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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Just realized I didn't have it loaded either! (which would explain why they just sat there like dummies...) Found it in HMS Repulse's readme... Wrench kevin stein
  2. One thing you should Never, EVER touch, are the service dates in the aircraft's data ini. They reflect the actual, Real World ™ active time frame of the aircraft in question. Anyone that says different, is purely full of it. The problem, expecially with WoV, is the start and end dates of the game itself. And they'll need adjusting. I don't suppose you've looked in the Knowledge Base for the "How to Change the Beginning and Ending of Time" post?? If not, you'll find it at the link below: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=27492 That should fix you right up. Wrench kevin stein
  3. That truck on the top row, center, with the pole sticking over the front, wouldn't happen to be a Japanese starter truck, would it??? Hmm....B-10s in NEIAF colors...escorted by the NEI Hawk 75s....some disticnt possibilities here, not just for the China map... Also, when these arrive, open the possibilites for mid-30s "War Plan Orange" scenarios. We'll just need the Lex and Sara (along with a few Grumman Barrels fighters...) Wrench kevin stein
  4. "8 hours: bottle to brief" Are the aircraft actually colliding with each other, or just exploding* on the runway??? All aircraft, or just "specific" ones?? Which terrains? Do you have the cat pointer in the terrains main ini pointing to the proper cat?? Do you have the WW2Nations.ini in your /Flight folder (this is a MAJOR cause of issues)?? Like FC said, if you're in 9/08 or 10/08 patched, you're hosed. Use an unpatched version *=meaning, hop left and right, up and down, bounce into the air, spin around on their tails, and explode -- I ain't kidding! That's exactly what happens. Wish I could figure out a video capture program, and actually show a movie of it. Wrench kevin stein
  5. That's a good start, jtin. A little close to "The Wall" maybe... what's needed is water where South Bend is. Center, lower portion of map. Some rivers; one in the canyon/gorge just nortf of (ha!) North Fork, following the terrain towards Salmon River (duh!) oil filds. I'll work an image of what I'd envisioned, and post it in the Mods & Skinning Forum Wrench kevin stein
  6. File Name: P-26 Peashooter, Chinese Air Force File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 5 Nov 2008 File Category: Allied Fighters P-26 Peashooter, Chinese Air Force, mod for SF/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO installs == For Pre-Patch (9/08-10/08) Installs -ONLY!!! == This is a slight rebuild, in a major sense, of Bunyap's P-26 Peashooter, as used by the Chinese Air Force in the late 1930s. It is a complete aircraft mod, with all the bits needed to just unzip, install and fly away. It is a 'nation-specific' aircraft, and will not conflict with any other versions of P-26 you may have in your game installs. There are 2 version of the data ini included with this; one (called ori-P-26A_DATA.ini) is the original as issued (with my lighting modifications as seen in a few other Peashooter mods). The other, set to use right now, has had it's FM parameters 'adjusted' to something that seems a LOT closer to how the aircraft should be (More in the "Notes" section below). Lighting is the same for both. Brand new, "only-available-in-this-mod" nation specific Hangar and Loading screens are included. A new 'natural metal' skin, based on Bunyap's templates, and new ID number decals for 18 aircraft are also included. The cockpit, created by CA_Stary is included. The only mod to his pit is a I added my 'ring-and-bead' gunsight (nestled quite comfortably inside the telescope tube). Full, detailed instructions are below in the "To Installate" section. Along with the usual notes, comments and general foolishness.... --YOU MUST HAVE THE BUNYAP WEAPONS PACK TO GET THE WW2 WEAPONS!! -- - This mod is designed to work ONLY in pre/unpatched installs -those that pre-date the 9/08 & 10/08 units. If you install this mod to a post-patched game install, you do so at your own risk. Prop Flight Models are still a little "iffy" Post-Patch, and it is NOT reccomended you use this as such. - As you'd expect, there's a fully detailed readme enclosed with all the necessary instructions for installing and so forth. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin stein Click here to download this file
  7. Well, here's something that might interest you....I literally started this the day Midway first came out. Now, mind you, the this IS a total stand-in...there are just too many differences between the Wirraway and Vindicator to be anything other than "totally inaccurate", but... VMSB-241 SB2U-3, flying over the lagoon Mods to Bunyap's Wirraway, repainted, removed the nose guns, gear doors, outer bomb racks, recockpited, rearmed and redecaled as per extensive research on the Vindicator. Enumerated differences: Entire physical size; aprox 15-25% too small. tail fin shape fuselage length Canopy/greenhouse length nose/cowling shape (missing carb/oil cooler intake duct) wing shape (should be straight leading edges, rounded tips) and length landing gear retracts inward, whereas the real SB2U retracted back, after rotating 90 deg (ala Tomahawk/Kittyhawk/ Corsair) to lie flat against the wing. 3 bladed prop (Real One ™ only had a 2 bladed, that had a slight reversing pitch to act as a drive brake) The list of "what an't right is extensive... I choose the Wirraway instead of the SNJ/AT-6/Harvard as this one had the rear gunner already. But, it's nearly ready, if you want it. Oh, and the white markings on the fueselage? They're not for ID -- it's 4 in wide medical tape the Marines use to hold the fabric together -- they really were literaly coming apart at the seams. Devestators, however, are beyond even my skills. We'd need a totally new aircraft. And probably not likely ever to see. I tried tweeking the SBD, but its just too small. Wrench kevin stein
  8. Spill: I don't think so, as the seasonal coding originated with First Eagles (expansion pak???), and was incorporated into Wo* with the latest patches. You can always drop the terrain folder into an unpatched game, and see if it works. At worst, it'll crash. At best... Wrench kevin stein
  9. just use the pre-existing NR-30s. Save's time. Wrench kevin stein
  10. Close up view... and a little further away... For those that don't know, the airstrip at runway3 has a length of 1200 meters...you can guestimate the size of this object by that. With thanks to ErikGen!!! Coming reaaaallll soon! Wrench kevin stein
  11. with "7zip" Linky: http://www.7-zip.org/ Wrench kevin stein
  12. With the "Factory Place", "Vehicle Depots" and HAWK batteries??? should have it around here somewheres...IF that's the one you're looking for, that is EDIT: Could it be this one? "Desert Targets Zone 1.1?" http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=4087 WRench kevin stein
  13. File Name: Grumman TBF-1 Avenger Mod File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 3 Sep 2008 File Category: Allied Bombers Grumman TBF-1 Avenger -- A Mod of the Dev A-Team's TBF-1C This is a mod of the DAT's TBM-1C Avenger of WW2 fame, into an early war version, circa 1942 This is to be considered as an "incomplete" aircraft mod, due to the non-inclusion of certain files. I've NOT included the aircraft LOD file nor the cockpit folder. See below "To Install" for a complete list of the necessary parts. You -MUST- have the DAT's TBF-1C to make use of this aircraft, as you'll be coping files over from it. The new skin, from a completly redrawn template based on Gramps' original skins, represents VT-3 based aboard USS Saratoga (CV-3) circa August/September 1942, approximately the time of the Battle of Santa Cruz and the fight for Guadalcanal. All the panel and rivet lines have been redone, new decals created for 'plane in group numbers', aircraft designation, and BuNums for 24 aircraft. It can also be considered a rather 'generic' USN/USMC version, as most units carried no markings. Some USMC VMSB units DID use a 3-digit ID number, based upon the aircrafted BuNum, but that's a story for another day... I've included all the inis I've modified, so you'll be copying the minimum number of bits. The data ini includes mods that remove the wing guns, and adds the single 30 caliber MG on the nose. Unfortunatley, the LOD still contains the postions of the 2 wing mounted 50 cals, so you'll have to suspend disbelief (or pretend they're broom handles stuck there to fool enemy fighters that they're real guns) Surface search radar has also been activated. NEW damage tgs's have also been created (they can be used on any of the TBF/TBMs). = IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY-, I have NOT tested it in post -8/28/08- patch WoI = =This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.= As you probably suspect, there's a highly detailed, step-by-step readme included, so you'd be wise to read it!!! And as always, the usual notes and comments and general nonsense.... Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  14. Dauntlass as stand-in?? At worst, they were built by the same company (many Daunltless and early Devastators were built less then a mile from where I'm sitting...at Douglas' Santa Monica plant) I have a personal stake in this. Let me fiddle this weekend with Wolf SBD, and see what I can come up with. Again, it'lll still be wrong, but a LOT closer! Wrench kevin stein
  15. Oppys edit.... while VERY doable, the landing gear is completly WRONG!! Kate's retract inward, and the TBDs went straight back, with about half the wheel exposed. (very much like the Fairey Battle, but with a radial engine...which leads to some interesting ideas...although I'm sure Capun might not be interested in making the changes...to create a new bird.) Hell, I'll build a new tempalte for, if I got a LOD!! Wrench kevin stein (damn, I wish I had 3d skills...)
  16. In the Desert.cat??? meow..... Wrench kevin stein
  17. The Kate would be a definate "closer" shape then the Avenger, even without the "humped" canopy. You could even change the AttachmentAngle= for the torp to have it point down like on the Devastators. Reskinning (other than either creating or being given a template) would be no biggie either...non specular blue/gray with stars in 6 positions, and black individual aircraft numbers (modex?). If you REALLLY want some accuracy, I should the the full listing the BuNums, too. Wrench kevin stein
  18. sugar blues has it.... Dnepr OTH radar for ballistic missile early warning. Although....I DO like the idea of it being a large speaker stack; brodcast propaganda across the Strait at the decadant Americans. "Take THAT, you Guitar Heros!!!!" Model by ErikGen for the (aborted, apparently) DBS-2 build. It'll be included in my update of DBS, if I can ever get the damn NIKEs to fire....other than that, it's ready to go! If I could just get CA_Stary's harbor bouys and lighthouses..... Wrench kevin stein
  19. EricJ: I agree. In theory, there could be a fixed SAM site in the area just northwest of South Bend (west of the runway). And probably one in the triangle formed by North Fork, Salmon River oil fields and alliance headquaters, but I choose to keep it simple, and use (for the most part) only stock in-all-games items. If there's REALLY a crying need for them, I can add them in 10 minutes. That ain't nothing! I made the 'assumption' that resources are scarce, and hauling them big-ass trailers full of SAMS, fuel, servicing equipment, radars, etc (ok, some could be airlifted in via Hercs or Antonovs...and there's always the railways...) would be a major undertaking. What it REALLLY needs are rivers and a few small lakes, to say nothing of an ocean/bay at South Bend. But, alas, that's beyond my limited capabilites with the TE. BTW, anyone find the shipwreck yet??? Wrench kevin stein
  20. Damn straight!!! Wrench kevin stein
  21. (finger crossed) Please, Game Designers ™, Make it so!!! would be great if the patch fixed that issue!!!! WRench kevin stein
  22. AAA fire control radar --- networks EVERY gun in the hemisphere from Tokorev pistols, AKs, to 130mm KS-30 no, just kidding. Let's see if we have someone here that'll come up with the right designation.... Wrench kevin stein
  23. Anyone know what's going on with TMFs WoE WepPak???? That's what I'm waiting on... Wrench kevin stein
  24. Hmmm I guess it's just me....nobody likes me...nobody wants to shoot at me.... :cray: air defenses (except the damn guns) just ignore me....makes me sad... anyway, just finished running a few mission (editing a really old ship test mission to switch sides...) The DO seem to be working, albeit they fire 6 for 1 hit...definately something "off" in the missiles themselves (and the ship needs work too....) Of course, dopey me took the unfinshed updating Fulcrum, so I had no RWR. The others I was using the Libyan Mirage5DE, and still no indications of being painted (must recheck avionics inis....note to self...) Wrench kevin stein

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