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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Canadair: sorry, I forgot to answer your question. No, it's not in the data ini, but in the MAIN ini (ie: AmericaNW.ini or EAWEuro.ini) If you have the FE expansion pak, look at the Cambari.ini.... BTW, you all DO know that post-patch, ALL the terrains will work in FE, as long as one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ are also present in the main /Terrain folder, right?? Wrench kevin stein
  2. Dude, you're decal "problem" on the Sabre's has already been answered, in some detail elsewhere. Why keep bringing it up?? Again.... YOU DON'T NEED THE OTHER PATCHES WITH THE NEWEST ONE....HENCE TK STATING "ALL INCLUSIVE, AND UP TO DATE, WITH ALL PREVIOUS PATCHES INCLUDED You don't like the new borts? Well, in case you haven't noticed, there's a whole set of 'old style' Blue Borts in the downloads section, under Templates/Decals. I should know, I made them a year & half ago. You don't like 'something' in the new patches, don't install 'em. Plane and simple. Wrench kevin stein
  3. MiG-19S WIP

    Yes, TK will be issuing his own MiG-15, along with the P-51 and Meteor (albeit not sure which mark, as there were like 5 variants: F.3, F.4, F.8, NF-13 & NF-14) used in-theatre by the various nations -- many at the same time! Wrench kevin stein ps: kuko, you get the books at the link I posted?
  4. It was, and probably still is, avialbe in the Iran/Iraq total conversion mod. Should be in the /Campaigns downloads section. Mind you, it's EXTREALMY outdated; all the aircraft, ground objects, weapons, etc need rebuilds to the current standards. The terrain has been 'in the shop' for about 18 month, getting a complet overhaul. However, it need a complete retiling, as a lot of the Iranian stuff is 'misplaced' (geographicly). Teheran, Teheran airport (meaning all the city tiles and exclusion zones) need moving, and there's plenty of room on the map to properly place the Caspain Sea. Targets are 95% complete, with literaly HUNDREDS of new and exciting things to see and blow the crap out of. Completly rebuilt targets, types, movements, etc ini. But...I need someone that can correct the tiling. One of the few things I can' t do... WRench kevin stein
  5. Whilst fiddling with the EAW Euro, this is the problem I described in the "ANW 4 Seasons" thread.... Does this on all seasons of this terrain. I've adjusted the Height line for the coastal/river tiles from the stock "2" to "20", even repainted the HM fully white. The only thing that helps is commenting out the WaterEffects line in the data ini. Very odd stuff, I must say. I'm beginning to wonder if it isn't a TFD or HFD problem??? but, on a lighter note, I WAS able to import Brain32/CA_Stary's trees from GermanyCE.... the hard part is figuring out which germany tiles have what or ARE what (mountian, slopes, etc.) I got it kinda close So, any idears as the flooding?? And don't say Global Warming or the dykes are leaking!!! I should also mention that NEW tga's were created for the coastal, river tiles. Ain't nothing to create an alpha channel, and repaint it. Just like working with nose art, or any other decal. WRench kevin stein
  6. that looks more like missing tiles, than a view distance thingy (note the bulidings still on the ground where it's missing; the TOD's are working) New map, I assume??? Check it the TE, and see what's not getting tiled WRench kevin stein
  7. File Name: B-66B Destroyer, 84th BS, Skin & Ini Update Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 28 Oct 2008 File Category: Multi Engined Bombers, Transports, Light Attack and Trainers B-66B Destroyer Skin and Ini Update Pak for WoV, WoE, WoI Post 9/08 Patch This is basically a re-decaling of Bunyap's B-66B "Destroyer" light jet bomber. It reuses the original skin bmps; no changes to them, and add new decals for 25 aircraft. The new decals are the "buzz" and serial numbers. The numbers ARE accurate, as they were used on B-66s, but I can only claim historical accuracy for a few. This package is designed to REPLACE the existing 84th Bomb Squadron skin as supplied with the aircraft when first released. Also included are 'modified' or updated main ini, as well as data, loadout, avionics and cockpit inis. They, too, are designed to replace the originals as originally issued The cockpit is based off the F-4E, and is tweekified using Lexx_Luthors Stargetic Movement Method. The cockpit folder IS included, as the Phantom exists in all versions of the game, I feel this is in no way violating any EULA. The data ini has been updated with ECM/decoy enhancements (albeit not 100% correct, but close), and includes the fix for the bomb bay as seen on the CombatAce knowledge base. Gun aim angles have been adjusted to match the gunsight, and enhanced AI sections have been added in the hopes of improving your survivabillity (and the AI hitting the target). A landing light has also been added. Pilot figures are NOT included, but they are available at my site (link in my sig below). =NOTE to SF/SFG users: you will most likely experience visual anamolies in the cockpit, as I've taken advantage to the "OpenCockpit=TRUE" coding included in the 9/08 patch, which was taken from First Eagles. You'll just have to live with it, unitl the SF/SFG patch arrives (whenever!). The same goes for those that have NOT patched WoV/WoE to the latest standard. The loadout ini supplied is basicaly the same as issued; you should have no problems with it using either the Bunyap Weapons Pack, The Mirage Factory Weapons Pak, or no weapons pak. Be advised, however, you'll still need to add the drop tanks to the TMF pak or to a 'clean' weaponsdata ini (if using not a WepPak). I've suppled the tank, complete, in the new "folder style" format as used by TMF. Instructions for adding it, if you don't have it already, are supplied in the "Tank_B-66" folder. You should have no problems with it. And just for fun, my old Hangar screen is suppled as well. The main ini is already set to use it. WoI users may want to use the original as supplied, as mine has the 'blackboard'', and dosen't fit the WoI style of captioning. == You MUST have Bunyap's B-66B already installed to use this pak == As you can expect, there is a highly detailed, step-by-step readme enclosed. It's suggested you give it a REAL good read through. And the expected "General Notes and Nonesense" section. Good Hunting! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  8. I just wish I coulda figured out that damn right side canopy rail removal.... I'd actually given some thought to updating the other 2 skins as well. All they really need are new serial and buzz number decals. I have the listing for all the production run, so it's just a matter of finding time to make them. The 25 if made is like 1/4 of the total production! Of course, if you're lazy like me, you can always just drop the new ones into the other skin folders, and edit the decals ini (albeit the other 2 squadrons had different 'patches' on their noses...) Glad you all are liking it! Wrench kevin stein
  9. MiG-19S WIP

    You're welcome! That's just a very small sample of the 40+ gigs of books on pdf I have.... Now, get your ass in gear, and give us a proper 19P/PM!!!! Use anything you want off the 2 mods I did. Wrench kevin stein
  10. that tile looks familiar Yes, solid black for the land, solid white for the water (sea, rivers, etc). I think it something internal to the terrain TFD or HFDs, or maybe even the TOD (but I can't see how). Don't TOD only control the little buildings and trees? What about hm bmps? As far as I've seen (looking at all the stock terrains), nothing that not 'coastline'; ie, anything with a water border, has a hm.bmp. Very strange. And it looks even worse in-game than these screenies show. Wrench kevin stein
  11. MiG-19S WIP

    Not that I've seen (of course, that don't mean there isn't one), just that is hasn't been posted anywhere. Wrench kevin stein
  12. Yes. For all and sundry also reading this, we DO have a listing of "What Available" and what being worked on, albeit that I haven't updated it for some months, readily available in our handy-dandy Knowledge Base (you all know, it's that set of forums that everyone uses all the time, at the beginning the "Wings Over Isreal/Wings Over Europe/Wings Over Vietnam/Strike Fighters Forums http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=21870 note to self: try and get the aircraft, vehicles, ships and etcs updated ASAP Wrench kevin stein
  13. Thirdwire Sneak Peaks

    I just wonder if the Meteor will have a cockpit... Wrench kevin stein
  14. check the spring and damping functions in the landing gears, also make sure if the tailwheel is steerable, it has a postivie value Thusly: MaxSteeringAngle=45.0 hate that "driving miss daisy disease".... Wrench kevin stein
  15. MiG-19S WIP

    Blackbird (or anyone else that wants them), here's the link to the zip: http://wrench1smog.com/books/mig19_stuff.zip there are 2 4+ books, one on the standard 19 and the other on the 19P; the other book is on the 19PM. There are some SERIOUS close ups on those pics Hope you can use them! btw, the zip is 124mgs....hope you got a lot of time on your hands!!! (or a faster cable connection than mine *&%$#ing Time/Warner) Wrench kevin stein
  16. MiG-19S WIP

    That's probably not all he's polishing.... Wrench kevin stein
  17. allen: thanks! that's just what I need. The parked statics have 'been taken care of' as they say. Meaning, although still listed in the targets ini, their types in entries are now "sleeping with the fishes" Switched over the pointers for the airfield inis to the Desert_airfiled**.ini, and the game generated statics work just fine. Albiet slightly odd to see F3D skyknights parked at Lakenheath, but what the hell, right??? as to weather, there's another entry for that too: this entry goes above the Seasonal ones. I'm not sure WHICH weather entries are for what .. meaning random single missions or campaigns. I'm going to assume the Seasonal entries are for campaings (I guess a note to TK might clear that up) Got the water working last night. dopey me forgot there's an entry in the tile callouts HasWater=0 which means "no water". Changed it to =1 and now I've got water effects, even without the tgas. Which brings up something else....the water is now several hundred meters INLAND from the shore lines. I still have to figure out if its an hm problem, tile problem, tga problem (fixable, with several dozen hours work) HFD problem, or the height pointer in each tiles listing in the data ini.. The 2 winter sets are really funny looking ... it's like there's a lot of "liquifaction" and subsidence one tile width inland from coast. Or there's been a tsunami that nobody told me about! Some things to fill the time with..... Wrench kevin stein
  18. MiG-19S WIP

    This, albeit all in Russian, is one of the best. I just checked it, but it seems to be down (again!) http://www.farposst.ru/phpBB2/index.php It's been doing that on and off for the last "2 Weeks". Here's another one I use: http://betah.co.il/BooksCatalog.aspx?top10=yes Let me assemble the other stuff, zip it up, and I'll shoot you a link to my site where I'll store it. Mind you, the 19P book will all be individual seperate jpgs. Some books are in english, some in polish/ Czech. But it's the pictures that count! Wrench kevin stein
  19. Might help to know which terrains, and if you're running an ATI card. Also, in SF or WoV or both??? One looks like it's missing a tile!?? Wrench kevin stein
  20. MiG-19S WIP

    I have a LOT of books on PDF ... plus I can give you links to sites as to where to get them. Somewhere around here I've got the 4+ book on the 19 (me thinks -- I know I've got one on the 19P/PM -- it's all jpg, but it won't assemble into a pdf odd stuff, that) Standard 19S or P/PM with Izumrd radar nose?? Wrench kevin stein
  21. Ok ... it's acutally pretty easy to combine the 4 seasons (and Frankie Valey) Got the EAW Euro set up and running in like a half hour ... just to see if it could be done. that's the good news. the bad news is, there are NO water effects active, and only ONE set of tgas for the coast/river/lakes, etc. 3 whole new sets will need to be made off those originals (after I clear out the alpha channel) And one whoel terrin will need it's tile bmps rezised, which will probably fuzzify them. Even with an updated data ini, with all the new goodies, water is not 'moving'. Also, the targets ini is going to need a SERIOUS going over --there are a butt-load of misplaced building (stuff sitting in the non-moving water) and general oddities. So, don't expect this one anytime soon. I'm shooting for a christmas time relase (but probably sooner). Also, I'm going to need help decieding on the 'time of year' for seasonal changes from our brothers and sisters in the UK and Western Europe. I'm good at figuring that out for the US (in particular the West Coast!) Right now, these are the date spreads I'm using, just to get it started: So, any help is appriciated. I gotta say, and no slight to Edward for all his fine work, I HATE them damn "BN" coded tiles!!! Wrench kevin stein
  22. I think the jetties are built in kinda. I seem to remember a callout for something to them; it was either EAW WW2 or Korea; can't remember! I think they're part of the coast line TODs Wrench kevin stein
  23. F-86H

    Well, he DID have to shave for that TV show, but it's probably all grown back by now BTW, interesting stuff at tbs.com..... Wrench kevin stein PS: I hope we're gonna be looking at the -4!!!! W
  24. Sorry, bro. No Big-Assed Beast in this game (yet -- which means as far as I know, no one is building one) Besides, it saw it's first combat aboard YORKTOWN (CV-10) more than a year after Midway! We're also missing the TBD -for those with suicidal tendencies!!! I sent Gepard a whole new targets and types ini a coupla months ago...upgraded somethings. Guess he's still working on it. note to self -- check with Deuces on Solomons replanting. Wrench kevin stein
  25. No. It'll take you approx. 3 seconds to effect the name changes on the tgas It should take another minute to change the pathways in the decals ini. Depending on how fast you can type Probably. Haven't seen any yet though....of course, I've "fixed" 98.6% ™ of them since the SP3 (or was it 4?) in '06 that messed things up. Wrench kevin stein

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