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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Boy, to I remember getting my ass handed to me on the Ladder! Good to see you over here now Gregory! We sure could use FM people!! Wrench kevin stein
  2. All the Sabres are "lacking" in Buzz and serial numbers. That is to say, there'e aren't enough of them. Rename the Numbers.lst to "xNumbers.lst". This'll cause the Game Engine ™ to recycle them back to the beginning after hitting the end (the same as the stock Migs, as they don't have a numbers.lst) 1) if you look in the decals folder "D", you'll find there's no xxx000.tga -for both the serial and buzz numbers. Just rename that stray one, the one without the number, adding the 000. This one glitch is in ALL the original Sabre skins. Been that way since first released. 2) check the pathway for ALL the decals...the Game Engine ™ wants the FULL file pathway ie: Example, using the E-10 just because FilenameFormat=F-86E-10\USAFSilver1\d\Snum 3) for your missing tail checks -- answered elsewhere too, same thing; you'll need to add the full pathway MeshName=Rudder DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=F-86E-10\F86Tail_R.tga Position=-4.431,1.553 Rotation=0.0 Scale=2.6 DecalMaxLOD=3 in the example shown above, the Tail_R.tga is still residing inthe main folder. Personally, I'd move it to the skin folder "USAFSilver1", and change the path accordingly. IE: FilenameFormat=F-86E-10\USAFSilver1\F86Tail_R.tga do the same for the Left side one as well. Like I said above, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE EARLY SKINS ARE LIKE THIS, AND WILL NEED THE CHANGES. The only one that aren't are my 54th FIW "The Hunters" skin, and the 461st FDS for the F-86F-40 Wrench kevin stein
  3. Check the path name in the decals ini...sometimes they're set to the wrong "level". The checked tail should be set to Level=0 Labels can also probably be removed via a quick edit of the HUDData ini, but Ihaven't checked this yet. But in the meantime, Alt/D should remove them btw: Sabre Fs don't have radar ...somebody is playing on "EasyAvionics" Wrench kevin stein
  4. Don't feel bad...I took me a hour -- a whole freeking hour-- tweeking loadouts, changing attachment types, changing the weapons themselves, before I noticed that mistake!!!! The only other thing I didn't change, was it still uses the F-100 pit, as opposed to the Mystre pit mod by Ordway. Either one is good. I actually had a thought of changing the tga for the 'missile' lights to reflect 'bomb' or 'rocketpod' selection on the Hun pit...something for another day It's a nicely done airplane, too. ErikGen did a good job on it! Wrench kevin stein
  5. I figgured naming the folder "xtra_stuff" would help!! Glad you like it!!! Wrench kevin stein
  6. They can always be lowered in environmentalsystem ini. I've got them set to about 41-4200 meters. Since the airfields themselves are at about 6-7000 feet..... interestering to note, I've not seen the altitude difference make any changes in how the aircraft reacts (unlike Real Aircraft ™ ). Or I'm just too dense to notice... All in one pak...all 4 seasons. It's interesting to see HOW this actually works...any structures are in the main /ANW folder, like the Factory Place, etc; seasonal changes to trees (terobject_trees1.tga) goes in each tile sub-folder. So you can, theroetically, have snow covered trees (as seen in the Winter) or fully green in spring, summer, fall. BTW, I'm just using a generic 'conifer' =pine tree= for all seasons. Excepting I 'borrwed' the snowy ones from DBS for winter WRench kevin stein
  7. WoW!!! I can't believe how easy that was.... spring thaw. with trees. amazing what just a little renaming can do... There's some further enhancements I'll be doing (like fixing some airfiled facings, flattening the various depots and such) The environmentalsystem ini took, literally, less than a minute to create. Unbelievable!!! "2 Weeks" Wrench kevin stein
  8. Looking at the wwiCambar.ini, it dosen't look like it'd take too much to create seasons. Provided, of course, that the patch has added it to WoE/WoV/WoI. I'll put it on my list of things to look at. Easist one to test first would be the ANW series, as we've got all 4 seasons (cue Pachabel music) Wrench kevin stein EDIT: yes, it does work. I'll get to looking at it AFTER I figure out what's wrong with the Bering Straits US SAMs (I have a good idea). What ANW will also need is a seperate EnvironmentalSystem.ini, that raises the cloud deck up to about 5100 meters (15000 odd feet) to keep them clear of these mountain-top airbases. Plus, a few enhancements to targets, etc, (like finally flattening the various vehicle depots) As to the fix for SoCal...already covered AND fixed!. It don't need much, just the data ini fixes (listed in various thread around here), and the black painted hm_bmps. Also linked around here somewhere. Check Canadair's thread about terrains, some pages back. Baltika: the texture list would be the desert one.
  9. Version


    B-66B Destroyer Skin and Ini Update Pak for WoV, WoE, WoI Post 9/08 Patch This is basically a re-decaling of Bunyap's B-66B "Destroyer" light jet bomber. It reuses the original skin bmps; no changes to them, and add new decals for 25 aircraft. The new decals are the "buzz" and serial numbers. The numbers ARE accurate, as they were used on B-66s, but I can only claim historical accuracy for a few. This package is designed to REPLACE the existing 84th Bomb Squadron skin as supplied with the aircraft when first released. Also included are 'modified' or updated main ini, as well as data, loadout, avionics and cockpit inis. They, too, are designed to replace the originals as originally issued The cockpit is based off the F-4E, and is tweekified using Lexx_Luthors Stargetic Movement Method. The cockpit folder IS included, as the Phantom exists in all versions of the game, I feel this is in no way violating any EULA. The data ini has been updated with ECM/decoy enhancements (albeit not 100% correct, but close), and includes the fix for the bomb bay as seen on the CombatAce knowledge base. Gun aim angles have been adjusted to match the gunsight, and enhanced AI sections have been added in the hopes of improving your survivabillity (and the AI hitting the target). A landing light has also been added. Pilot figures are NOT included, but they are available at my site (link in my sig below). =NOTE to SF/SFG users: you will most likely experience visual anamolies in the cockpit, as I've taken advantage to the "OpenCockpit=TRUE" coding included in the 9/08 patch, which was taken from First Eagles. You'll just have to live with it, unitl the SF/SFG patch arrives (whenever!). The same goes for those that have NOT patched WoV/WoE to the latest standard. The loadout ini supplied is basicaly the same as issued; you should have no problems with it using either the Bunyap Weapons Pack, The Mirage Factory Weapons Pak, or no weapons pak. Be advised, however, you'll still need to add the drop tanks to the TMF pak or to a 'clean' weaponsdata ini (if using not a WepPak). I've suppled the tank, complete, in the new "folder style" format as used by TMF. Instructions for adding it, if you don't have it already, are supplied in the "Tank_B-66" folder. You should have no problems with it. And just for fun, my old Hangar screen is suppled as well. The main ini is already set to use it. WoI users may want to use the original as supplied, as mine has the 'blackboard'', and dosen't fit the WoI style of captioning. == You MUST have Bunyap's B-66B already installed to use this pak == As you can expect, there is a highly detailed, step-by-step readme enclosed. It's suggested you give it a REAL good read through. And the expected "General Notes and Nonesense" section. Good Hunting! Wrench kevin stein
  10. The terrain issues have been discussed to death.... Have you looked in the stickies above, one called "Offical Patch Thread" and "Things YOu Need to Update Thread" YOu'll find the answers therein Wrench kevin stein
  11. SAM sites in Google Earth

    How'd you think I found all the SA-3 sites around Pyongyang???? (and the SA-5 one too!) Superb resource!! WRench kevin stein
  12. Go into the loadout ini, and change the callout that says "CAS" to read ATTACK. Wrench kevin stein
  13. I'm assuming it's the Dev A-Team Banshee??? I just fixed the Skyknight's "pulls hard to the left & exploding on the runway" issue. Got a nice new VMFN-513 skin nearly done; just needs some more decals (and a new aircraft lod to fix the oh-so-many visual anomalies....) And a modified Intruder cockpit. Maybe I'll find some time this week to look at the Banshees. Remember, too, all the DAT Bangeo's are VERY early efforts, and NEED much going over. There shouldn't be any problem with the cockpit's; at least not that I've ever encountered. Are you using the A-4Bs or another one?? (a quick looke at mine tells me it's using the A-4E -- which is wrong. B would be better, or perhaps a modificated F-80??) The F2H-4 should be the only one equppied with a radar scope (iirc), as it could be used as a 'nightfiger'. All the other radars should be 'range-only' for the gunsight ala Sabres BTW, if you can afford the $15 buck, RazBam's are well worth it ... although, they too may need some upgrading post patch. IF you've patched (albeit not reccomended due to the patch fouling up totally WW2 style flight models Wrench kevin stein
  14. I made the templates pretty 'clean', so end users could dirty them up as much as they'd like. Go for it!!! (methinks I should have added a little 'noise' around the engine exhausts..but, hey,you can always add that in yourself) Wrench kevin stein
  15. Just as long as we don't see "Mokele Mbembe" Which actually would be kinda funny... I don't think there's a "NigerianNames.lst" in any of the FlightData or FlightText cats, but it'd be pretty easy to make. Then, you'd just add the pointer to the Nigeria listing in the Nations.ini. Then, just drop it into the /flight folder Wrench kevin stein ps: i think the reason it's missing it due to Togoan influence peddlers...bribes and all that
  16. Are you the same gregoryp for the old ATF/FA 714 days???? Wrench kevin stein
  17. Blackbird: checkout the P/PMs I did that are in the downloads section. I think that could be of some help to you. The radar nose on those should look the same as 17PFU ... it's basically the same Izumrd radar (RP-1 or RP-5 -disremember which) that they used. 1024x skins and templates, also by me, also in the d/loads section. Wrench kevin stein
  18. Edward's original Korea comes with both summer tiles, and a set of winter tiles, as does his EAW WW2 Euro (actually, all 4 seasons for EAW Euro). One would just need to look at how FE does it. Hopefully, that's been incoporated into the 9/08 patch for WoE/WoV (although it's hard to imagne more than 2 seasons in SEA...dry and wet) Then, of course, comes the really hard part.....creating new tiles for seasonal changes. btw...DBS IS winter! Wrench kevin stein
  19. Florian: maybe you're right...I should try reverse psychology!!! -------- As to creating a ww2 specific weapons pak, we actually HAD one a few years ago. Buny had created 3 or 4 different packs, based on year groupings. It never did work properly. It's actually NOT hard to figure out which weapons should be only WW2 specific .. in fact I think I created a listing of sorts in the "WoI Historic Mods Thread" somewhere If you give me a week or so (got some problems again with DBS that I'm trying to resolve, and 2 aircraft reskins I'm nearly done with, I can assemble a ww2 package. For Pre-Patch or Post-Patch, as it's is very simple matter to just run the thing through the SP5 editor. Mind you, accuracy will not be up to par with SP5 weapons, but hey...it's WW2 dumb bombs. They weren't very accurate to begin with!! Wrench kevin stein
  20. Sweeeettt!! Off to grab mine now!! Wrench kevin stein
  21. Helikoptery do WOE/WOV/WOI

    Now moved to the proper Language Froum WRench kevin stein
  22. War bonds lighters World war two lighters

    If they're Zippos, you'd need to actually have it in you had to check... On the bottom of every one, expecically those from the war years, is a date code. I used to know how to decipher it, but if you go to Zippo.com (??? disremember exactly), the company's home page has a HUGE history section Used to collect zippos...they're just cool These look more like modern reproductions of classic war posters engraved on 'new' lighters Wrench kevin stein
  23. Class, please take note: Yet another reason for NEVER running an exe directly into you game install. unzip to a temp folder, and then maually move the stuff over. Eliminates the problems inherent with overwriting 'new' files with out-of-date ones. It may take a few more minutes longer to move the stuff to where it belongs, but Safety First!!! ... and you don't have to go round-and-round fixing the fixes. Wrench kevin stein
  24. I think this might be your problem: Some people have been deleting the weaponsdata.dat file. I've never had to do that, EVER, since the weapons editor creates a TOTALLY new one, that overwrites the existing one (easily seen in Windoze Explorer, as the weaponsdata ini and weaponsdata.dat file will have a new date and time. And yes, I've got the WoI WW2 install to prove it. As this has been discussed numerous times, I must ask the question again: "Why are you patching a WW2 install??? The patch is going to totally f*** up EVERY aircraft built for WW2. Period. To say nothing of the terrain issues..... Everyone interested has been warned dozens of times, mostly by me, and still we have "unbelievers". Good luck my brother!!! You have been warned!!! Wrench kevin stein
  25. Blackbirds: Terran aero-space interceptors, for defending the planet. Unfortunately, IIRC, NOT endo-exo atmospheric like the fighers in Space: Above & Beyond (whose name excapes me now...and Zur was working them at one time) Wrench kevin stein

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