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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. So, ???? Nothing new has turned up. Sure would have liked to add the lighthouses, harbor bouys, Henhouse radar. I can always issue a 'hot-fix', if needed. The terrain is ready for release (or is it re-release??? ) I just need to finish putting a little polish on a few little things, and complete the readme. If nothing new shows up by Sunday (California time), I'll upload it on Monday. Wrench kevin stein
  2. Approved, and now up for grabs...I"m getting mine first!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  3. That will teach the Imperalist lackeys of the capitalist running dogs!!!!! Wrench kevin stein btw....one day, I'll get around to making a generic Farmer hangar screen.....
  4. The objects in question, and another one.... (if you can't read the sign, let me know, and I'll tell you what it says) There's yet another I won't be showing...you'll have to see/find it for yourself. Suffice it say, it honors the Original Terrain Tiling Guru Wrench kevin stein
  5. OMG!!! That totally goes over the top!!! Veltro, my man!!!! Repurposing building ain't nothing...just limited to your imagination. "Building3" has been set as a 'machine shop' in several recent terrain mods I've done. The aforementioned telephone exchange; DBS will get an imported 7 story building "Pravda Offices" that's a valid target. Now, mind you, even I draw the line a creating hospitals and religious centers (even though we have Church's and mosques for targets since SF - those that explore the types inis will note they have a minus point score). For those that go back far enough to ATF/FA might remember the "Collateral Casualties" series of missions -- your targets were hospitals, orphanages, refugee -pardon me; displaced persons- centers. I always thought that was kinda sick, in a slightly satisfying fashion. Wingwinners "gas station'' and TacOps Center make great targets; there is an almost endliss list of thing you can do; reskinning an object, hexediting to create a 'new' one, etc. "Think outside the box" warlord/Icaras: a quick note --- never, Never, NEVER put terrain objects in the GroundObjects folder. You'll screw up your Anti-shipping, CAS and Armed Recon missions. If they are valid targets (via targets ini placement and types ini entries), you as the player should have no problem hitting them the LGBs and JADMs. Maverick are designed for anti-tank; altough sometimes you can use them for anti-ship. I've never had a problem with LGBs...and can't under stand why so many do. macluna: have you seen the "ASW" (american south west map)??? I think you'll find an extreamly valid 'capitol' type building complex there to hit. Wrench kevin stein
  6. Blackbird, don't feel bad...the search function don't work for most people -- including me!!! Along with the fix christian posted, there are several other "issues" that have cropped up. Check in the "official patch Thread", sticked around here somewhere, and the "things you need to update thread", also stickied here someplece. There's been a LOT of discussion and listing of terrain fixes. Wrench kevin stein
  7. Ground structures

    I should mention the 'boxcars' I used are part of Polak's Object Library, and not readily available. If they're needed (read: wanted), shoot me a PM and 'slip it under the door" and, yes,the search function REALLLy does suk!! Wrench kevin stein
  8. Hmm..that would explain why the Tu-16s turned into pots of flowers and a very surprised looking whale, after dropping out of 'burner. Now, if we could just do something abou the AIM-4A & Bs.....they don't even hit the ground!!! I mean, they don't even track!! But the FFARs work!!! Wrench kevin stein
  9. Waaaaayyy ahead of you.... When one can 'repurpose' entire objects, and with a little hex editing....almost anything is possible, given the limited number of 3d objects Wrench kevin stein ps: what? nodoby's noticed CityBuilding3 being used as the "telephone exhange"????? Another evildamcommbuilding for Sparko to bitch about having the hit all the time....
  10. Ground structures

    Wow...that was interesting....it was under "Environmental Mods"....I didn't think trains were/had any effect on the environment. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1043 most peculiar!!! Took me a looooong time to find it; cause I knew I'd gotten it here. At worst, you could 'borrow' the train station bits from the WW2 MTO maps (or the Burma/China upgrades) Wrench kevin stein
  11. Yah, I fragged it!!!! Emptied the whole load of UV-16-57s into it. But I got damaged when my plane sucked in the exploding chili vapors.....dissolved the turbine blades And my wingman bombed the Saloon next door (yes, it's another real target!) You all don't think if some 3d modeler would build a MickyD's it wouldn't show up on a map as a "high value, stargetic target"???... What I need is one for the Red Side....perhaps a "Borscht Bowl Resturant"????? Yeah, there's room on DBS for both....now, to find some art work...ideas are spinning in my head like out of control gears. note to self...check clutch... Wrench kevin stein I love easter eggs!!!!
  12. Had it up to mach 3.53 a little while ago, at 42-odd thousand feet. Takes a little time to 'build up a head of steam', but it gets there. I'm reminded of Zaphod Bebbelbrox's quote about some space-car thingy in the original "Hitchhiker Guide"... "looks like fish, moves like a fish...turns like a cow" but it most assuredily goes fast in a straight line!!!!! Haven't tested it against SAMs yet...wonder if it'll outrun a Guideline.....hmmmm..... Wrench kevin stein
  13. Oh man!!! That ROCKS!!!!! Fighters Anthology lives again!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  14. Ground structures

    Here's a train station, with north/south orientation (obviously from the Korea rebuild-in-progress). It uses the train station availabe here in the downloads section; the only thing NOT in that is Polak's boxcars (the af item). I know one of the 'siding' object is off slightly...but disremember which one. I don't know if the 'warehouse' item is in FE, but it's easly imported for SF/WoV/WoE etc, or swaped out for something FE-ish Adjust postion, name, target number, and alignment as necessary. You'll have to make your own flag.... or replace with some oildrums or some such. I should be east/west orientated ones around here somewhere...probably in the "Burma" map rebuild.... Wrench kevin stein
  15. HDD Crash Virus

    SSShhhhheeeeeeeee it!!!!! There's goes that AEW Skyraider!! Hope you saved it; even more I hope you get you stuff up and running!!! Wrench kevin stein
  16. Ummm...my Range updates adds truck routes for Armed Recon.... just to save you the trouble in searching for it: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6164 Wrench kevin stein
  17. No, it's not. If you don't own the game, you can either create you own tiles, or create the terrain using one of the pre-existing terrains. They WILL work in WoI, provided you have one of the Origina 3 Terrains ™ in the WoI terrain folder. Wrench kevin stein
  18. Ordway's cockpit? Or stock 3W ones???? If the game starts, with you sitting on "air", you're either missing the cockpit folder or the ini's pointed wrong. Post you main ini for SMBD... it should look like this (this being from my clean install...and oddly enough, still using the stock Hun pit it calls for....) Guess I forgot to install Ordways' Mystre pit!!! More info can be found here, in our ever friendly Knowledge Base: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...st&p=139056 This deals with the Hunters and Mystres's Wrench kevin stein EDIT: what Kuko said!!! No lod, no cockpit. Plane and simple
  19. T-80

    It's (the Type 59) been on my site for the last 4 years. And, it the Pasko Desert Pak (along with all the others) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6120 Wrench kevin stein
  20. You've heard of "glass bottom boats" right??? These are glass nosed airplanes!!! Sorry, I just couldn't help it..... Since I don't have "stock" ones -- having added Ordways' Mystre cockpit...to Ernrico's SMBD, Mystre4, the stock WoI Sa'ar and etc.... I'm going to assume you're using WoI, and you extracted the "SUPERMYSTEREB2_COCKPIT.INI" from the objects cat... could you open said cockpit ini, and let us know WHICH cockpit lod it's pointing to??? Cause if'n it what I think it is...said cockpit and all it's misc bits and bobs is missing from WoI (as are the Hunter pits). The line we're looking for is in the 3rd section down "[CockpitSeat001]", the line just below it Wrench kevin stein
  21. T-80

    and what's the first one listed???? I smite you with a fish!!! Wrench kevin stein
  22. JS-1

    Uparmoring tanks is nothing ... I've done it for the Abrams (which was WWWWWAAAAYYYY under-protected) [Chassis] -snip- HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor[FRONT].Thickness=120 Armor[RIGHT].Thickness=90 Armor[LEFT].Thickness=90 Armor[REAR].Thickness=60 Armor[TOP].Thickness=30 Armor[BOTTOM].Thickness=19 [Turret] -snip- HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor[FRONT].Thickness=100 Armor[RIGHT].Thickness=90 Armor[LEFT].Thickness=90 Armor[REAR].Thickness=90 Armor[TOP].Thickness=30 Armor[BOTTOM].Thickness=19 -snip- 19mm for the hull bottom seems a little low, but I know that's always been a weak point tanks (and the very rear too) That matches what RR posted above. Maybe the 50s are overmodeled?? Wrench kevin stein
  23. T-80

    T-72 is stock in WoE/WoI We don't have a T-80 or 90 .... anyone volenteering???? There's also a bunch of PRC versions of 54/55 (?) Type 59 Type 62 Type 63 Type 69 Plus Pakso's version of the SU-85, Su-100, T-34, (and Euro reskins by me) and IIRC, RebelRyder's newer versions, and additions. Very nice stuff!!! We likes our targets to blows up!!! Sure could use a US Skysweeper 75mm radar guided AA gun....(hint hint).... Wrench kevin stein
  24. Panama: yeah, that was a little typo on my part...it should read "for some reason, only 4 ships classed as "CargoShip" seem to be allowed." Mass movers defined as "vessels carrying large amounts of goods and products via sea lanes of communication" There dosen't seem to be a limit on Tanks, Transport, or AAA/SAM units -- although for some reason, the Bofors guns keep NOT showing up..... As for CVs as "CargoShip", you could theorticly create a 'copy' of the vessel, remove the flight deck callouts (thereby removing its unvulernability, and usefullness as a landing strip). But they you'd hit the 4 cargoship limit, if you've got others in there (capun's Liberty ship & cargo barges, my USN AK class,, the 2 trawlers and various container vessels from Kesselbruts Falklands mod, and the 2 stock ships -Cargo Ship and Tanker). Of course, you could leave it's class as WARSHIP, but I doubt it'd show in Anti-Shipping missions. Never seen anything classed as "Warship" do so. Sometimes, for 'docked, in port' vessels, it's better to drop the entire folder contents INTO the terrain folder, and use them as "terrain object" targets, via targets and types ini edits. (ie: UseGroundObject=FALSE). Then for campaign purposes, they'd be classed (in the types ini) as "NAVAL_BASE". Wrench kevin stein
  25. Off the top of my head.... Mobile_AAA Static_AAA Mobile_SAM Static_SAM Recon * Transport Tank CargoShip Warship Artillery *which is why a lot of vehicles don't show on armed recon mission - BTR50, M113, BRDM, etc - change their GroundObjectRole= to "TRANSPORT", and you get more things to blow up. When armed (like Ive done), if you change them to TANK, they show up on CAS missions -- although why a BTR driver, with a single 7.62 wants to take on an M-48 is beyond me.... another semi-nasty bit it to arm the vehicles, say an M-113 with it's flex 50, and set it to "TRANSPORT". Expect a nasty surprise on Armed Recon...mmmuuuuuhahahahahahahaaaaa Arty is arty -- BM-14, M-59, D-20, etc. (with moonjumper fix for working Kytusha for BM-14) Tanks also includes Infantry, otherwise they don't do nothing Warships - pretty obvious CargoShip - mass movers. Unfortunately, one 4 individual items are allowed. Real bummer. Static_AAA - generic guns; including the KS series and ZSU. It's also one of our 'meaner' hidden roles -- a lot of the mobile SAM (Chapparels, SA-8, SA-15?, SA-9) have been set to that so they annoy you around airbases. Mobile SAM -- never seen the bugger moving Static SAM - obvious -- fixed installations (SA-2, SA-3, SA-5, etc) even if on a TEL (SA-6/mobile SA-3) they become static as a generic "SAMLauncher" in a terrain's targets and types inis Recon - worse than useless. Change them to TRANSPORT That should pretty much cover it! WRench kevin stein

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