size??? I'd love for this to be 500x500 km....would allow for more shipping routes, the use of the other islands (albiet more work for me to targetize -so what? Ain't got much else to do...). Would love to have the 'farm' tiles too. Even if just all surrouned by water, that OK with me!!! I was actualy fiddling with the TE last night, and for the very first time was able to import a DEM, and create a height map. That is soooo cool!!! I'm going to be away for most of the weekend, so I hope to have the EDA Sabre to you all sometime at the beginning of the week. Wrench kevin stein
  20. the MG gunner IS supported and does work. Trust Me Wrench kevin stein
  21. There's a whole butt-load of Iranian specific weapons listings (for the weaponsdata ini) in the KB ... in the Bunyap Pak Weapons Fixes Thread. I made them 'some time ago.... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...ost&p=87602 Wrench kevin stein
  22. Yup. Unfortunatly, we only can use Tenerife and La Gomera. Gran Canary is just behind "The Wall" Having all kinds of fun hand placing the little houses and thingys at the various towns and villages NOT!!! If Crusader finds the texturelist.ini for the map, I"ll need a "volenteer" to create exclusion zones around the 2 airports; as I've all kinds of palm trees growing in the runways!!! Or I could just NOT use the treed TODs...but it'll look so empty!!! Was fun researching the towns placement for this on Google Earth -- they're BEAUTIFUL islands...especially when one comes across the photo links, as in one named "playa_nudista"..... Of course, I just had click the link. Sorry, there was really nothing to see. damnit!!! One of the advantages of living in Southern California, IS picking up a smattering of Spanish (it can't be helped! after all, Spain DID own all this at one time...) Wrench kevin stein
  23. I took the 'x' from these profiles, from my pdf copy of the Aircam on the F-86A-L, USAF and Foriegn Users (you know, I never knew the cross had name!!! -- what do I know, I'm the Typical Ugly American!!! ) I agree on the insigina...not dull and faded enough. Since they're the stock ones from the game, I'll extract them and desaturate them a bit. Or pull them off my World Marking Template (from SimmersPaintShop) and make new ones It's supposed to be Ala.1 (?) circa 1958-early 60s. I did see a pix of Ala102 with the numbers up front. I'd just have to make new set of decals, and reposition them. BTW ... ALL these markings are decals Got a close up of the Tiger badge?? too far north, and a bit too far east. Think lots of water, albeit the map is only 200x200 km. Needs someone to 'expand' it and some retiling. I'm sorry to say, I'm just the targets guy. With thanks to Crusader and blame on Julhelm Wrench kevin stein
  24. The Abrams gets/got a major upgrade for the DS mod You might want to try these values for the 'simulated' Chobam: [HULL] ModelNodeName=hull EffectSize=1.0 MaxExtentPosition= 1.56, 2.88, 1.75 MinExtentPosition=-1.56,-3.07, 0.00 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=TITANIUM Armor[FRONT].Thickness=460 Armor[RIGHT].Thickness=400 Armor[LEFT].Thickness=400 Armor[REAR].Thickness=202 Armor[TOP].Thickness=120 Armor[BOTTOM].Thickness=25 SystemName[001]=Engine [Turret] ParentComponentName=HULL ModelNodeName=turret DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE EffectSize=1.0 MaxExtentPosition= 1.10, 1.66, 2.66 MinExtentPosition=-1.10,-1.59, 1.55 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=TITANIUM Armor[FRONT].Thickness=360 Armor[RIGHT].Thickness=300 Armor[LEFT].Thickness=300 Armor[REAR].Thickness=102 Armor[TOP].Thickness=60 SystemName[001]=Gun [MGTurret] ParentComponentName=turret ModelNodeName=MGturret DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE EffectSize=1.0 MaxExtentPosition= 1.10, 0.66, 2.66 MinExtentPosition=-1.10,-0.59, 2.0 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=TITANIUM Armor[FRONT].Thickness=360 Armor[RIGHT].Thickness=300 Armor[LEFT].Thickness=300 Armor[REAR].Thickness=102 Armor[TOP].Thickness=60 SystemName[001]=HMG SystemName[002]=Gunner1 It takes 3 direct hits from a T-72/T-62 main gun to kill it now hate using them damn code tags, but there's too many brackets for the 'quote' one Wrench kevin stein
  25. Spanish Civil War version already exists... It's part of the Dev A-Team and Edward's "SCW Total Conversion Mod". Which has a VERY cool map by Edward Wrench kevin stein

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