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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. That's actually looks like a Chesely Bonstall painting!!! Just need a few guys in space suits walking around in the foreground.... Wrench kevin stein
  2. The Isreal2 upgrade will work with any version (SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI), although designed with a historical 1948-1966 WoI in mind, as it's built around the pre-67 borders The IsrealME upgrade will ONLY work in WoI. Now, that's NOT saying that it won't work in any other game, but you'll need the IsrealME terrain IN your other game, along with all the WoI ground objects (in particular, the IDF's tanks). This has NOT been tested, and is not reccomended. WoI is a perfect game for what it's designed for -- replicating Arab-Israeli Wars from 1967 on. Wrench kevin stein
  3. And to think all I started, not quite a year ago, was a simple targets upgrade to the old, 63% map.... who knew it'd grow into "The Beast With a Billion Targets Areas"..... oi!!! Wrench kevin stein
  4. Those were the answers I was looking for! Thanks FC!! Typhoid: I remember reading your thread about it. Most definately, staying very far away from it!! =========== And as to the "Whys" of seperate installs? That's pretty much covered above. Gives you almost total control of WHAT you want to appear in a given time frame. Hell, my PTO intall actually needs splitting into 2 different one -- one for CBI and one for SoWesPac/Central Pac. Differing plane sets, differing operations (you don't see/hear/read about many carrier ops in CBI do you??? -not counting the IJN raids on Ceylon and RN stuff in Indonesia? or CAF Peashooters operating over New Guinea??) Controling what you want to play is what it' all about! Wrench kevin stein
  5. Nope, you don't need to rename the exe. ALL mine use the stock exe name; they're ALL in a seperate folders, with seperate shortcuts. Never had a problem. As to the inis, it's a matter of a few seconds work to extract new ones; things HAVE been changed internally, and it's a real good idea to start with the most current file. Add you tweeks to the newly extracted one. WRench kevin stein
  6. Yup, like FC said, "there really ain't nothing too it". Excpet I'd like to add just a little something....with 18 installs (Ive removed a few to clear up some HD space --had 23) All the steps FC outllined are perfect. This is how I've done it. I'll we using WoE as an example, you all just substitute whichever game name you want -- it's all the same. ONE perfectly clean, unmodded, fully patched install -- that one gets little play, and all the patches installed to it. Create a new folder; fer instance you want a Mid-East only version. So, our new folder is called "WoE_MidEast" (I dislike spaces) Copy/Paste EVERY DAMED THING IN THE "CLEAN" INSTALL INTO THAT NEW FOLDER. EVERYthing, from those files in the Root of C:/ProgramFiles/Wings Over Europe (ie: the exe, options ini, etc, etc etc) and all the subfolders Campaigns Contorls Flight Maunal (where the game operating manula on pdf resides, for those that've never seen or used it) Menu Missions Net Cache Objects -- and ALL of its subfolders and file!!! very important!!!! Pilot Data Screenshots System Terrain now, in mine, I have 2 other main sub-folders, one for the SP5 weapons editor (makes it easier to edit weapons -- there's one in EACH install), and WoVsqmd (helpfull in terrain editing) Once everything is moved into the "New" game install, all you'll need to do is create a new shortcut on your desktop, or like I have, a folder ON my desktop "Games". I like an uncluttered desktop. Point the new shortcut to the "WoE_MidEast" game install, and you should be done. Similiar instructions ARE in the KB for "Creating an Era Specific Install" ... and even I couldn't find the sonovabeaayching thing!!! KB needs a slight amount of reorganization. ----- Thread Hijack Ahead: FC, is that a good cleaner? I"ve been looking for something like to a "clarificate" some issues that have been popping up on this machine. What about a really good de-fragger??? That one they advertise is good?? TIA!! End Thread Hijack -------------------------------- Wrench kevin stein
  7. The "Things You Need to Update Thread"

    There's been some issues with shadows as well, mostly discussed in the "Official Patch Thread", but I'd like to add something to the mix. I was noticing in my "all is everything install" (fully patched, via the copy/paste of the updated exes, dlls and cats as per the KB -which, as we will see, does NOT fully update aircraft inis, skins and decal inis), that the Fresco I'd just shot full of holes ... wasn't holey!! Now, the Sept patch added the new damage bmps and tgas that are stored in the objects cat, as first seen in WoI. Also, the Game Engine ™ generates shadows differently; probably off the aircraft's main LOD itself. So, looking in the clean install, I noticed this entry in the stock aircratf's main ini: So, being the expermential kinda guy I am, I tested out adding these entries in place of, or over, existing shadow/damage entries for the myriad variants of the Fresco, Farmer and Fishbed that exist in this "all is everything" install (PLAAF, Indian, Paki, whoever/whenever/wherever). And all the shadows came back, as did the very cool new damage 'effect' to the aircraft model. By the way, this can be added to 3rd party aircraft as well; in particular I tested it on Wolf257s P/F-51D-30 and Pasko's Vampire, both of which had odd shadow effects.. .. they look almost normal now. So, just copy/paste that data above in the ini, and you should be good to go. Wrench kevin stein
  8. So.....why is this NOT in the screenshot thread!! Dude, post it in there well. It's a nice shot!!! Wrench kevin stein
  9. Yah, it's called the "Natter" and it kinda don't work. The only that could possibly be done, is make an Okha as a bomb to be carried by the player Betty. Build a little pilot figure into it , and give it EOGR as a guidence system, and let fly. It's been tried, belive me. WRench kevin stein
  10. Fatman: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=9323 gumpy: nice desktop wallpaper!! Wrench kevin stein
  11. JS-1

    Tank you very much!!! Like, I couldn't pass that one up, you know??? .... Ground vehicles are more welcome to me than new aircraft!!! Wrench kevin stein
  12. I wish I knew...maybe Real Life ™ commitments are keeping him from us. russo: i'm using the stock DBS map, so I'm not sure I can place sub bases. Weren't they further south? Of course, that don't mean I can't slip one it at Provideniya; there's some lovely cliffs in the bay...heheheheheheee who was working on the bouys and the henhouse (although, might be outside the date range I'm shooting for)? CA_Stary or ???? I'll have to recheck the Forum. Wrench kevin stein EDIT: I forgot to mention, I could use some fishing boat/trawlers to have docked /at sea in various places. Just for eye candy.
  13. It's not that diffucult to make youre own (time consuming? yes! diffucult, not really) 1) take the stock skin bmp, resize to AT LEAST 1024x1024. 2) create "new layers" - at least 2, for the rivets and panel lines. 3) Redraw said panel and rivet lines, following original skin bmp as a guide/ 4) save each as a psd (if workingin photoshop - don't know what Gimp calls them) 5) repaint areas where necessary, sharpen others (interiior bits) 6) create new skin viola! New home-made templates. How do you think I make the Mig-17, 19 and Su-7 templates??? (shameless plug ahead -->) available here at CA? Although, TMFs SLUFFs will have much better skins.... Wrench kevin stein
  14. Lets see if we can't break this done into semi-coherent statements.... Wow. Even editing it, I still can get anything that makes sense. Ok .... breaking down further....using diagnostic trees.... I patched WoE to Sept patch good.... lets look at the second statement, but more sepearation.... My mods are my aircraft, weapons folder and terrain. Just about all the folders have mods in them After adding a little more punctuation, to seperate the statements.. So, can we assume the installation of 3rd Party aircraft? A 3rd Party Weapons Pak, and aftermarket Terrains??? If so, which aircraft, which weapons pak??? Remember, the recently released one by Mirage Factory, is for WoI ONLY - and for nothing else. If you're using the old Bunyap Pak, have your re-initalized the weaponsdata ini, and created a new weaponsdata.dat file? By using the WoI/SP5 weapons editor? This is covered in a myriad of threads; I'd start looking in the "Official Sept Patch Thread", and "Things You Need to Update Thread", stickied here in the General Forums....you know, those little thread directly above that no one seems to bother reading?? I can tell you right now, terrains WILL not cause a "missileobject.dll" fault. ONLY a missing weapon, or screwed up weaponsdata ini will cause it. I been there, done that. Start giving us cohernt answers ... precise descriptions. Then we can 'fix' you problem. (which I already know what it is) And for god's sake, use some punctuation!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  15. What about something like form the stock "DTV" entries? You'd probably still want to add a radar of some kind; I'm pretty sure all the C-series transports had some kind of "weather radar" or ground mapping capabilites Wrench kevin stein
  16. Unfortunate, but true. Expecially when you get the art work of them by the guy that worked for the company that made them. With the size of my art collection...... Juls, I LIKE the painting a LOT!!! It just these old eyes can't read the mission description....I made it the loading screen Although I liked the screenie loading too!!! I'm so confused!!! That cockpit alone is worth the download!!! Super job man, really! We just about have a complete 1950s CAW!!! Wrench kevin stein
  17. YES!!!! That hangar screen of mine with the Douglas Aircraft art by RG Smith finally has a home!!! Many thanks Julhelm!!! Wrench kevin stein
  18. Umm...you know that purely by accidential mistake, the Libya V.2 has all the stock desert terrain tiles included??? Somebody forgot to remove them.... Wrench kevin stein
  19. only ONE station specific code can be used per station & weapon --- just look at the stock Mig-23 Flogger for your example. Like FC said....use it ONLY when you really need to - like the Flogger, with the IR and radar Apexs. This really isn't rocket science people ... and has been covered in numerous threads. Like the "things you need to update thread" and the "Official Patch Threads", stickied above. as to canopies; you can comment out the auto-speed sections or convert them to an animiation key; also covered in numerous threads. Wrench kevin stein
  20. I just happened to notice that there's one vital question and/or statement missing from this discussion: Stock 3rd Wire CV or aftermarket???? That may be important to know..... WRench kevin stein
  21. Jus to be the nit-picking SOB that I am.... It could use a retiling; to create the "airfield exclusion zones" around the runways.... ducks and runs very fast for a fat guy...... Wrench kevin stein
  22. (why don't we have a 'smaking self in head smiley'???) DOH!!! I cannot belive that I missed that!!! Well, not matter. You can check the "Exported" box, but still keep the split loadouts. Isolates the STARMs Or, however you want to do it! This all will probably become moot when TMF releases their WOE WepPak...then it's back to Square Zero!!! Wrench kevin stein
  23. I found the photo-real on my external. I'll get it posted "soon". I have the "Euro repaint" there as well. Deuces: any word on the Solomons? Wrench kevin stein
  24. Fix for F-105F WW, post-9/08-patch; bunyap Weapons Pak (updated via new weapons editor) "Won't Load STARMs for SEAD" ** Note: when the Mirage Factroy WoE Weapons Pak is release, this fix may not be necessary, or may need adjusting to take advangate to returning to the 'standard naming conventions' ** The problem appears NOT to be with the G Weasel Thud, but buny's STARMs. In 2 different installs of the game (3 if you want to count the clean test intall...), the upatched version loaded the 4 Shrikes and 2 STARMs with no problems. In the fully patched version, bunyappak (updated via the SP5 editor), the STARMs never showed up. Even on the specific hardpoints drop-down list. So.... We're going to ignore the bunyap STARMs completely...in fact, we're going to replace the AGM-78A with the 100% stock version right out of the stock, freshly extracted weaponsdata ini. Just to make you're life easier, I'll even supply the data: You'll note that I didn't include the number of the weapon. Here's what you're going to do: 1) Open the bunyappak weapons data ini, and 'find' AGM-78. LEAVE THE NUMBER ALONE -- you'll copy/paste the data above directly over the existing data - LEAVING THE SEQUENCE NUMBER ALONE!!!! This will keep it in the same place, and NOT cause a conflict by adding another version. 2) do the expected 'adding weapon ini dance', to reinalize the weapons.dat file. 3) save and close 4) You may want to back-up the original data and loadout inis, just as a saftey measure. Open the F-105G_Data ini and add the following lines to the areas indicated. Where *** is the next systemname in sequence: in LeftWing add SystemName[***]=LeftWingSTARMStation in the RightWing add SystemName[***]=RightWingSTARMStation 5) below are you new hardpoints, split into individual stations.. 6) this is your new SEAD loadout section. Copy/paste DIRECTLY OVER THE EXISTING SEAD CALLOUT Personally, I kinda dislike that one; the damn Game Engine ™ only tasks a few radars; most of your other SEAD targets are going to be AAA batteries. I perfer cluster bombs. With 4 Shrikes already on board, you'll have plenty of ARMs to take care of Mr. SAMs Radar. And personally, I believe in Weasel Rule #2: "NEVER duel with a AAA site" So, here are some alternatives: or There are a lot of combinations; 1 CBUs on each outer rack, 2 STARMs, drop tank. etc, etc and of course etc. And never forget you have a gun. The end result of these tweeks can be seen here.. Have at it! Wrench kevin stein
  25. Nice!!!! (WARNING!!!small thread hijack ahead....) btw, it's good to see you still around and working on stuff, Monty! I've been fiddling with your old Hawk III, and made some very cool improments in it for use by the Chinese for ww2!! "Borrwed" the FM data from another 'close' bird, reskinned etc. Flys much better now. If I could only figure out the cockpit displacement...it starts below it's "normal" position, then jumps up when you take off. Using CA_Stary's P-26 pit; close enough! Anything ever go on with the IJN biplane you started working on, waaaay back when??? (end thread hijack) Looking forward to this one too!! Wrench kevin stein

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